Star Soul Road

Chapter 148 The Difficulty of the Boundary Peak

Chapter 148 The Difficulty of the World Peak (Part 2)

"Bang..." The man in black's body was blown away by Capricorn again, his body smashed several stone pillars, and a large amount of blood spilled into the stone forest on the top of the mountain.

The man in black trembled his hands, and his eyes began to be lax, but the color of resentment did not decrease. It was a pair of hands that were already bloody. He couldn't see a few fingers on it clearly. Almost all stuck together, like a pile of rotten meat.

The Capricorn stood quietly on the edge of the stone forest and looked coldly at the man in black. The murderous spirit in his eyes did not decrease at all, but he did not do it again, because Capricorn knew that the man in black had no strength to be afraid.

The last blow, Capricorn's thunderous attack, smashed the meridians of the man in black's hands like a dragon. Along the meridians, the soul power of the man in black was completely scattered. The meridians were completely destroyed. The man in black had no trace of soul power, leaving only the restless body. .

"Cough..." The man in black coughed up a mouthful of blood again, and the blood stains stuck to the corners of his mouth, which looked a little black and strange. However, the man in black stared at the Capricorn resentfully, even when he was about to die, he did not say a word.

Capricorn looked at the man in black, nodded slightly, and sighed, "You also have a so-called master of God. Neigu and you are also in the same group. I have killed Qin Tian in Neigu. What else do you have to say?"

After saying that, Capricorn stared at the man in black with bright eyes. The extremely hot eyes made the face of the man in black more pale, and the face that had lost too much blood had shown a trace of gray.

When the man in black heard that Neigu Qintian was dead, his body suddenly trembled and his mouth trembled and said, "It's impossible. We obviously contacted Neigu. How can you kill Lord Qin? It's impossible."

After saying that, a wisp of blood overflowed again in his mouth, and his chest gasped unevenly. It seemed that there was an outflow of breath without intake. His face was shocked. The flesh and blood pointed to Capricorn, with three points of disbelief in his eyes, three points of shock, three points of pain, and one decomposition.

"Is there only Qin Tian in the inner valley? He commands his master to hang it in his mouth, and the best is also a sneak attack. You outer valley is the same as the inner valley. You really don't know anything except sneak attack." Capricorn took a few steps, stared at the man in black with sharp eyes, and scolded rudely.

"Haha... The inner valley never cares about the life or death of our outer valley. Over the years, several guards of our outer valley have died. This time, since the inner valley is dead, it's none of my business. However, since you dare to challenge the dignity of the Hidden Dragon Valley, naturally the master sent someone to take action. You can't get to this Hidden Dragon Valley. Cough... ..." The man in black trembled, and the blood in his mouth overflowed again, but the color of the blood had turned black. It seemed that the blood of the internal organs had begun to gush out, and the vitality of the man in black was running out.

"That's good. Let's wait. I'm really afraid that you can't make it. Hidden Dragon Valley, hehe, we'll turn it into Hidden Bug Valley." Xiao Jingnan gathered his eyes on the back of the Capricorn and stared fiercely at the man in black with a golden face.

"Haha..." The man in black laughed three times, and his body trembled and wanted to stand up, but he really had no extra strength. He just trembled several times. Finally, his eyes were lax, and his pupils became as big as the tip of a needle. He fell to the ground heavily and shocked a burst of dust. He could never get up again, and the blood at the corners of his mouth also dried up.

Capricorn glanced at the man in black, turned his hooves, and picked up a stone the size of a man's head. The stone flew to the head of the man in black, smashing the head of the man in black, and the man in black could not die again.

Xiao Jingnan climbed down from the back of the Capricorn, looked at the body of the man in black on the ground, and a trace of cunning flashed in the corners of his eyes. He said, "There is also a man in white, and the Inner Valley Transporter."

Capricorn nodded and said, "Well, let's kill him. None of these people are good goods, and they won't blink even if they kill them. The muscles and bones haven't moved for a long time." The front hoof of the Capricorn was suspended in the air, and the back hoof stood high and roared loudly.

Xiao Jingnan looked at the Capricorn and had an inexplicable emotion in his heart. It seemed that Capricorn accompanied him all the way. No matter what, Capricorn protected himself, which Xiao Jingnan had never encountered on the way.

Xiao Jingnan patted Capricorn's neck and signaled Capricorn to start the next goal. He thought secretly in his heart: Capricorn is a star beast that is also a teacher and friend. No matter what difficulties Capricorn has in the future, he must help Capricorn complete it.

"Okay, kill all the so-called guards of the outer valley here, get our star coins and go out." The Capricorn trembled with dust on his body, stepped on his hoof, and threw Xiao Jingnan behind him from afar.

Xiao Jingnan shook his head, and the tiger shadow unfolded step by step, increasing his speed a little, followed the Capricorn and ran to the cave.

The cave is not far away, and it is only one mile away from the top of the mountain. Capricorn arrived in a few easy steps, and Xiao Jingnan also followed and came to the cave where he saw the man in white.

The mouth of the cave is not big. Inside is a stone table and several stone stools. On the stone wall of the cave, there are several ordinary portraits hanging. An incense table is provided for a statue that Xiao Jingnan does not know at all. There are also a few incense sticks and a few wisps of cigarettes under the statue.

"What about the man in white? Did he run away!?" Xiao Jingnan walked a few steps back and forth in the cave, but the simple furnishings of the cave could not see any treasures, and the man in white disappeared.

The Capricorn lowered his head, sniffed around his nose, raised his head, and stared at one of the portraits. On the portrait was an elder with a Taoist fairy wind, brushing his beard and smiling faintly, but in the eyes of the Capricorn, the smile of the elder of the immortal style was like a treacherous smile.

The Capricorn's eyes flashed sharply, and his hooves gently waved, pushing Xiao Jingnan away what he was still looking for. His throat rolled, and a thunder-like sound was formed in the mouth of the Capricorn, and the sound waves directly hit the portrait that Capricorn thought was strange.

"Bang..." The sound of the Capricorn really hit the top of the portrait. In the portrait, the elder of the fairy wind bone suddenly changed his face. He shook in the portrait, and his face was dark and red, as if he was about to break the drawing paper and go outside.

Xiao Jingnan looked at the strangeness of the portrait, and his face was more strange. Because of the Capricorn, Xiao Jingnan did not feel any danger, but the people in the portrait would move. It was the first time that Xiao Jingnan saw it.

"Puff..." The Capricorn roared again, and the people in the portrait finally couldn't hold on. His face turned purple, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of the portrait. An old man in white appeared in front of the portrait, looking at the Capricorn with a pale face, with a trace of unbelievable light in his eyes.

"You... How can you find mine? Even if your soul power level is Yin Yao, it is impossible to find it. This drawing paper can resist the peep of the strong Yin Yao. The old man in white covered his chest and said, his footsteps were a little stagger.

Capricorn looked coldly at the old man in white: "I didn't find anything at first, but the kind of treachery with your smile is simply a tree. Except for the few famous masters in the world, almost no one can compare, but the other two portraits are very ordinary, so there is a question. The question is you, and it's a very advanced illusion skill.

"Phantom physical skills!?" Xiao Jingnan stood beside the Capricorn and was shocked again. This illusion is simply the most secret way to hide on the eve of the sneak attack. If it comes to combat skills, Xiao Jingnan can also believe it.

The old man in white coughed constantly, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with wisps of blood from time to time. It seemed that every attack of Capricorn made the enemy unable to fight back. This was admired by Xiao Jingnan. One blow was amazing. No matter who he dealt with, he did his best every time. The lion fought with the rabbit, and he did not underestimate the weakness of the rabbit.

"Ha ha, it seems that the second one also died under you, but what do you have to rely on? You dare to fight against Yinlong Valley." The man in white exposed his teeth penetrated by blood in his mouth, and the black and red blood stains were particularly horrible.

Capricorn looked at the old man in white and said, "It's not a big deal. Your god is the master. It can't be the god of ten battle skills. What am I afraid of?" When saying a word, Capricorn was full of self-confidence, and even Xiao Jingnan shook his head. Capricorn's arrogance was indeed great, but this was generally for the enemy.

"Ten combat skills!? It's impossible. The master just..." The old man in white stepped back and pointed directly at the Capricorn in surprise. His voice could not come out of his throat, which was obviously extremely surprising.

"There is no impossible. The star king who is not promoted to Shenyao with ten combat skills can only be regarded as a pseudo-star king. I'm afraid that Jin Yao, who has ten combat skills, can't be beaten." Capricorn looked at the old man in white in front of him faintly and couldn't figure out whether the Ten Battle Skills were really so surprising.

Xiao Jingnan also sighed. His combat skills were obviously more than one level higher than physical skills, and the owner of the old man in white was likely to command a few combat skills, otherwise he would not have such a shocked expression when he heard Capricorn say ten combat skills.

"I don't want to waste any saliva with you. It's better to take the star coins." With a wave of Capricorn's hooves, a black soul wave turbulent to the old man in white ahead.

The old man in white wanted to avoid it, but it was too late. He watched the black soul force cut off his waist, and his eyes were still shocked by the killing speed of Capricorn, and his body had been divided into two halves and rolled to the ground. The tattered internal organs and blood mixed with the soil on the ground, making it a dirty east. West, it emits a disgusting smell.