Star Soul Road

Chapter 62 Bloody Mandarin duck building

Chapter 62 Bloody Mandarin duck Building (Part 2)

This fan is Xiao Qintian's star weapon, the dragon bone shining the sun fan, the divine soldier possessed, not the ordinary weapon soul. There are two kinds of formation of weapon souls. One is to possess the divine soldier, inject the divine soldier with supreme soul power, and condense the divine soldier into a part of the body to achieve the weapon soul; the other is to condense the soul and refine the soul into a weapon.

There are very few star masters who possess the divine soldiers and achieve the soul of the artifacts, but the power is extremely great. No matter what aspect of the weapon soul, it is several times better than the soul of the condensed soul refining soldiers. Breaking is not something that ordinary families can afford. Not to mention the financial and material resources, that is, the danger of possessing the divine soldier is high, and the bottom of the success rate, only It's just that rich families can be cultivated. Condensation is a very safe method, which is not only convenient but also not dangerous. It is the choice of most black star masters.

He had to be surprised in the cold weather. Xiao Qintian was actually a godless star master. He had to examine Xiao Qintian's strength, rather than the ordinary black Yao level. It was not too much to use the silver star master to measure Xiao Qintian.

The keel Yaoyang fan attacked the cold sky with suffocating depression, and the cold sky's face changed, and the movements were not very fast. The long swords of the two guards behind him trembled and felt the majesty of the soul formed by the possession of the divine soldiers. Therefore, the original strength of the two guards was also weakened by most of them.

"Ah..." There was a trace of panic in Leng Tian's eyes. In the past 20 years, the only panic, the feeling of how to approach death, even the rotten and withered breath of hell soil, he seemed to smell it.

Miso, Miso, Miso...

Poof, Poof, Poof...

The purple sword of the two black guards behind him was snapped out and gently loosened by the sluggish air. The two purple lights had tried their best to resist Xiao Qintian's attack before the keel shining sun fan approached the cold body. However, Xiao Qintian's soul is possessed by divine soldiers, and their power cannot be resisted. Therefore, compared with the blade, the two black guards flew out with blood, lay on the ground and lost their combat effectiveness.

The cold weather was sandwiched between the two guards and was not directly attacked by the soul of Xiao Qintian's weapon, but the aftermath made the cold sky retreat several steps in a row, and his face changed several times. At this time, the other two guards in black had already taken the lead. They observed that Xiao Qintian's old power was finished, and the new power was not continued.

Two long guns with black light appeared strangely in front of Xiao Qintian. The keel Yaoyang fan had just retreated. The blow just now made Xiao Qintian feel a chest tightness. Just when he wanted to adjust his breath, the two black long guns had already deceived him like poisonous snakes. The tip of the gun flashed with strange ripples, causing the vibration of the air, which made Xiao Qin Tian can only dodge.

Then, the blue light once again enveloped the two black guards. There was not much change, but the ripples of the tip of the black spear were better. From a distance, the air kept stirring. What kind of power was that?

Xiao Qintian saw a black spear like a poisonous snake spitting a letter in front of him. He frowned and retreated quickly, but the black spear was tightly bullied.

"Cold weather, look at the move, the tiger roars..." Xiao Yunlong saw that his father was entangled by two guards in black. No one was on guard, leaving only the help of the cold sky. The steps open the bow left and right, with anger. The soul power circulated in several meridians in the chest, and a powerful force accumulated in the chest.

Roar, roar, roar...

A huge roar came out of Xiao Yunlong's mouth, and the waves visible to the naked eye were like mountains and seas, with Xiao Yunlong as the center, attacking all around.

Leng Tian never thought that Xiao Yunlong had such a move. He didn't have time to prepare for it at all. He had to constantly build bamboo walls in front of him to weaken the power of the tiger's roar. However, Tiger Roar is one of the most powerful physical skills of the Xiao family, and according to the historical status of the Xiao family, this physical skill is one of several powerful physical skills on the mainland.

Puff, puff, puff...

The bamboo wall built in the cold weather was constantly broken by the roaring and powerful roar of the tiger. Leng Tian couldn't help but feel nervous. Since Xiao Yunlong, who was not very considerate of himself, had learned such a strong physical skill, the Xiao family was really a crouching tiger and hidden dragon. He still looked down on the Xiao family.

"Son!" The two guards in black behind them saw the terrible power of the tiger's roar, but they had no ability to fight. They could only throw away their weapons and protect them in front of the cold sky to resist the row of strong waves.

Scrap, rub, rub...

The sound wave touched the blade of the weapon soul and made the sound of the swords staggered. The powerful two purple swords pressed down and rushed to the cold sky.

Puff, poof, poof.....

I saw the purple light of the purple sword flashing, and the dazzling purple light. The purple sword could resist the roar of the tiger, but the two guards in black were indeed injured. There was no trace of blood on their faces, and their faces were like thin gold, and their lives could not be saved.

Although the cold day avoided the attack of the sound wave, he was still pushed back a few steps by the momentum. The faint sadness floated on his face and looked at Xiao Yunlong quietly.

Xiao Yunlong used the tiger roar, and the consumption was a little big. At this time, his chest couldn't help ups and downs. He saw that the cold sky dodged his own blow, facing the cold sky's eyes, and stared at the cold sky unyieldingly. The two eyes collided and began a new round of confrontation.

Xiao Qintian was dodging the strange long gun of the black guard and felt Xiao Yunlong's tiger roar. He was a little surprised. He couldn't help stagnating his movements, and the black spear deceived Xiao Qintian's chest.

Xiao Qintian calmed down, raised the keel shining sun fan, and put it across his chest. The strange black light of the black spear flashed, and the tip of the gun shot a ray of light, which shone directly on Xiao Qintian's chest.

When, when, when...

The keel Yaoyang fan blocked the black light, but the powerful force still forced Xiao Qintian to retreat a few steps. His chest was stuffy, his face turned red, and a lot of blood surged up his throat, but he was still suppressed by Xiao Qintian.

The black long gun was successful, so he followed the shadow to chase and divided Xiao Qintian's chest and throat. The long gun was even better. The black light had been close to Xiao Qintian, and Xiao Qintian adjusted his breath when repelling at this time, and the dragon bone shining fan took action again.

The black and gold light covered the black light, and the remaining momentum did not decrease. The sluggish and depressed aura steadily locked the black guard behind the long gun. Xiao Qintian also bullied himself and turned to attack.

Xiao Qintian understood that if he blindly defended, he would become more and more passive, so he took an offensive to reverse the situation.

The movements of the two black guards were like falling into a quagmire, and their speed and strength could not help slowing down a lot. Moreover, the cold sky was quietly looking at Xiao Yunlong and did not assist themselves again. They could only rely on their own years of killing to resist Xiao Qintian's offensive.

Outside Shangge City, there is a path.

An old man in Gese cloth strolled with a smile on his face and went in the direction of Shangge City. However, the old man's walk is at least ten feet in one step, as if the distance of ten feet is only two or three feet.

"Ha ha, Xiao's sports skills roar. It's not bad. My old man came at the right time." The old man heard the huge roar of the tiger and smiled.

The old man's footsteps accelerated a little, and his steps were still not slow, but the distance he crossed was no longer ten feet, but fifteen or sixteen feet, and he went to the mandarin duck building in Shangge City.

The old man quickly came under the wall, and in a step or two, he had crossed the bodyguard and disappeared into the flow of people. When the bodyguard saw an old man coming from afar, but he disappeared in the blink of an eye, he couldn't help but feel an illusion in front of him. He looked around and saw no one at all.

On the upper floor, the fight is fierce.

Xiao Qintian successfully controlled the situation and forced the two black-clothed guards to retreat during the festival. At this time, the cold sky and Xiao Yunlong had already started to fight, but the cold sky kept avoiding Xiao Yunlong's powerful attack, while constantly harassing the sneak attack with soul skills, but Xiao Yunlong was not a vegetarian and steadily fought with the cold sky. It doesn't matter.

"Ha ha, I'm late. You all played well!" An old laugh came. When he heard it in the cold weather, he was shocked all over, and then his face was happy.

It turned out that it was the old man in Ge Yi just now. At this time, he was standing on the railing, leaning his back against a pillar, and slowly watching everyone's fight.

Leng Tian looked happy. He threw out several cages one after another and retreated to the old man. Xiao Yunlong didn't know who the old man was far away, but he came here silently, and his father didn't know that his skills were no worse than his father's, so Xiao Yunlong did not chase him, but looked at the cold weather coldly.

When Xiao Qintian heard the old man's laughter, he felt that the situation was not good, so he hit hard, forced the two guards in black to the corner, turned back and retreated, and looked at the old man with a smile.

"Grandpa, why are you here? My grandson is going to bother you again." Leng Tian saluted the old man respectfully and said happily. The two guards in black helped the two guards to fight without a trace. One by one, the old man saluted respectfully and then retreated aside.

"Ha ha, I was worried when you ran out alone, so I followed him. However, I saw a good place on the way, so I delayed for a while. I just came here now. Well, you have nothing to do, otherwise our Leng family will lose a genius. Leng Huo can't bear heavy responsibilities. The Leng family has to rely on you now. " The old man said with a smile.

"Grandpa blushed when he said that." The cold weather is still a faint return.

"Ha ha, these two little guys, grandpa can only help you bear their soul power, but you still do it yourself. Grandpa lost the bet and couldn't see blood in Shangge City, otherwise he would break his oath." The old man in Ge smiled.

Xiao Qintian heard the conversation between Leng Tian and the old man, and his heart was already silent. He looked at Xiao Yunlong quietly and said slowly, "Longer, Dad, I'm sorry for you."

"Dad, don't say anything else. It's an honor for me to fight for the Xiao family and die." Xiao Yunlong looked at Xiao Qintian with a smile. His eyes were extremely clear, but the depths of his eyes were a kind of dead sadness.

"Do you have anything else to say? Leave a last word and I will convey it to you." The old man came down and said lightly.

"The predecessor is the Leng family, so there is no need to say anything more." Xiao Qintian said proudly.

"Ha ha, that's too much for me." The old man Ge waved his hand gently and said with a smile.

Suddenly, a silvery field visible to the naked eye appeared in the field. Xiao Qintian had no chance to escape at all. He was already trapped in the field and could not move at all.

Xiao Qintian looked at the old man with a shocked face and waved casually, and his heart was full of bitterness: Jin Yaoqiang, the Xiao family will disappear in the shopping mall today. However, although Xiao Qintian could not move and his soul power could not be used, Xiao Qintian came here with the confidence to die, and Xiao Yunlong had half knelt on the ground, and his forehead was covered with sweat, which was obviously supporting.

"Okay, grandpa, leave the rest to your grandson." The cold sky thanked him and motioned the remaining two black guards to take Xiao Qintian down.

The two black guards walked up coldly, took Xiao Qintian and Xiao Yunlong down, and sealed the meridians of Xiao Qintian and Xiao Yunlong with the unique method of the Leng family.