Star Soul Road

Chapter 95 Under the sunshine and moonlight under the waterfall

Chapter 95 Sunshine and Moonlight under the Waterfall (Part 2)

"About a year, I really didn't think of how you came here before. Staying in the waterfall for a year, I guess you will be fooled by the water." King Sen shook his head with a wry smile, and his heart was really not calm.

One year, what concept is the time given by the dean. It takes a year to consolidate soul power, and then understand soul skills and physical skills. For Xiao Jingnan and others, this is a long time, but it must be practiced. Only by laying a good foundation can we better guarantee the road of the next star master.

"One year! Will the dean think that we have been eaten by the star beast!? Xiao Jingnan lay in a daze. A year was indeed very long, but he couldn't be a little impatient.

"Ha ha, what's the hurry? If we don't become savages and go back." Ling Yihuang said with a smile.

"What's the sigh? I don't have any ambition at all. I see that the dean has arranged it, otherwise how can we have the opportunity to follow Lord Iron Claw? For the dean, a year is fleeting, but we can consolidate our soul power and prepare for the understanding of soul skills." Rong Shao looked at the night sky, but said something very reasonable.

"Yes, what are we sighing about! After all, we are still young. What are we afraid of? After two or three years, we will go out until Ziyao. In that way, we can go out. Xiao Jingnan sat up and shook off his wet hair, and his tone looked a little excited.

"Ha ha, aren't we all a group of little monsters? We are even afraid of this difficulty. What is it called a little monster?" Lin Fengxi said with a confident smile on his face.

"Ha ha, we are here tonight, taking the sky as the quilt and the ground as the bed. Let's wash and sleep, otherwise we will not be able to get up when we go back to Mr. Tiger." Xiao Jingnan looked at the divine mountain in the distance, and there was a burst of depression in his heart. He thought about the strong sense of oppression when he passed the divine mountain, and a sense of powerlessness all over his body.

"Well, I don't have the strength to go back. I don't know how much soul power I will have to resist the water pressure tomorrow." King Mori lay on the grass, biting the grass stalk and said.

"Sleep, don't think so much. Tomorrow has its own tomorrow." Xiao Jingnan patted King Sen on the shoulder, lay next to Lin Fengxi, and looked at her quietly. Lin Fengxi was the same. The two quickly closed their eyes.

Maybe they are tired. In a short time, the little monsters of the monster group sounded evenly breathing, and a group of bold little monsters slept in the sky like this, very bold behavior. Maybe they knew that no one would dare to threaten them on the territory of Lord Iron Claw.

The roar of the waterfall not far away has no sense of noise, but a magnificent feeling, so Xiao Jingnan and others slept well. The sound of the waterfall did not wake them up, but like a lullaby, leading you to sleep.

In the early morning, a ray of morning sun penetrated the deep night sky and gradually disappeared the starlight. On the edge of the pool where there was no fog, there was more sunshine at this time.

Birds keep chirping, and only these small animals will not disappear because of the existence of iron claws. After all, they themselves are peaceful, but beasts can't get close to here, because iron claws are not vegetarian.

The king of Sen took a deep breath, first rushed up, jumped to the small stone platform, and then leaked his soul power, covered the surface of his body, grasping the small stone platform tightly, and sitting steadily on the small stone platform. It was a little uncomfortable, but it did not affect the nourishment of the king of Mori.

Watching the King of Mori go up, Xiao Jingnan shook his head, his soul power leaked, and his body was full. With the same water pressure of Wanjun, he arrived at the small stone platform, grasped the edge of the small stone platform, and began to recuperate in an indecent posture.

Next, Lin Fengxi and others also went to the small stone platform like last night, but their posture was very indecent, but who cares? Just hold it firmly. Only Ling Yihuang sat steadily on the small stone platform, and his soul power flowed quietly, which was not as huge as others.

At this time, Xiao Jingnan and others were envious, but when they thought about the previous energy of Ling Yihuang, they were not very envious. However, only by practicing hard can they become talented. How can they get what they want without experiencing hardships?

The sun under the waterfall is very warm, soaked in flying drops of water. There is not a trace of the heat of the sun, but a warm feeling, which makes the little monsters who have been insisting on the small stone platform have a warm feeling. The soul power on the body seems to be lost a little slower, and the absorption of energy in the mind seems to be a little faster.

The morning sun rises higher and higher, and the morning sun slowly turns into the hot sun. Time passes like this, just like the sound of falling into the water last night. Today's little monsters seem to have persisted a little longer. It should be the role of warm sunshine and soul power, but no matter what, they have finished rejuvenation today, even if they still fall into the water one by one, except for Ling Yihuang.

"Wow... Why does the sun become so poisonous? Why does it feel warm under the waterfall? King Mori swam to the shore, climbed to the shore, squinted at the red sun in the sky, and cursed in his mouth.

"Alas... I don't know how many squares of water are separated by that layer, and you still feel warm. It must be hot to death when you come out. Xiao Jingnan also climbed ashore, found a shade, and hid.

Then, the little monsters also swam to the shore and walked into the woods, not wanting to face the poisonous sun. Because the sun here seems to be much worse than the one outside.

"Why is the sun so hot? What day is it today? We didn't feel it yesterday!?" King Mori hit the shed with his hand and squinted at the hot sun in the sky. He didn't understand.

"It should be a big heat. When the heat comes, the sun will be poisonous for a long time." Rong Shao stood in the shade of the tree, leaning his back against the tree and said.

"Go back to Lord Iron Claw's room. Anyway, we have finished our homework." Before King Mori finished speaking, he rushed in the direction of the hut.

Xiao Jingnan shook his head and pulled up Lin Fengxi to follow him.

The poisonous sun, the fiery yard, several bosses sat quietly under a cowhide shed and were drinking tea.

"Ha ha, those little guys are back. It seems that today's sunshine is too poisonous. At this time of year, the rain, the mountains and forests are as hot as oil pans." Master Hu picked up a cup of tea, looked at the lively figures in the woods, and drank leisurely.

"Brother Tiger, I'd like to see how powerful the students of the two old boys were in those years, which made the iron claw brother praise him." A woman next to Tiger Ye, who wears a red veil but does not apply any rouge, has a natural feeling of peace and nature.