Star Dragonkui

Chapter 84 Separation of Man and God

The girl covered the black gauze scarf with one hand and changed the TV channel at will with the other hand. She thought for a moment and replied, "Well, this... can't."

Duan Fei can't believe his own ears. Isn't he still a friend just for such a thing? It's not interesting enough. You can't even look at it. Isn't it just a small wooden card? I'll find a way to get it and study it later.

In the dead of night, Duan Fei lay in the hotel and fell into meditation. What is the ancient lake bottom mine pit, landslides, bones, small black wooden cards, ground snake Kars, vampires, lake monsters and a series of murders? An old case that has been sleeping at the bottom of the lake for hundreds of years? What on earth is all this for? Many people have died in the ancient mine. Now there are still bloody cases in the small town every night, and people are killed every day. Such a story can no longer continue and must end this evil story.

Where should we start next? Carls? Lake monster? Eric? It's not easy to mess with. Carls hides in his own territory and is not easy to deal with. The lake monster's martial arts skills are too high to deal with. It seems that if you want to make a breakthrough, you can only find Eric.

Early in the morning, Li Muyu came to find Duan Fei. In the past few days, Duan Fei has been running around and is about to compete in martial arts. Obviously, it is not easy to prepare for the war. Although Li Muyu does not intend to be too strict with him, he is also left to let alone. The game will start in one day, and he has to practice more or less.

Duan Fei had to put down Ai's affairs for the time being and followed Uncle Li Muyu to the practice room. Casa Shuangxiong had been practicing here for several days, and there was no need for Li Muyu's guidance. The other few others also practiced very hard. When Duan Fei came in, Casa Shuangxiong did not talk about it. The two guys could not see anyone else in their eyes. He We don't care where Duan Fei goes. Morrison is busy practicing boxing by himself, and he doesn't care whether Duan Fei appears in the practice room these days. Only one person expressed concern about Duan Fei's arrival, Matsumoto Jiro.

Matsumoto ran to Duan Fei a few steps in a wide linen practice suit, with his hands and eyes. This guy was obviously intentionful. Seeing that the tip of Matsumoto's palm was about to scrape the tip of his nose, Duan Fei had to take half a step back. The expression on Matsumoto's face was very dull. He punched and swam to the side again. Duan Fei shook his head. Walking past him, the guy suddenly came to sweep a fallen leaf, his feet crossed the top, and his hands swept it like a grinding disc. Fortunately, Duan Fei's body was soft, and his whole body was like a soft bamboo branch. The upper part of his waist bounced back, and his body flashed like a wave.

Instructors generally turn a blind eye to similar provocative behavior. Hate and jealousy are the stimulant for hard practice. Li Muyu obviously adopts a conniive attitude and position on Matsumoto's provocative behavior. In the eyes of the martial artists, the reason is written on paper for those talents to read, and fists are the hard truth. Who here is to whom There is no standard for wrong, and strength is the only measure.

Duan Fei left, and Matsumoto's face showed an ugly smile. He didn't like Duan Fei, and he wanted to let everyone know this. Matsumoto came from a fallen samurai family. In the past, there were several quite powerful warriors in this family, and there were even the famous Koga ninja Matsumoto Zuobei in his blood. This guy is not so easy to deal with. Naturally, he has his capital to provoke Duan Fei.

Duan Fei ignored the young Japanese samurai. Frankly speaking, Duan Fei has no good impression on him. If there is a chance, he will definitely deal with this unprovoked provocator. Now Duan Fei has to focus on practicing, and he will play the game tomorrow. It is necessary to sharpen the gun before the battle. Li Muyu stayed by his side all day and stared at him to practice.

"Pay attention to the time and rhythm, and make full use of the field. If you want to defeat your opponent, you must first stand firm on the field..." Li Muyu chattered with him for a long time. In fact, it is superfluous. Duan Fei has played black fists before and has been in the gambling market. He is still very experienced in how to control the game. It can be said that As long as the opponent's martial arts skills are not much higher than his, he is fully capable of using the rules of the field to drag down the opponent. The game is two different from fighting. If he has strength, he may not be able to play well, because the venue is limited, and the time of each quarter of the game is fixed. The complex rules of the game will make people collapse. Duan Fei is not afraid. He is not even The darkest underground gambling has been played, and this kind of informal friendly match between students is simply too childish.

Losing or winning depends entirely on his mood. Duan Fei felt that there was no need to worry about this matter. He took time to talk to the instructor about the recent series of murders. Li Muyu was not interested in this kind of thing at all. People in the world commit crimes every day, and Lao Li didn't want to bother about this matter. Returning to the base after the game, this is Li Muyu's idea. It seems that the vulture Kars is still very old. He really hit it. It's true that these people are strong in martial arts, but they won't mind their own business.

In the evening, they received the schedule of the game. After five games in a day, they didn't know who organized the game. They arranged it so in such a hurry. Two games in the morning, two games in the afternoon, and one in the evening. After the game, they took a little rest and awarded the award. Everyone is very busy. Finish the fight early and go home early. This haunted place is too fierce to stay. What if even the martial arts masters don't want to stay here?

In the face of fierce vampires, not to mention ordinary people, even police with guns can't escape death. What do you want everyone to do? God bless you, or hurry up and apply for immigration.

After Duan Fei got the schedule, his first reaction was stunned. In the first game, at 9 a.m., Bonn Rick VS Harvey Gasher, the second game at 10:30 a.m., Matsumoto Jiro VS Beaumann Stein, the third game at 3 p.m., Murong Xian VS Maliyang, the fourth game at 4:30 p.m., Morrison VS Lewamp Lin Si, the last game at 7 p.m., Duan Fei VS Liu Qing.

Liu Qing unexpectedly reunited in such a way and reunited in a cruel ring. His opponent turned out to be Liu Qing. God, jokes should also be measured. Can such a plot be arranged? Duan Fei was powerless to change anything. At that time, he watched Liu Qing walk into the military academy. He thought that the next time he saw her, he should be a generous military guard. It was ridiculous. She actually participated in the Superman training camp, and her grades were quite good. She was mixed with the seed player of Sophie Camp. I don't know if she should congratulate her?

Originally, it was just an irrelevant game, but now it has become a big problem. Of course, the key to the problem is not the result of the game. Duan Fei doesn't care which training camp will score higher between Sophie and Casa. This kind of thing has nothing to do with him. His headache is how to face Liu Qing in the ring. Even if it is not unforgettable, at least he can't face it with a normal mentality. What should he do? Duan Fei's heart is confused.

He had to use Taiyijing to calm his troubled mind, adjust his breathing, concentrate and gather his energy, and put all his thoughts behind him. A clear spring floated out of the stream and went up against the stream, like a spiritual swimming fish, rushing up to the stream and hitting the fish's tail... ... Soon the fish melted and turned into a crystal moon in the clear water. As the stream slowly flowed, flowing through the grass and gravel... Duan Fei found that his mind was like a distant kite. With only a thin line swaying in the wind, he took a breath, and the already smooth true breath suddenly became scattered and useless. But when it came time to take care of both ends, there was no time to discuss whether it could be used twice. While tightening the long line of the kite, he cleaned up the messy true air, gently tightened the silk thread on this side, and let the stream walk back to his valley.

The left hand and the right hand can do their own things at the same time. There is no theoretical basis for this attempt at present. Duan Fei is not in the mood to manage theoretical things. He can neither let the kite break the line nor let Zhenqi crash out of the valley. Where is his mind? This is not a problem that should be worried about now. While carefully tightening the kite, he accelerated the speed of the stream, mind and body, so that they can go their own way and go their own way. This kind of practice feels good. The kite of the mind has always been in his hand and can be collected and released. The true air has been flowing in the valley, but Fast or slow, everything will not be rebellious. Duan Fei can even think about other theoretical things. People can be two-minded and three-purpose. While tightening their minds, they can temper their true qi. On the other hand, they can also think about something. Unexpectedly, he accidentally found such a practice method. This The method is really good, and there are no mistakes in work, study and thinking.

Duan Fei practiced in a new way for two or three hours. He felt much more comfortable, and his troubled thoughts fell on the ground like sand. His usual mentality turned out to be so difficult. Fortunately, he survived this difficult hurish. Duan Fei stood up, puffed up his true spirit, moved his limbs and arms, and was sure that the situation just now was not If there is any damage to the body, only one game will belong to him at night, and he doesn't even have to be there during the day, so he simply sat down and thought about what had just happened.