Star Soul Road

Chapter 156 The first cooperation between Yuhua Valley and Yuhua Mountain

Chapter 156 The first cooperation between Yuhua Valley and Yuhua Mountain

"You guys don't get up in the morning and play mahjong here. It's ridiculous." Xiao Jingnan came up angrily and wanted to mess up the mahjong.

"Hey, hey, Xiaonan, wait a time. You can touch this mahjong by yourself." King Mori immediately rushed out and took a piece of mahjong to Xiao Jingnan.

"What's there to touch, huh!? This is..." Xiao Jingnan still took over the mahjong handed over by the king of Sen. Suddenly, a pure energy in the mahjong poured into Xiao Jingnan's hands. Xiao Jingnan felt very incredible and trembled and said, "What is this? There is such a pure energy. No wonder you don't take care of your spirits."

In fact, there are many star masters on the starry sky continent with the help of some items to replace nourishing the gods. The effect is not only more interesting than nourishing the gods, but also has other effects.

Therefore, as long as most star masters have their own ways to avoid nourishing the spirit every morning, they will still be very willing, because as long as they pass Huang Yao, there will be more alternative methods to nourish the spirit. They can drink subsidies like Hu Ye's tea in the rain flower mountain forest every day, or wear some essence. Jade pendants made of force stones, rings and so on.

However, the strange thing is that Xiao Jingnan actually found that there are still people who use these energy-containing stones to make a pair of mahjong, which can get the purest energy in play to supplement the daily energy consumption. It's incredible.

"Hehe, Xiaonan, this is that you are lagging behind. This mahjong is indeed much more interesting than that boring nourishing. It's not only for fun, but we can also get the most satisfactory energy supplement effect." King Sen patted Xiao Jingnan on the shoulder and explained.

Xiao Jingnan shook his head, grinned, and sighed, "You guys really have a way. Even the three leaders are addicted to this mahjong."

Xiao Jingnan really doesn't understand why these people, including the three wolves who have lived in Yuhua Valley for a long time, are attracted by mahjong, which is a bit like a gambler. Fortunately, Xiao Jingnan did not find that their interests were still gambling, otherwise, Xiao Jingnan would be very angry.

"Little brother, this is what you don't know. You will know when you try this mahjong. It's fun." The third head of the family stepped on the dust with a smile, and hit a tube with his backhand.

Looking at the two tables of mahjong demons in front of him, Xiao Jingnan was speechless and wanted to ask something. Almost all the words on the mahjong table were obtained.

"It's a headache. They really don't know that today is the time to negotiate. Even the three heads... Oh, why won't Capricorn come? Really, really... I want to kill people to relieve boredom!" Xiao Jingnan was holding a breath in his heart. He wanted to release it but couldn't release it. He could only walk irritiously in the yard back and forth, depressed.

Maybe it's boring. The two tables of mahjong finally squatted in the corner of Xiao Jingnan for almost an hour, that is, when the usual rejuveling was almost over. Several mahjong devils finally put away their mahjong, stood up and did warm-up exercises.

"Xiao Nan, why are you squatting here? Let's talk about business." Rong Shao saw Xiao Jingnan squatting aside. He almost had the impulse to cut people, and he ran up with a punch.

"Okay, this is what we want, but our purpose is to enjoy the benefits and coexist peacefully. As long as we follow these two points, the rest is easy to discuss." Step on the moon and slowly show the conditions of the wolf clan.

When Xiao Jingnan heard this, he was happy and said with a smile, "It's a real statement to enjoy good benefits and coexist peacefully. Then we will do it."

"Well, of course, you still have teachers. As long as your teachers agree, we can further cooperate, but the most basic thing is to enjoy the benefits and coexist peacefully. Otherwise, for the future of the wolf clan, we can only let you have the right to live in Yuhua Valley. The rest is great." Dust frowned, and his face showed a trace of sadness.

Several people in Xiao Jingnan saw it and knew that although the red-eyed blood wolf was a little cruel, it had maintained the ecological balance of the outer valley. If this matter broke the balance of Yuhua Valley, Xiao Jingnan felt that what he did was not right, so Xiao Jingnan would also return to Yuhua Academy and try to talk to the dean. As long as these two points are followed, the first cooperation between Yuhua Mountain and Yuhua Valley will be perfectly achieved.

"Well, the three heads, I will try my best to strive for the peace of Yuhua Valley and Yuhua Mountain. If possible, then when we come back, it will be the time for Yuhua Valley and Yuhua Mountain to reach an agreement." Xiao Jingnan said what he thought with joy.

"Okay, we are also looking forward to it. Can you such a young purple star master develop our Hidden Dragon Valley Outer Valley again? At that time, the Inner Valley will no longer look down on us." The voice of stepping on the moon was a little excited. This was the first time that I felt the opportunity to surpass the inner valley after my ethnic group was forced to come out of the inner valley.

"Ha ha, in this case, our business is done, haha!" King Mori was full of joy and laughed happily.

"Haha, I haven't been so happy for a long time. On the other hand, we have to constantly hand over expensive supplies to the boundary peak to maintain the survival status of our red-eyed blood wolf in the outer valley. Otherwise, ten * will be eradicated by the boundary peak or drive out of the hidden dragon valley directly. However, you have appeared. This time, we are on the same front." I felt it when I stepped on the moon. I understood all this, and the credit was attributed to Xiao Jingnan and Capricorn's looting of the world.

"Oh!? It turns out that Jiefeng still has such a relationship with you. No wonder you hear that Xiaonan destroyed Jiefeng, one is happy, and the other is afraid. King Mori finally knew that the three wolves were shocked on the spot after hearing that Xiao Jingnan had destroyed the boundary peak, and from their eyes, the information read was better interpreted at this time.

"Haha, but in the future, the boundary peak has become history. In the future, the red-eyed blood wolf will truly become the hegemon of the outer valley, not a puppet of the boundary peak." The moon smiled fiercely, and the voice penetrated the sky and spread in the air of the Rain Flower Valley.

"Ha ha, the head of the family, don't be too excited. Aren't you afraid that the inner valley will send people out to guard the boundary peak!?" Xiao Jingnan asked a question that he really wanted to know, but was very confused.

"Well, what are you afraid of? Except for the ethereal teleporters, the people above the boundary peak are all driven out of the inner valley. Although they are a little powerful, they die. Unless it is a good profit, the inner valley will never care about their life or death." Stepping on the snow explained to Xiao Jingnan.

Everyone nodded and understood the special status of Outer Valley in Hidden Dragon Valley. Once the hidden danger is eliminated, it will give the red-eyed blood wolf family an unprecedented opportunity to develop and grow.

"Well, that's it, but what's the level of the illusory carrier? I still think that the man is really surprisingly bold. He is almost fearless in the face of the old goat that can be killed at once. The clouds are light and the wind is light. I can't do it at all." Xiao Jingnan remembered the demeanor of the man in white, which was a kind of light wind.

"Well, the transmitter, I've only seen it once, but even the two black scums in the outer valley are full of fear of him. Therefore, I think the real strength of the transmitter is not only as simple as black light, otherwise it is likely that there may be a higher-level holy star master standing behind him." I also heard some news from the transmitter. When I think about it, it is also very novel.

"So that's it, but at that time, the old goat saw that he was hiding his cultivation, but it was indeed the level of Heiyao, and he was about to reach Yinyao. Isn't this his real cultivation!" Xiao Jingnan was a little suspicious of the true identity of the transmitter.