Star Soul Road

Chapter 34 Unexpectedly captured!? Next

Chapter 34 was actually captured alive!? ( Bottom) [Request for collection]

"Meow~~" The strange cat's claws seemed to be entangled by something. The claws that pierced the little fat man's chest just now could not be pulled out. They were tightly wrapped in something, and they couldn't break free.

The strange cat just wanted to break free hard, and its body was half-standing. Its claws were in the little fat man's chest. It shook its body and wanted to pull out its claws, but it was useless to exert itself, but it was more tighter.

"Wow, wow, wow..." A few empty sounds sounded. The strange cat's claws were wrapped around the body in front of him who didn't know whether it was a person or something. He couldn't dodge it and was hit hard. Suddenly, the strange screams were connected. It rolled on the ground in pain and just pulled the little fat man up. It turned out that it was just a piece of clothes and was entangled. On the pile of vines together, no wonder the cat's claws will be entangled and can't be pulled out.

"Hey hey, let's see how you run." King Mori rushed out from behind a tree with his bare arms, raised the stick and hit the strange cat. It turned out that although the dress was King Mori's, King Mori stuffed the vine into it and let the strange cat sneak up, so that its speed was limited and its claws could not be pulled out. He could easily knock down the strange cat.

"Meow~~" The strange cat was entangled in its claws, and on the other hand was the stick of the king of Sen. The blood-red eyes in his eyes showed weakness and looked at the king of Sen, and his mouth roared like begging for mercy.

"Bang, bang, bang..." King Sen didn't care about the strange cat's begging for mercy, but still went forward and went down. Suddenly, the strange cat kept screaming, but he couldn't avoid it. Whoever let his claws be entangled, he could only keep begging for mercy.

The King of Mori is so happy now that he beat the strange cat screamed repeatedly, and his heart was also happy. The strange cat was beaten by King Mori's stick and had no chance to dodge at all. After a while, his body was scarred, but it was very strange that no drop of blood flowed out. It seemed that the great damage could only leave blood marks on the skin, and no drop of blood would flow out.

"Hey hey, let you sneak up, I let you sneak up." The king of Mori relieved the stick to the poor person who begged for mercy

The big head hit hard a few times.

"Meow... Whoo-hoo..." The strange cat's head was hit hard by the king of the forest. His footsteps were unstable, and his claws were still stuck in the dummy, but he began to feel dizzy and soon lay motionless on the dummy.

"You guy, pretend to be dizzy, don't you?" King Mori will continue to fight.

"King Mori, stop it." Xiao Jingnan and others had already come out from behind the tree and looked at King Mori's violent attack on the strange cat, while Lin Fengxi looked at King Sen's violent situation and remembered his previous attitude towards King Mori, and couldn't help shivering in his heart.

"Xiao Nan, this guy may pretend to be dizzy. If we don't pay attention, we will run away later. Now kill him when he is sick." King Mori also wants to go up and hit a few more sticks.

"Oh, look, that guy has rolled his eyes. How long have you been thinking about it? Although our assessment is to kill the star beast, I think it's better to take it back to the dean to see it. It should be regarded as a successful pass. It is more difficult to catch the star beast than to kill it." Xiao Jingnan said, and also looked at the strange cat.

"Well... It seems the same, but the possibility of us killing this guy is not very high. If it hadn't been fooled, we would have thought about it for a long time, and I don't know if we can complete the assessment. King Mori put down the stick and looked at the strange cat that had fainted.

"This strange cat is so strange. It is beaten like this and doesn't bleed. It just that the scars accumulate on the body, and there is no sign of bleeding. Yes, and this claw has holes. Does it suck blood?" Xiao Jingnan looked at the strange cat and suddenly felt chilly.

"Then tie it up quickly. It will be troublesome when you wake up." King Mori also saw the strangeness on the body of the strange cat and said quickly.

"Well, Rong Shao and I tie the back feet, and you and Lao Ling to tie the front feet." Xiao Jingnan said.

Therefore, these teenagers were busy, tied the rattan to the front and back limbs of the strange cat, and tied several rattans to ensure that it was correct before getting up.

"Well, there is still a mouth that is not stuffed, otherwise it will bite off the vine when it wakes up." Xiao Jingnan looked at the strange cat tied like a twist in front of him and said.

"Well, just put a few rattans in the strange cat's mouth, and then tie King Mori's clothes to its mouth." Rong Shao said with a smile.

"Hey! Why don't you use your clothes? I still need to wear my clothes. King Sen said unconvincedly.

"Oh, King Sen, anyway, your clothes are rotten, so use this." Xiao Jingnan picked up King Qiansen's clothes with a smile and was ready to start an encirclement of the strange cat's mouth.

"I, you..." When King Sen saw that everyone didn't look at him, he had to acquiesce that he was unlucky.

"Hey hey, Rong Shao, pry open its mouth, Sen Wang Sai Tengzi, I'll tie my mouth." Xiao Jingnan picked up the tattered clothes of King Mori.

"Okay." Rong Shaoma * wooden stick inserted into the mouth of the strange cat and slowly pry open the ferocious mouth of the strange cat.

"Wow~~ It stinks. What does this guy eat?" King Mori pinched his nose and stuffed a few balls of rattan in.

"Well, all right." Xiao Jingnan wrapped King Sen's ragged clothes in the inside and outside of the strange cat's mouth and tied it tightly.

"Okay, let's carry it back." Xiao Jingnan got up and clapped his hands and said to everyone.

"Well, hey hey, let's start. Rong Shao will lift it with you." King Mori picked up a branch with thick arms on the ground, passed between the hands and feet of the strange cat, and said to Rong Shao.

"Okay!" Rong Shao picked up one branch. As soon as the two of them worked hard, the branch squeaked a few times and lifted it up.

"This guy is really heavy." King Sen put the branch on his shoulder and said.

"Well, there are at least three or four hundred catties, and I don't know what it eats to grow up." Rong Shao also put the branch on one side on his shoulder.

"Let's go, it's time to go back. We will return with a full load in this assessment, hahaha..." Xiao Jingnan said with a smile and began to walk out of the mountain.

Therefore, these little guys carried the strange cat that had been stunned and walked to the meeting point mentioned by the dean. Their assessment ended here and passed successfully. Although they did not kill the strange cat, they carried a strange cat back and killed it if they wanted, and let it go if they wanted.

Xiao Jingnan finally led his friends to pass the three examinations and was about to become a student of Yuhua Academy. He really worshipped the two deans.

Just as Xiao Jingnan walked out of the mountain, behind the shade not far from them, the two deans of Yuhua Academy flashed

"Well, they are actually captured alive. These little guys are really not easy." Yan Shiyu said in surprise.

"Well, it really surprises us. Lin Fengxi and King Sen still have such a good plan. It seems that none of these little guys is simple." Yan Jianhua also said in surprise.


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