
377 Six ways gathered

"Weak river..." Looking at the dark river that seemed to roll across the sky, Lin Fan muttered, and his eyes were in a trance, containing shock. He was deeply shocked by all this in front of him. At the scene, it was not only him who was shocked, Jiang Tai, the demon spirit, the three-legged golden black, the blood crying sword spirit... All the existence was shocked by the rolling river in front of him. Even those extraterritorial people couldn't believe to look at all this in front of them and were stunned. Even those old antiques among people outside the region couldn't believe to look at all this in front of them, and their eyes were full of appalling and deep fear. They will not forget the sound that shook the heavens and the world when the demon master died: the blood moon appeared, the world was chaotic, the ink sunrise, and hundreds of clans were killed. The weak river leaves the abyss, the yin soldiers appear in the world, the way of heaven is boundless, and the six paths are boundless. Originally, they thought that the chaos of all worlds was the rebellion of the heavens and all worlds, and the death of all races was the ambush of all races in the heavens and worlds, but now it seems that the chaos of all worlds seems to refer to the rebellion of extraterritorial worlds, and the death of all races is the death of hundreds of foreign races. At this moment, there was a deep uneasiness in their hearts. This uneasiness made them extremely uncomfortable, and someone shouted at the moment.

"The weak river is far from the abyss. It seems that our ultimate battle is not far away. In this case, we will destroy you today!" The voice is sonorous, with a sense of killing. With these simple words, a murderous intention suddenly overturned down. For a moment, everyone felt cold, but soon, several peaceful lights rushed out to resist the murderous intention. At the same time, the same cold voice sounded.

"Today, it's just a pre-war rehearsal, but even so, you have to pay the price of blood to snow this endless years of human world and the shame of hell!"

"Why did Brother Qin Guang throw me down?" As soon as the cold voice finished speaking, a gentle voice sounded. Although the voice was gentle and without any anger, like an elder whispering in his ear, it suddenly made him feel cold in Lin Fan's ears. This voice, to be described in one word, is a needle hidden in cotton. The voice is mild, but the chill in it makes people feel extremely uncomfortable. As the voice sounded, a man with red lips and white teeth appeared in the air. His face is elegant, and his eyes are full of irresistible feelings, and his eyes are sweeping, which makes people flutter. And between his fingers, there is a jade-like flute. The shallow smile at the corners of his lips added a little charm to his whole body. His whole body looks elegant, like clouds and flowing water, without any smoke and fire, like a god who is not facing the world, but it gives people an extremely approachable sense of amiability. With the gentle voice that makes people's heart pounding, if it is on earth, this is definitely an existence that makes endless girls crazy. If he hadn't heard the chill in the previous gentle words, Lin Fan would have regarded him as a big boy next door. However, all this is not the focus of Lin Fan's focus. At this moment, Lin Fan's eyes stared at the mount under the mysterious young man and the void behind him.

Under this young man, there is a strange beast with half squinted eyes and white as silk. His body is full of explosive power, and the huge mouth makes it a little more fierce, but it is filled with a holy light, like an auspicious beast of heaven and earth. Generally, it makes people unconsciously ignore the ferocity of its face and focus on its own characteristics, and the light from the slightly opened eyes from time to time makes people feel its extraordinary.

Although this strange beast has surprised Lin Fan extremely, it is not what surprises Lin Fan the most. What really almost exclaims is the illusion behind this mysterious young man. Behind him, flowers, insects and fish, mountain and forest beasts, and many things, all of which formed a peaceful picture. Although it was only an illusion, it was full of vitality. Even Lin Fan felt that he seemed to hear the chirping of birds, the roar of beasts, and the whispers of insects and fish... This It looks extremely fresh. The more he looked at this strange illusion, the more Lin Fan felt in a trance. The illusion seemed to be not an illusion, but more like a real world. At this moment, Lin Fan was a little confused, but soon, his eyes emitted a flint. He suddenly had a guess about the identity of this young man.

All this is very long, but in Lin Fan's mind, it is just a time of counting time.

"I didn't expect that the Taoist priest of the animal road also wanted to come to this muddy water, which was really beyond my expectation..." Just as Lin Fan was secretly observing and speculating at the same time, the cold voice sounded and suddenly woke him up from his meditation. "Thousands of animals also want to intervene in the struggle between primates. You don't mind. Is it too wide? Or, don't you feel too over yourself?" There was a strong sense of sarcasm in his words, and when he said these words, all the people of the extraterritorial clan showed an undisguised contempt on their faces. They all looked sideways at the young man, and their eyes were disdainful and naked. Obviously, these extraterritorial clans who have considered themselves superior from ancient times to the present are extremely contempt for livestock.


Just as these words fell, before the young man opened his mouth, the sound of beasts and birds suddenly sounded throughout the void. The sound was so loud that it seemed that the mountains trembled, and its strength seemed to collapse the void. With the roar of these beasts, the illusion behind the young man suddenly became more and more real, as if it could condense at any time. Endless powerful monsters would come out of it and tear up these evil human beings who dared to insult them. At this moment, the young man's auspicious monster with holy light suddenly opened its eyes that seemed to never wake up. Several low roars came out, and thousands of thunder suddenly rumbled in the whole void. At this moment, there is no longer the previous spirit in its eyes. On the contrary, the bright and terrible power is even more dominant. As soon as this momentum came out, the smiles on the faces of the foreign people who had been sneered suddenly convered and replaced by a sense of solemnity. Obviously, they were also aware of the seriousness of the situation.

The sound of beasts roaring and birds is endless, and the meaning of violence is self-evident. However, compared with these very excited fish, insects, birds and beasts, the young man's face still had a seemingly unchanging smile. He gently patted the head of the monster under him to calm it down. Then, he put the green flute in his hand to his lips and played it leisurely. Suddenly, the cold flute sounded faintly throughout the void. At the moment of hearing the flute, Lin Fan's heart suddenly calmed down. The sound of this flute seems to have a calming effect! With the sound of the flute, the sound of the angry beast roaring of birds gradually faded, and the gradually solid illusion behind him became illusory again. Finally, it returned to the original illusion, and the monster under him also returned to half asleep and half awake at this time. It was not until then that the young man put down the flute at hand. With a faint smile, he looked up at the dense crowd in the sky and said with a smile, "Everything in the world has its own reason for existence. How do you know the feelings of these beasts when you think you are primates? Since you don't know, how do you know that they want to wait? Later, although the smile on the young man's face was still undiminished, there was already a chill in his voice. Speaking of this, the smile on his face slowly converge. He took a look at the ten kings and the demons of the Yin Hall, and then said lightly, "The six paths are broken, which are all greatly related to the six paths. You are the way of heaven. , want to break down the six paths, and then integrate humanity, Asura Road, Hell Road, Hungry Ghost Road and Animal Road into one to complete your so-called heavenly path. How can I, the beast god, agree with this kind of thing that is closely related to all beasts? The young man's speed of speaking was not fast, but what he said made Lin Fan's body tremble slightly. The secret expectation was really good. The young man in front of him was really the beast god who once walked in the human world! What's more, I didn't expect that the so-called beast god was actually the Taoist priest of the animal road!

"Arms as a car, don't measure yourself! My heavenly path is at the top of the six paths. What I said is the golden rule of the whole world. Even if you oppose it, what's the use? As soon as the myth of the beast fell, the cold voice sounded, and the arrogance in the words soared to the sky.

"Now that humanity, hell and animalism have appeared, how can I shrink back?" As soon as the cold words fell, an extremely astringent and even mechanical sound sounded. With the sound, an extremely cold breath suddenly gushed out silently in the field, and in this breath, it was full of a smell of rice grain, which was disgusting. Just when Lin Fan felt extremely uncomfortable, a dark wind suddenly passed by, and then a gloomy shadow appeared in the air. When he saw the true face of this shadow, Lin Fan suddenly shuddered, because this person was really horrible!

The clothes all over his body are ragged and his hair is sparse. Clouds floating above his head, his eyes are deep, and his two eyes are exposed. He looks extremely blank. His face is yellow and thin, and he is full of real skin and bones. Even Lin Fan seems to be able to hear the sound of hunger coming from his stomach. It makes people tremble and even feel sad. It seems that the hands are just skeleton, swaying outside the wide and shabby clothes, making people the most primitive fear.

"Hungry Taoist Lord!" Seeing this man in front of him, he dared not bear to look at the zombie-like existence for the second time. For a moment, he fell into a dead silence. The soldiers of those extraterritorial clans did not have a trace of contempt on their faces, and a strong alert gushed out.

The six paths are at the top, and there is no doubt that they are powerful, and this has always been their proud capital, but they also deeply know that even if the six paths are strong, they are not strong enough to fight against the other five paths at the same time! And those old antiques are also running at a high speed at this moment. Endless years ago, they were able to quickly destroy the human world and plunder the spiritual spirit of their territory, which must be said to include luck. After that, they plotted the hell road again. The two wars were carried out without everyone's defense, and even when the other ways woke up, the war was over. After the double plunder of the human world and hell, the resources controlled by Tiandao have reached an appalling level, and their strength is even more horrible. With their strength at this moment, even if they are facing two at the same time, they can easily win. Even if they are against the three, after paying a certain price, You can win, but if you play against the four paths at the same time, it will be more auspicious, and if you play against the five paths at the same time, there will be almost no possibility of winning unless a miracle occurs! At this moment, the four paths of humanity, hell, animal and hungry ghost have stood on the opposite side at the same time! They don't know whether all this comes together spontaneously because they are aware of the danger, or whether someone is secretly united, but all this is no longer important at this moment! A trace of worry flooded into their hearts. These exotic antiques fell silent for a while. They looked at each other and then nodded at the same time. At this moment, they rarely agreed that they should win Asura as soon as possible! At the end of the time, you can't let them get together with each other.

However, as soon as this idea rose, it was quickly shattered. Just as they looked at each other and nodded, a crisp voice suddenly sounded in the field: "Although I, Asura, have never wanted to go through this muddy water, but now it seems that I have to swung..." Before the words fell, in the whole sky, Suddenly there was a rain of flowers. The petals fell one after another from the unknown, but in an instant, the field turned into a sea of flowers. The petals sent out a fragrance, which made people intoxicate, and the sound that sounded in the sky was soft and fragrant, but contained three points of clearness, which made people intoxicated. Even in the hearts of everyone in the field, at the same time, There is a beautiful shadow like a nine-day mysterious girl on the earth. Green silk like a waterfall, bright eyes and teeth, Qiong nose and red lips, goose neck cutting shoulders, waist like plain, ** slender, concave and convex, the skin can be broken by blowing, one point too fat, one point too thin to lose. The graceful posture made everyone intoxicated at this moment, and even Lin Fan fell into a distraction.

In the intoxication of the crowd, a beautiful figure full of vermilion fell from the sky, with a high chest, a pair of ** looming, and the most primitive desire aspiration. Charming! This woman who suddenly fell from the sky gives people only one feeling at this moment, that is, charm! She is a beauty. With a gentle glance, she can hook away people's three souls and make a fire rise in their hearts! In his actions, every move is fascinating and can arouse people's most primitive desires! This is a witch of heaven! At this moment, everyone in the field was stunned and looked at the peerless beauty in front of them without blinking. At this moment, they can't feel their hearts beating or the world turning, because all their lives are hooked away by this peerless beauty in front of them. And their remaining thoughts were all thinking about exactly the same words: "She is exactly the same as I thought!" Yes, although this woman looks like this, in everyone's hearts at this moment, she is exactly the same as the perfect beauty they imagined! For a moment, there was a dead silence in the field! Until the words sounded.

"The Shura Taoist Lord is really extraordinary. It actually made me and others move their hearts. The breath emitted inadvertently can make this man who has experienced hundreds of battles fall into the situation..." Although his voice is not high and the speed of speech is not fast, it suddenly makes the whole body red. The woman seems to have intentionally or unintentionally created a clean atmosphere. At the moment when the sound sounded, Lin Fan and the endless foreign people were shocked all over. Then, their eyes showed three points of confusion and looked at the void around them in a daze. Then, their eyes turned to clear, and then turned into a thick shock and looked at the scarlet beauty again. At that time, there was a deep alert in my eyes. This woman is actually one of the six Taoist paths, the Shura Taoist priest!

"Cluck..." Hearing the old man's words, the flowers and branches of the Shura Taoist master laughed and trembled, and a pair of crisp (harmonious) breasts swayed exaggeratedly, and the round jade-like thighs looming between the skirts made everyone's blood boil, making everyone unconsciously look elsewhere at the same time and wait for Shura. When the Taoist priest felt that she laughed enough, she suddenly covered her mouth and smiled softly, and said softly, "If Elder Bai is interested in my Shura Dao, you can go and watch it. At that time, the little woman will definitely make Elder Bai happy..." At this, the Shura Taoist suddenly threw a wink at the crowd, and then said, "I The Shura woman is very enthusiastic, and will definitely not let you down..." Speaking of this, the Shura Taoist priest inadvertently stretched out his tongue and licked his red lips. Suddenly, the endless extraterritorial clans, one by one felt the bloodline, and even some old antiques felt their hearts pounding, an evil fire, The lower abdomen surged, and the lips suddenly felt dry and cracked.