
372 Break the cocoon into a butterfly, a flower bloom

The tragic battle is still continuing. The sonorous sound of the golden sword, the bursting sound of the huge axe breaking the void, and the sound of the sea of blood being torn apart, all these are mixed, giving people a thrilling feeling and instinctively trembling. However, at this moment, everyone in the field has joined the battle, and even the demon spirit, the three-legged golden black and the blood crying sword spirit are all fighting in blood! Their bodies keep flashing in endless brilliance, and every time they appear, they will have more blood all over their bodies! However, at this moment, they can't take care of these scars, because at this time, they can't retreat at all. The result of retreat is only one, that is, the form and spirit are destroyed!

The battle in the four-way world has reached an extremely tragic level, but the broken world suspended in the air is surprisingly quiet at this time. At the same time, the demon fetus and the demon body that originally emitted a torrential weather also seem surprisingly calm at this moment. However, if you look carefully, you will find that although the demon body is still shining at this moment, it is close to extinction. However, although the remnant body of the demon god's fetus is extremely calm, it is glorious and restrained. The divine hidden, often a slight fluctuation will shock the whole void, and at the same time The broken world suspended in the air will also be shaken. The two seem to be in a stalemate and contain each other.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The battle in the four world became more and more fierce. Suddenly, there was a roar. Then, in the four directions and the sky of the world of despair, a shocking explosion suddenly broke out, and then the endless golden light sprinkled, and the endless blood light collapsed. In an instant, the whole world of despair permeated a bleak! Then, several figures rushed out of the endless light and blood, without exception, all stained with blood! It can be seen that everyone has been seriously traumatized at this moment!

"The ants in the lower world also dare to fight against the sky!" The indifferent and ruthless voice rumbled in the endless sky, as if it came from another world. At the moment when the sound sounded, the huge axe, the golden sword and 49 blood flags suddenly emerged at the same time, bursting out unprecedented bright light, and then the endless light of destruction covered the world. He went down to the whole world of despair. In this world of despair, the whole desperate world began to split, the dry and hard earth began to crumble, and the violent sea of despair seemed more and more horrible, but all of them emitted a sense of death, like a dying old man!


Seeing all this in front of them, Gu Yuan and others's eyes were tearing. They seemed to hear the whole earth crying silently, as if they heard the endless clan shouting in despair, as if they heard the unyielding soul of the clan who died in the endless years ago roaring unwillingly in the unexplored space! Suddenly, two blood and tears gushed out from their eyes, and then their whole body suddenly burst into the light of heaven, and then, the purest magic gas rushed out of everyone's body. As soon as this magic gas appeared, it made the void tremble. Then, they quickly integrated with the whole world of despair, as if the two It is indivisible! At this moment, the whole world of despair quickly stabilized, and then the abundant vitality began to surge in the whole world of despair. In an instant, it diluted the original full of death! At the same time, the remnant body of the demon fetus also suddenly radiated the divine light. The essence of his internal body fully burst out at this moment. At the same time, the light on the demon's body quickly dried up after the extremely dazzling dazzling eyes. After that, it collapsed into pieces of loess and dissipated throughout. Between heaven and earth. When the demon body completely dissipated, the remnants of the demon fetus suddenly seemed to be completely revived, and the essence burst out of him, as if it could make the land of the nine heavens tremble! The dazzling light rushed out of him and rushed towards nine days away, destroying all obstacles. Wherever he passed, everything collapsed like a chicken and a dog! Even the huge axe, which originally seemed to be powerful, could not stop the dazzling light at all. After a short stalemate, it roared and flew out of the sky. After crossing tens of millions of space barriers and reaching endless distance, it burst into dust! Although there are tens of millions of spaces, the huge violent sound is still clearly heard. The rumble, the deafening ears are in pain, and the whole world of despair seems to tremble for it.

And all this is not the end, or even just the beginning. Immediately after the giant axe, it is the golden sword! The golden sword, with golden light, seems to be tempered from primitive fine gold, emitting unimaginable great power. It seems that the world was born before the world, and the energy fluctuation flowing out of the golden sword makes people have an impulse to kneel down! However, at this moment, in front of the dazzling light emitted by the remnant body of the demon god's fetus, it seems to be vulnerable and can't form effective resistance at all! After a short stalemate, the golden divine light suddenly collapsed and sprinkled golden light all over the sky, and the golden sword seemed to have been scattered. The golden light of the whole body suddenly became dim after a violent flash, and the whole sword body was suddenly impacted like the huge axe. Flying out of the sky, it quickly disintegrated with the roar. It didn't take long. With a dull explosion, the golden sword suddenly collapsed! A sacred weapon, in this way, the popularity is removed from the whole world and no longer exists!

And this is still not over! The dazzling light went to the vastness in all directions. Wherever passed, the endless blood water attracted by the 49 flags was purified at this moment. With the squeaking sound, the endless smell came, and the endless blood light collapsed. At this time, the three-footed golden black and the blood crying sword spirit suddenly rose to the sky involuntarily, and then the furnace and the earth furnace in their bodies at the same time It emerged and combined into a perfect waste furnace. A wisp of fire sprinkled out of it, like a waterfall, hanging upside down from the nine heavens, and spreading away in all directions with the dazzling divine light.

Seeing all this, Lin Fan's eyes suddenly widened. In this situation, despair surprised him! The waste furnace of heaven and earth was originally a sacred object of the fire ancestor, but it was later split into a heavenly furnace and an earth furnace, awarded the three-legged golden black and a blood crying sword spirit respectively. At this time, this situation seems to be dominated by the demon god fetus!

"Is the fire ancestor and this demon god's fetus old?" In an instant, Lin Fan thought of this idea, but then Lin Fan shook his head urgently. This idea is too unrealistic. Although the ancestor of the Five elements has a long history, I'm afraid it is not long enough to be in the same era as the Demon Lord.

"Why on earth is this?" Lin Fan frowned and thought about the joints in it, but even if he wanted to break his head, he could not figure out the reason, because the demon master had never appeared since his body was destroyed at the beginning. How could he have intersection with the fire ancestor? Although he kept thinking, Lin Fan's eyes were still looking at the three-legged golden black and the blood-crying sword spirit. At this moment, they carried the waste furnace of heaven and earth, or they were carried by the waste furnace of heaven and earth, and were traveling in the void of the whole world of despair. Wherever they passed, endless divine fire burned, refining all the blood and water into empty. And the energy contained in it is all absorbed by the waste furnace of heaven and earth! At this moment, the waste furnace of heaven and earth seems more and more magical! The primitive atmosphere is even stronger and makes people tremble!

"I understand! These two mythical beasts have been passed down from ancient times! It is the descendant of our allies! In ancient times, all races in the human world are standing. Our race is not the only race envied by heaven. In addition to ours, there are still the True Dragon Family, the Fire Phoenix Family, the White Tiger Family, the Xuanwu Family, and the Xuanwu Family. In addition to these four races, there are also some rare but extremely powerful races, including the Flame Beast Family and the Three-legged Gold. The Wu clan! At the beginning, our race joined hands, but it was still invincible. The real dragon, fire phoenix, white tiger and Xuanwu, with the help of our clan, the fire phoenix, flame beast and other clans, turned from the bright side to the dark side, so there was no clan extinction. However, our clan was sealed here. The flame beast clan and the Jinwu clan were almost destroyed in the end. Unexpectedly, they Unexpectedly, there are also clans who have inherited it!" Just as Lin Fan was puzzled, the leader who woke up from the source of demons opened his mouth in a low voice. When he spoke, his eyes looked at the distant sky without blinking into a dark red light spot and a golden light spot, and his face was full of excitement. Hearing this, Lin Fan finally realized. The ancestors of the three-legged Jinwu and the Blood Weeping Sword Spirit once fought side by side with the Demon Lord! There is no doubt that this is great news! Lin Fan was shocked by the origin of the three-legged Jinwu and the Blood Crying Sword Spirit. He never thought that the two would have such a big origin! Like this ancient family, it is passed down from ancient times! It's a jealous race!


At this moment, an earth-shaking explosion sounded, and this seemed to be a signal. Countless explosions sounded continuously. However, after a few breaths, the distant sky had completely fallen into a rage. Endless blood light shattered and turned into the most primitive essence. The waste furnace of heaven and earth absorbed it, and then some of the crops turned to the three-legged Jinwu and the blood-crying sword spirit. At this moment, they radiated brilliant divine light all over their bodies, as if they had gained a new life! In the space turbulence caused by the large explosion of the whole destructive gas machine circulation, it is motionless and seems to last forever! Seeing all this, Lin Fan immediately understood that this time, the three-legged Jinwu may experience another awakening! And the blood crying sword spirit, its original bloodline, may also be completely activated!

"The lower world ants, do you think this method can change the determined result?"

Just as the bloodline stimulated by what everyone saw in front of them, an indifferent voice sounded from the distant sky again. Even with this sound, a straight shining passageway suddenly extended from the endless void. The faint light was still on the edge of the sky, and Lin Fan and others felt it. A thriller! The evil spirit contained in the faint light is too strong! It seems to bring together all the evil spirits of nine heaven and ten earth, and the will of destruction on it is even more frightening from the soul!


At this moment, the body of the demon god's fetus suddenly moved! The two missing calves were replaced by tangible and non-quality light, but at this moment, it added his divine brilliance! The demon fetus, step by step, suddenly stirred up the animation! Two steps, the infinite divine light overflowed from his body to the periphery, facing the faint light! In the third step, a heart-shaped thing rushed out of his body and rushed towards the broken world that also took the opportunity to attack!

Three steps, when the heart-shaped thing collided with the broken world, the remnants of the demon god's fetus had also collided with the faint light! At this moment, everyone feels a chill! It's not because of fear, but because the whole world seems to have dropped to Baidu in an instant! A cold feeling surged from the soles of their feet. At this moment, everyone suddenly had a feeling, as if they had come to Jiuyou Mansion!

"Endless years ago, I destroyed my home and destroyed my people. Now, a new round of battle will begin again!" The domineering and majestic voice rumbled throughout the sky and shocked people. At the moment he heard this sound, Lin Fan suddenly felt that a sense of war was flourishing from the bottom of his heart, and then rushed out from the top of his head! The fighting spirit was inspired by such a strange way, and it was unprecedentedly strong! It turned into a real sword and rose to the sky, and the dragon chanted endlessly, as if venting the will of war!

"Even if you come back completely, you can't change anything. What's more, you are just a mutilated body!" The indifferent voice sounded again, and the exit of each word will make the temperature of the whole world drop a lot! At the moment of speaking, the light flashed, and two shiny calves suddenly emerged from the void! The two calves stand side by side in the void, with immortal divine brilliance surging on them. However, if you look carefully, you will find that in the two calves, there are several black lines climbing within them, emitting an evil breath!

"With the containment of these two calves, your ability is absolutely impossible to reach ten percent, and at the critical moment, I can completely use these two calves to connect with you and use the power of curse to destroy you, your nation!" The indifferent voice is as plain as ever, but the content of the words makes people chill and their eyes are cracking. And Yuangu and others are even more congested! Two calves are here, which is tantamount to telling them that the other two ethnic groups have all died! And most of the two parts of the source of demons have also fallen into their hands! However, what made them most angry was that the remnants of the demon fetus were used by them to cast a curse! Demon Lord is their faith. Even if they die, they don't want anyone to defile the supreme faith in their hearts!


An angry roar sounded, and then the ancient clan, who had awakened since ancient times, crossed a streamer and rushed to the two calves to grab it back! Normally, he would not have done such a reckless thing, but at this time, he has been ignited by his anger, and even, it can be said that if another fire is added, he will destroy himself!

"Antites also dare to fight with heaven!" The words, which were already very familiar, came from the distant void again, and then a force suddenly surged, lifting the man to 10 million feet, causing him to be seriously injured immediately! However, even if he was seriously injured, he was still not afraid of death. Like the fiercest beast, he roared again and rushed to the two calves.

"Come back."

At this time, an extremely calm voice sounded, and then the remnants of the demon god's fetus suddenly cracked, as if a delicate porcelain was about to be destroyed, but the broken sound seemed extremely rhythmic, and the broken step had a calm kidney that seemed to break its cocoon into a butterfly. Generally, with his cracking, a sense of peace permeates from it. At this moment when the peaceful atmosphere filled, the whole world of despair was suddenly filled with endless vitality. At this moment, the sea of despair, which had only had only weak vitality, suddenly released a cheerful song. Endless swimming fish jumped out of the water. In the sky, birds seemed to be born out of nothing and suddenly appeared and scratched. Crossing the sky, the crisp sound is like the purest sky between heaven and earth, which makes people forget their worries. Originally, it was just a dry and hard earth with a little green. At this moment, endless flowers and plants quickly rushed out of the surface and bloomed seven-color flowers, and the slightly green giant tree was instantly lush at this moment! Even small animals can be seen playing around! And further away, there are several small rivers, suddenly rushing out of the ground, flowing slowly, and the spring is tinkling, like the most beautiful movement in the world! Then, elephants, giraffes, buffaloes, male lions... all kinds of giant animals gathered in this world, and they were extremely harmonious and there was no dispute at all!

In just a moment, the originally dead world of despair has suddenly become a world of birds and flowers! And the reason for all this is all because of the auspicious light!

Lin Fan was stunned, Gu Yuan was stunned, and the ancient people with red eyes who wanted to rush forward were stunned. Even the demons who had been following Lin Fan were stunned. At this moment, everyone in the scene felt that their brains were not enough. They never It is thought that auspicious light will make the whole dead world so full of vitality!

"Break the cocoon into a butterfly, a flower blooms... Break the cocoon into a butterfly, a flower bloom... How can this be?" At this moment, a dream-like voice sounded, and there was no indifference in the voice. Some were just endless shock and unbelievable!