Star Dragonkui

Chapter 9 500,000 Unicorns

A group of people walked listlessly in the jungle, and they were too tired to move. Think about it, how tired it would be for Dai Anlan's troops to wander around this damn place for a few months? Human beings have progressed, but some things seem to be deteriorating.

"Let's take a break." Zhao Changzhi saw that the big guy had never suffered so much and shouted to Shi Weidong, the monitor walking in the middle of the team.

Now it's time for Tudou and Hu Mingyi to open the road in front. As soon as they heard that there was a rest, the two soft feet sat on the withered grass mat together. Shi Weidong looked again. In addition to the deputy monitor Zhao Changzhi, who still gritted his teeth and could persist, only Duan Fei and himself could continue to walk. I can't help it. After all, this group of people are not the ones before liberation. They have never suffered so much. Let's rest. "Let's rest in place."

Duan Fei looked very energetic. He found a piece of land and sat down, secretly transporting his own work, and his breath flowed. Through the twelve meridians, the strengthening of animal blood was really useful. After more than a year of animal blood, Du Fei's progress was quite rapid. Ren Du's two veins have been completely opened, and the twelve meridians are almost almost the seven meridians. The eight veins are looming. Now the most important thing is the money. We must get 50,000 yuan. Manager Cai of Nantong Company has got a strengthened red wolf. Although his strength is not as good as the fire cloud war wolf, it is five times stronger than the ordinary red wolf. Manager Cai's price is really not high. If he finds the owner of the goods, there are 200,000 yuan, but Lao Cai sees that For the sake of partners, the price is 50,000 yuan, which is really cheap.

After adjusting his breath, Duan Fei walked to the front of the team and raised his telescope to look around.

"I said, don't fucking get in the way. You are crazy all day long. There are no devils in this place. Even if there are, there are only a bunch of bones left." Jin Daxia drank a few mouthfuls of water and ate something to calm down and roared at him.

Duan Fei put down his telescope, turned his head and stared at him, but did not say anything.

The golden hero turned his eyes and said, "What's the matter? Unconvinced, son of a bitch, I will slap you back to Guangdong.

Duan Fei was scolded inexplicably, but he still couldn't help but say anything. He couldn't be serious with low-quality people. He hung up his binoculars, climbed up an old tree and visited the distance.

"Afei, you are a monkey, right? It's really sharp to climb up the tree, miso, miso, miso, miso, go up. Sun Wukong is your cousin, right?" Old Zhang is more friendly.

" monitor, I saw a zebra unicorn!" Duan Fei turned around and shouted.

"What? Zebra unicorn!" Xiao Li is also excited. "I heard that the black market has sold for 70 or 80,000 yuan."

"If you catch it alive, you can sell it for 500,000 yuan, and you will make a fortune." Jin Daxia picked up the rifle and greeted everyone to get ready to do it.

"Wait," Duan Fei jumped down from the tree and said calmly, "This beast is difficult to deal with. I think it's better to pull Class 2 together."

"Is there any mistake? Our class can't deal with a monster, so what's wrong?" Lao Zhang is also ready to fuck N85.

"Guys, rifle bullets are useless for adult monsters. Let's change into Monte daggers!" Duan Fei caught up and shouted loudly.

"Cut, there's something wrong with you. If you have a gun, you don't need to change the dagger. Your brain is flooded!" Jin walked in the front with N85.

"Afei is right. As the instructor has said, many monsters have very thick fur, and rifles can't be penetrated at all. Let's use daggers." Monitor Shi Weidong also greeted everyone to change their equipment, but few people listened to him. This is a mercenary, a group of Jianghu rangers, organized and undisciplined.

Duan Fei glanced around. Except for the monitor and the deputy monitor, no one else changed into the Monte dagger. Jin Daxia and Tudou rushed faster. Xiao Li walked at the end with a flamethrower on his back. In front of him were Lao Zhang and Hu Mingyi. He Xiaohu followed him. The monitor and deputy monitor followed Jin Daxia and Tu. Behind the beans.

"Xiao Li, keep up. Flamethrowers can suppress monsters at critical moments. Your burden is not light." Duan Fei shouted eagerly.

They have been able to see the zebra unicorn from afar. It is about 40 to 50 meters away. It looks very tall, two or three meters high, taller than an adult elephant. It has stripes like a zebra all over its body, but its fur is not as smooth and neat as a zebra. Except for the thick folds, it is covered with gravel all over its body. Like a piece of scale, the big guy lowered his head and shrank his nose to inquire around in the dead grass, obviously foraging.

Shi Weidong began to deploy his own people, "Xiao Li, you are on the right, hiding behind the tree. Jin Daxia and Tudou are responsible for leading the guy over with firepower, and then you set it on fire. If you want to burn it fiercely, you must suppress it, and then..."

"Come on, monitor, it's rushing over." Before Shi Weidong finished his arrangement, Duan Fei shouted. The beast's nose was really smart. He smelled the smell of human beings from afar and roared and rushed over.

Shi Weidong looked up. Good boy, this thing rushed quite fiercely. The distance of dozens of meters arrived in the blink of an eye. There was no time to deploy it, and the battle began in such a hurry.

"Da, Da, Da, Da, Da, Da, Da, Da, Da," Jin Daxia and Tudou greeted the beast with full power as soon as they left and right.

Dozens of bullets on each side hit the tall monster and emitted bursts of smoke. When this thing rushed to the front of them, everyone found that it was really not afraid of bullets. Now he panicked. Jin Daxia was nervous and hit it directly with a gun and turned around and ran away. The potato did not run away by the sharp corner of the beast. With a strange cry, a 1.8-meter-big man was lifted up and turned upside down.

"Xiao Li, flamethrower!" Duan Fei flashed to the right side of the monster with a dagger in his hand and greeted Xiao Li loudly.

Xiao Li held up the nozzle but couldn't spit out the fire. The boy was nervous and didn't turn on the switch. His hands shook like a sieve and didn't touch the switch for a long time.

"Oh!" The monster roared, and Xiao Li slipped under his feet. The switch turned upside down, and the nozzle fell into the grass. The dead grass was blown by the wind, and the fire was quite fierce.

Although the monster is fierce, after all, it inherited the fine tradition of its ancestors - afraid of fire, the dead grass around Xiao Li burned, and the monster's body rushed to the side. This time, Duan Fei suffered. Fortunately, he had a light skill. Seeing a few tons of monster hit him, Duan Fei stretched out an old vine with his left hand and put his right foot a little on the tree. The son dangled against the monster, the knife of his right hand scratched the thick scales, and a blood stain of more than ten centimeters appeared on the side abdomen of the monster.

The monster was pierced by Duan Fei, and was suddenly angered, roared, and attacked everyone around him crazily. He went to the top with sharp corners and hit it with his body. Two small trees with thick bowls were broken by it. Even the old tree with a thick basin was hit by it. Lao Zhang's back He was hit and lay on the ground and hummed. Jin Daxia dodged a few times in a row, and finally got hit. Fortunately, the sharp corner only touched his clothes. The monster's neck hit his bear waist and lay on the ground for a long time and couldn't get up. As soon as the potato came up, it was opened by its sharp corner. The blood flowed straight, and the little tiger sprinkled the whole bag of thrombin. On his wound, the blood did not seem to flow, but the potato's face became paler and paler. No matter how the little tiger shouted potato, there was no response. Xiao Li hid behind the raging fire, but the monster did not chase him. Duan Fei grabbed an old vine and wandered around in the air. The knife scratched a map on the monster, and there were several blood stains. The monster hated him and ran around, but he could not bite Duan Fei. Shi Weidong was also bold and rode directly to the monster's neck. On top, the masked dagger of his right hand plunged into the monster's neck fiercely, and then hugged the sharp corner of the monster with both hands. Deputy squad leader Zhao Changzhi took the monster's tail with his left hand and pricked his right hand fiercely. Hu Mingyi picked up the butt of the gun and smashed it to death.