Star Dragonkui

Chapter 13 The Best Sword

After two days of conditioning, Duan Fei's injury basically recovered. After being acquainted with her twice, he quickly became acquainted with the beautiful nurse. Her name is Guo Xiaoyan, from Hunan. She just graduated from the nursing school of the Military Medical University in July this year. Guo Xiaoyan doesn't know Liu Qing. She should not have graduated yet and may still stay in Shanghai to study.

Duan Fei really had to be discharged from the hospital. He received a phone call from Zhao Changzhi. In the days when he was hospitalized, the military operation code-named Qixing had just ended. Class 2 found the monster's nest. The air force completed the attack. The effect of the attack is currently being evaluated. 127 soldiers in the whole company, the most There were only 46 people standing on the playground to call, and more than 30 people left their lives and courage in the dense jungle. Nearly half of the troops were seriously injured. They were mercenaries, and the troops were about to disperse. Naturally, people like him had to rush there for a drink.

Guo Xiaoyan did not want him to be discharged from the hospital, not solely because of nostalgia, but more because of medical considerations. Zhao insisted that he stay and continue treatment, and also transferred him to Kunming.

"Dr. Zhao said that there was a serious problem with your blood test."

"What's the problem?"

"The medical team here can't make a diagnosis. They suspect that you have a serious blood system disease."

"What is a blood system disease? Is it leukemia or something?"

"They said it's not very similar. It seems that everyone hasn't figured out what's wrong with you now. Dr. Zhao said that he would have a bone marrow puncture test with you and invite experts from Kunming to come for consultation. I have read your blood test report. White blood cells, red blood cells and platelets are all high, which is two or three times normal, which is very serious. The problem."

"Isn't it good to have high white blood cells and high red blood cells? It shows that my body is great. I don't need them to look at it. I know what's wrong."

"Where is it?"

"There is something wrong with my brain." Duan Fei's expression was actually very serious when he said this.

"You still have the mind to joke. I'll tell you something serious," Guo Xiaoyan was a little anxious. "It's not what you think. Some things can't be more or less. It's not normal if they are too high. There will be problems in the future."

"What will happen?"

"Dr. Zhao is not very clear about this." Guo Xiaoyan looked at him seriously: "This is a very serious problem. Don't take it lightly. Blood system diseases are very dangerous."

"I've died several times. I'm not afraid. Except for something wrong with my brain, my body is very good."

No matter how hard Guo Xiaoyan tried, Duan Fei was determined to return to the front line. Dr. Zhao took a document for automatic discharge and asked him to sign, and then he said goodbye to the lovely little girl Yan and went back there secretly.

A zebra unicorn, a black-skinned wild boar, and a colorful rooster sold 290,000 yuan. Duan Fei participated in all the battles and naturally received more money, more than 40,000 yuan. In addition, the battlefield subsidy is almost 50,000 yuan. After getting the money, it's time for everyone to break up after a drink. In the evening, Li Delong sent people to send people. Come and find Duan Fei.

As the supreme commander of the 503 Regiment and the actual ruler of this base, Lieutenant Colonel Li Delong looks worried. Unexpectedly, the monster's nest has been blown up. It's a great achievement, so the lieutenant colonel should be able to laugh loudly, write a report, and then wait for his promotion, but look at his current face is really bad.

Duan Fei is not a nosy person. He has got 50,000 yuan, which is enough, but it is strange that he still came to Li Delong's office, a large house, which is not exquisitely decorated. The simple and bright style shows that he is not a master of tongue. .

"Are you Duan Fei?"

"Yes, Shangguan."

"It seems that I came to you to find the right person." Li Delong paced in the spacious and bright house. He suddenly stopped by the window. There was a very delicate knife rack on the table. He grabbed the one-meter-long sword and walked to Duan Fei. "Would you like to try it?"

It's really a good knife. The workmanship is exquisite. Duan Fei pulled out the knife body, and the snowy knife body was dazzling. Monte War Knife!" Duan Fei muttered to himself, and there was an indescribable shock when he held the knife in his hand. He put down the scabbard and waved a few stabs, "Good knife!"

Li Delong nodded and smiled: "It's a 100% good knife, but it's not the Monte sword you imagined!"

Duan Fei put away his long knife and turned his head to look at the lieutenant. To be honest, he has only seen the Monte War Knife from afar in the Senior Military Club. The price of the five-level Monte War Knife with a content of about 5% is 200,000 yuan, which is a high-end consumer product that he is completely deterred from, and the best Monte War Knife in the legend is the thousand-level, 99.9 % high purity Monte alloy, the price is unimaginable by Duan Fei.

"You take a closer look." Li Delong smiled at him gently with a kind expression.

Duan Fei's martial arts skills are not weak, but because he has no money, he really hasn't seen a high-class war knife. He once again pulled out the high-level war knife treasured by Lieutenant Colonel and played well. The feeling of holding the first-class war knife in his hand is really different. There is a kind of momentum.

"This is a thousand-level Monte Warrior, with a market price of 12 million."

Duan Fei was so scared that he spit out his tongue.

"If you can help me do something, this knife belongs to you."

"What's so important!" In any case, Duan Fei can't give up this treasure knife worth 12 million. For a martial arts apprentice, he dreams of having a best weapon. "What's the matter?"

"Help me find someone and bring him back alive."

"Who is so important?"

"You don't need to know this. You just need to find him and bring him back. As for your men, you can choose by yourself. This action is not only my personal intention, but also the military's intention. You can think of it as a formal military operation.

"What about them? What can they get to complete the task?

"One million cash rewards, how to divide it is your business."

"Okay, let's talk about the one we are looking for."

"He is an American, his name is Larkin, L*inMadison, and he speaks Chinese. He is a captain pilot of the 101 Airborne Division of the Star Alliance. He disappeared five days ago in the area border between Kachin and the State of the State of Chen. We have found his helicopter wreckage, and the damage is not serious. He should be able to survive. Of."

"Do you suspect that he was taken away by nearby tribal forces?"


"Then why did they take him away? Do these tribal armed forces have the courage to challenge the Star Alliance?

"Maybe they are just curious, maybe they want to get some money from the Americans, maybe they have other purposes, and now the worst thing is that we don't know which armed force took him away, but no matter which team, they are unlikely to take the initiative to let him out."

"Yes, if the coalition forces know their identity, they will naturally send troops to destroy them."

"Yes, they would rather kill the hostages than let him out at the risk of revealing their identity, so your group must move quickly. After all, the patience of these people is limited."

"What if he is already dead?"

"Bring back his body with a bonus of 500,000 yuan, don't think about it."

How can such an opportunity be missed with a thousand-level Monte sword worth 12 million? Of course, those illegal armed forces that have been selling drugs for many years are not easy to deal with, and they may still encounter fierce monsters again in the jungle.