Star Dragonkui

Chapter 39 Tragic Victory

Duan Fei lay in ** and couldn't sleep for a long time. When he first practiced Taijing, he seemed to know everything. Now he has practiced to the fourth level. On the contrary, he has raised many questions. He even began to doubt whether his cultivation methods have deviated from the direction. Aren't these ancient mental methods just a joke?

Can people really improve their abilities through practice? Can speed and power be improved infinitely? Will there be a limit, such as Harry, whose punch has reached more than 90,000 pounds. It is said that he has been more than 90,000 pounds and has never been able to break through the 100,000 mark. Is this the limit of human power? What on earth is true anger? Why can the power of boxing be improved several times after luck? He began to fall into a tray.

He didn't sleep all night and was busy thinking in the middle of the night. In the middle of the night, the war began.

Duan Fei came out when he heard the sharp alarm outside. When he came out, the scene was already very chaotic, like a big theater, with all kinds of combat clothing, from simple and primitive cloak armor to highly intelligent multi-functional God of War suits. As for weapons, there are a variety of high-tech laser guns, Frozen guns, hot spoke guns, electromagnetic guns, there are familiar submachine guns, automatic rifles, rocket launchers, simple * launchers, swords, high-pressure crossbows, cars, riding beasts, and, of course, helicopters. From ancient times to the interstellar era, the whole hodgepodge, everyone rushed up. I guess I can trample the 100-meter-long guy to death with my feet.

But the big guy was not trampled to death. The king-level wolf-toothed crocodile didn't know where to take the wrong medicine. It suddenly rushed to the coast at about 1 a.m., and the guard troops guarding the shore suffered heavy casualties. This guy rushed directly into the second defense circle and caught everyone off guard. It was not easy for the large army to come. The guy turned his head and ran away. All kinds of cold*, and followed this huge thing desperately to greet him. However, this guy's skin was too hard, not to mention bullets. Liquid nitrogen freezing and radio frequency and high temperature, it didn't take it seriously. 300,000 volts of high-voltage electromagnetism hit the body like thunder and lightning was just tickling. The crocodile king was not injured, but the friendly troops were A large area was knocked down by electricity. As for *, grenades, which exploded like New Year's fireworks, this guy didn't take it seriously. Under the siege of tens of thousands of people, the big guy wagged his tail and went back to the sea.

After this battle, the casualties were quite heavy. More than 300 soldiers were killed and more than 1,000 were injured. The whole coast was blown into scorched earth, a chaotic beach, and a dark day!

This defeat turned the entire interstellar coalition army into a street mouse. The condemnation of the military by netizens around the world was more violent than the 16 typhoon. Soon three generals could not resist the pressure to resign and leave. Senior officials of the Interstellar Alliance Asia-Pacific Command frequently came out to explain that Lieutenant General Speer, who was responsible for directing the operation, resigned sadly and took over It is Lieutenant General Morris, who is in his fifties, who can get a pension in a few more years. I don't know how he will feel about such a hot potato.

In the face of the tide-like accusations, the senior officials of the Malacca coalition command learned to be obedient, spread heroes, put down their bodies, and solicited good strategies from the majority of the military and civilians to control the enemy.

Duan Fei, as the leader of the hiring team, was invited to participate in a pre-war work meeting hosted by the headquarters. At this meeting, the officers of the headquarters humbly asked everyone for advice on how to subdue the crocodile king. The plan proposed by everyone was strange, and some people suggested Send someone into the crocodile's stomach and blow it up with reinforced explosives. Even if someone is willing to sacrifice, the problem is that the crocodile king reacts too fast. I'm afraid that the person who went up will be torn to pieces by this guy as soon as he touches his teeth. Some people suggest that the military aircraft aim at the crocodile king's mouth and shoot it in. In fact, the airmen have tried. Many times, it can occasionally hit the monster's mouth. Its skin is harder than the steel plate, and it will blow up a layer of skin at most, which can't solve much problems. As for his eyes, the chance of * hit is even smaller. Some people suggest sending divers to find a dormant place and then find a way to kill it. It is estimated that it has the ability to keep up with this. The guy's diver hasn't been born yet...

Duan Fei also put forward his idea: first find a way to lure the crocodile king to the Deliwa River, then use two ends of the strong steel fence, and immediately call ten giant argon freezers to quickly reduce the temperature of the river. Because the water temperature of the river is rapidly falling, the crocodile king will hide in the depths out of biological instinct. The temperature can be maintained at about 4 degrees. Crocodiles are amphibians and can't stay under the water for too long. After all, they are not born deep-water fish. At most, in two or three days, this big guy will rise to the surface to replenish oxygen. It will take some time to break the ice. At this time, as long as we continue to stay in it. By applying low temperature, we can freeze the big guy with ice water, and then we can see a giant ice sculpture.

In the end, the military did not adopt Duan Fei's opinion. The argument of the officers at the high-level staff meeting was fruitless. The headquarters still tried to lead the Crocodile King to the shore, and then the miscellaneous weapons were put on together. The plane exploded in the sky. Laser guns, frozen guns and high-pressure electromagnetic guns chased it, while the martial artists Waving a sword and cutting around, dozens of fire cloud wolves rushed to bite, and how could they deal with this guy.

200,000 troops killed an animal. The battle scene was quite dramatic. The military tried its best to rack its brains. The details of the battle were finally disclosed. The military finally killed the monster after paying more than 600 casualties. * Basically, it only caused friendly casualties and really killed the monster. Using the Monte Sword, more than 20 fire cloud knights waved their swords to cut the beast king all over his body.

This is a rather ugly victory for the military. All kinds of criticism have raised the face of the military. More than a dozen senior officials of the Star Alliance have resigned one after another, and the senior officials of the coalition continue to change generals, and the paparazzi exerted great energy to turn out many old accounts. Three years ago, the Sete attacked human beings At that time, the military's inaction once again ignited the anger and dissatisfaction of the people. A large number of people were investigated and a large number of companies faced punishment...

Zhang Hongyu, a very ordinary name, was pushed to the highest throne of the Star Alliance under such a *, the executive chairman of the Star Alliance Security Committee, commonly known as the commander-in-chief of the coalition. This is the fate. Before that, many senior officers had not heard of the name even in the military, but Now, he has become a prominent figure in the Star Alliance and a household name.

He is an authentic professional soldier. He joined more than 30 armies. Twenty years ago, he came out of the Chinese army as a lieutenant colonel and entered the Star Alliance. He became a second-class soldier without regret. He started as an ordinary special forces and became a major general and became a special sea wolf special army. Force commander, 10 years ago, he, who had just been promoted to lieutenant general, was responsible for forming a super special forces - witch eagle! This force breaks the routine and does not stick to the training and combat mode of conventional troops. It collects all kinds of geniuses and martial arts elites around the world and specializes in secret special operations. Of course, the legend includes stealing intelligence, assassinations, secret arrests, etc. Of course, his men are quite sharp and have never left anything for the public. No trace. It was precisely because of the poor performance of the conventional land, sea and air forces in the battle with the Set people and the interstellar monsters that he, an old special forces general, was pushed to the front.

As soon as Zhang Hongyu came to power, he put forward a new strategic direction. On the one hand, he should be committed to the development of high-precision weapons, and on the other hand, he should focus on strengthening the combat ability of individual soldiers. The scene of 200,000 people besieging an animal is no longer allowed to happen. In his words, "If we can build a superman force, Monsters like this don't need global mobilization at all. Send a superman warrior over and deal with it easily. There is no need for 200,000 troops to be so exaggerated.

More and more people realize the importance of training top soldiers. Although there are still many Star Councilors who can't understand what Superman Warrior is, Zhang Hongyu's Superman Battle Plan is still supported by the Star Council, with an annual special grant of up to 50 billion planet coins.

As soon as Zhang Hongyu's plan was announced, there was a lot of speculation on the Internet. Of course, Duan Fei is also paying attention to this thing. He agrees with Zhang Hongyu's view very much. If there are hundreds of crocodile kings in the world, how many 200,000 troops will kill him? Although his last participation in the hanging of the wolf tooth crocodile made him pick up a bonus of 16,000 yuan for nothing, he was not very happy. In the last battle, in fact, he just ran behind the team. Although the monster was huge, it was quite agile and fast. He ran hard and couldn't catch up. Finally, this guy was injured and couldn't run. A group of people gathered around and fought. Duan Fei finally squeezed into the front to make up the number of people, and finally calculated his skills. Lao, he was included in the third grade of assists, with a bonus of 16,000 yuan. It's too troublesome to fight like this. If there is a Superman warrior present, there will be no need to sacrifice so many heroic warriors, Zhang Hongyu said.

Superman Warrior, is there really a Superman in the world? Can ordinary people become supermen after training? Duan Fei is still very suspicious, but this is proposed by the highest level of the Star Alliance. It is a very official statement. It can't be nonsense, right? If you can become a Superman warrior, it will be awesome. You will directly get the rank of major general. All your family members will live in a green base. Exclusive villas are safe and comfortable. As for various benefits, they are full of two pages of paper, and as for the annual salary, 5 million will go up.

You must join the Superman training camp. Duan Fei didn't even plan to take a day off during the Spring Festival. He practiced day and night. Xiaohu and nails are also full of energy. Even if he can't enter the Superman training camp, it's not bad to go to the preparatory class. After coming out, he will also have the rank of major.