Star Dragonkui

Chapter 177 Legendary Broken Flute

※※The third update is coming. Give some applause. It's not easy to type in winter※※

Yindi talked for a long time and was a little tired. He yawned and urged Duan Fei to answer his last question quickly. The old turtle was eager to find a place to sleep. After all, he was old.

"In those years, Yindi dominated the world with a magic flute and was invincible, but one day, he met a real enemy in his life. He was a swordsman. He did not even draw his sword, and Yindi had seen his failure. Later, he made a poisonous oath and devoted himself to practice. Before defeating the swordsman, he would never kill again.

"Yes, you really know a lot. When I meet you, it's really my nemesis. Tell me, what else do you want to learn?"

"I want a book."

"What tricks are you playing? I found that you are so famous. I have several tricks here. You can choose whatever you want to learn."

"I don't think it's so troublesome. The old man has been with me for so long, and he is really tired. Let the younger generation learn by himself. You just need to throw me a book."

"You boy really have a lot of ideas. Come on, what book? Let's see if I have it?"

"This book can't be found by others. Elder, you can definitely find it here."

"What book?"

"broken flute"

That's right. It's better to catch fish than to break the flute. According to Li Kexu, Broken Flute is the most exquisite swordsmanship in the world, and Duan Fei dreams of it.

"With your current ability, there is no way to practice the broken flute at all. Well, I promise you that as long as you meet the conditions I said, I will give you this book. Now I will give it to you, and it will hurt you if you don't do it well."

For this reason, if Duan Fei continues to pester, it is really looking for a beating. He brushed his hands off the dust on his clothes, knelt on the ground, knocked three times at the old man, then stood up and said seriously, "I will definitely kill this bastard, the bloody skeleton, but it will take three days later."

"Okay, I'll give you three days." The old turtle left a word and flashed away.

I just learned a lot of knowledge, but it is not realistic to quickly transform it into combat effectiveness. In three days, he can only do one thing well, which is to use a good magic snake wand.

The whole body of the blood skeleton is full of soul power. It is useless to destroy any part. Cutting his head and smashing his stomach are useless. Only destroying his soul can work.

Therefore, Zhao Zheng and Tang Xiaofeng died unjustly. Their swords were for the body of blood skeletons. It was useless to kill the pile of white bones ten thousand times. Even if the pile of bones were smashed into pieces, it was useless. The body was just a tool, just a weapon of a thousand years of resentment.

Destroying a person's weapon is two different things from killing this person.

There is only one way to kill the blood skeleton. Destroy the third layer of blood light combined with the powerful soul magic weapon magic snake wand.

Without certain certainty, Duan Fei naturally dares not act rashly. He decided to practice with the white bones all over the ground first.

These white bones have been sleeping on the ground for more than a thousand years, and it is inevitable that some resentment will accumulate. Some pre-life souls have not completely dissipated. They can form some primary resentment spirits. Although these primary resentment spirits are very low-power and can hardly cause harm to the human body, they are still enough to practice soul attacks. Enough.

The magic snake wand is really extraordinary. As the moves become more and more proficient, this thing is becoming more and more magical. Not only can the body shape be transformed, but it can also be separated. A snake stick can be transformed into more than a dozen other sticks, like phantoms, shooting directly into the primary resentment body, crisp The weak soul soon disappeared.

Tuoba, who killed this group of Yan troops in those years, obviously did not have time to do a legal thing to overcome these souls. Now, Duan Fei has decided to help him with this.

With the blood-red cold light flashing, snake shadows suddenly appeared in the white bones, and one primary resentment after another disappeared in an instant and integrated into the gloomy rotten breath.

Three days, three days are not long. Duan Fei has made a plan to fight to the death with the evil millennium resentment. In these three days, he has eliminated hundreds of primary grievances and accumulated a lot of combat experience. The most effective way to deal with grievances is continuous moves.

The soul thorn and the soul burst, which is a new move created by Duan Fei on the basis of blood and light. First, he pierced the core of the resentful spirit with a powerful magic snake wand, which quickly caused the soul to burst and destroy the target in one fell swoop.

This is the most effective and only way.

After hundreds of practical exercises, this set of moves has been quite proficient.

The blood skeleton did not find Duan Fei approaching. The monster was wandering around in the mountains. Yindi was right. Duan Fei made a big mistake.

Recently, some tourists came to the mountain, and now they have turned into corpses. There was a bloody hole in his left chest, and the death was exactly the same.

This secret resentment killed more than 70 people in just three days, including more than a dozen military and policemen.

This is Duan Fei's fault. Looking at more than 70 mutilated corpses, Duan Fei put down his arrogance and vowed to make up for the soul of the blood skeleton and Murong Gui's life.

Take a rest, innocent soul.

Murong Gui, the originator of this tragedy, Duan Fei soon found him. This century-old monster, the patriarch of the world's third largest family, is lying quietly under an old tree.

When Duan Fei saw him, his boundless anger turned into sadness in an instant. He was once one of the top ten super people in the world, but now he lies in his blood.

This old man took so much effort to see how strong the demon man who occupied his body was after his ancestors died for more than a thousand years, and the legendary magic snake wand. In the end, he died so bleakly and tragically. If you had known this, why did you do it at the beginning?

What is this old boy doing with so much effort? Call out a blood skeleton from the magic door, and then watch his heart be hollowed out and chewed up by him.

Old fool, thanks to you who have been in the world for so many years, you don't even have a soul concept. What's the use of practicing for hundreds of years? I don't know why. What's the use of practicing the book of destroying the spirit to the tenth floor? I don't even understand what it means to destroy the spirit.

Duan Fei looked at his round eyes. The old guy was not dead, and a wisp of ghost had not dissipated for a long time. After all, he was an old monster who had practiced for a hundred years. He was still recalling the scene just now: his sword pierced the body of a thousand years of resentment in an instant, but his ghost claws stabbed his chest. He waved his palm and cut off his opponent's finger bone and cut off his wrist. The broken finger bone and wrist actually broke through his ancient fairy clothes. He saw his chest broken...

He never thought that there was such a way to die in the world. His eyes were like a cow, and he still couldn't see through this evil blood skeleton.

Soul, he did not understand the powerful connotation of this word until he died.

It's terrible to be uneducated for hundreds of years!

His soul is laughing, laughing with dead leaves, like the blood skeleton that doesn't matter about life and death, and his laughter is as if it comes from the yellow spring alien world.

"You're not dead yet?" Duan Fei stared at his body.

His chest was broken by the ferocious hand bones, and there was a big bloody hole in his heart. For three days, he really didn't die.

Duan Fei stepped back two steps, shook in front of his left hand, habitually drew an ice wall in front of him, and his right hand stood with a long sword on his chest.

"You're finally here." Murong Gui's bloody and incomplete body shook and stood up. His face was more white than the bones.

"Are you waiting for me?"

"That's right."

"Hurry up and reincarnate. The railway station in the underworld is also overcrowded. You can't even buy a standing ticket when you go late."

"No hurry, no hurry." The mutilated body raised his left hand and stroked his injured chest. His right hand was still holding a long sword. On the pale face, strange arcs appeared at the corners of the mouth, and a pair of eyes quickly turned into two black water flowing down the eyes...

Duan Fei picked up his true spirit, brushed the clouds with his left hand, shook his right sword in the air, and countless sword flowers stood behind an ice wall.

"It's all over, it's all over." As the black water in his eyes ran out, two empty eye holes looked forward indifferently.

Without the optic nerve and retina, what can his eyes see?