Star Dragonkui

Chapter 58 Devil's Training

Before Duan Fei's transfer application was completed, the intense training began. The real devil training was so nervous that he didn't even have time to calm down to write an application. For two weeks, he had to play with his life every day. Even awesome people like Murong Xian and Duan Fei's bones were about to fall off after this practice.

Greta is a quite old-fashioned and extremely stubborn guy. Every day, he leads a group of instructors to kill these hot-blooded young people. In two weeks, no day has been able to sleep until after 6 a.m., either 3 a.m. or 1 a.m.

On this day, at two o'clock in the morning, everyone fell into the trench they had dug overnight and just fell asleep. The alarm sounded. The madman Greta pulled everyone out of the trench blindly. Without saying a word, he drove the young man into the mud and ran for two hours like an animal, and then dragged him again. The wet and tired body ran to the mountain. He ran slowly and blew up the mountain cannon directly behind his buttocks. He finally climbed to the top of the mountain. He couldn't eat. Everyone was so noisy by the messy dry sound that they wanted to jump off the cliff, and then had to cross the primitive jungle with their bare hands. Some people really didn't want to run and fell to the ground. Anyway, I can't get up. Greta has her own high move. More than 300 hungry wolves rushed up directly. If you don't run, you can't run. The wolf is not polite. As soon as the wolves come up, there are no bones. Run. If you don't have the strength to eat two powerful pills on your feet, you can top it first. Since you get up in the middle of the night, you haven't stop. You can finally escape the pursuit of the wild wolf. The next test is even more horrible.

A 500-meter-long single-plank bridge, hanging by two iron cables, swaying. It is not a river under the cliff, which is much more dangerous than that thing. A big snake pit, thousands of poisonous snakes are waiting under the bridge. Each person only gives three minutes and three minutes to rush over. If it unfortunately falls, it will be doomed. If you still stand on the cable bridge three minutes later, it is estimated that it will not be much better. The two robotic arms will shake the cable vigorously, and it will be quite difficult to stay on the cable bridge.

Either give up or rush over it. Greta is an extremely old-fashioned person. Although all the instructors oppose this training mode, the opposition is invalid. His reason is simple: "If you can't even cross a 500-meter cable bridge, what other superman will you do in the future? Pack up and leave as soon as possible!"

It doesn't matter if the students of the whole Casa training camp give up. You can recruit another batch, and you will never be allowed to fill the number.

Of course, as the chief instructor, he still accepted the suggestions of some other instructors and could pass it together as a team.

From two o'clock in the morning to 10:30 a.m., I haven't stopped. I'm tired and hungry. My whole body is dry. It's uncomfortable to stick to my body dryly. I can't stop. My eyes are black and dizzy, and I have to cross the entanglement of thousands of poisonous snakes. Soon someone can't stand it. This time, I won't But after a while, more than a dozen students chose to quit. This is not training. This is killing me. I ran out to become a soldier to fight desperately, not to die.

But most of the students choose to wait and see. The longer they drag, the greater the physical exhaustion. It is unrealistic to expect Greta, the old monster, to give alms at noon. The best plan is to quickly pass through this iron rope and fall into the opposite open space to take a good breath. I don't know what the old monster will play in the next game. It is necessary to prepare a little physical strength.

After figured out this layer, Duan Fei led his Blue Eagle group to be the first to come out. Seven people, two of them chose to withdraw. British Greens and Indian Belang, this is a fully open training camp. Anyone can opt out at any time, and no one can accept this. The way of death fell from the single-plan bridge on the training ground and was bitten into pieces by thousands of poisonous snakes. The two men withdrew. Duan Fei still hugged them warmly, and the best blessings were still given to them. Although they withdrew from the Casa training camp, they were still Duan Fei's comrades-in-arms and once lived together.

At present, there are only five people left in the Blue Eagle group, Duan Fei, captain, second lieutenant, He Xiaohu, lower sergeant, Ding Peng, second-class soldier, Ouyang Qianqian, third-class soldier, Ruili, third-class soldier.

"Remember to keep looking forward, don't look up, don't look down, and don't look at both sides. 500 meters for three minutes is not difficult. Hold the iron rope with both hands, one by one, and keep a distance. After Duan Fei finished speaking, he arranged the formation. Ouyang took the lead, and Duan Fei followed closely. The third was Ruili, then the nail, and the little tiger in the back of the palace.

Of course, Duan Fei's arrangement is considered. He doesn't care about himself. He doesn't have to talk about speed, light kung fu and psychological quality. Not to mention three minutes, isn't it 500 meters? Half a minute rushed over. As for the physical consumption, there are indeed some, but physical strength can be recovered with internal force. Generally speaking, a layer of internal force can restore ten layers of physical strength. This morning's physical consumption is close to seven or eight percent. As for consuming a little real energy, he will come back. As for eating or not, this is simply a question for him. Question, don't say that if you don't eat for a day, there will be no problem if you don't eat for five days. The refined substances stored in food are enough to use his body organs for ten days and a half months. Of course, his biggest headache now is to take good care of the other four people. Xiaohu is better. After all, he is also an old man. It should not be a problem for him to rush there. To put him in the end, he trusts him more. As for the other three, I'm afraid he has to help. How can I help? Let's see.

Ouyang was the first to go. It was possible not to look at the top and both sides, but he thought about the thousands of poisonous snakes under his feet, and his eyes couldn't help looking down. Everyone knew that the consequences were very serious. As soon as his feet were soft, he slipped out of the board. Fortunately, Duan Fei was immediately behind him, and then he appeared. It made the stormy, and the comrades-in-arms who were watching were so scared that they blindfolded and screamed loudly.

Will Ouyang fall? Of course, no. Of course, Duan Fei couldn't let her fall into the snake pit. Seeing that her feet slipped, Duan Fei didn't have to think about it. The reaction was straightforward. His right hand stretched out and grabbed her arm. Zhenqi poured into her arm and shook, Ouyang's body returned to the wooden bridge. Seeing that the girl grasped the chain and couldn't move her feet for a long time. Duan Fei thought that he couldn't expect how far she could go. It was estimated that the whole team would have to finish playing. Duan Fei took the first step, put his left hand around her waist, and whispered, "Let go. It's okay."

Ouyang was still relatively cooperative. He let go of his hands and grasped the iron rope tightly. His whole body clung to Duan Fei's arms. Duan Fei put his left hand around Ouyang's right hand and gently held the iron rope, gently touched his toes and walked steadily forward. He can't walk too fast. If he pulls too far from Ruili behind him, she can still walk forward by groping against Duan Fei's back and holding the iron cables on both sides, hoping that she can rush forward by herself.

Duan Fei gradually accelerated his pace. At this speed, he could not reach the middle point of the wooden bridge in three minutes. It could only take two minutes at most to walk to the middle of the wooden bridge, otherwise there would be big trouble. Duan Fei had to speed up his pace little by little, and the distance between him and Ruili became more and more. The more she opened, there was nothing she could do. This American girl was bold enough, but it was difficult to stand on the swaying cable bridge. It was already good to hold the iron cable with both hands to stabilize her body. How unrealistic it was to expect her to stride forward.

Time passed second by second, and they seemed to be far away from the middle point of the wooden bridge. Duan Fei estimated the time. At this new speed, three minutes could just reach the middle point of the wooden bridge, and obviously the closer it was, the more the iron cable bridge shook. People stood on the wooden bridge, just like standing on the swing. One hand had to firmly grasp the iron ropes on both sides, and as for the feet, they could not move at all.

At the critical moment, Duan Fei had to take out his skills. He carried his internal force and poured it into his right palm, and then pressed his right palm on the iron cable on the right. The internal force was transmitted from the palm of the hand and extended along the iron cable to both sides. The thick iron rope on his wrist immediately straightened like a big iron rod. He whispered, "Hear the iron rope of his right hand and boldly facing Go ahead."

After stabilizing the iron cable on the right hand, Duan Fei's right palm stroked the big iron rope and quickly rushed through the midpoint. There was no choice but to leave Ruili behind for the time being. Let's send Ouyang to the opposite side first.

He did not look back and stroked the big iron rod and walked fast to the opposite shore. He put down Ouyang and let her run over, and then returned to pick up Ruili.

Ruili is still good. When Duan Fei came back, she had reached the midpoint. It was just two minutes. The next work was still very difficult. Duan Fei stroking the big iron rope with his left hand and turned behind Ruili. He quickly transported his internal force to change his left hand with his right palm, and his right palm still pressed the big iron rope. Let the nails and Xiaohu behind him pass calmly. As for Ruili, today's performance is good enough. Let Duan Fei help her with the rest of the road.

Duan Fei put his left hand around the back of her hand and gently hugged her and rushed forward. There is no time left. If you don't speed up the progress, everyone has to feed the poisonous snake.

Leave her more than ten meters to let Ruili rush over by. Duan Fei exchanged his hands again, pressed the iron rope with his left hand, and his right hand stretched like wings and ran towards the nail.