Starlight Shining

Chapter 44 Inhuman Pressure in the Entertainment Industry

Mu Zoe's eyes became more and more blurred, and she slowly closed the letter, the last 'evidence' that Xia Zhiqing stayed in the world.

Many times, the audience only saw the bright hall outside the appearance, only the stars shining under the magnesium lights, but ignored the insoluble shadows hidden in the corner. The competitive pressure in the entertainment industry is not what ordinary people can imagine. Many people have been depressed for a long time but can't find a way to vent. They can imagine the outcome, or crazy, or autistic, or depressed, and even kill themselves in various cruel ways.

There are indeed many stars who commit suicide in the entertainment industry, and the suicide rate in the entertainment industry has also been rising in recent years. You can imagine how much pressure they are under.

And Xia Zhiqing just chose the last way to vent and left in the most irrational but most relieved way. Xia Zhiqing mentioned in her letter that she wanted to go to heaven, and she was really tired of the 'hell' on earth.

Maybe only in this way can she be truly relieved...

Mu Zoe is wondering if the man who was once loved by Xia Zhiqing would feel guilty if he saw this letter? Or will he cry and say that he once loved her? She doesn't know and can't guess the result, because the entertainment industry is indeed a very complicated place.

The entertainment industry does not rely on development, which is a fact that many stars are unwilling to listen to and even more willing to accept, but have to admit. Every successful entertainment star has its own well-known and unique survival methods, and as for what means or methods, no one is often interested. Active or forced, the goal that everyone focuses on is actually two simple words: fame and fortune.

So many female artists will suddenly find that it has become extremely difficult to find a man who treats each other. Many male stars also feel that in addition to flowers and applause, sometimes a real friend becomes a luxury. Too many fake performances make it a reality, making illusion and loss full of black holes of lies and deception. That circle is very strange and complicated.

Many people choose to come in in different ways, and many people choose to leave in different ways, but it is difficult for people who have really entered to leave something that have been involved in, and may be branded for a lifetime...

Mu Zoe sighed deeply. Xia Zhiqing's death brought her not only sadness, but also helplessness, a kind of helplessness that could not change the world.

If she really has a chance to come back, she doesn't want to see this in the entertainment industry. She also hopes that she can be a normal person, but this is not a fairy tale story. After all, reality is reality.

At Muzoi's request, the police did not take the letter as evidence.

Muzoe knew that the suicide case would soon end, but a new round of 'war' would come one after another like the wind and drift away after blowing.

All kinds of news about Xia Zhiqing's suicide should appear in newspapers soon, which may cause a series of reactions, but soon the three words Xia Zhiqing were slowly forgotten and finally disappeared in everyone's memory.

This is the entertainment industry, a simple and complex entertainment industry.

Maybe no one will remember Xia Zhiqing, but Mu Zoe will always remember the woman who was unable to fight against reality and sacrificed everything for her dream.

At the end of the corridor of the hospital, a woman stopped there. After seeing a familiar figure sitting on a chair in the distance, she slowly approached.

"Zoy?" A familiar voice suddenly came to my ear.

Mu Zoe looked up and saw Yu Xueqing standing in front of him.

After seeing Mu Zuoyi's red eyes, Xia Zhiqing's heart skipped. She just saw the police and the sun just left. What happened?

"I happened to pass by here and saw you here, so I came to say hello. Are you... okay?"

"Hmm." Muzoe wiped his eyes.

A faint smile appeared on Yu Xueqing's face. She also heard from Yao Sen today that Zoe was kidnapped. She knew that it must have something to do with Xia Zhiqing. At that time, she was extremely worried and afraid. After all, it was because she did not stop Xia Zhiqing that it happened. If something really happened to Zoe, she would not forgive herself.

"I'm sorry..." Yu Xueqing whispered.

"Why do you apologize to me?" Muzoi was puzzled.

"I..." Yu Xueqing nervously grabbed the corner of her clothes and sat next to Mu Zoe. "I should have accompanied you or called Daniel that night, otherwise you would not have been kidnapped."

"It has nothing to do with you."

Yu Xueqing said angrily, "It's all because of Xia Zhiqing. When I see you... drunk, I should send you home, otherwise that won't have happened."

She was very angry at the thought of Xia Zhiqing. She really didn't know how evil Xia Zhiqing could be for her so-called star journey.

"Actually, God still has eyes. Hasn't Xia Zhiqing's work been exposed? I don't think she can get along in the future. It's also a retribution. Yu Xueqing continued that all said that bad people will have bad retribution, and Xia Zhiqing must be no exception.

"Xia Zhiqing... committed suicide." Muzoi whispered this fact. Even if she was not a friend, it was always cruel to hear the news.

"What? Since...suicide." Yu Xueqing looked at Mu Zoe unbelievably, like a big stone hitting her head.

"The police initially concluded that she committed suicide by drinking medicine last night and did not save her... She seems to have depression and has been taking medicine, but she may have been under too much pressure recently. In fact, she doesn't want those lives, but she can't help but be entangled by these things.

Yu Xueqing leaned on the chair in shock. How could Xia Zhiqing commit suicide? Didn't you once say to yourself that you must surpass yourself? Didn't you say you want to reach the peak of the entertainment industry? How could such a fighting man suddenly leave?

"Is it because of the news?" Yu Xueqing asked in a daze.

Muzoe smiled faintly: "You are far from the bitterness and sinisterness brought by real contact with the entertainment industry. There will always be someone behind you to escort you, so you won't understand those who slowly climb up from the bottom. They are often not as strong as they think, and even more vulnerable than anyone else.

"Xia Zhiqing did do something wrong, but after all, it has become 'history'. We don't need to condemn her anymore."

Yu Xueqing looked up at Mu Zoe. Even if Xia Zhiqing once wanted to take advantage of her and hurt her, wouldn't Zoe be angry? What Zoe said does make sense. There is no need to blame a person who has left. Besides, who can't do anything wrong? Even she has done something that she regrets...

"Zoy, I'm sorry..." Yu Xueqing's tears suddenly gushed out. I'm really sorry. In fact, I knew that Xia Zhiqing had drugged your wine that night, but I didn't stop it. I don't know what happened to me. How could I become so bad? How could I become like this!"

Mu Zoe lowered her head and smiled. She had long guessed that Xia Zhiqing had drugged her. As for Yu Xueqing... She must have suddenly lost herself because of Zuo Hanyou's relationship, but now these are no longer important.

"In order for a person to cross the bottom line of his own life, I think you must love him very much." Mu Zuoy turned his head and looked at Yu Xueqing.


"Don't get me wrong. Zuo Hanyu and I have nothing. From the beginning, we won't have anything in the end. In fact, although he is cold on the surface, he is very fragile in heart and needs warmth at the same time... I believe you can give him warmth.

Mu Zuoyi's tears swirled in her eyes. She didn't want Yu Xueqing to misunderstand anything anymore. It's really not easy to love a person sincerely. Maybe Yu Xueqing can really bring some warmth to Zuo Hanyu.

Yu Xueqing looked at Mu Zoe in a stunned and suddenly felt that Zoe's eyes were full of sadness, which made her reluctant to destroy it. She could see that Hanyu liked Zoe, and Zoe also liked Hanyu. She knew that the other party was a boy and was together without hesitation. I don't know what happened that made Zoe's attitude towards Han You, but Zoe knows Han You so well, as if she can see Han You's thoughts and heart with one look and one action. She is a little ashamed of herself...

The sun in the distance came over with a bottle of mineral water.

Muzoy stood up from his chair and said, "I have something else to do, so I'll go first."

"Thank you..." Yu Xueqing suddenly wanted to say thank you to Mu Zoe without any source of gratitude.

Mu Zoe took another look at Yu Xueqing and left with the sun.

Out of the hospital gate, the smell of rain came to my face.

The rain is still beating on the ground without any fatigue. The endless gray in the sky makes people feel that today's rain will not stop so easily.

Mu Zoe looked up at the sky. Maybe God was sad for Xia Zhiqing.

Maybe ordinary people can easily question why they can't be calm about fame and fortune. Maybe only those who really step into that circle can put themselves in the shoes of being a star. People of all walks of life swarmed in, with masks and illusions everywhere, lies and deception abound, and scandals and scandals are commonplace.

Mu Zoe is lucky in this. She didn't take any detours and rarely encounters some obstacles that she can't get through, but even so, she feels bored. I always feel that it's almost over, but when will it be the end...