Star Dragonkui

Chapter 97 Cleaning 1

They walked all the way to a depth of more than 1,200 meters along the main line. Finally, they saw the end. The main line was only a little more than 1 kilometer. At the end of the main line was a big puddle. Is there any monster living in the water that is not today's subject? Today, it came out with soy sauce. By the way, they traced the main line of the map, along There are many biparts on both sides of the main line, with a total of 15 fork. Maybe some fork are still connected.

Duan Fei followed Ouyang's map and took a look. With so many forked places, this damn place was simply an authentic network. He thought for a moment and said, "That's all for today. When he went back, Duan Fei deliberately listened carefully at every fork. In this time, several other people cleaned up some fragmentary black along the way. Bats, after walking down one afternoon, the harvest is also good. Together with black and white bats, there are almost 160, more than 7 million yuan. One knot a day, Fadiano's efficiency is still quite high, and more than 7 million yuan arrived that night.

While Ouyang and Ruili were preparing dinner, Duan Fei sorted out the map. There were a total of 15 fork, three of which could definitely be relatively shallow and could be left to sweep. Four fork were very deep and could not be found at all. Duan Fei wrote down these four comparisons. The difficult fork are the 4th, 10th, 12th and 13th fork. Tomorrow, it will start from the 7th fork first, and then the 6th and 8th fork.

Let's nibble on this huge tunnel network hidden underground. Tomorrow is the 7th area. If there is enough time, clean up the 5th fork by the way. The fork 1, 2, 3 and 4 in front should not have much content. If you have time, you can also clean it together. The day after tomorrow, you will go straight to the 10 area. If you make an area in one day, you can finish the work in 4 days. Of course, those According to the prior agreement, if the battle ends early, they still have to pay 7 days' wages, which is necessary, and they must abide by the contract and keep their promises.

In the evening, Ouyang and Ruili both wanted to have a good chat with Duan Fei. The two girls seemed to have something to tell him, but the captain didn't have time to listen to her. After dinner, Duan Fei sat down cross-legged in the small gap in the middle of the tent. He wanted to meditate and practice. Ouyang was a little annoyed that this guy did not do anything but practice. Can you give her some time to chat? Alas, the girl sighed and took Ruili's hand and ran to find the little tiger and nails. The four of them just sat down and played cards until late at night.

This place is really not good for practice. It is sandwiched between tents, and the place is narrow, but secondly, it is also covered with a large metal net. From the perspective of life holography, this huge metal net is a good soul breath insulator, blocking all the life information above, left and right front and forth.

The ancients said that practicing eight directions is an imaginary number. In fact, it is six directions. The heavenly spirit above is very important. The so-called spiritual spirit naturally plays an important role in absorbing the aura of heaven and earth and eating the essence of the sun and moon. The front and right are four-way, the divine wood in the east, the ancient green dragon, the gold in the west, sitting on the white tiger, the southern fire god, the rosefinch nest, the main water in the north, and the Xuanwu return to the pool. This four-way spirit is also very important in practice. Wood gas is the main one. If you eat more in the East, you will be vigorous. If you eat more, you will be vigorous. If you eat more, you will be vigorous. If you will be killed by the four gods. If you eat more gold gas, you will be killed. If you eat more, you will be killed. If you will be strong in the south, the water in the north, you will be rich in water. You can help each other. When you practice, you can't go through the side door. The harmony of the five elements is the way of the king.

Another of the five elements is earth, which belongs to the earth in the center, which has two meanings. On the one hand, it refers to the earth, that is, the large collection of various breaths of life connected to the earth, and the other meaning refers to the operation and absorption of the practitioner himself.

Well, up and down, left and back, five directions are surrounded by a large metal cover, leaving a ground for Duan Fei. Of course, such a practice place is not good, but it doesn't matter. The content of Duan Fei's practice today is different from the past. The main purpose of today's practice is to sort out his own meridians and true qi.

After a while ago's practice and actual combat, Duan Fei has a lot of insights. Today, he has to seize the time to sort it out. If he doesn't sort it out, he will forget and mess up.

Experience should be summarized in time, and the summary is the collation and sublimation of previous experience.

The next day's task was still quite heavy. They got up early and hurriedly went on the road after breakfast. This time, the two shoulder-bearing * launchers were all brought, but * only three bundles were brought, two bundles of tiger hunting series, one bundle of destroyer series, seven strong men took turns on their shoulders, and two people could rest in turn.

According to the logo of the map, Duan Fei led the team straight to the No. 7 fork, and made some adjustments to the battle formation. Duan Fei and Ouyang walked in front of them to open the way. Ruili fought with a magic awl behind them. The nails led seven strong men behind the team. The little tiger walked at the end, and both of them carried their backs. With a flamethrower and a war knife in their hand, they have two tasks. On the one hand, they protect seven porters, and on the other hand, they deal with individual fish that leak the net.

After entering, there were some scattered black bats along the road. In order not to cause trouble for the people behind, no matter how big or white, Duan Fei had to clean them up. There was no way he could not let those porters be hurt. It was not easy for them to come out to make money. It was really not worth it for thousands of yuan.

Waving the sword, swinging the sword, and then swinging the sword, repeating an action thousands of times and tens of thousands of times. "Wang, swung, swung" is no longer a skill to speak. It is purely an exercise. No matter how fast the speed of the sword is, faster it is, and faster than faster it is faster, Duan Fei hones his character in boring movements.

After all, Ouyang is a girl. She even began to pity these little lives. Although they killed all the residents of the Casa Islands at some time in the past, now they have become poor lambs and are ruthlessly killed without leaving any of them. Duan Fei is quite quickly. .

The strong slaughter the weak, and no one can tell where the morality is. Three years ago, the interstellar monster came to this sea. The residents here were slaughtered. No one came out to reason. Human beings were weak in front of the strong monsters. Except for escape, all the rest were killed. Now, human beings have been killed again, and no one came out to reason. All the bat monsters that can't escape are also Kill all of them. Can anyone explain the truth of this?

If monsters want to survive, human beings also need to survive. Who will judge who is right and who is wrong?

Duan Fei did not intend to reason. He came to this cave today to discuss philosophical issues. Today, his purpose is very clear. Killing all the monsters here is not to avenge human beings. First, it is the responsibility of soldiers and the responsibility of warriors. Second, he needs a lot of money to buy better equipment. Some people will ask. What are you going to do with better equipment?

Kill monsters, kill more monsters, make more money, and then what? Then buy better equipment and buy better equipment? Or kill monsters, is life like this?

Monsters are slaughtering the weak of human beings, and the strong human beings are slaughtering monsters. This is life.

Fortunately, the human defense line has not been defeated, and monsters can only wreak havoc in a small area.

Entering from the No. 7 branch, the tunnel is very long, and there are three new small branches. After cleaning up the main line, Duan Fei turned into the last fork and rudely carried out the clean-up work. The number of fire crow white bats here is relatively large, and Duan Fei had to slow down the pace of attack. He signaled Ouyang to retreat, but quite The unreasonable wild girl did not listen to his orders. At the critical moment, his order did not work. Ouyang even rushed faster than him. Ouyang, who had no good defense, soon suffered a great loss. Five fire crows and white bats rushed up at the same time, and five flames sprayed straight over. The little girl was unprepared and was burned. Beautiful bangs. "All rolled up, and she almost fell with a scream. Duan Fei rushed up with an arrow and flashed with a bone-piercing sword in his hand. Three white bats fell to the ground. Ruili rushed up and supported Ouyang with her left hand. The demon pestle in her right hand hit a white bat's forehead. This guy fell down.

Duan Fei can't give his opponent a chance to breathe. He fought bravely and danced out a cold star in the sky. The whole tunnel was full of sword shadows. Large and small black and white bats fell down like rain. This real qi consumed a lot. After clearing this fork in the road, Duan Fei signaled everyone to retreat to the main line and prepare to enter the first Two fork.