
409 Final Battle

The heavenly cage, the name alone is enough to make people creepy, and at this moment, the scene in front of us makes people throb from the soul. The huge cage is in the sky, and one of the living lights emits a fluctuation, stirring up a ripple in the bottom of everyone's heart, as if to say something. No one can understand what the voice is saying, but everyone present can inexplicably perceive its meaning. The way of heaven was held hostage by the six heavenly ways, but the heavenly way of the six ways plundered the other five ways as the heavenly way of all sentient beings! The facts are the same as what Lin Fan guessed before, but at this moment, when the truth really appeared in front of them, they were still shocked.

At this time, all the top beings in the six paths have gathered here, forming a distinct camp on both sides. The five paths of humanity stand on one side, while the six heavenly paths are alone against the five paths. But even if the six heavenly paths are still extremely strong. In the face of the fact that there are too many more humane and five paths than themselves, they are not afraid at all, and there is even a trace of contempt, with three points of ridicule at the corners of their mouth. And between the two sides is the cage of the day. At this time, the field was quiet, as if it were calm before the storm. Once it broke out, it would be a stone-breaking shock!

In this place, the fluctuations of Tiandao fragments in Lin Fan's body are becoming more and more violent, and there is even a tendency to get out of his body. However, they have long been integrated with Lin Fan's whole body and soul and can't break free at all. And the consequence is that Lin Fan flew to the cage of the day completely uncontrollably! As he approached, the dreamlike heavenly way in the cage of heaven became more and more brilliant, and even there was a sound like thousands of horses galloping in the field, rolling like a tide!

"Hmm!" Seeing Lin Fan's body flying towards the cage of Tiandao, everyone on Tiandao snorted coldly in unison. It was this cold hum, but Lin Fanru was struck by lightning. As soon as his whole body shook, blood mouths of different sizes appeared on his body, and his soul also trembled, as if it was about to collapse. However, soon, a mysterious force emerged from the fragments in his body to restore him. At the same time, the true demon's qi, Xuanhuang blood, and the power of the five elements all woke up, and this moment was all transformed into the power of life, repairing his damaged body. At this time, Lin Fan could not retreat. He gritted his teeth, endured the inhuman torture, and followed the pulling force and marched forward.

"With such cultivation, I also want to coincide with the way of heaven. When I am the way of heaven, no one can do it?" Looking at Lin Fan's body still approaching the heavenly cage, a cold voice sounded. This voice, cold, ruthless and proud, as if he were the lord of the world, standing high, looking down at hundreds of millions of creatures under his feet.

And as his words sounded, a palm shadow covered the sky and the sun, roaring down to Lin Fan. The momentum was so strong that even if it was far away, Lin Fan felt that his body was going to be broken. However, it was under the pressure of such a strong force that his true demon spirit was also fully exerted. He was full of vitality, and the seven colors of light surrounded his body, which made his life more powerful instead of weakening. However, the man's palm print immediately ignited the war between Tiandao and Wudao.

At this moment, no one hesitated and all stepped on the sky to fight. At this moment, there is no reason. At this moment, the only thing to do is to destroy the other party. This moment is bloody and brutal, which makes people dare not watch.


With a loud noise, the real demon emperor bombarded a world-class punch, which smashed the chest of a strong man in heaven, and then the real demon emperor stepped forward and dropped out with nine punches in a row, making him completely destroyed!


Two water dragons gushed out of the palm of the water ancestor's hand, and then the two water dragons spread out and turned into a sea all over the sky. Suddenly, several strong people in the field were trapped in it. Then, they saw the whole ocean boiling up, and the screams of the strong men also sounded, and soon, they were cleaned up!

The Dragon, as soon as it appeared, showed unparalleled strength. The Shenlong family is unparalleled, and the great power of the dragon clan has attracted worldwide attention. At this moment, the creation dragon has vividly demonstrated its advantages. With its strong body, it has shaken against several strong men. Although it has been injured, it has also abolished several strong people in heaven. At the same time, with the great power of the dragon clan, it is invincible in the field. .

The ancestor of Xuanhuang has recovered, and even reached a higher level. Although his appearance looks immature, every time he takes action, he is shocked, and the spirit of Xuanhuang gushes out, pervades the sky and earth, breaking a large area of void, and making it impossible for them to make up for it immediately!

The war between the two sides was extremely fierce. Everyone tried their best to fight. In a short time, the whole field became a Shura sound. When their cultivation reached such a level, it can be said that it is indelible in the world, but in this short period of time, they have died one after another. The strong man in heaven suffered heavy casualties, but the five sides were even more serious. Except for the top people, others continue to die in battle. The Twelve War King of the Emperor of Heaven had originally turned into dust. At this moment, many of them just returned from the soul. With a wisp of obsession, they exist in the world. At this moment, they chose to blow up the soul and kill the enemy with the purest and most horrible soul energy. Kill yourself, come and kill the enemy! With the twelve explosions, the king of the twelve world wars completely disappeared from heaven and earth and could never be reproduced, but their self-detonation also took away the lives of a large number of strong men!

At this moment, everyone is fighting. However, after a glance, Lin Fan no longer paid attention to it. He knew that his mission was not to fight here. The war here belonged to the top strong. His participation in the war had no obvious effect at all! He has only one mission, that is, to unite with heaven and use the power of all sentient beings to return the whole six paths! At this moment, endless dragons emerged in the void. The endless five residents suddenly descended from the void, and at the moment of landing, they chose to blow themselves up. Then, wisps of soul rushed out of their bodies and rushed into Lin Fan's body. Soon, Lin Fan's whole body seemed to become a mass of light. Lin Fan's body is like a big container, but it is the belief of all sentient beings!

Lin Fan felt that his eyes were a little sour, but he knew that in order to make himself in line with heaven, he must have enough power of faith, otherwise, he could not succeed at all! Because even if there are some fragments of heaven in his body, heaven is still the heaven of all sentient beings, not his alone! He just acts as a medium. In fact, it is all sentient beings who are really in line with heaven!

The war is still continuing, and as the battle unfolds, the battlefield is slowly approaching the cage of heaven, and the battlefield has a greater and greater impact on Lin Fan. At this time, some strong men of heaven have begun to look at Lin Fan. Their eyes are extremely cold. Look at Lin Fan It's like watching the dead. Then, several people attacked him at the same time. But even if Xuan was stopped by the remaining great powers of the dragon clan and other masters of the five worlds. Lin Fan struggled to move forward. Although the injury was serious to the extreme, he continued with the support of a thought. Close! Closer! Seeing that the heavenly cage is right in front of you, at this moment, the change suddenly appeared!

A thin hand suddenly penetrated the whole space and suddenly appeared beside Lin Fan and grabbed him!

No one expected that there would be some hands. Lin Fan's eyes were even more tearing. Looking at the heavenly cage close at hand, two blood and tears suddenly collapsed in his eyes. He roared, and then his whole body suddenly split, one part was dark, while the other part was dark and yellow! At this moment, Lin Fan risked himself into two parts! If you look closely, you will find that although the Xuanhuang two-colored split is dazzling, there is no energy fluctuation in it. Obviously, Lin Fan transferred all his energy to the real demon split!

Without everyone's reaction, Lin Fan's split flew rapidly and flew forward with a shout. As Lin Fan approached, he felt more and more that the pulling force in front of him was huge! With no room for resistance at all, Lin Fan was pulled by a mysterious force and flew towards the center of the cage. Finally, he stopped in the center. It was not until this time that he could see what was in front of him. It was a gorgeous light, but there were two eyes in it. Among those two eyes, there was sadness, but there was also a deep hatred hidden.

Seeing this, Lin Fan's heart was stunned. He knew that this was the so-called heavenly way of all sentient beings!

"Come on, let's merge, then, in the future you will be the way of heaven, the way of heaven will be you, and the whole world will tremble at your feet!" Seeing Lin Fan approaching, the divine consciousness of heaven fluctuated with temptation. However, Lin Fan was not moved. He has seen that the heavenly way in front of him is extremely weak and cannot pose a threat to him. However, he has also been selfish. If he recovers in the future, the whole world and the whole six paths are likely to fall into war!

"I'm not interested in commanding all sentient beings, but I have to think about my people. They have gone through thousands of disasters and never want a selfish way to rule the six paths!" Lin Fan's words resolutely, "I agree with you, but we need to leave an explosive seed in each other's consciousness. If one side has selfishness, the other side can detonate the other party at any time, and at the same time, self-destruct!"

Lin Fan's voice was resolute and immediately shocked Tiandao, but he was extremely weak at this time and could not refuse at all! After a little meditation, he agreed to Lin Fan's request. Then, Lin Fan's whole body bloomed with hundreds of millions of lights, which coincided with the heavenly way that shined at the same time! This process is just completed in an instant, and a brand-new heavenly path is formed!

"Haha, you imprisoned me in the past, and today is your anniversary!" As soon as they got together, there was a crazy shout, but then there was a cold hum. And the latter's cold hum was Lin Fan's voice!

"Huh! I just need to imprison them and let them taste their imprisonment! I will imprison them to the vicissitudes of life! Imprisoned to the end of the world!" Tiandao's voice was extremely crazy, but Lin Fan's voice did not say anything more. Then, I saw that the cages of the whole world suddenly collapsed, and then a large area of light enveloped six paths like a cover. At this moment, all the masters of heaven were imprisoned! Only in an instant, heaven and earth returned to Qingming. According to Tiandao's original plan, he wanted to catch all the six strong men, but he knew that Lin Fan would never agree, and because of the existence of the seed, he did not dare to act rashly, but soon his joyful voice sounded.

"Between heaven and earth, there should not have been people who could make heaven and earth collapse by raising our hands like this. Since then, we have been self-apparent!" With this sound, the five strong people in the field suddenly pinched the seal at the same time. Soon, a cage condensed by all the masters was formed, and then everyone's head was sealed inside without turning back.

"If the way of heaven is selfish, I will come back!" The real demon emperor was the last to enter it. When he was about to go, he looked up at the heavenly way, opened his mouth calmly, and then entered the self-inflicted cage without looking back.

Since then, there have been no top monks in the six paths, but because of this, there are many less emergencies and a little more peace between heaven and earth.

Lin Fan is in harmony with the way of heaven and can no longer return to the human world. However, his heart has also been caring about his former friends, but for permanent peace, he can only wait so lonely. In a sense, Tiandao is still held hostage, and isn't he supported by Tiandao?

I know that the beginning is bad, the process is bad, and the ending is worse. But that's all I can do. I'm tired...