Star Dragonkui

Chapter 16 Where is Larkin

Although the old lady is very helpless, she can only obey. Duan Fei can't be sure whether this move can work. Now that there are few people in the whole Zhao family courtyard, what should you let him do? Zhao Pengcheng is really inexplicable. Is it difficult to talk about anything that doesn't matter?

Apart from Duan Fei's team's strength, behind him is a powerful planetary coalition. As long as he says hello, more than a dozen helicopter gunships will be killed immediately. How can he fight this group of drug dealers? Zhao Pengcheng's head was really squeezed by the door. Even if he could kill this sea breeze group, what about the planetary coalition? Can he handle it?

No matter what Zhao Pengcheng thinks about this waste material, Duan Fei took the sea breeze team to directly occupy the Zhao family's compound. He would like to see what Zhao Pengcheng was going to do next.

Zhao Pengcheng appeared the next afternoon. He didn't bring any of his subordinates. His boss, Master Pao, was tied up by himself. It seems that this boy is not a filial son. He can escape from the Blue and Flower Valley, but he can't escape from the palm of Master Pao's hand. This is exactly what Duan Fei could expect. Now Duan Fei has taken away Zhao Pengcheng's old nest. The next step should be Master Pao came out to make a statement. I believe that no one in this area wants to attract more than a dozen helicopter gunships. Everyone came out to fight desperately, but not desperately. He doesn't have the courage to play with the planetary coalition.

Duan Fei is not a polite person. Zhao Pengcheng, who received a lot of flowers, didn't even bother to buy him a sip of tea, and directly sent the cannon master away. Now he has no patience. He needs to know the result. Where is Lajin? Is it dead or alive?

Zhao Pengcheng's story disappointed everyone. Duan Fei was not the most disappointed one. The best sword worth 12 million was gone. He was not the most frustrated one. The most ugly one was Li Delong.

That day, Larkin's helicopter crashed. Zhao Pengcheng was coming from China with a group of people. Unfortunately, he bumped into it. When this guy saw that there was an accident with the military helicopter, he naturally wanted to go up to find something valuable to see if there was anything valuable. His men found that the pilot was not dead, but It seems that the injury was not light. Zhao Pengcheng originally didn't want to take him away and take a wounded man back to do something, but the pilot begged bitterly, begging them not to leave him alone, and promised to give them a reward afterwards. Zhao Pengcheng agreed. Who knew that La Jin had a high fever that night, Zhao Pengcheng had no Nai had to find a doctor from the city to see him. Unexpectedly, Larkin's condition deteriorated rapidly. Not only did he have a high fever, but he soon fell into a coma and convulsions all over his body. He died two days later.

"Where's the doctor?" Duan Fei stared at Zhao Pengcheng and asked.

"Of course I won't leave him alive to talk nonsense."

"Why didn't you report this to the Star Alliance earlier?"

"The man is dead. Will the coalition believe my words?"

"But at least it's better than now."

"If someone hadn't exposed the wind, I wouldn't have been restless. A large number of people are killed every day. Isn't there just one pilot? After a while, everyone will forget this matter."

"You're right. The coalition forces are killed every day, but this pilot coalition will not forget it."

"Is he still a character?"

"Yes, all right, take us to find his body."

Zhao Pengcheng led Duan Fei to find a wild grave in the woods, and many people have been waiting there. It seems that the efficiency of the coalition intelligence system is still quite high. Li Delong's face is quite ugly. Lajin's death obviously caused him heavy losses. Duan Fei lost a best sword, plus 500,000 planet coins, so Li De Long's losses are obviously more than this number.

The body has begun to rot. The soldiers put the body in a black bag and carried it to the helicopter. Li Delong was going to follow the army, so he temporarily changed his mind and decided to go to Awana.

Duan Fei felt a little strange about Li Delong's change. He suddenly had an unpleasant feeling. As a senior commander of the planetary coalition in northern Myanmar, he suddenly decided to visit the small town of Avana, which only showed what was going on there. Li Delong did not go with Duan Fei. The regimental commander took a helicopter. Duan Fei also had to drive the van back to Avana and return it to the landlord. He arbitrarily requisitioned his house and car. Although he could not pay the rent, the car should still be returned to others. After all, he was not a robber.

When Duan Fei returned to Awana, he finally understood the reason why Li Delong temporarily decided to visit the town. The town was basically empty. In the past two days, they went to Blue and Flower Valley in the past two days. As soon as they came back, Avana almost became an empty city. Where did everyone go?

They were all scared away by the monsters. On the night Duan Fei and they left, the monsters began to appear. At first, it was just a black-skinned wild boar running out to harm people. The next morning, dozens of all kinds of monsters appeared. The residents of the town who could run away and died tragically. Duan Fei drove When he returned to the town, the monster had moved and did not know which land it would harm.

The whole town is full of bones, which is extremely tragic. Li Delong and others are preparing to retreat, and Duan Fei's group did not dare to stay for a long time. They drove the van to Mizhi.

Fortunately, he did not encounter fierce monsters along the way. The first thing Duan Fei did when he returned to the barracks was to find Li Delong. First, he had to return the borrowed military supplies to cancel the accounts, and second, he had to cash Li Delong's 500,000 bonus. Li Delong is a very trustworthy person. The 500,000 bonus was issued on the spot. Duan Fei took Li Delong out for a drink at night. He also knew that the officer was in a bad mood now. Lakin's death must have caused him heavy losses, and the tragedy in Awana made him worse.

"Lakin is dead, isn't the head of the regiment a big loss?" With two glasses of wine, there will be more talk about two people.

"It goes without saying that it doesn't make sense to say this now. If Larkin doesn't die, do you know what benefits it gives me? Division, Major General, alas!" No wonder Li Delong is so depressed. Major General, that's the position that many soldiers dream of, and the fat difference is drifting away. How depressed he is.

"What's the end of this pulling gold? How can there be such a big benefit in it?"

"You don't understand. Larkin is just a small pilot, nothing special. What's special is his family. His father is prominent in the military."

"Let me think about it, there are only a few generals from the United States in the Star Alliance, and there seems to be no Madison, but there seems to be a navy * named James Madison in the U.S. military. Is it related to this big man?"

"You are so sure that Larkin is his precious son."

"Is the Star Alliance also quite close to the U.S. military?"

"Nonsense, China and the United States are the two largest shareholders of the Star Alliance. The senior commanders of the planetary coalition are either Chinese or Americans, so if you want to get along better in the planetary coalition, you'd better beat the military bosses of China and the United States."

"I don't think Larkin's death is necessarily an accident. He is a pilot with rich flight experience. How can he crash in fine weather?"

"From the scene of the accident, there was obvious impact damage to the nose, which should have hit the treetops."

"How can it be that a long-standing pilot hit a treetop without the threat of fire? This is not nonsense."

"Anyway, it's a plane crash. Why can't we worry about the crash?"

"That's not necessarily true. I think Larkin's helicopter may have been attacked in the air and then crashed."

"Attack? You are really a fool of those experts. If there is space * attack, they won't see it?

"I think it may be an attack by a bird-like interstellar monster, which directly hit the nose of the helicopter, and the bird's claws pierced the windshield and seriously injured Larkin. I saw Larkin's body at the excavation site. I didn't see the chest clearly, but there were scars on my neck."

"Birds Star Monsters?" Li Delong muttered to himself.

Do you really have bird monsters? How many mysterious enemies are hiding in the dark in this mysterious Savage Mountain?