
370 Evil Land! Demon body!

The world of despair, as its name implies, is full of despair. This was originally a lonely land, with no anger and no hope. Here, despair is the eternal theme, and gray is the eternal tone. If there is no accident, this situation will continue for an endless time and will continue to The invisible future is until the nine veins of the family here are decayed together with the whole earth. But at this time, this dead land, which seemed to never change anything, emitted unprecedented vitality. A wisp of hope rose from the bottom of everyone's hearts. They all looked pious, held their hands, knelt down on one knee, and their faces sparkled with holy light. They looked up at the remnants of the demon god's fetus, as if they were looking up at themselves. God. There is no fanaticism in their eyes, but they have extreme respect. This is not flattery, not servile to the strong, but the purest admiration for their patron saint!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this time, another strong vibration sounded, and the vibration under his feet seemed more violent, but it was not as horrible as before. At this moment, everyone felt that the balance of victory was leaning towards them, because the despair imprinted in the soul was quickly moving away from them, and the vitality of the whole world of despair was stronger!


At this time, a huge roar came out, and then a huge dark shadow slowly rose from the whole land of the world of despair. As soon as the magic shadow appeared, a chilling breath surged in an instant. The strength of this breath made everyone feel strong oppression, but in the face of such deterrence The breath of oppression, although the people kneeling on one knee in the field trembled and even their bodies were oppressed and deformed, everyone did not say a word and remained motionless. The mysterious imprint in their hands, and the firmness in their eyes was not even a trace of relaxation.

"The endless years of enslave our people, today, let's turn it into the support of this land! It's also a small compensation for our family!" The indifferent words sounded in the unknown void. With this sound, the people kneeling in the field suddenly rushed out of mind above their heads. These thoughts did not look huge and have no infrightening breath, but they are obviously extremely tough. The tall magic shadow, emitting a devastating atmosphere, turned into a Tao opens the magic sword, but it can't cut off these lines of thought power! The thoughts of all sentient beings gathered together, and then a thick line of thoughts, like a thought power dragon, roared towards the black shadow. At the same time, ten colors of light also rushed towards the shadow at the same time, and then exploded and all of them went into the shadow!

When the endless energy disappeared into the body of the magic shadow, the magic shadow once again made a roar that shook for nine days, but this roar contained infinite pain, and even had despair! If you carefully understand this meaning of despair, you will find that it is very similar to this desperate world!

"At the beginning, you sealed our family with the power of this curse, so that we could not survive and die. Now, I will return this kind of thing to you!" The loud voice seemed extremely majestic and domineering, and in it, there was even more deep anger. At the moment when these words were just finished, a magnificent and unimaginable power gathered towards the tall magic shadow from all directions. In an instant, the magic shadow that originally seemed a little illusory was obviously extremely solid, but it gave people a feeling of about to be destroyed, such as dazzling fireworks, although they were dazzling, But it is about to dissipate.


The roar of pain spread out, and then only heard a bang. Then, the tall magic shadow suddenly burst into pieces. With its bursting, endless energy fragments spread wildly around, sinking into the depths of the earth of the whole world of despair. Suddenly, the vitality of the whole world of despair became more and more The rich and quiet earth is even covered with a layer of green and vigorous vitality, which makes people feel a long-lost touch. And the sea of silence and despair also burst out at this moment. The huge waves surged towards the sky, but it was no longer the eternal black, but with a layer of dark blue color and vitality, coming out of it. This day is like a big earthquake for the whole world of despair! This is a shocking change! From this day on, the world of despair will no longer be the world of despair! Because it is emitting strong vitality!

The change continues, but those people who knelt on one knee did not stand up because of this. On the contrary, their upper body was more straight, the piety on their faces were stronger, and the firmness in their eyes became stronger and stronger. The sacred light surged up from them, which made people respect.

I don't know how long the shocking changes lasted. In the end, the huge movement finally calmed down, but the aftershocks were still strong. The waves in the sea of despair, wave after wave after wave, did not stop at all. Even small swimming fish could be faintly seen in it, and the whole island was paved. A layer of green, the trees are also full of green leaves, and everything exudes strong vitality. Everything is thriving and flourishing. At this moment, six contemporary voices of consciousness merged into one sounded in the distant sky.

"Billions of years of sleep, now, we have finally returned..." The voice is desolate and thick, condensing the sadness and attachment of endless years. When the change slowly stopped, Lin Fan had returned to normal. The mysterious yellow gas returned to his body. At that time, he found a trace of strangeness, but he could not say clearly what it was, so he had to secretly doubt it. And just as he doubted, the desolate voice sounded. Hearing this sound, Lin Fan had no reason to have a mixed mood, and then he saw six lights, in six colors, roaring towards everyone's place. Wherever it passed, a long light tail was dragged up, making the whole void tremble. Seeing all this, Lin Fan's eyes immediately narrowed, but the faces of the ancient family showed excited expressions.

The speed of the six figures was extremely fast, and after only a few breaths, they had come to the empty island. After that, with a sharp roar, they landed together. At the moment of landing, they lined up in a row towards the demon fetus that emitted a mysterious light

The remnants bowed heavily, and a look of grief and respect appeared on their faces. Then, they turned to look at the seven groups of light and shadow and worshiped again. Then, the first one said, "The nine guardians of the Demon Lord, now, there are only seven people left..." At the moment of his words, the seven confused light, from The sky fell and merged with the seven groups of light and shadow. At this moment, Lin Fan immediately felt that the seven groups of light and shadow had an essential change, and the most intuitive reaction was that the breath of the years emitted from them became stronger and stronger. At the same time, he was also secretly shocked. He didn't expect that these seven old patriarchs had such a long history, and their real identity was even more frightening! It turned out to be the nine guardians of the Demon Lord in those years!

"I am... the guardian of the devil... with the secret method... abandon the body... live with the world... my family is not restored... I am immortal..." The muttering words emanating from the souls of the seven old patriarchs who have recovered their ancient memories, making Lin Fan feel a sense of horror. . According to what they said, they actually made themselves last in the world with a cruel method of self-abuse. Even in a sense, it can be said that they are already similar to the living dead. The value of their existence is to continue all the ancient deeds and let future generations know! And when the whole clan is restored, it is the time for them to be destroyed! It can be said that when they exchange such a kind of self-destruction for incomplete eternal life, the end is doomed, but they still chose such a path without any hesitation! Knowing all this, Lin Fan had a deep respect for the seven old men and the other two who had not yet met.

Thinking of the other two old people, Lin Fan's heart unconsciously sank again. The other two ethnic groups have been defeated, and I'm afraid most of the two old patriarchs are also more auspicious. On the road of the rejuvenation of the whole clan, some people are bound to make sacrifices, but they have become the first people. Thinking of all this, Lin Fan was silent, but his fist had been clenched, as if to express his determination.

"Time is running out. I'll wait for the energy I have retained so far to add to the seven of you, so that you can better fit with the Demon Lord, so as to avoid accidents..." Just as Lin Fan secretly made up his mind, the old voice sounded again, and the old voice came out of the words. It was shocking. With the words, the other six old men did not say a word. Their hands slowly raised their hands. Suddenly, seven groups of powerful energy emerged from their palms. At the moment when the seven groups of energy appeared, Lin Fan felt a breath of ancient flood, and then he only felt the void. After the earthquake, the seven masses of energy suddenly rushed towards Gu Yuan and other seven people, and the light flashed into their bodies.

"This is all we can do, and the rest is up to you..." After all this, the old voice sounded again. Unlike before, this voice, in the midst of old age, still has endless fatigue, which is heart-wounding. Lin Fan suddenly felt that they all seem to survive in the world with a mind and may die in the whole sky at any time. At this time, Lin Fan suddenly felt that a light of light fixed on him, and then an old and tired voice sounded in his soul: "The emperor's kindness to my family can only be retribution, just in case..." Hearing this, Lin Fan was shocked and was about to open his mouth, but immediately felt a The huge energy surged into the body,

Before he could react, he had integrated with his original power and was difficult to distinguish from each other. Feeling this strong breath, Lin Fan was shocked. He knew that this must be the most original force, which can be combined with the endless power of laws in the world without any rejection, because only the most original breath and power can fully fit him in an instant!

"The patriarch..." Lin Fan was just stunned and came to his senses and looked at the patriarch. He has recognized him. He is the patriarch of the island!

" deserve it..." Before Lin Fan finished speaking, the old patriarch had already opened his mouth and blocked Lin Fan's unspoken words back. After that, his illusory body shook, and his old voice sounded again: "You... Let's go, we don't have much time..." After these words Seven groups of light and shadow suddenly began to tremble violently. Visible to the naked eye, wisps of fog were waving out of their bodies. It seemed that it would not take long for them to disappear.

Seeing this situation, Lin Fanguyuan and others naturally know what it means, but they can't help anything. Such a result was actually doomed before the endless years. With a breath, Lin Fan, Gu Yuan and other eight people solemnly held their fists at the seven patriarchs. Then, they worked together and rushed into the body of the demon god fetus. During this time, the remnants of the demon god fetus seemed to have come to life, emitting divine brilliance. Then, the majestic man, slightly As soon as he raised his hand, he put away the remnants of the demon god's fetus. A group of eight people once again hugged their fists at the seven patriarchs, the elders and the people who had stood up and silently watched them, turned around and stepped into the void. However, the demon spirit, the three-legged golden black and the blood crying sword spirit followed closely behind Lin Fan. At this moment, solemnity also flashed on their faces. Obviously, they also realized something and condensed their fighting spirit to the extreme. And the golden feathers around the three-legged golden black all stood up, with awe-ween and inviolable look.

All the way silently, everyone's hearts seemed extremely heavy at this moment. They walked all the way while observing the surrounding environment. The despair dissipated and hoped to return. Even the gray and gloomy fog in the air basically disappeared, replaced by a clear sky. Therefore, Lin Fan and others can see quite far at this moment. Along the way, Lin Fan did not find anything strange, and their speed was so fast that he was not allowed to observe anything carefully. All people look very solemn at this moment.


Suddenly, as everyone was moving forward, a huge sea breeze suddenly blew. This sea breeze, without any signs before, blew completely out of thin air. As soon as he felt the sea breeze, Lin Fan and his party stopped all of them. Everyone's faces showed a solemn expression. Obviously, this sea breeze is not as simple as it seems.

"I think we are about to get close to the location of the demon body. I feel the familiar breath, and the demon god's fetus is different..." After a few breaths, the majestic man at the head said, his voice was low and solemn, and after listening to his words, Lin Fanguyuan and others' faces became more and more obvious. It is dignified, and the alert look between the eyebrows is getting heavier and heavier, and in the alert, the war spirit is even more magnificent, as if it can break through the sky.

"Go!" After a few breaths, the majestic voice sounded again, and then the man walked forward first. His body emitted divine brilliance, as if a god and demon were overlooking the earth, and the mysterious brilliance came out. But even so, Lin Fan still felt extremely great pressure, and even a sense of difficulty in walking. I feel. Suddenly, he only felt his body move. When he came to his senses, he suddenly found that he had come to the side of the majestic man.

"Follow me to avoid accidents." A low voice sounded in Lin Fan's ear. Lin Fan nodded silently, but did not speak. In fact, even if he just says a word at this moment, it is also very difficult, because the speed of everyone is still very fast. Although it can't reach thousands of miles in an instant, it can still be thousands of feet in an instant. In fact, the majestic man, not even the majestic man, has a deep doubt in all seven hearts. In terms of cultivation, Lin Fan's cultivation is not profound compared with them, or even shallow, but the seven demon guardians let them take Lin Fan with them. Since the seven guardians of the Demon Lord have done so, there must be their reasons. Lin Fan, I'm afraid it will be a key factor to bring the demons back to life!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

All the way forward, where it passed, the sound of the big waves was getting louder and louder, and there was a tendency to crack through the clouds. The big wave was no longer the previous black wave, but a pure white, but the destruction machine contained in it did not weaken at all. However, in the face of this situation, everyone did not change color at all. Their eyes Eyes, all staring at the front without blinking, there was a desire in it. I don't know how long it took, everyone's eyes suddenly lit up. In front of them, there was a black light, floating on the sea. Although the big waves were high, they could not drown the black light. Among them, there were bursts of thunder. The black light was more like a purple sea of thunder! The big waves are so high that they can't cover this thunderous explosion!

And in the boundless black light, a tall shadow, or an incomparable statue, stands in it, up to the sky, down to the ground, up and down in the endless waves, as if it is immortal and immortal! At the same time, the majestic man suddenly released a dazzling light, and then his body flashed, and a broken body with divine brilliance rushed out of his body and suspended in the sky. In an instant, the whole sea of despair seemed more violent, with heavy white waves roaring towards the height. The sky is raised, as if to destroy everything, and at the same time, the tall statue in the dark light is becoming more and more ferocious!

"Evil Land! Demon's body!" At this moment, everyone muttered and looked at the domineering tall statue in front of them without blinking.