Star Dragonkui

Chapter 7 Expedition to North Myanmar

In November, Tengchong, Yunnan.

Through the rugged mountain road garrisoned by the Chinese army, a newly built military base is displayed in front of it. The brightly outlined planet pattern on the high blue flag shows that it temporarily belongs to the Star Alliance and enters the barracks. There are eye-catching Chinese and English logos on the wooden board, telling people that this place is currently belongs to the star. 503rd Regiment of the 5th Airborne Division of the Ball Alliance.

It's almost winter, and the weather is still sunny. On the quiet playground, more than 100 heroes from all over the world are standing upright. Half a month of intense training is over. Lieutenant Colonel Li Delong, the highest officer they can see, is making his final lecture: "Guys, I would like to introduce you the weight of the two planetary coalition forces. Partners, Major Deng Yumin of the Chinese Border Defense Force and Major Ghana Gu of the Myanmar Border Defense Force, if you unfortunately fall behind on the battlefield, ask for help from the neighboring border guards as much as possible. Now, I announce the official end of the two-week special training.

After the thunderous applause, Zhong Ge continued his generous statement: "Tomorrow, you will drive to the ancient primitive forest as the heroes of the Star Alliance. Remember: your task is to find the nests of the Star Monsters, not to destroy them. It is the matter of the Alliance Air Force. Well, let's not say more. Finally, let's talk about it. I only have one request for you: come back alive, thank you!"

There was another thunderous applause, and then the white major Thomson, the representative of the Chinese border defense force and the representative of the Myanmar border defense force spoke one after another. Finally, Lieutenant Cai Heping, the direct commander of the team, was mobilized before the battle, and then distributed the last batch of equipment and materials.

"He Xiaohu, a third-class soldier in the third platoon of F Company of the 2nd Battalion!"


"Duan Fei, a third-class soldier of the F Company of the 2nd Battalion!"


Duan Fei went up to pick up those materials: an atlas of northern Myanmar, an emergency address book, a simple first aid kit, a Monte alloy dagger, a partner contactor, a GPS multi-functional watch... There are really a lot of things. Duan Fei is most interested in this Monte alloy dagger, which is the joint number of Huanyu Company. A new alloy jointly developed by the Fifth Science and Technology Research Institute of the Three Space Administration is made of element 719 on Planet 7 and element 516 on Mars and adding a certain proportion of carbon. It has excellent hardness and toughness, and the hardness index reaches 12 times that of diamond. It is the second strongest alloy in the world known at present. , second only to Moya alloy. Duan Fei carefully played with this Monte dagger. Obviously, this dagger is not made of pure Monte alloy. The blade body of the dagger is only ordinary high-strength steel. Only the Monte material is used on the tip of the blade. Duan Fei held the dagger and tried the feel. It's not bad. If it really meets a monster, only this thing can be used. Automatic steps The gun can't hurt those beasts at all. Only this thing can cut the reinforced fur of the interstellar monster and must vigorously poke its knife tip into the monster's body. Only in this way can it cause fatal killing. This requires close combat. It is clear how dangerous it is to fight with crazy monsters. He decided to try to put forward his own idea: "Simon, can you give us a Monte knife? This dagger is too short to use."

"Yes, we should be replaced with a Montelong knife!" At this time, several other mercenaries in the crowd responded positively.

Li Delong gave a regretful expression on his face: "Due to insufficient funds, we can't equip Montelong Dao. I'm sorry, I think this has been clearly written in the first intention agreement. In addition, I want to reiterate that your task is not to destroy monsters. Instead, find their nests.

Yes, Duan Fei retreated ably. At the first interview, he said that the weapon was only equipped with an automatic rifle, a flamethrower and a Monte dagger. The N85 automatic rifle has a 11.6 mm caliber, with a bullet flying speed of 800 meters per second and a shooting speed of 120 rounds per minute. Such parameters are not harmful to most interstellar monsters and can only be used to clean up young monsters. Flamethrowers can only force the monster back and cannot cause direct killing. The only thing that can kill The adult monster is this Monte dagger, looking for the nest of monsters. How likely is it that they will have a head-on confrontation in the process? Besides, who doesn't want to get more money when you come out? Killing a monster can get tens of thousands of yuan. Everyone came here to be a mercenary just to earn a few small money!

"Sir," someone raised another question: "I heard that there are many non-governmental armed forces in northern Myanmar. What if we encounter these people? Do you want to open fire?

This question made Major Garnagu extremely embarrassed. He looked at Li Delong, and the lieutenant colonel frowned and replied, "If they are willing to treat you as friends, just say hello to them."

"To be a friend?" The dark-skinned corporal smiled at his comrades around him, "Will those drug dealers treat us as friends? It's strange not to make us into a sieve."

At this time, their company commander, Lieutenant Cai Heping, walked forward and said loudly, "If someone shoots at you, you have the right to defend yourself."

"Self-defense?" Several soldiers fiddled with the Monte dagger and made a burst of laughter. These are mercenaries. They have loose discipline, ignore the officers, and there is nothing they can do. According to the Union Mercenary Regulations, these people have the right to opt out at any time. Of course, in that case, not only can they not get one, but also have to make up for food, accommodation, etc. The calculation will not be less than a thousand yuan, which is a terrible number for these poor people.

Next, the questions of the guys are even more strange. For the sake of tomorrow's expedition, Li Delong and Cai Heping are quite patient today. Thomson, a white major in the regimental department, is also very enthusiastic, and the officers enthusiastically answered all kinds of questions from their subordinates. After solving the psychological problem, the next step is to prepare for the battle. There are nine people in Duan Fei's team. The specific names are: Class 1 of the 3rd Group of the F Company of the 2nd Battalion of the 503rd Airborne Division of the 5th Group of the Star Alliance, Shi Weidong, the deputy squad leader Zhao Changzhi, and other members include Duan Fei, He Xiaohu, Hu Mingyi, Tudou, Lao Zhang, Xiao Li, Jin Daxia.

Their preparation is to play cards, *, just three tables.

Duan Fei is not very good at gambling. He lost more than 90 yuan in a day. In this regard, Lao Zhang is a good hand. Two lose and one wins. In addition, Lao Zhang has been busy for a day and has achieved great results. 160 yuan at the base for two days. The materials in the base are specially provided, which is quite cheap. Two yuan for a beer, and more than 20 yuan is enough for stir-frying two small dishes. If you don't want to eat in the canteen, tell the cooking class and get 20 yuan of food subsidies, and it's almost enough to eat at the military club for a day.

The next dawn.

On the rugged mountain road, seven trucks mezed forward, and more than 100 alliance mercenaries with ghosts embarked on a vast journey. From Tengchong to Mychina, it is estimated that it will take more than 200 kilometers to run for three hours, and the mountain road is not easy to walk.

"This is the famous Sdeville Highway, which has just been renovated two years ago." Lao Zhang, with a black and shiny N85, looks in good spirits. Compared with Dai Anlan's troops back then, this group of people is obviously much more leisurely in northern Myanmar.

Xiao Li was the most nervous one in the car. His face was white and sickly. In addition, when he was nervous, his teeth trembled and his whole body trembled. He looked very funny in the dark carriage. Duan Fei, who was sitting next to him, poked him gently with his elbow. This was just a very ordinary little action, but Xiao Li's reaction was quite exaggerated. , suddenly bounced up like an electric shock, and the nozzle of the flame launcher suddenly fell off. The car shook on the mountain road, and the long nozzle shook in front of the soldiers. Xiao Li wanted to grab him. As a result, the car shook, and he slipped and lay his hands in front of the big brothers. Everyone coaxed. With a smile, the tension suddenly disappeared.