Star Dragonkui

Chapter 71 Superman Standard

Nails and Ruili are still struggling in the first semester. For half a month, people have been breaking into the second semester, but Nails and Ruili can't get through that barrier. The second semester is harder to practice, but no matter how hard the days are, there will always be an end. Now it's time to accept the results. The internal gossip has spread. I heard that Greta has designed five levels, each of which is guarded by himself. Everyone thinks that the dark days of the Casa Islands will only get longer and longer. Take your time. After most people's heroic wishes have been endured, the God of War Garden should also be repaired.

All the second-level students were summoned to gather on the central playground. I believe there is any major news to be released. Duan Fei put away the yellowed ancient picture book. How could the strange Taiyijun think of using paintings to record his inner skills? Duan Fei now has no time to pay attention to Taiyijun, the ancient awesome man. He has to run away. Go out to attend the rally on the playground.

Greta is not the master of the concept. After the gathering, we will go straight to the topic: "Today, you will announce two important decisions. The first is that our Casa training camp has reached an agreement with Sophie training camp in Australia. A month later, the two of us will hold a friendly match, one-on-one free fight, five games Sansheng, I made a special phone call with Golmud headquarters about this yesterday and learned about it. Among the ten training camps in the world, the results of our Casa training camp are medium, and the results of Sophie's training camp are superior. It is natural to lose to them, but as a soldier, I don't want to lose too miserably.

"Ha, ha." Greta laughed when she said such words, and the students under the stage also coaxed.

Greta opened his hand and motioned everyone to be quiet, "Then I'm going to announce the second news. In order not to make our results too shameful, I specially invited a senior martial artist to help Mr. Li Muyu!"

A thin and tall man slowly walked to the front desk and bowed slightly to the students: "I hope we can cooperate happily."

"This Mr. Li Muyu is an old friend of mine for many years. He practiced martial arts in China in his early years and later went to the United States to develop. He opened several well-known martial arts schools in the United States. This time, I specially invited him from the United States to be responsible for next month's friendly match. He will be responsible for selecting the right players and then**. I hope you can win him more or less in five games. If you lose too badly, everyone's face is not good-looking.

Then the Chinese-American simply said a few polite words and then broke up. Others were busy with training, and Duan Fei slipped back to the dormitory to continue to think about his ancient paintings.

"The name of the seventh floor is looking at flowers in the fog. Does this have anything to do with the practice of internal skills? There is no boundary with this painting. There is neither fog nor flowers in this painting, not even a grass. The main object in the painting is a remnant lotus, a huge black and cracked leaves, indifferent pool water and swimming fish. Such a simple single painting actually has something to do with the internal practice of Weizhen Wulin. Duan Fei decided to go in another way. Enlightenment.

God's travel method. A little bit of truth, stop your mind, and force your mind into a virtual scene. Of course, this virtual scene is the pond after autumn, the cold backyard, the dilapidated dead leaves, and a small fish wandering in the water. There is no fog or flowers. The whole backyard is clear at a glance, just a few items, with your eyes closed. It can be seen thoroughly. There is no wind, no poet. No one patronizes the lonely dilapidated pond. Flowers can only wait until June and July next year. At that time, this pond will have a look. The lotus leaves are infinitely green, and the lotus flowers are different red. But now, it seems to be July now. July in the South Pacific. When it comes to China, he Isn't it also July?

July is the time when the lotus leaves are green and the lotus flowers are blooming brightly? Where did the autumn come from?

Duan Fei put away his mind. Today, it's a waste of time. Looking at flowers in the fog, Tai Yijun is an asshole, making a broken painting and tossing people around. Duan Fei looked at the picture again and turned back. The following chapter was mountain shadow rain and fog. There was no mountain or fog. There was only an old tree, sparsely knotted a few strange fruits. I don't know if the painter's pen and ink were too thick. I didn't draw it well or it was the original intention. The few fruits were drawn were skewed, dry and shriveled. What the hell is it? Duan flew down and turned another page. The ninth layer of painting is still of high quality. The foreground*, far and near levels, at a glance, it is everyone's handwriting, and there is a sense of transmission at a glance.

Duan Fei simply pondered this ninth painting, which is very imposing. The sky and earth are colorful, and the birds and fairy branches are like the sea of fairyland. They look familiar. Can he cross the first two floors and directly practice the ninth layer behind?

This is a bold hypothesis, but it's a pity that Tang Xiaofeng is unreliable, or you can call her to ask her. After all, she is an experienced person. Needless to say, she has practiced well.

After planning for a long time, Duan Fei called Tang Xiaofeng. He gave seven assumptions. No matter how Tang Xiaofeng answered, he had to judge the real conclusion from the other party's tone, but Tang Xiaofeng gave the eighth answer.

She did not answer yes or no. Her answer was very clever, and the answer was on Meridian.

This answer makes Duan Fei very helpless. He can't guess the correct answer from this answer. The fact that the final answer is nothing more than three, yes or no. If it is yes, just practice the ninth layer directly. The seventh and eighth layers are purely funny. If the answer is no It is extremely dangerous to bypass the seventh and eighth levels, and the last answer is that both practices are available.

Why didn't Tang Xiaofeng answer him directly? If she wants to help him, she should tell him the correct answer, and if she wants to hurt him, she should tell him the wrong answer, so that he can become crazy and eventually die.

But Tang Xiaofeng neither helps him nor harms him. What kind of attitude is this? I really didn't expect this old goblin to play such a strange card, but this sentence is still worth considering. The answer is on Ziwu. It seems that she blurted out, and there is no consideration that there are two possibilities.

The first possibility is that she is telling the truth. Of course, you don't need to think too much about telling the truth. Take it out and say it, and it will come out by the mouth. So the second possibility, of course, is a lie, and it is a statement that has been prepared before, and there is no need to think about it. Obviously, the second possibility is more likely, as Of course, Tang Xiaofeng knew that there would be similarities and doubts when she reached this level. She could fully foresee Duan Fei's problem. Before that, she had enough time to think about a line to deal with.

It also shows another point that Tang Xiaofeng is indeed untrustworthy.

The second-level five-level test designed by Greta has come out. In addition to this thing, there is also an exciting industry standard, that is, the standard parameter of Superman Warrior. Those who exceed this standard parameter belong to Superman Warrior. After entering the ranks of Superman Warriors, it is up to you whether you can become a god or not. With the attitude, the God of War Garden has become clearer and clearer, and everyone's goal has become clearer.

There are eight standard parameters of Superman Warrior. It seems that it is not easy to be a Superman Warrior. The first item is strength, which requires the strength of boxing to reach 1 million kilograms. My God, didn't it say that the ultimate power of human beings is 100,000 pounds? What is 100,000 pounds, about 45,000 kilograms? Super warriors need to break through the limits of human beings and punch out 1 million kilograms, and the 20cm thick steel plate can't withstand this force.

The second and third parameters are the limit speed and long-distance running speed, 500 meters per second and 1200 kilometers per hour respectively. At present, the flight speed of mainstream fighters is about 500 to 700 meters per second, that is, about 1.5 to 2 Mach. Superman can keep up with the fighter in a short time. The fastest known speed of the car is 400 kilometers per hour, and the speed of Superman is three times that of it.

The fourth and fifth items are about flight ability. Through the defeat of the Norton Legion, the alliance realized the importance of air warfare. The advanced fighters built by earthling people are not even scrap metal in front of the Death-level Set Madness. He sent out a hundred-level subsound wave, and a large group of aircraft together with The ground troops and civilians are all dead. Obviously, it is impossible without people who can fight with death in the air. These two requirements are that with the help of simple flying tools or mounts, the Superman must reach a flying speed of Mach 20 and a flight altitude of 2,000 kilometers, which can basically kill all fighters.

The last three items are about the comprehensive ability of hypoxia tolerance, hunger and virus resistance, which do not look conspicuous.