Star Soul Road

Chapter 47 Emperor-level Star Soul--Thork Dragon Lion

Chapter 47 Emperor-level Star Soul - Thunderbolt Dragon Lion

"Dean, will the natural awakening of the star soul be like this?" Lin Fengxi felt that King Mori had a splitting headache and felt very strange, so he asked.

"Not necessarily, everyone is not the same, and King Mori often practices the three-duel of rain flowers. Usually, there is no headache, brain fever or other diseases at all, and Rong Shao said that he has a headache, and I can be sure that the king of Mori is naturally awakened by the star soul." Yan Jianhua said with a smile.

"Why is the awakening of the star soul still natural and unnatural!?" Lin Fengxi felt that the awakening of the star soul had to be divided into circumstances and wondered.

"Well, the awakening of the star soul can basically be carried out by children who can practice the innate enlightenment, but the star soul is still of quality, from the lowest mortal level, elite level, general level, king level, to the highest emperor level, there are five levels of star soul, forcibly relying on external forces to awaken the star soul, ten * is the mortal level, And the less you use external forces to awaken the star soul, the higher the quality of the star soul, at least at the elite level. If your parents' star soul quality is better, the better the star soul you get. However, the most basic thing is to rely on yourself. After all, with the help of external forces, it is not the king's way. Yan Shiyu said earnestly, and Yan Jianhua also nodded repeatedly and agreed with Yan Shiyu.

"The quality of the star soul ultimately determines the height of a person's growth. If the mortal star soul wants to reach the Ziyao level, it is said that it is difficult to reach the sky, and the emperor-level star soul breaks through to Jin Yao. However, when the emperor-level star soul fights against the same-level star master of the mortal star soul, there is an infinite possibility of approaching the second kill. Yan Jianhua added.

"So that's it." Lin Fengxi and Rong Shao and others nodded in the past. They understood the importance of the quality of the star soul, and completely understood the dean's requirement that they should rely on their innate soul power to awaken naturally.

"Ah!?" King Mori suddenly opened his eyes, and his black eyes emitted a breathtaking red light. He slowly stood up, half bent his feet, raised his hands high, and looked like a tiger.

When Liu Ran, who was nervously paying attention to King Sen, saw the sudden situation of King Sen, his heart jumped and couldn't help but worry, "Dean, what's wrong with King Sen?"

"Well, it doesn't matter. Get out of the way. Now the King of Sen is adapting to the process of star soul possession, and it may not be able to control and hurt you." When Yan Shiyu saw that the king of the forest had begun to adapt to the star soul, he reminded Lin Fengxi and others to give an area to the king of the forest.

Lin Fengxi and others retreated aside according to their words, and although Liu Ran pushed it away, he cared a little more than anyone else in his eyes, and he did not let go of the Sen King's current move.

The current appearance of the king of Sen is not himself, but a beast all the time. The red light flashed in his eyes, and his indifferent eyes kept looking at him. His hands gently leaned forward, and his footsteps slowly in the magic hole. He seemed not to be used to controlling this pair of bodies. His movements were extremely stiff, which made Lin Fengxi and others feel very strange.

Although King Mori began to get used to his body movements like a beast, there was another scene in his body. A strange change began in King Mori's body, which can be said to be the benefit of natural awakening.

People have the eight strange meridians, and the eight strange meridians of mortals are impossible to be completely unobstructed, and there will be some blockages, and the star master is the eight strange meridians are already unobstructed, which can let the soul power freely swim from the eight strange meridians to the depths of the brain in the three veins of the forehead, and convert the soul power into energy. When the energy flows out of the three veins of the forehead, it will turn into a soul power to complete one cycle after another in the eight strange meridians.

According to the training plan formulated by the two deans, the king of Mori wants the natural awakening of the soul power, not with the help of external forces, as if it were natural.

Therefore, the meridians of the king of Mori are already full of innate soul power. Although there is no existence like the power of Xiao Jingnan Xingyao, the king of Mori has been practicing Yuhua Sanjue for more than a year, and Yuhua Sanjue, an enlightenment skill is the famous enlightenment skill of the starry sky mainland, so King Sen The benefits are also considerable now.

Because of the long-term practice of rain and three decisions, the innate soul power in the body of the forest has already filled every corner of the meridians. As the saying goes: if the water is full, it will overflow. What's more, the innate soul power, and now the innate soul power in the body of King Mori has begun to change.

First of all, the innate soul power began to accelerate the continuous circulation in the meridians in Senwang's body, cleaning every corner of the meridians, and further removing the remaining magazines in the meridians, so that the innate soul power can run better in the meridians.

Then, the meridians began to change, especially the eight main veins. They keep squirming, slowly pulling and twisting, which seems to further expand their performance and make the eight main veins wider, while the rest of the branches are not as big as the main veins, but they are also changing one after another.

Soon, the meridians of King Mori actually changed once. The previous narrow meridians became spacious, the operation of the soul power became much faster, and the impurities in the meridians were much less, and those innate soul power also began to change, and every time the innate soul power that came out of the mind began to change completely.

Originally, it could be called innate soul power, but now it can really be called soul power, and the soul power of the king of Sen's meridians is also sandwiched with silk gold. Originally, the innate soul power of the king of forest was red, but now it has become golden red. Is it a mutation of soul power?

Although there have been great changes in the body of King Mori, King Mori's movements are still a little stiff, and his walking is still swaying. His arms have some characteristics of the star soul, his fingers begin to become slender, and his sharp claws, and an illusory shadow gradually flashes on his back, but it looks a little Like a cat, the rest can't be seen clearly.

"The king of the forest has begun to condense. Please pay attention to it. Don't interrupt him suddenly." Yan Shiyu observed the virtual shadow behind the king of the forest, and signaled Lin Fengxi and others to be quiet and not to interrupt the condensing star soul of the king of the forest.

As the cat-like illusory shadow behind the King of Mori slowly became clear, the red innate soul power in the king's meridians gradually became rare, and the golden red soul power continued to increase, and it seemed that the transformation was about to be completed.

King Mori's movements began to become normal. It was not as stiff as just now. He should have slowly mastered the method of controlling the star soul, and the red light in his eyes began to weaken slowly, but the king of Mori did not seem to be awake yet. He was still turning the circle aimlessly, and his hands were constantly grasping the claws. Grab it.

Soon, the red light in King Mori's eyes became very light and was about to disappear, and the black eyes began to show, but it looked like no spirit, and the virtual shadow behind him gradually became clear.

I saw the virtual shadow behind King Mori: the lion-like head, full of white mane, big and sharp claws, and a red ridge scale on his back, which continued to the tail, like the legendary dragon, and the eyes in his eyes actually appeared in the pupils.

"What is that? It's like a lion, but there won't be a ridge scale behind the lion!" Rong Shao looked at the virtual shadow behind the king of Sen in surprise.

"Well, what kind of animal is that? I've never seen it before." Lin Fengxi also clearly saw the virtual shadow behind the King of Sen, but he didn't know what it was.

"This is the emperor-level star soul - Thunderbolt Dragon Lion!" Yan Jianhua's eyes burst into a trace of golden light, staring at the virtual shadow on Queen Sen's back, took a cold breath, and her tone trembled a little.

"It's really emperor-level, and the ridge scales behind the dragon and lion will not be fake!" The same is true of Yan Shiyu. The golden light flowed in her eyes, staring at the shadow behind the King of Forest, and was surprised.

The virtual shadow behind the King of the Forest has become very clear, and the subtle appearance of the Thunderbolt Dragon Lion has been clearly reflected in everyone's eyes. Everyone is very amazing to watch the Star Soul Awakening for the first time.

And the red innate soul power in the body of the king of the forest has disappeared, and the golden red soul power keeps flowing in the meridians of the king of the forest, constantly exchanging in the three strange meridians and eight veins of the brain to complete its own cycle.

At this time, the red in King Sen's eyes completely disappeared, and the black eyes came back and gradually became clear, but there seemed to be a Thunderbolt in the depths of the eyes, which was very dim, and no one could notice it at all. It seems that the star soul awakening of the king is almost complete, and he is ready to wake up, but the characteristics of the star soul on the body of the king of the forest are still maintained, especially the virtual shadow behind him is very clearly displayed in front of everyone.

"Well, what's wrong with me?" The forest king, who had been in the awakening of the star soul, suddenly woke up and shook his confused head.

When King Sen saw that his hand turned into a pair of claws, his mouth opened into a circle. He patted his head and looked carefully. It was still a pair of claws. King Sen began to be a little scared.

"I, I... How did I become a werewolf? I seemed to be chased by a cat-like lion just now. How can it be like this now? King Sen sat on the ground crying without tears, sighing like a resentful woman.

"Haha, King Mori, look at the back, your star soul naturally awakens successfully." Rong Shao felt that King Mori's expression at this time was really funny.

"Em... What a thing, ah! Uncle, when are you behind me? When King Sen heard Rong Shao's laughter, he found that everyone was looking at him, and there was a feeling of looking at him like a monster in the eyes of the two deans, so he turned around and looked behind him.

It's okay not to look at it. I was shocked when I saw it. It turned out that behind me was the animal that kept chasing me in the dream, but I was about to kneel down and beg for mercy.

"Cough, King Sen, congratulations, that's your star soul." Yan Shiyu didn't want to see such a strange expression as King Mori, so he reminded him.

"Ah!? This, this... It's mine... Star soul." The king of Sen suddenly felt a bolt at him, and the first step to the way to heaven, he finally stepped out.

"Well, this is your star soul, the emperor-level star soul - Thunderbolt Dragon Lion!" Yan Jianhua's voice was a little low, and she seemed to feel that King Sen was indeed a monster now.