Star Dragonkui

Chapter 22 Looking for Hints

After the new rain in the empty mountain, a spring rain washed the already quiet Meigong Mountain. Duan Fei dressed in white practice clothes and practiced on the edge of the pavilion. It has been more than half a month. The first picture of Taiyi is becoming more and more impervious. Songzhu mountains and rivers, high and low, where does the wind come from? A pool of spring water goes east, and two rows of green mountains are on my chest. The wind comes from the sky, and the wind comes from the water. How can the wind come if Songzhu hasn't moved?

The ancient animal bone bracelet is on the wrist, and the strange white flower snake tongue grass hangs on the chest. These two things from the unknown era are quiet like dead grass and rotten wood at this moment without any luster. How can we give full play to the effect of these two treasures? You can't ask others about this kind of thing. What will happen if you let the master know that you have two kinds of treasures in your hand? Even the most ethical master in the world is afraid that he can't resist the ** and evil thoughts of treasures, so he is the only trustworthy in the world, including the meridian. He doesn't intend to say it. It's not that he can't believe him. The main reason is that his mouth is not tight enough. In case he says it after drinking one day, he is bound to kill him. .

Duan Fei practiced for four hours and got up. He planned to visit the master's grave again. Since this white snake tongue grass is a relic of his ancestor, maybe he can find some inspiration at the master's grave. He must know how to use this thing. He should always keep hints, which he has often seen in novels before. Some foreign high-level people will leave a hint for predestined people before they die. As long as they find this hint and figure out the use of this thing, they can play its magical effect.

The valley after the rain is muddy, but Duan Fei is a very patient child. It is definitely impossible to have no patience in finding the use of ancient magic weapons. He believes that his grandfather must have left some important revelations for his disciples and grandchildren. He must find it out as soon as possible. Ziwu, an old fool, doesn't know anything. , it's really annoying.

Duan Fei did not use the crescent arc to open the way this time. He used excellent light skills. He didn't want to leave a lot of chicken feathers to let the old man quarrel with himself. He gently stepped on the top of the grass and flew straight to the ancestral grave. First, he made three times to the old man, and then surrounded him. When the cemetery wanders around, this tomb is really not well built. There is no brick or stone. It is completely integrated with the hills next to it, and there is not even a small earth bag. Except for the iconic old tree, you can't tell which one is the cemetery. Such a tomb is indeed hidden. Except for insiders, no one will know that it is still buried here. A master.

Duan Fei circled around the cemetery several times without finding any clues. Finally, his eyes stopped on the old tree. The locust flowers hit by the rain were particularly gorgeous and fragrant. Did he take out his camera on this tree and was about to take two photos. Suddenly, he remembered that it was polite to take pictures at the grave. He heard that it was easy to anger and die. Ling caused a lot of trouble. Although Duan Fei said that he was not afraid of heaven and earth, he was still a little afraid of this kind of ghosts and gods.

This grandfather is really not interesting enough to do things. Leave a hint to make it mysterious. Duan Fei's so smart brain can't figure out. He is going to meet Guo Jing's character. This leaf is designated as invalid. I don't know how many ancient artifacts have been quietly destroyed in this way, but he firmly believes that this leaf I have been able to find its wonderful use. "Master, Master, please give me a dream or something so that I can understand the function of this artifact as soon as possible and practice invincible magic power quickly."

The ancestor may be lazy and travels all over the world. How can he take care of him? Several leaders of Southern Vocational College came out in turn and dragged Duan Fei to Tianhe Sports Center. The selection competition of the Guangzhou Division of the Baotong Cup Youth Martial Arts Competition was held here. Duan Fei met three old acquaintances here: Zhao Kai recognized Duan Fei from afar. This boy also seems to be making rapid progress recently, and the heavenly court is full. Man, his eyes are like electricity, and that Li Pohai should be 19 years old, isn't he too old? But this matter is obviously not under Duan Fei's management. If he doesn't use weapons, Duan Fei is really not sure that he can defeat him. This boy is quite able to endure hardships. In addition, he has recently married the rich second-generation young master of the Zhao family. Naturally, he can eat some elixir. The Zhao family's martial arts coach is a real master. Maybe Zhao Dong figured it out that his son actually If you like to dance with guns and sticks, let him do it. Besides, since the Sett came in, the whole world is still martial arts. Nowadays, more and more martial arts masters are listed among the list of the world's richest people, such as the famous Nangong Jing, Nangong Ping, and the Rick family in the United States, all of whom are all martial arts practitioners and do business. Science and technology equipment, strengthening biology, various elixirs, as well as real estate and ecotourism, these people are now popular. With the brand of Star Alliance, governments still don't care about him. The industry is getting bigger and bigger. It seems that martial arts practice can also make a lot of money. Zhao Dong figured this out that he will no longer compete with his son. He likes to practice martial arts. Let's hire the best coach from you, and you can spend as much as you want. This is beyond Duan Fei's reach.

The other is the dead party of Li Pohai who was scared away by Duan Fei's crescent arc last time. His name is He Sanqiu. The briefing said that this boy is also taking the brave route. He is 1.82 meters tall and weighs 91 kilograms. He has been selected into the provincial boxing team, played the National Games and won the fourth place. I heard that this boy threatened to take a When the Olympic champion came back, the boxing was basically arranged by the Rick family. Not only the champion, but also the silver and bronze medals were all from Rick's family, so the Olympic boxing events were not interesting. In the end, it was meaningless for the Rick family to fight back and down. He Sanqiu said that he would kill the Rick family who beat the world. The clan has indeed attracted the attention of a group of small people. As for the Rick family, they may not take him seriously.

The enemy's road is really narrow. These three bastards have been shouting all the way that they are going to be abolished in the ring. According to the rules of the game, all kinds of external injuries that occur in the ring will not be investigated for legal responsibility. You can't use weapons for free combat. Without the crescent arc, it is equivalent to an old wolf. When will you wait if you don't deal with it up at this time?

Draw lots, Duan Fei was in Group C and failed to meet any of the three monsters. Four people in the group played two or two. The first two points entered the next round. The schedule was relatively tight. He played one game every day for three days in a row. Duan Fei ranked first in the group with three KOs and will play the second place in Group G, a single elimination system. Duan Fei's victory was also relatively easy. But the next opponent is more troublesome. He Sanqiu, who dares to say that the person who defeated the Rick family is naturally quite strong and reached the quarterfinals with four KOs.

If you win another round, you will be promoted to the Southeast Division, but this hurdle is not easy to pass. He Sanqiu has seen all of Lei Heng's several games and specially recorded them. He carefully analyzed the strength of both sides, and the result is relatively pessimistic. He Sanqiu's chance of winning is as high as 70%. Duan Fei can basically pack his bags and go home. .

"I didn't expect that there are so many young masters now. It seems that you don't have much hope." Before Duan Fei packed his bags, Lei Heng left first. He didn't want to watch the last game. He felt that there was no suspense, and there was no need to play the 30% winning rate.

Duan Fei did not want to participate in the competition, but he would not choose to withdraw when he came to this point. Since he came, he had to score some results. He repeatedly watched the video of He Sanqiu's game, hoping to find a magic weapon to restrain the victory from the defeat of the four eliminated players. I believe that He Sanqiu must also be on the TV screen at this moment. I thought about Duan Fei's several games. It was easy to win the first three KO games, but the fourth game of Duan Fei played very hard. The nine rounds of the game system did not knock him down until the eighth round to surrender and admit defeat. After playing eight rounds, his physical energy consumption was really great.

The organizing committee of the competition is quite humane. He was given three days of rest before the last battle. Duan Fei can adjust his state to welcome the aggressive He Sanqiu.

Among the four alumni, Zhao Kai is the most relaxed. Under the guidance of several senior coaches, this boy's martial arts progress is quite fast. He used to have a hard fist, but now his legs are also quite good. This boy didn't seem to worry about the next knockout at all. After the fourth game, he wandered around alone on the street. He didn't know what was wrong, but he remembered to go to the Southern Vocational College. This turn caused trouble. Relying on his martial arts, his family's wealth and power, the boy drove a BMW and rushed directly to the campus. The doorman didn't dare to stop him when he saw that the boy was horizontal enough. The boy ran directly on the campus at a speed of 90 yards, "Beng!" He hit three people in one breath, one of which was known by Duan Fei. He was a little fat, and his poor body of 150 pounds was knocked out seven or eight meters away. Unlucky with him are two girls, one of whom is very famous, professional tour guides, and one of the few people in the South School who looks more pleasing to the eye. Everyone also calls her the school beauty.

, Xiao Pang was hit and ignored, and everyone was distressed by the school beauty. Several men surrounded them at that time. Zhao Kai hit people quite horizontally. He punched and foot at several male compatriots of the south school rudely, hitting those who wanted to save the United States to crawl around.