Star Soul Road

Chapter 40 The first word

Chapter 40 The First Word (Please Favorite)

"Wow, the power of purple and gold is to turn it into a silk thread and find the first word under your own guidance, instead of blindly looking for the word on the stone tablet." Xiao Jingnan sank into his mind and began to look for the key purple-gold power. He needed to find the purple-gold power to proceed to the next step.

Xiao Jingnan kept searching in his mind, and the glittering font kept flashing in front of his eyes, but Xiao Jingnan ignored it, because Xiao Jingnan wanted to find the power of purple gold, otherwise it would be in vain to see the first font, and he could not catch it. Therefore, Xiao Jingnan did not pay much attention to the golden light. Flashing fonts, but exploring the existence of purple and gold power in the ocean of fonts.

Xiao Jingnan searched and drifted deeper and deeper into his mind, while the golden font slowly decreased. It seemed that this was different from the outside, so the depths of the mind without the golden font were dark, and there was no trace of light. Xiao Jingnan could only rely on his intuition to find the purple and golden power.

"Huh? It's a very strange feeling. I clearly feel that the purple-gold power is in the depths of my mind, but why can't I see it? Xiao Jingnan's consciousness floated in his mind and constantly felt the intimacy of the purple-gold power, but he could never find the purple-gold power.

Xiao Jingnan tried to explore the depths with a wisp of consciousness to see if it was the existence of purple-gold power.

"That's, that's..." Xiao Jingnan suddenly turned his head. He saw a very strange landscape. A purple-gold object as strong as sunlight rose in Xiao Jingnan's mind, mixed with wisps of golden light. The purple-gold power was extremely huge and converged into a sea behind Xiao Jingnan, as if his whole mind had been swallowed by it. .

"This, is this the purple-gold power, that is, the power I use to complete the first layer of the stone tablet?" Xiao Jingnan looked at the huge thing in front of him and swallowed his saliva.

Xiao Jingnan walked forward and reached out to slowly touch the purple-gold power. With a sound of metal touch came, Xiao Jingnan frowned, but he didn't find any harm, but he didn't know why he made this sound when he touched it. Xiao Jingnan waved his hands again and kept kneading or pulling on the purple-gold power group. Except for the noisy metal sound, Xiao Jingnan did not find that his consciousness had been damaged at all.

"Well, this purple-gold power will not hurt me, and the color of these powers is exactly the same as the color of the big tiger. When I see the big tiger again in the future, remember to ask it, but how can I guide this power for my use, otherwise it will always stay still in the depths of my mind. " Xiao Jingnan said to himself.

Xiao Jingnan separated a consciousness and tried to wrap a small force and pull that small force out of the purple-gold power ocean. Indeed, Xiao Jingnan quickly pulled out the small force, but the consciousness could not wrap the small force. Gradually, that small force was quickly He broke free from the package of consciousness and returned to the purple-gold sea of power.

Xiao Jingnan once again used more consciousness to wrap a smaller strand of power, which was easy to separate a small strand of power, but once he left the scope of the purple-gold power ocean, that small strand of purple-gold power would break free again, and Xiao Jingnan could not work hard. Leaving that small force can only make it return to the sea of purple and golden power.

"Alas, what's the matter? As soon as those forces came out of the range of purple and gold power, they immediately broke free from my package and couldn't control these forces at all. How can I do it?" Xiao Jingnan is really helpless and upset.

"Well, try to wrap the purple-gold power ocean and see if there is any result." Xiao Jingnan came up with an idea, but it was a little bad.

Xiao Jingnan slowly expanded all his consciousness and slowly wrapped it into the purple-gold power ocean. It seemed that he wanted to surround the ocean in one fell swoop, but Xiao Jingnan's abacus was wrong, and it was a big mistake.

When Xiao Jingnan separated his consciousness and expanded it into a large encirclement, those purple-gold forces kept going back and forth in Xiao Jingnan's consciousness. Those consciousness could not stop the shuttle of purple-gold power at all, which made Xiao Jingnan feel very powerless, so he withdrew his consciousness and woke up.

"Is it so difficult? Why is this purple-gold power so difficult to transfer?" Xiao Jingnan held his head and sat down against the stone tablet, complaining.

Xiao Jingnan really doesn't know that what Aunt Fo said is very simple. It's very difficult to do. It's not easy to succeed at all. Now there is no way to separate a force. It's not difficult to separate a few forces in the future. Xiao Jingnan is really distressed. I really don't know what to do to control this. The power of purple and gold.

"Huh! By the way, since I can't control the purple-gold power outside the ocean of purple-gold power, I'll try it inside. Xiao Jingnan suddenly thought of an idea. He immediately pressed the stone tablet with both hands, closed his eyes, and his consciousness sank in.

Xiao Jingnan quickly found the purple-gold power ocean. He didn't think much about it at all, so he went into the ocean. Xiao Jingnan looked at the continuous swimming of the purple-gold light around him. He didn't do any harm to himself, and there was a warm breath constantly circling around him, feeling very comfortable.

"Why didn't I think of it just now? If only I had just come in. How can I think so much?" Xiao Jingnan swam comfortably in the sea of purple-gold power.

"Oh, I almost forgot what I was going to do and just played." Xiao Jingnan suddenly remembered what he wanted to do and stopped wandering in the purple-gold ocean.

Xiao Jingnan silently separated a wisp of consciousness and entangled a small force beside him, but that small force had no resistance and the intention of slipping away. Under the control of Xiao Jingnan's consciousness, he silently completed the action required by Xiao Jingnan.

Xiao Jingnan's consciousness kept bending and deforming the small force beside him, pulling it into a straight line and winding it. Xiao Jingnan's heart was full of joy and finally found a way to control the purple-gold power. Now what's bad is the heat, as long as he is proficient in it.

Xiao Jingnan constantly floats the power controlled by consciousness into the distance, away from the ocean of purple-gold power, but those forces are still under the control of his own consciousness. Although the action is a little stiff, it will be fine after a long time. It turned out that the way to control these forces required his own consciousness in the purple-gold sea. Xiao Jingnan now knows how to control these scattered forces to find the font on the stone tablet. There is a golden ocean in his mind, and it is not difficult to find it.

"Well, now it's time to look for the first font. Everything is difficult at the beginning. I'm going to open this first, and it's much easier to find other fonts in the future." Xiao Jingnan was happy and began to search for his first font.

Xiao Jingnan wrapped his consciousness in a small group of power and transformed into a bird according to Xiao Jingnan's idea. Because Xiao Jingnan felt that the bird flew very fast, he felt that after turning power into a bird, he could increase the speed of power. Sure enough, the power controlled by Xiao Jingnan's consciousness was faster. , flew quickly to the golden sea on the sea of the brain, and soon came to the golden ocean formed by fonts, which was not inferior to the purple-gold power ocean at all.

"So many fonts are really difficult to find. Do you have to look for them blindly?" Xiao Jingnan's consciousness of purple-gold power turned the scene in front of him to Xiao Jingnan's consciousness in the depths of his mind, and understood that he had encountered another difficulty in front of him.

"Use this power to find it. Just follow my consciousness." Xiao Jingnan suddenly came up with an idea to let the power go by itself, and his consciousness should follow it.

Xiao Jingnan* The consciousness of wrapping the power was released, but it was tightly attached to the tail of the power and let the power wander and look for it by itself. It means that the blind cat wants to meet the dead mouse, but this may also be a way.

The consciousness of that power is attached to the tail of the force, and it is not wrapping the power. If this force begins to rotate, it seems that this is originally my nature, and there is no rule to find.

That force kept tumbling in the golden sea, without any regular route, but it was not out of the golden ocean, which made Xiao Jingnan's consciousness feel in the depths of his mind for a long time before he found that this force was indeed looking for the first font, rather than wandering around casually. Because it is felt to wander around casually, but this force seems to be looking for something, fast and slow, constantly shuttling, advancing and retreating.

"Huh? That's chasing. Xiao Jingnan observed every move of the golden ocean under the continuous search of power. Suddenly, a familiar word came into his consciousness from afar. Xiao Jingnan immediately knew that it was the first font he was looking for, so he immediately ordered the force to catch up.

Xiao Jingnan turned into a bird again with the power of consciousness control. The font in the distance had been tightly locked by Xiao Jingnan's consciousness, and there was no chance to escape at all. Soon, the power finally caught up with the bird formed by the package of Xiao Jingnan's consciousness and came to the body of the font. After that, the font was still dodging Xiao Jingnan's pursuit with the help of other fonts in the sea of golden fonts, but it could not escape Xiao Jingnan's lock at all.

"Haha, let's see where you escape." Xiao Jingnan transformed the power of consciousness into a hand, grasped the inescapable font tightly in his hand, and quickly brought it back to the consciousness in the depths of his mind.

"Ha ha, what's the use of this font? Now it's the first one, but what does it do?" Xiao Jingnan held the first font in his hands, and he didn't know why.

Suddenly, the font leaped into Xiao Jingnan's consciousness body like lightning. Before Xiao Jingnan felt anything, he suddenly fainted, and his consciousness returned. He didn't know what had happened. Xiao Jingnan lay on the stone tablet and fainted.

However, the first font on the stone tablet on the outside suddenly flashed with gold. Without flashing a few times, it faded down and showed no trace of gold. It became an ordinary font, which was out of place with the flashing font next to it.