
362 The Power of Bloodline Awakening

Lightning and thunder suddenly came to this space, but in a moment, countless seas of heavy thunder crossed the sky, which seemed to fall at any time, and their target was exactly the brilliant figure!


In just a few hours, a sea of thunder has completely submerged the figure, in which the thunder light shines, and the devastating air machine flows out of it, making people shudder. However, in the seemingly indestructible sea of thunder, the figure was like a rock, motionless, allowing the thunder around him to shine and let the devastating air around him flow, but he was light and didn't care. His whole body shines with a mixture of gold and black. At this moment, the golden and black colors have almost completely merged and are difficult to distinguish from each other, which makes the light curtain even more extraordinary. Especially above the head of the figure, there is a golden and black light and shadow, in which the waves surge and crackle. The sound also kept ringing, facing the thunder sea on the periphery.

That figure is naturally Lin Fan! At the moment he rushed out of the shackles, even he didn't expect that it was a sea of thunder that greeted him! At this moment, it was just the first thunder sea, but the momentum of destroying everything had already shocked him! However, although he was shocked, Lin Fan did not feel the slightest fear. In fact, his bloodline is awakening at this moment, and a high fighting spirit is waking up from the depths of his heart, and this sea of thunder is considered to be the best grindstone to test his combat strength!

In the sea of thunder, Lin Fan is as motionless as a mountain, allowing the sea of thunder to turn, but he always can't break through the golden black two-color protective layer outside his body. Lin Fan stood there quietly. Although he didn't look at anything, his brain was running rapidly. He felt that he had known the sea of thunder in front of him.

Lin Fan carefully observed the thunder sea that surrounded his body, and then turned his eyes to the sky. Two eye-catching lights suddenly rushed out of his eyes, pierced the void and fell into the endless sea of thunder in the distance. Then, for a moment, the light in Lin Fan's eyes was even more, and his expression suddenly became cold.

"Sure enough, someone is fooling! Humph! Today, I will let you come and go! Become the first victims under the awakening of my bloodline as a sacrifice!" Lin Fan's cold and ruthless voice sounded in the field, and then it was magnified countless times and rumbled in the whole void. Even the roar and explosion of the sea of thunder could not drown his voice. After saying these words, Lin Fan, who had been motionless, finally moved! He took a step, as if he had taken thousands of miles, suddenly leaving behind the thunder sea that surrounded him, and the vast ocean of gold and black around him followed Lin Fan's steps. At the moment when Lin Fan stepped out of the thunder sea, a dark shadow suddenly rushed from the unknown, and then the figure of the demon appeared beside Lin Fan. It affectionately carried Lin Fan and roared softly. At this moment, Lin Fan could feel the worry before the demon and the joy of seeing himself. Gently patted the demon's head, and a few traces of warmth flashed in Lin Fan's eyes. Then, he turned his head and looked at the sea of thunder, and his eyes cooled down in an instant.

"Huh! If you want to completely destroy me here, you extraterritorial people who regard themselves as heaven, should be killed!" Lin Fan's words showed a flinty murderous intention. Although he was looking at the sea of thunder, the sound condensed into a line and spread towards the void in the endless distance. Moreover, the sound became louder and louder. Later, there was a tendency to overwhelm the sea of thunder.


Finally, the sound hit a large sea of thunder. The sea of thunder suddenly burst. Endless energy raged on the high sky, and the breath of destruction made people chill at this moment, but in the face of all this, Lin Fan was not moved at all. He raised his left hand, and suddenly, the golden black light, in The palm of his hand emitted a magnificent light, and then Lin Fan's eyes suddenly chilled, waved his left hand and patted the large sea of thunder in front of him. Suddenly, the endless golden and black light formed a huge palm in the air, like the hand of destruction of heaven. With a bang, he slapped on the sea of thunder, and suddenly Lei Haisheng cracked, and a large amount of energy overflowed around. However, before those forces completely dispersed, Lin Fan waved his hand and enveloped the whole space. At the same time, an illusory and real world suddenly emerged from Lin Fan's body and absorbed all the endless energy, and then , both quickly returned to Lin Fan's body.

"How can the purest energy be wasted so much? My blood awakened, and I just need the last strong medicine, so I will borrow your energy to achieve perfection!" Lin Fan's voice, full of coldness, was full of the momentum of dominating the world. While speaking, he took a step and stepped towards the sea of thunder in the sky. Seven steps to the sky, even the horizon can be close at hand. At this moment, Lin Fan is like walking towards the sea of thunder. Wherever he passed, the chains of order formed behind him, making the space behind him seem to be distorted.

"A long time ago, there was a thunderstorm that wanted to destroy me, but that thunder was almost destroyed by me. I didn't expect that after so many years, I would encounter this kind of thing again!" Lin Fan stepped forward and opened his mouth in a flash. His tone was cold, but calm, and his eyes were calm, but there was coldness in it. At this moment, his eyes were condensed in the sea of thunder, and his eyes unfolded. He could clearly see that there were dozens of figures standing in the endless sea of thunder, and under the eyes of God, Lin Fan could even see the shock on their faces! However, even if there is shock, Lin Fan sees the most, but he is still arrogant! Yes, it is the arrogance, the inherent arrogance that makes them afraid, but this arrogance can't be concealed.

"Hmm! The sinners in the lower world actually want to go against the sky and want the power of heaven and landmine disaster. They really don't know whether to live or die!" Just as Lin Fan finished speaking, a cold and ruthless voice came out of a sea of thunder. His voice was arrogant, as if heaven and earth were holding, "I give you death!"

"You gave me death? What a joke! I, the sky is hard to destroy, the earth is hard to bury, and the road is hard to fall. Why do you dare to say such crazy words? In the face of this arrogant tone, Lin Fan did not show anger, because, in his opinion, there is only one most effective way to treat such people, which is to knock them down and then trample on them fiercely!

"I can tell you clearly that none of you can leave today! This is where you are buried!" Lin Fan's words became colder and colder, and at this moment, several seas of thunder besieged him together, trying to destroy it. The horrible atmosphere made people feel creepy. Because in that sea of thunder, there were many visions. Some were magnificent palaces, some were mountains, some were endless human lightning, and endless thunderstorms. At this moment, they all fell towards Lin Fan. In the face of this power that seemed to destroy the world and smash the starry sky, Lin Fan's eyes were even stronger. He climbed into the sky, and then raised his fist, shouted loudly, and punched simply and directly, brazenly towards the large sea of thunder!

When the fists rushed out, they quickly zoomed in and turned around, like 100,000 major mountains, emitting a loud momentum, and these 100,000 mountains were all shrouded in gold and black, making them have indescribable magic, like real dragons flying in the sky, and like a phoenix dancing in the sky. What's more horrible thing is that in the process of moving forward, they The momentum continues to rise, and it is faintly visible that among the 100,000 mountains, there seems to be endless light points connected into a line. With the success of each connection, these 100,000 major mountains will grow further, their momentum will become stronger, and their power will rise at a crazy rate. A fist, 100,000 mountains, it is difficult to connect the two, but at this moment, this kind of thing really happened, which is unbelievable. The 100,000 mountains seem to be extremely heavy and seem to be able to break all the laws in the world, and this is the way Lin Fan got from the overlord of Chu to break all the laws! At this moment, the mysterious skills are perfectly integrated and destroy all obstacles!


Finally, the 100,000 major mountains suddenly collided with the heavy thunder sea. The sound of violent explosion resounded through the sky. In the endless void, several screams sounded. Then, they saw several figures in ancient costumes, manifested from the unknown. Their faces were white and their faces were full of horror, all He looked at Lin Fan with incredible eyes. In their imagination, the sinners in the lower world are unlikely to hurt them at all! However, the person in front of him smashed the thunder sea of their condensed, and even shocked his life through several spaces!


They were still frightened by Lin Fan's fighting power. Suddenly, they felt a great crisis, like a supreme demon, coming towards them. They wanted to escape, but they suddenly found that the god-like figure in front of them was as pale as paper, and even blood gushed out of his seven orifices, but it was brazen. Rushing towards them, a chill suddenly surged in their hearts. Others don't know, but they know that the joint blow of several people is hit in the form of a terrible thunderstorm. The energy contained in it is enough to beat the monk at the peak of the second step into powder, but the man in front of him seems to have only suffered a little minor injury! It was this stay that became the lifelong regret that accompanied them! At this moment, a shadow covering the sky and the sun suddenly came to their side, and then the endless magic fog suddenly enveloped them. At the moment when this magic fog came, they wanted to break free, but found that they could not break away at all! This kind of fog seems to exist at the beginning of the sky, but he can't break it at all. At this time, Lin Fan, with a sneer at the corners of his mouth, has rushed towards them with the sound of wind and thunder! A bloody sword in his hand, like the sword of death, finally made them burst into a deep fear. However, this fear did not last for a long time. It was just a breath. Lin Fan, who stepped on seven steps to the sky, had rushed forward. His blood sobbed slightly, and several heads fell from the sky. Lin Fan ignored the corpses at all. His whole body was surging, and the sound of wind and thunder seemed to drown out the roar of thousands of thunder here, suddenly surrounded the sea of thunder scattered from several sides, and then the pure energy rushed towards his body. After absorbing the energy of these thunder seas, Lin Fan immediately felt that his bloodline had stabilized a lot, and it was no longer the previous strong and weak and extremely unstable appearance. The mysterious waterification formula unfolded, and a layer of light blue halo surrounded him all over, making his injury recover quickly.

In this process, Lin Fan has never relaxed his vigilance. With a pair of divine eyes, he stared closely at the endless sea of thunder in front of him. He can feel that there are several extremely powerful existences among them. Even if his bloodline awakens now, if he is against these people, I'm afraid he will feel it. It's extremely difficult. However, instead of making Lin Fan feel scared, it made his fighting spirit higher and higher. He knew that after experiencing the previous ten thousand demons, his cultivation has awakened and his cultivation has reached a bottleneck period. Only by constantly fighting between life and death can he understand the edge of life and death and thus reach a higher level.


The two sides confronted each other. At this time, a murderous thought that was completely burst out of divine thoughts. In the endless sea of thunder in front of them, it condensed into a killing sound that seemed to make everything wither and silence the universe. Then, the horrible murderous atmosphere suddenly filled the whole void. In an instant, it seemed to be a big killing field. In this killing field, if the cultivation is a little weak, I'm afraid that if you haven't done it yet, you will be crushed by this killing idea. However, Lin Fan's firm will is far more human. He cried with blood in his hand, and he didn't know how many people's heads had slaughtered. At this time, in the face of this murderous atmosphere, the hidden murderous spirit in his body suddenly broke out, and what he didn't notice was that in the unknown place of his body, it originally looked At this moment, the unprovening magic spirit unexpectedly became more active than ever, like a lonely wolf saw delicious food. It rushed rapidly in Lin Fan's body. However, after a few breaths, it had already run three cycles in his body. With the completion of the third cycle, the golden light around Lin Fan's body suddenly began to converge. However, this convergence is not the convergence of the spirit of the gods, but the assimilation of the spirit of the gods and the magic spirit. The power of the assimilation of the two is definitely not as simple as the addition! Just as the golden light around Lin Fan was restrained, a shocking murderous intention suddenly broke out of Lin Fan's body. Under this murderous intention, the murderous intention rushed out of the endless sea of thunder was forced back by abruptly, and then several screams sounded, and then the previous thunder seas suddenly shattered. Seeing all this, Lin Fan sneered at the corners of his mouth, and a cold voice rumbled in the air.

"In terms of murder, who can compare with the thirteen murderers of Xuangu? Killing all the heavens and the earth, can all races be compared with you? If you can't control the killing spirit, you can only be eaten back by the killing spirit! This is your inevitable fate!" As soon as Lin Fan finished his words, he moved, and a black light flashed. Lin Fan brazenly rushed into the sea of thunder. His eyes were dark, piercing through the void, blood weeping across a blood light, and cutting towards a sea of thunder.


A sound of gold and stone sounded, and Lin Fan retreated. He already felt that the figure in it was very strong! If he kills him, he will pay a big price himself!

"Has the sinner in the lower world been so strong? Humph! However, the lower world is the lower world! Ants are ants!" The cold and ruthless voice sounded, and the arrogance emitted was arrogance engraved in the bones. At the moment of the speed of the words, a confused figure suddenly rushed out of the sea of thunder, a silver light flashed, and then the sound of a rumble thunderstorm sounded, and the air was suddenly full of destruction. While the thunder flashed, another dozen swords flashed, and their targets all pointed to one point: that's Lin Fan!

"Very good!"

In the face of this murderous sword light, Lin Fan was not scared at all. His face was colder than before, but his momentum was more powerful. "What I activated was not only the Xuanhuang bloodline, but also further purified the spirit of the true demon, almost the source of the true demon. You will be the first victims!"

Lin Fan's words were full of coldness. After saying these words, he shouted, "Sacrifice!"


With the blurting out of the word "sacrifice", two whirlpools suddenly rushed out of Lin Fan's body, one was black, and in the center, there was another whirlpool nested, which was a golden light flashing, but both of them were full of destruction! The dark whirlpool is full of endless devouring power. The powerful monks are involved in the suction and can't break free, but the golden whirlpool seems to be able to wipe out everything in the world. A burst of air like a grinding wheel is vast and raging in the whole void at this moment!


Finally, a figure did not withstand the suction power and was suddenly sucked into the black whirlpool. Then, under the golden whirlpool like the grinding wheel, it instantly turned into powder, pure energy, and suddenly replenished into Lin Fan's body!

"This is just the beginning!" Lin Fan's cold voice, like a spell from hell, was pulled into it again and turned into dust.

In the face of this situation, everyone was furious. They suddenly shouted loudly, and then the ancient syllables sounded from their mouths, and with the sound of this ancient syllable, they suddenly felt a great crisis!