Legend of Star Peak

Chapter 10 Underground Horror

Zhang Xingfeng frowned tightly. Why is it like this?

The reason why Zhang Xingfeng is troubled is that so many people have not been found at all. Is it because the mountain thieves of Taihang Mountain are sleeping at night? But how can there be no one patrolling the night? Is it because there has been no army attack for many years, and the vigilance has been relaxed, so there is no night patrol?

Although Zhang Xingfeng was strange, he still had no choice but to believe in his last decision.

In this way, 1,000 people reached the canyon with hidden treasures.

The three leaders gathered immediately. Zhu Yu took out the treasure map and said, "Look at this treasure map. It seems that the entrance is in the north!"

Zhang Xingfeng looked at it and nodded. It's really that direction. That place is less than 100 square meters, which is relatively easy to find.

"Okay, let's find the entrance!" The owner of the Li family said. In Zhu Li's absence, the owner of the Li family seemed to regard himself as the one who spoke, and Zhang Xingfeng and Zhu Yu didn't care about it.

Ten people from the Li family and the royal family began to search in that place.

But in that little place, twenty masters searched for a cup of tea without any result. Zhu Yu couldn't help saying, "Guys, what should we do now? Now we have to hurry up. If we are found by Taihang Mountain Thieves, our action is estimated to be a complete failure."

The owner of the Li family smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's still a long time before dawn, and we are guarded by the canyon. If the mountain thieves from Taihang Mountain come, just kill them. And this place is so remote.

Zhang Xingfeng didn't say anything to them, and Lingjue began to search the place carefully. No? Zhang Xingfeng frowned, and even his spiritual sense did not find any entrance.

A silver light flashed in Zhang Xingfeng's eyes, and the spiritual sense immediately went deep below the surface. There was nothing to hide. There was a smile on Zhang Xingfeng's face. He had found the passage. But at this moment, the master of the Li family at the search entrance shouted, "I found it, I found it, here it!"

Zhang Xingfeng looked at the guy, smiled and said secretly, "Li Tianxiang, you can really put up with a cup of tea." Zhang Xingfeng knew that as long as Li Tianxiang searched carefully with spiritual consciousness, as long as he went deep below the surface, he would soon find the entrance, but Li Tianxiang endured a cup of tea before saying it.

As soon as Zhu Yu heard this, they immediately walked over excitedly. The owner of the Li family also had a red face, because the entrance was found by the Li family.

The owner of the Li family stepped forward and saw that a deeply painted black hole appeared in front of him. Not only did he frown, but this invisible low dark hole really made people tremble.

"Gone down!" Zhu Yu ordered. "

The heroes in the camp were used to seeing life and death. How could they be afraid of this bottomless black hole? With Zhu's order, they immediately began to enter the hole.

When the owner of the Li family saw that it was not good, he could not let the royal people go ahead. He immediately ordered the master of the Li family beside him, "Go down!"

Zhang Xingfeng did not move, but Lingjue spread long ago. Below is a hole nearly ten meters deep. There is a channel at the bottom of the cave. The channel is more than 100 meters long, and behind...

Zhang Xingfeng frowned: He was surprised to find that his spiritual consciousness could not observe what was behind the channel. "Forbidden, it must be forbidden. Only forbidden can disturb his spiritual consciousness!" Zhang Xingfeng thought.

"Second prince, it's not good..."

"Master, it's not good..."

Zhu Yu and the owner of the Li family changed their faces. A big man from the camp climbed out of the cave and said, "Second prince, the brothers in front of them are all dead. There are powerful arrows, countless powerful arrows!"

A master of the Li family also climbed out and said, "Master... Strong arrows..." After saying that, he fell down, and there were two iron arrows in his back! When the big man who fell into the camp saw the death of the master of the Li family, he also broke into a cold sweat. If it hadn't been for the frequent struggle on the death line, he would have been shot to death by an arrow!

Zhu Yu and the owner of the Li family immediately walked to the surviving man. Zhu Yu said anxiously, "Speak clearly, what's going on next?" The owner of the Li family also wanted to know what was going on, but this big man was trapped in the camp. Thinking of this, the owner of the Li family looked back at the master of the Li family who had died at the mouth of the cave, with disdain in his eyes.

"Our brother just entered and fell to the bottom of the cave. As soon as he fell into the cave, he saw a channel in front of him, but the entrance was full of tight organs. As soon as we took a few steps, countless arrows began to shoot from both sides of the channel. We had no chance to react at all, and I was at the The brothers are all dead, and none of them are there!" Tears flowed out of the eyes of the big man who was trapped in the camp. Those brothers have experienced countless lives with him, and now they are all dead. It is an unbearable blow to this steel-like man.

Zhu Yu patted the big man on the shoulder comfortingly and said, "Go back and rest first!" Zhu Yu has been in the army for a long time. He likes the heroes who fall into the camp the most. Of course, a general likes obedient soldiers who are not afraid of death. Now that he has died so much, he is also uncomfortable.

Zhu Yu is a general and also wants to be an emperor. This small blow is nothing to him. He looked at Zhang Xingfeng and the Li family and said, "You two, what should I do now?"

Zhang Xingfeng shook his head. He knew that there was only one channel leading to the treasure. There was no other way. There was only one way: break through!

The owner of the Li family was also helpless, but he quickly replied to the mentality of a family owner and said, "What else can I do? Break through! I don't believe that his arrows are endless.

Zhu Yu clenched his fist and said, "Okay, break in!" But he said in his heart, "At worst, all 500 soldiers will die. What's the point of millions of troops in my Ming Dynasty?" Of course, he dares not say this, otherwise no one knows what the brothers in the camp will do.

Zhang Xingfeng was the most calm and said with a secret smile, "I'm the only one. I agree to what the two of you can do. Isn't that okay?"

This time, it seems that the Li family and the people of the imperial court began to be powerful, and masters went in one by one. A scream came up. It came.

Finally, a shout of surprise came: "Second prince, there are no arrows below!"

As soon as they heard this, Zhu Yu, Zhang Xingfeng and the owner of the Li family immediately went down the cave, and a large group of masters also quickly began to go down, and everyone went in in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Xingfeng looked at the corpse in the passage and sighed in his heart: "Just because of the decision of the superior, they are going to die like this. It's pathetic!" But Zhang Xingfeng is not uneasy at all, because the world is like this.

"Master, we have 87 brothers in total. No one was hurt!" A master of the Li family came to the Li family to report.

"Second prince, 66 of our brothers in the camp have died! 15 injuries!" A big man went to Zhu Yu to report.

Obviously, people trapped in the camp can save their lives in such an environment, because the two sides take turns to 'death' one by one. All 87 of the Li family died, and 6 of the 87 trapped camps escaped unharmed, and 15 were injured, but survived. The gap is obviously coming out.

After hearing this data, the owner of the Li family, who always thought that he was the most powerful in the Li family, looked ugly and shouted, "Go on!"

The second prince also waved his arm and continued to move forward. Everyone began to move forward, and the pace of progress was very slow. Everyone was afraid that there would be any more organs, but whatever they were afraid of, they would come! As soon as everyone walked nearly 50 meters, suddenly there was a vibration in the passageway.


The person walking in front immediately looked back and saw a scene that shocked them!

Blood splash!

The scream before death makes people tremble all over!

Everyone was stunned, and the first 50 meters of the channel completely collapsed! In fact, it's not a collapse, it's a super-large boulder. The 50-meter-long boulder fell down, so that everyone behind it was crushed to death. Such a large boulder is more than a million catties! Even a first-class master has no choice but to die!

Zhang Xingfeng's heart also trembled, and the light in his eyes suddenly rose, but it disappeared in an instant. Zhang Xingfeng sighed helplessly. Everything had happened, and everything was irreparable.

The scene just now was really cruel. The boulder completely crushed those warrior masters into meat cakes, and the blood flowed all over the channel...

"Go!" Zhu Yu's voice was flat and cold!

They had long expected that it was impossible to enter this treasure place so easily, not to mention that this is left by Tie Muzhen to his descendants. He Tie Muzhen must have the means to determine whether the person is his descendant or not. When Zhu Yu came, they were already ready to be attacked by the authorities! But they never thought that there would be such a big 50-meter-long horrible boulder!

There is no way out behind. There is only a way forward. There are no horrible organs in the passage where you can't see the head. What horrible organs are greeting this group of guys? When will the amazing treasure appear?