Star Soul Road

Chapter 17 My name is Xi, Xiyue Chengqi's Xi

Chapter 17 My name is Xi, Xiyue Chengqi's Xi

When Xiao Jingnan saw Mr. Zhong walking towards him, he immediately greeted the uncles and aunts who got rid of this group of gossip and asked eagerly, "Mr. Zhong, you must have something to do with me. Let's talk as we walk."

Mr. Zhong nodded. Just as he was about to say something, Xiao Jingnan quickly pulled Mr. Zhong's wrinkled hands and left as if escaping outside Shanyan Hall. Mr. Zhong was miserable. He shook his head helplessly and said to the group of men and women behind him, "Go back. I'll arrange Xiaonan's accommodation first."

"Mr. Zhong, go ahead and we'll play with Xiaonan later." Aunt Feng said happily.

"Yes, we'll go again in the evening. You can do your work first!" Uncle Wang, the village head, also said with a smile.

"Good way, old man!" Everyone hurriedly said to Mr. Zhong.

When Xiao Jingnan saw that Aunt Feng did not stop him again, he was relieved and said to Mr. Zhong, "Mr. Zhong, who are they? Why are they so gossipy?"

"Ha ha, their nicknames are very unusual. It is said that their strength is very strong. Even if the dean has a headache for them, he can't help them." Mr. Zhong felt a little sorry for Xiao Jingnan and said with a smile.

"Do they look like a master like them?! That's too gossip!" Xiao Jingnan didn't believe that Aunt Feng and the other eight were masters. Except for Fang Ping, the martial arts teacher, who looked a little like him, the rest were ordinary people.

"They don't gossip. No one in Taoyuan Village can gossip. After all, their nickname is Taoyuan Gossip." Mr. Zhong gasped and said.

"What, Taoyuan... Gossip, really... It lives up to the name. Xiao Jingnan was shocked and lamented.

"Ha ha, in fact, they are very good, but they usually can't be idle." Mr. Zhong said.

"Well, I will hide from them in the future." Xiao Jingnan couldn't help feeling sad. He imagined that he would live around a person with eight gossips in the future. He really wanted to cry and couldn't laugh.

"Cough, go this way. I'll take you to where you live." Mr. Zhong coughed a few times and hammered his back with his hand to remind Xiao Jingnan, who was distressed.

"Hmm." Xiao Jingnan answered and followed. Mr. Zhong took Xiao Jingnan slowly to a yard on the left side of Shanyan Hall.

Turning around a corner, he didn't come to the door of the yard. Xiao Jingnan just saw an ordinary and simple yard, but the scenery in front of him made him fall into a dream.

At this time, it was the spring breeze, and a peach tree was blooming brilliantly. Most of the branches stretched out to the yard. The pale red buds, or had already bloomed, seemed to be a naughty child, poked out his little head. The light red peach blossom swirled in the air with the warm breeze of spring, leaving a gust of fragrance. I was willing to fall on the stone steps and land outside the yard. The petals on the ground, like a flower blanket made of peach blossoms, extend from the gate of the yard to the corner not far away.

"Well, it's so beautiful. This peach tree is much more beautiful than my old plum tree. This is where I want to live." Xiao Jingnan swallowed his saliva with difficulty and muttered.

"Ha ha, it's very beautiful. Peach blossoms can still bloom for a while. Come on, it's the place where you will live for a period of time in the future. Go in." Mr. Zhong looked at Xiao Jingnan, who was immersed in the beautiful scenery and said with a dull face.

"Well, okay." Xiao Jingnan couldn't take his eyes off the peach blossoms flying all over the sky, answered casually, and followed up.

Squeak, squeak.

Mr. Zhong pushed away the wooden door in the yard and pulled Xiao Jingnan in. Xiao Jingnan was a little sober and not too intoxicated with the peach blossoms.

I saw a row of houses in the yard, arranged in order. Although it is not very gorgeous, it is comfortable, clean and tidy, giving people a kind of beautiful enjoyment.

All kinds of flowers and plants are also placed along the road in the yard, which are in full bloom in this spring. Although the Xiao family's grass garden is also full of flowers, the grass garden has more secular mud and dust, which seems a little vulgar, but it is dust-free here, like a paradise. If you appreciate the flowers, plants and trees in the garden, you will naturally be more Sheng Baicao Garden is fascinated by the things. No wonder Xiao Jingnan will linger on the scenery here.

"Well, Xiaonan, if you live here in the future, you will see enough. Come with me and rectify the house you live in." Mr. Zhong shook his head and smiled, reminding Xiao Jingnan not to appreciate it first.

"Oh, I see." Xiao Jingnan came to his senses and nodded, but his eyes were still staring at the flowers and plants elsewhere.

Mr. Zhong took Xiao Jingnan to the small house on the right side. On the left side of the small house are five identical small houses. Each house is separated by a path, with a stone table and several stone stools, which is very simple.

Eah, eee.

Mr. Zhong pushed open the wooden door of the small house, brought Xiao Jingnan in, and said, "This is where you live. It's not very big. There are two bedrooms and one living room, which is enough for you to use. You can rest first and wait for the instructor below to tell you about the situation, and several of your partners will also come to see you."

Xiao Jingnan looked around the house, a large living room, and behind it was the bedroom and study. There was nothing special about the simple furnishings.

"Okay, I'll rectify it first and prepare for the training. Mr. Zhong, go ahead." Xiao Jingnan said respectfully to Mr. Zhong.

"Hehe, I'll go first. Have a good rest first." Mr. Zhong walked out with a smile.

"You always have a good way!" Xiao Jingnan hurriedly sent him out of the door, walked to the door of the yard, waved to Mr. Zhong, and returned to the residence where Mr. Zhong took him.

"Oh, this place is much better than our Xiao family. Although it is not very luxurious, I like it." As soon as Xiao Jingnan entered the door and closed the latch, he trotted into the bedroom. A tiger jumped to **, rolled a few times in **, and said comfortably.

"Hey!" Xiao Jingnan straightened up a carp, turned from ** to the ground, stood firmly, looked at the brilliant spring light outside the window, and said to himself, "The weather is really nice."

After saying that, he stretched out and went to the study on the other side of the bedroom to see if there was anything special in the study.

Suddenly, a pair of jade hands quietly reached in from the window of Xiao Jingnan's bedroom, grabbed the window lattice, and a small head was exposed. A pair of bright eyes were touching, a mouthful of silver teeth, like a sharp mouth, but the face was full of cunning, and there was a smile on the corners of the mouth.

It turned out that it was a seven- or eight-year-old girl who secretly climbed in the window. She was almost as tall as Xiao Jingnan and looked very strange. She quietly followed Xiao Jingnan, but Xiao Jingnan walked to the study without knowing it and didn't notice it at all.

Squeak, squeak.

Xiao Jingnan felt a little sour. He touched the damp door bolt and said doubtfully, "Why is the study so difficult to open? No one should come in. The door bolt is a little damp here."

Xiao Jingnan opened the door and walked in. He looked up and saw that there was a desk under the sunrise window in the study, and the pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the table was complete. On the right side of the desk is a bookshelf with two Xiao Jingnan's height, and books are neatly placed on the bookshelf. Opposite the bookshelf is a table and chair for welcoming guests, with tea sets on it.

"Not bad, concise, I like it." Xiao Jingnan clapped his hands, walked to the bookshelf, casually took out a book, sat at the desk, and read it carefully.

Just as Xiao Jingnan looked down, the strange girl also sneaked in and hid on the other side of the bookshelf, and Xiao Jingnan, who was sitting on the desk and watching with relish, did not notice it at all.

"Okay, this story is good. The books here are very interesting. They are all composed of stories and are rare at home." Xiao Jingnan was fascinated and cheered repeatedly.

At this time, the girl next to her secretly bent down and moved to Xiao Jingnan's seat, holding a handful of powder with the fragrance of flowers in her hand, which may be pollen. She slowly approached Xiao Jingnan, and her face was full of cunning smiles, as if she was going to play a prank on Xiao Jingnan.

Xiao Jingnan still looked very seriously and didn't notice anything strange around him at all, so he didn't know that there was a cunning girl beside him who was ready to play a prank on him.

"Well, I've finished reading it." Xiao Jingnan got up and closed the book and wanted to read it. Anyway, it was still early. The teacher didn't come to him, so he read these books to kill time.

The girl was shocked when she saw Xiao Jingnan get up and walk to the bookshelf. She quickly withdrew, stuck to the wall next to the bookshelf, and hid her body next to the wooden board of the bookshelf. Her heart kept pounding: This guy won't find me, will she?

Xiao Jingnan walked to the bookshelf and moved his nose twice, as if he smelled a flower fragrance, a faint different fragrance, but he wanted to continue to smell it carefully. His nose couldn't help itching and sneezing.

Xiao Jingnan couldn't help rubbing his nose, frowning, and muttered, "What a flower fragrance? It smells good, but it will sneeze." After saying that, he picked up another book, sat down at the desk, opened the book, and read it.

The girl hiding in the corner couldn't help laughing when she heard Xiao Jingnan's sneeze, but she quickly covered her mouth with her hand to prevent Xiao Jingnan from hearing the laughter and finding her, because she wanted to play tricks on Xiao Jingnan. Although she didn't know who Xiao Jingnan was, she should be a newcomer, so she had a chance to play tricks on people, but she couldn't show the stuff first.

Silk, silk.

The girl noticed that her nose was a little itchy, so she couldn't help moving gently a few times, but immediately found that something was wrong. How could her nose be like this? Ah sneeze, ah sneeze, and the sound of the girl's sneeze sounded from the bookshelf.

It turned out that the girl forgot for a moment that she was holding the pollen in her hand to tease Xiao Jingnan. This time, she accidentally covered her mouth, and the pollen naturally entered the girl's nose, making her sneeze repeatedly and expose her whereabouts.

"Ah! Oh! Er!" When Xiao Jingnan heard the sneezing, he immediately put down the book and looked back at the bookshelf. He saw a girl bowing her head and rubbing her sneezing nose and looking at the girl's back.

A series of questions came to Xiao Jingnan's mind: Who is this person? How did she get into my study? What did she want to do? Why did she keep sneezing!?

"Uh... Do you want to help?" Xiao Jingnan got up and picked up the teapot. He found that there was some cold water in it, so he poured it into the teacup, picked it up, walked to the girl, and gently handed it over.

The girl did not dare to look at Xiao Jingnan, grabbed Xiao Jingnan's teacup, did not dare to look at Xiao Jingnan, turned around and washed her nose.

Xiao Jingnan couldn't expect to grab the teacup without saying a word, so he could only stand aside and look at the girl's back when she washed her nose, and was in a daze for a moment.

The distant mountains are full of Dai, and the silk slides on the back like a waterfall. The thin waist is as soft as Wu Shui. I don't know what kind of scene it is when I look back.

The girl washed for a while and seemed to notice Xiao Jingnan's eyes behind her. She frowned and whispered in a low voice. She didn't know what to say and seemed to be complaining. Pick up your sleeves, wipe the drops of water on your nose, and then rub them gently. You feel much better. Take a deep breath and turn back.

I saw a young man's face with clear eyebrows, a firm look, and his eyes were as bright as stars. He was looking at himself in a daze. The girl's face couldn't help blushing. She lowered her head and said anxiously, "You... Why do you keep staring at others?

But Xiao Jingnan saw a melon seed face, and his big eyes kept flashing, just like the endless star in the sky. A touch of bangs slanted across the left ear from the forehead, giving people a playful feeling.

"Ah! Er..." Xiao Jingnan heard the crisp sound of the girl's silver teeth, and immediately came to his senses, but he didn't know what to say for a moment, and his face turned red and white.

For a while, the two of them didn't say anything. Both of them stared at their toes quietly, but they didn't look at each other's movements with the corners of their eyes. They stayed quietly, leaving only the sparrow's chirp outside the window.

After a long time, the girl's red face faded a little. She raised her slightly red face and said softly, "Thank you." After saying that, he turned around and his heart kept pounding. It was not the heartbeat that was discovered just now, but an inexplicable heartbeat.

Xiao Jingnan heard the girl's pleasant voice, and the undeveloped heart at the bottom of his heart seemed to have a stone thrown down. He shocked a ripple and quickly said, "No... You're welcome."

Xiao Jingnan said and looked at the girl who turned his head. For a moment, he couldn't say anything. He stood quietly and looked at his toes, but his heart kept jumping. He didn't know why he had already said what he was about to ask the girl.

"Hello, my name is Xi, and the moon becomes the night." The girl didn't seem to be escaping. She turned her head and looked at Xiao Jingnan with the slightly evasive eyes on her red face.

"Oh... My name is Xiao Jingnan. Xiao Jingnan was blocked by the girl's words for a moment. He didn't know how to describe his name, and only stuttered.

"Are you new here? Then we will be partners in the future. I will live next door. Today, when I saw you come in, I secretly followed you in. I hope you don't mind." The girl said sweetly, as if she was not as shy as she was just now.

"Oh, I don't mind, how can I mind?" Xiao Jingnan looked at the girl smiling like a spring flower and said quickly.

"Ha ha, you are very interesting." The girl covered her mouth and smiled.

Xiao Jingnan looked at the charming and lovely smile of the girl named Xi in front of him, and he also laughed stupidly.