Star Soul Road

Chapter 146 I, Xiao Jingnan, am back

Chapter 146 I, Xiao Jingnan, am back again

The boy came when he heard the sound and saw that the dark black stone had broken into more than ten pieces. First of all, he had already done it in his heart, and then laughed faintly: "Qin Tian, Qin Tian! You also have today. I don't know who you messed with. Several old monsters in the inner valley were imprisoned by their owners. Did you also rush to provoke and kill them now? You deserve it!"

The boy's voice is hoarse, which is clearly not something that a child can make. So, this boy is just a person who has his own appearance and nothing, and seems to have a cold-eyed attitude towards Qin Tian's death.

Soon, the boy walked out of the mourning hall, through several corridors, and disappeared.


"Old goat, is it almost there? Can you slow down!" Xiao Jingnan kept quickering on the back of the Capricorn, and his eyes were still closed, but Capricorn ignored Xiao Jingnan and ran at a speed.

The Capricorn's non-answer made Xiao Jingnan feel very helpless, but he was not used to this state of riding. If he opened his eyes, his stomach would be tumbled and very uncomfortable.

After a long time, Xiao Jingnan squinted and patrolled the Capricorn's back for a while, and finally found that he was about to reach the junction of the inner valley and the outer valley.

Because the junction of the inner valley and the outer valley is often a little abnormal, and there is a vast white fog here. In the eyes of ordinary people, you can only see a few feet away. If you are not careful, you will fall into the fog and get lost at the junction of the inner valley and the outer valley.

However, this fog will not trap the black-level Capricorn. After all, the Capricorn has already used divine consciousness. The biggest feature of the star beast is that the energetic god is much earlier than the human star master, which makes it possible that the high-level star beast will not get lost in the forest at all.

"Xiao Nan, the last time you came in, did the teleporter tell you anything?" Capricorn looked at the fog ahead, and the speed suddenly slowed down.

Xiao Jingnan thought for a moment. At that time, after he defeated the three giant apes, the two guards and the teleporters also said a few words, so he said to the Capricorn, "They said that there seemed to be a transmission array in it, but it had to reach a certain level."

Capricorn nodded and looked at the fog again. After a while, a proud smile appeared on the corners of his mouth and said, "Well! Then let's rush out. It seems that the fog can only work for you star masters who can't use divine consciousness. For me, it's a piece of cake!"

"Is it straight to the outer valley here!" Xiao Jingnan said in surprise that he couldn't believe it. Since he could go straight to the outer valley, he didn't send himself to the edge of the fog at that time. He also used the transmission array and spent a lot of star coins.

Capricorn smiled and said, "Sit down. This fog is actually a confusing thing. You can't use divine consciousness yet, but when you get to Heiyao, you will know."

Before Xiao Jingnan could speak, the Capricorn's hooves rushed into the fog like a sharp sword, and disappeared in an instant. Xiao Jingnan felt the cool fog around him and immediately sighed: "I don't have any clothes on my body. Go back like this. Don't laugh to death for them."

The Capricorn ran while patrolling the movements around. Fortunately, there were no other star beasts or the so-called guardians in the fog, so in a short time, Capricorn ran a few miles.

"Xiaonan, don't worry. Since we have a grudge against this guard, we are not afraid to have more. How about robbing the guard of the outer valley?" Capricorn said excitedly.

"Okay, it's good to rob. It seems that they have a lot of star coins there." Xiao Jingnan said happily, fantasizing about the pleasure of robbing the outer valley guard.

"Star coin!? Why haven't I heard of it? What is this? Capricorn shook his head, as if he didn't know the star coin, but he had a feeling that he must have seen it.

"It is a kind of high-level currency that can be exchanged. There are three colors, light black, blue-black, purple-black, which can directly supplement soul power. It's really a treasure." Xiao Jingnan explained.

"Light black, blue black, purple black!? Isn't this the crystallization of starlight? You actually use it as currency. It's simply a tyranny!" Capricorn thought for a while, and then exhaled bitterly.

"Starlight crystal, you used to call it that. We are all called star coins. It is said that many of them are found from the veins, and there are also some cherished star coin mines." Xiao Jingnan said.

"Such a good treasure, as long as there are star crystals in hand, the soul power will hardly be consumed much. As soon as it is consumed, it can be replenished. It is simply invincible!" Capricorn's heart was dark and he thought about how to rob the outer valley guard later.

The speed of Capricorn accelerated again, and Xiao Jingnan wanted to say a few more words, but this time, the speed of Capricorn reached a terrible peak. Every step could hardly be felt, and the bumps basically disappeared. Xiao Jingnan opened his eyes curiously and looked at the backward fog around him. Unexpectedly, there was no discomfort.

"Huh!? Old goat, why are you so fast this time, and it's not bumpy at all. Xiao Jingnan patted Capricorn on the neck, strangely.

The Capricorn's hoof stepped on it and flew away like a meteor chasing the moon. He said, "This is my physical skill. The clouds fly over, and the eagle is not as good as the eagle!" It's just a little consuming soul power. Grab the star crystal later and feel the refreshment of the supplement.

After saying that, the speed surged again. Xiao Jingnan was like sitting on a flying blanket, moving forward quickly, only a little, almost a slight fluctuation, very comfortable.

"Wow! Old goat, it's so exciting. How did you jump around before? It didn't make me feel uncomfortable. It would be great to use this Liuyun Feidu as soon as possible!" Xiao Jingnan opened his arms, and the oncoming fog hit Xiao Jingnan's chest. Suddenly, bursts of coolness hit him, which was extremely smooth.

"Little Nan, I don't know if you don't use it. Some physical magic skills are very soul-consuming, otherwise in general, who will use it easily? This time, it is estimated that my soul power will be used by 60% to 70%. However, as long as there is no strong man in the outer valley, then I can grab the star crystal without my effort." The Capricorn shouted.

Soon, the Capricorn reached the edge of this fog, and the towering boundary peak had appeared in front of Xiao Jingnan. The forest at the foot of the mountain was still extremely dense, and there was an endless grassland in the distance.

What a familiar scene. Xiao Jingnan looked around excitedly, jumped on the back of the Capricorn, and roared, "I, Xiao Jingnan, am back!"

The roar is not very powerful, not as powerful as the roar of Capricorn, but it is particularly clear in this vast outer valley.

Xiao Jingnan's roar scared several flying star beasts on the peak, and those flying star beasts whined to Xiao Jingnan, as if he wanted to teach this little guy who disturbed him a lesson.

"Well, those star beasts seem to be interested in me." Xiao Jingnan also saw those star beasts who rushed at him fiercely.

The Capricorn's eyes glanced at the star beasts, and a faint pressure was released. Suddenly, the originally vicious star beasts suddenly fled to the peak of the world like crazy, and their movements were extremely flustered, as if they were very afraid of Capricorn.

"You don't have to scare them! We grabbed the roast and ate it later. I haven't eaten for a long time. Although I'm not hungry, I'm also very greedy. Xiao Jingnan licked his lips and said.

If the star master can reach Lan Yao and cultivate his spirit on time, he can not eat for several years. Relying on soul power to maintain the basic circulation of the body, but being able to eat is always much better than nourishing soul power. Food can supplement many things that soul power cannot supplement. This is what most star masters, under ordinary circumstances, will not rush to break through the valley.

"It doesn't matter. Let's go up that mountain and see who is sacred there." Capricorn said that as soon as he stepped on the hooves, he jumped into the air, and the flowing clouds flew across Shi. After a few breaths, he stepped on the land of the boundary peak.


Above the boundary peak, in a cave, a man in a white robe and a black robe sat face to face, with a little uncomfortable face, but neither of them said a word, but just sat quietly.

For a long time, the man in white broke the silence, and the old voice sounded: "Who on earth is this? Who broke out in the fog of the inner valley and the outer valley? If it is a star master, it is enough to have the strength of black light. If it is a star beast inside, it is absolutely impossible."

"Have you forgotten the forbidden place of the deep forest on the first floor of the inner valley? If the star beast inside comes out, it will be strong enough to challenge the star beast on the first floor of the inner valley. I'm afraid that I can't get out of the fog!" The cold voice of the man in black sounded.

"Have you forgotten that Lord Qin Tian on the first floor of the inner valley is at the advanced level of Heiyao. It is said that there is only a purple monkey king in the deep forest forbidden land. How can the star beast of the deep forest forbidden place come out? Lord Qin Tian doesn't know." The old voice of the man in white robe sounded.

"That's true. How could this happen? But in return from the two wolf eagles just now, there is indeed a black shining star beast at the foot of the mountain. What's going on!" The man in black did not know the news that Qin Tian was dead.

"How long can the defense under the mountain withstand? Otherwise, they will come up, and the two of us are not enough." The man in white said, his face was obviously very worried.

"Send a signal to the inner valley first, otherwise even if we die, the inner valley will not send someone here." The man in black clenched his fist and hit the wall of the cave.

"Well, go and observe those two guys, and I'll send a message to Neigu!" The man in white said, got up and left. The man in black looked cold, thought for a while, and then ran to the bottom of the mountain.


"Old goat, how can there be so many falling stones in this peak? If you are not careful, I guess you may also get one or two. It hurts you so much!" Xiao Jingnan looked at the boulders falling from time to time on the peak and said in horror.

Especially just now, a two-foot-square boulder rubbed the back hoof of the Capricorn, and there was only two fingers away from the Capricorn's body. If it was a few centimeters higher, the Capricorn would definitely be hit. Xiao Jingnan couldn't imagine that if it went on like this, he would probably be smashed into a meat pie.

"I suspect that someone did it on purpose, otherwise it won't fall at a distance of dozens of centimeters or even a few centimeters around me. Every time it's a little higher, but if I don't concentrate, I'm likely to be smashed. I'm going to throw everyone above down the mountain." Capricorn gritted his teeth with hatred, and he couldn't wait to go to the top of the mountain immediately and throw the people on it to the foot of the mountain.

"Well, it's better to be careful, or you will be remembered again. This is a mountain peak. It's hundreds of feet away from below. If you are not careful, you are likely to fall to pieces." Xiao Jingnan said worriedly.

"Humph! Look at me. When it's up to the top, let's grab the star coin first. I can find out where the star coin is and add the soul power. Capricorn's body emitted a ray of light in an instant, surrounded himself and Xiao Jingnan, and the flowing clouds flew over and spread out. He was not afraid of the rolling of the boulders. He quickly stepped on the rock wall of the boundary peak and went straight up.