Star Soul Road

Chapter 100 Eagle God Nine Changes

Chapter 100 Eagle God Nine Changes (middle)

"What a strange secret skill, but why did Lao Ling let you learn it? I don't want to hurt you." Xiao Jingnan said strangely, since Xiao Jinpeng said that highly talented people will learn, they will have no life, but how can they let Xiao Jinpeng learn? Is there any secret in it?

"I don't know. I'm also surprised now, but I believe my cousin won't hurt me. There must be something he didn't say." Xiao Jinpeng shook his head and said affirmatively.

"That's true. Lao Ling won't do this. There must be some secrets. When he has a good rest and his soul power recovers, he will naturally know." King Sen nodded and agreed with Xiao Jinpeng.

"Xiao Jinpeng, how can you trust Aunt Zhuque to follow us alone? If your Aunt Zhuque comes back, won't you leave!?" Lin Fengxi thought about whether the rosefinch would take Xiao Jinpeng away as soon as he came back.

Little Jinpeng shook his head, and then nodded a little. He looked at the blue sky without a trace of clouds. After thinking for a while, he said, "I'm not very clear, but Aunt Que, Master Tiger and Uncle Tie seem to go to do something in the deep mountain forest this time. I guess they won't come back for a while."

In fact, Xiao Jinpeng is not very clear, but when he saw what his mother and father said to Aunt Que seriously at home, Xiao Jinpeng felt that something must have happened, but it was not easy to ask himself

"That's it! Then you have to be obedient in the future, otherwise Lao Ling won't let you go. He will definitely beat you up. Lin Fengxi looked at the childish and beautiful face in front of him and felt that she should play the role of a sister, so she said viciously.

"I must be obedient. I won't fight this time. My cousin is very angry." Xiao Jinpeng didn't know if he was scared by Lin Fengxi's fierce expression, and he couldn't help nodding for sure.

"Xiao Feng, don't scare him!" Xiao Jingnan patted Xiao Jinpeng's little head and thought that this child was really funny. Although he was a little naughty, he did not have any scoundrel in the market. He was very innocent and young, similar to himself.

"Ha ha, I can't have it. It's just that we have a little brother for the time being. As a sister, I naturally have to leave the scene!" Lin Fengxi covered his mouth and smiled. This sentence made everyone laugh.

It's just that Xiao Jinpeng had a bitter face and thought to himself: A cousin is enough for me, and there are so many people who are similar to my cousin. I really can't do anything about it. Be good. Why is it so unlucky this time? But I met my cousin but I met these people, especially this elder sister named Xiaofeng. There must be a lot of bullying. Although my level is higher than hers, it comes from Yuhua Mountain. I'd better be careful, otherwise I can't say anything if I suffer.

If Lin Fengxi knew that Xiao Jinpeng secretly slandered himself in his heart, he would definitely strip Xiao Jinpeng's hair.

Time is so fast. The sun in the rain and forest has finally returned to the warmth of the past. The roughness and wildness of not a few days ago is angry with its own strength.

Xiao Jingnan and others also continued the stressful waterfall training, and still ended the practice in confusion. Whether it was nourishing or condensing the soul, Xiao Jingnan has entered a state. Although he has been entering from the shore and coming out of the water, he is still familiar with the movements a lot. At the end of the day, the soul power remains The amount is also slowly increasing at the speed of turtle climbing, and what is more obvious is that the purity of the soul power has indeed made a leap. You can clearly feel that the pure soul power in your body is so kind and full of power.

Soon, a group of people came to the edge of the waterfall. The pool of water was still so clear, and the waterfall dragon was still rumbling.

"Xiao Jinpeng, look carefully, feel it first and experience it with your heart, otherwise if you can't learn well, I will hit you with a board." Emperor Ling Yi turned around and said.

Xiao Jinpeng nodded immediately and didn't dare to be against Ling Yihuang. He said, "Cousin, I will definitely be careful."

Ling Yihuang nodded and said to Xiao Jingnan beside him, "You guys have a good look at the nine changes of the eagle god. I didn't start learning until the star soul awakened, but it's just a little look."

"Ha ha, where is it?" Xiao Jingnan said with a smile.

Ling Yihuang turned around, faced the waterfall, slowly showed his star soul, and slowly floated in mid-air.