Star Dragonkui

Chapter 157 Ancient jokes

After completing the cold and fresh homework, it's time to go to the nest. Boil fish in water was originally a simple process, but now this matter is a little complicated. First, the fish and snake monster is not small, and second, it is wrapped in a thick circle of ice.

This movement is so big that the whole thing is as exaggerated as an adult elephant. This is still the result of Duan Fei cutting off the outer ice as much as possible. How big a pot do you have to prepare?

This matter is not difficult for us Duan Fei. If in this society, as long as the man is willing to spend money and customize a large iron pot of aircraft carrier class, someone will also take the order. If an iron pot that can cook elephants, it depends on which factory will make it. If you find the right way, it will be built in three days, and the money is not much. 30,000 yuan will be paid.

With Duan Fei's strength, a few tons of heavy objects are a piece of cake. We won't go far. We set up an iron pot by the lake. This original lake water can be used directly. By the way, we can fish a few small fish as an ingredient for seasoning. I don't know what this legacy fish tastes like. If it is fishy and smelly, it will be miserable. Ginger and green onion Put more, as well as soy sauce, vinegar and so on. We spend a lot of money, but we can't save too much money.

How many days does it take to drink such a big pot of soup?

This matter is difficult for us, Mr. Duan. Once it is started, it can urge the various organs of the body to accelerate. The whole body is like an assembly line, increasing the speed of 10 times and 20 times. If you can eat 30 meals a day, you can eat five or six catties at a meal. How can you lose more than 100 catties in a day? Alas, At such a fierce speed, it will take ten days and half a month. If not, it will take more weight. It will take 300 pounds a day and strive to make this big pot of fresh fish soup in three or five days.

It's almost done, and the rest is a matter of time. The big red monster is waiting, Duan Fei is also waiting, one waiting to eat meat and drink soup, and the other is waiting for death.

Death is not terrible. What's terrible is to see the process of death with your own eyes, watching your body frozen into ice, watching your body be boiled into soup, and the fish and snake cry.

Duan Fei couldn't understand his crying. He was stirring in an iron pot with a big iron rod. He had never cooked soup in his life. The first chef played a Guinness World Record. He had several world records. He was the first one to cook soup with a fish monster, the largest iron pot in the world, and the world's first fierce way to drink soup. He dried it in a day. 300 jin, a ton of broth will be drunk for a week.

Xiaopi has been crying. The bad thing is that it can understand the fish monster's words. The big fish monster has been crying in the soup pot, crying miserably. The vegetation is emotional, and the world changes color. Alas, poor guy, be a good girl in your next life. Marry a good family and enjoy the glory and wealth. Don't fall into the palace courtyard. , that place is designated not to be stunned, either fought to death or scared to death. Forget it, just find a local rich man to marry. Don't play tricks or something like that. We can't afford to hurt anymore.

Xiaopi has been sobbing beside him. Duan Fei's ears are not deaf and his eyes are not blurred. He gently patted the little guy's forehead and comforted him for a while: "Come on, there are too many tears. Be careful that the machine is rusty. Fish is born to be eaten. There is nothing to hurt. Being eaten by your Mr. Duan is already a pretty good destination.

Xiaopi raised his eyelids and cried for a long time without a tear. How was it designed at the beginning? Alas, Xiaopi wiped his nose fiercely. Look at what happened today. Isn't it just a robot monkey? A fish died? Why did he cry? What?

The fish monster is strange. As soon as the water vapor came up, it turned yellow. It could not be decorated any more. The fish soup was not completed, and it almost turned into intentional killing.

The dead fish in the soup pot suddenly melted, and a girl appeared in the fish's stomach. Duan Fei was scared and stirring around with an iron bar. A girl appeared in the cold pot. This, this--

Fortunately, Duan Fei's heart function was relatively strong. The fluttering and jumping almost fainted on the spot. This change was beyond his expectation. There was actually a girl hidden in the fish's stomach. Regardless of whether she was dead or alive, it was more difficult for this girl to come from.

Can we take some time to analyze it? Let Duan Fei's time and space pause there first, and let's sit down and analyze what happened.

Duan Fei caught the fish of the ancient alien beast Ranyu alive by freezing. At that time, the Ranyu fish with strong/method/power and energy was still alive, but the low temperature consumed most of its life power. It was dying and was made into a cold fish by Duan Fei. Then, Duan Fei used a huge iron pot to put this The huge cold fish is put into the boiling water, and the ice around the body of the fish and snake monster is gradually melted, and then the body of the fish and snake monster is boiled. According to the knowledge of physics and biochemistry, the body of the fish and snake monster is of course also the basic structure of protein substances. No matter how hard its keratin is, in the face of high temperature, There is only one result, protein degeneration and necrosis. Normal necrosis will have two outcomes, coagulation necrosis or liquefaction necrosis. Usually coagulation necrosis is more common. Of course, there is also liquefaction necrosis. The body of this fish snake monster suddenly disappeared. Of course, it cannot be coagulation necrosis, but liquefaction, it There should also be a long process.

Now there are some problems. Where did the fish and snake go? Did it quickly liquefy and necrosis and disintegrate? Is there such a possibility? Of course, there is no fixed law of liquefaction necrosis. Some are fast and some are slow. Its necrosis is too fast, or its protein structure is necrotic almost at the same time. Then, the result that everyone sees is that the whole body suddenly dissipates. If it is in the open space, then the thing obtained by liquefaction is a mass of liquid. State substance, if it is in soup, then the liquid substance will be integrated into the water, but you must remember that there is one thing that liquefied is completely different from water. It should have concentration, smell and special taste, but I can tell you now that in addition to the added ingredients in the soup pot, There is no other soup, no smell of snakes, and no smell of fish.

There is another question. Whether it is a carp, a snake, or a reptile, it has a skeleton, and the flesh will liquefy and dissipate. What about the skeleton? It is impossible to liquefy and dissipate in a short time, right? No matter how cow soup is, it is difficult to boil all the bones, which is a basic common sense of life.

Now, the most puzzling question arises. Where did this girl come from? If she had been a good meal by a fish and snake monster, then did the monster swallow her whole? Even so, how could she not be digested? Is it to maintain a complete body structure?

Now I can tell you that she not only maintains the structure of her body, but also wears a very strange tight dress with a milky color, which is tightly attached to her body, just like there is a layer of skin outside her skin, which is swallowed together and remains the same. This is really difficult to understand.

Through the above analysis, we can basically draw a series of conclusions that a series of impossible events have happened.

Why is this so?

You asked me, who should I ask? Ask Duan Fei, forget it, this boy is also dizzy now. Ask Xiaopi, come on, this guy hasn't woken up yet.

No matter how this thing comes from, what needs to be solved now is how this matter should go.

Duan Fei shook his head and blinked his eyes. He was sure that a series of things that happened in front of him did happen. He threw away the iron rod in his hand and took the girl out of the soup pot. Friendly reminder, with Duan Fei's current internal force, 100-degree boiling water, it is impossible to hurt him in a short time.

"Wait," just as Duan Fei was about to take action, Xiaopi suddenly woke up from crying without tears. He stopped his master loudly: "Don't move, this is a pattern of playing before the alien beast dies. What we see is just a vision. A Fei, don't be confused by its tricks."

Duan Fei turned his head and looked at him. The little guy was still shouting, "This is its trick. Don't be fooled. Don't be fooled. If you persist, we will succeed, and we will succeed immediately."