Star Dragonkui

Chapter 179 Nine Deaths

This is a real war. Duan Fei felt the strength of the enemy for the first time. Fortunately, the sneak attack just now was good, and one of his arms was abolished as soon as he came up.

The blood skeleton monster rushed over, and his rotten clothes turned into a group of corrupt flies and rushed to Duan Fei.

The flying gray rushing ahead rushed into the wall of fire, turning into a rising ghost fire, and the sound of "lalala" was endless.

After consuming the first layer of fire wall, a batch of flying grays hit the fragile ice wall, which made water shine, and more flying arrows crossed the broken ice wall and hit the second layer of fire.

Hundreds of glams rose and dissipated in the sea of fire, hundreds of glams broke the ice and fell down, and thousands of glams rushed over.

"Roar!" Duan Fei puffed up the true breath of his whole body, raised his hands and pushed the hot air out, and waves of heat wave swept into the endless flies.

In the ancient mountain forest, tens of thousands of dragonflies turn into a sea of fire to illuminate the dark sky, and more flies fall from high places.

Like a downpour and a blizzard, hundreds of millions of flying dragonflies come here.

This is not only a competition between martial arts and strength, but also a contest of courage and determination.

"Peng, Peng" faced countless hundreds of millions of flying dragonflies, and Duan Fei had nowhere to hide. In a hurry, he came three fire dances in one breath, all of which were thrown to his body.

His body was suffering in the raging fire, and his soul was hidden in the body, staring at the crazy and perverted blood skeleton.

Is there really a way to defeat this millennium resentment?

Although Murong Gui lived alone in the mountains and forests and failed to receive a good compulsory education, the old man's experience in the battle is not very strong. It is no exaggeration to say that he has killed no less than the oriental pervert.

He is dead.

He didn't die when he rushed out today. His task today is to get justice from the thousand-year-old monster. He can't sit back and watch more than 70 people die in vain.

The blood skeleton stood up straight, shaking off the rotten cloth strips all over his body, and the bones of his whole body opened like a fan.

Bone knife!

Soul bone knife!

Duan Fei shrank his pupils and stared at the blood skeleton in front of him. It seemed that the sneak attack just now was not very meaningful. There were 206 bones in the human body, and it didn't matter much if a few bones were missing. Looking at the more than 200 soul bone knives, Duan Fei's body hid in the fire array under his own, and it was chilly.

This is no longer a battle between the body and the body, but a battle between the soul and the soul.

Where the other party's soul is is still unknown, and his own weaknesses are everywhere. If he doesn't have a heart or hurts his brain, he is absolutely unacceptable. If he doesn't have a heart and liver, the human body will definitely die. It is unacceptable to try to borrow other people's skin and flesh to live.

If the brain is hurt and directly becomes an idiot, it is better to die. As for the outcome of missing arms and broken legs, the difference is actually not much different from death.

It seems impossible to save his life and his own parts. Duan Fei regrets now. If he had known that this monster was so powerful, he would not have fought so early.

Now it is useless to regret. Even if there is only one in ten thousand chances, you can only let go.

Facing more than 200 soul bone knives, Duan Fei's body swirled like a windmill.

This is the intersection of life and death, and this is the painful cry of soul tearing.

Dozens of bone knives pierced his Nepriot suit, and his skin and flesh were in sharp pain, and his once strong heart was hit by round after round of shock.

His strong will saved him in the last moment.

A person will never know how strong he is. When he is only strong, all the potential of life will be released in an instant.

His snake wand turned into more than 200 dark red snakes, entangling the scattered bones spread all over his body.

This is a life-and-death struggle between soul and will.

At the last moment when he closed his eyes, he made the last roar of life at the cost of breaking his soul, and more than 200 wandering snakes shred out the bone slag all over the sky like a belt.

He fell down, and a dark purple pin gently fell on his body, stopped on his chest, spinning his body like a wind spirit.

Storm rain washed away the whole valley, and the smell of corruption flowed into the land, streams and river valleys with the rain. In the coming spring, there will definitely be beautiful mountain flowers here.

Duan Fei supported his broken soul and crawled hard on the muddy land of the rain. The remaining thoughts supported his painful body. He leaned against an old tree, and his mind without memories was full of heartbreaking and severe pain.

A beautiful figure rose from the distant sea. Her smile was so graceful and touching. Her voice was like a fairy language, and her slender hand like a green onion suddenly stretched out.

"Afei, long time no see, how are you?"

Like the pain of breaking his intestines, the beautiful voice knocked on his empty brain. He tried to stretch out five fingers, and his pale fingers were struggling to search in the hot wind...

He fell into his body, and the breath of life became weaker and weaker in the storm...

The gambling between human beings and King Set has reached the fourth game. From the initial expectation to the painful struggle to the situation that can't let go of despair, it can be regarded as the most popular alternative virus on earth recently.

What is more terrible than the virus is the division after despair. On the eve of the desolate opening of the fourth game, the media overwhelmingly reported a piece of news from northern Africa with unprecedented grandeur: GD countries decided to sign a contract to conclude a friendly alliance with the distant Golden Horse Empire.

The black hands of the Golden Horse Empire finally surfaced after several times of cover-up. A friendly alliance, a weak and fragile government, formed an alliance with a powerful force across the starry sky. It is better to directly join the Golden Horse Empire than to use this cover-up method.

The tide of criticism and curse saved the decadent Star Alliance. The record of three consecutive defeats is not worth mentioning in the face of this huge betrayal. Zhang Hongyu can sit down and breathe for a few days. Several generals of the Star Alliance led a large delegation of officers to visit North Africa in turn.

A dramatic news event has diluted the pain in the hearts of the earth's hearts. Susie is an ancient mystery. She is not interested in the mystery at all, and no corner of the map in northern Africa is not a matter of her concern.

She doesn't make soy sauce. She just happened to act as a fairly average passer-by in this cold season. When the man's eyes fell on her beautiful face, her eyes happened to fall on another beautiful face.

Liu Qing sat quietly in the back row of the rostrum. As a famous star of the Sophie base of the planetary coalition, she received a special ticket to enter the rostrum. Susie had been following her, and none of the two rows of armed police officers guarding the rostrum came up to stop her.

Tickets are usually patented by human beings. She is honored that her relationship with human beings is just a little magical in appearance. She never needs tickets or * or anything like that. In addition to her wonderful figure and amazing beauty, she also has a pair of breathtaking eyes.

No ordinary human has the ability to resist her magical eyes, whether it is a man or a woman, an old man or a child.

"You know that the earth will lose, but you still have to come and see!"

Liu Qing turned her head and looked at her. This strange but beautiful face looked very enchanting and eye-catching. She also had a pair of beautiful big eyes of flying whales. Her eyes were so clear that there was no trace of grass and miscellaneous thoughts. Su Xi looked at Liu Qing with an evil smile.

Her expression looks like an iceberg, and her voice is just as warm as the spring breeze of March: "As long as there is one last glimmer of hope, we should stick to it."

"Hum," Susie tilted her head disdainfully and said, "A fool is still a fool. No matter how long he persists, it doesn't make any sense. You have to learn to accept what you can't change."

"Are you from the earth?"

"What does it matter?"

"Go back to your Mars!" Even in March, the spring cold will blow up. Liu Qing took up her dark black long sleeves and turned around and sat down.

Suxi was so boring that she would naturally find a way to make up for it. She gently came to Liu Qing's ear, bit her teeth word by word and said, "A fool with a cherry face is also a fool!"

Liu Qing did not move, and the competition in the middle of the stage had begun. With a gesture, the sound of gongs on the side of the field, the tall and magnificent earth god of war rushed to the thin opponent with the momentum of ten downhill tigers, and the little Set man with two hairy ears stood there with a strange smile.

The weight of millions of kilograms suddenly hit the thin body of the Set people who weighed less than 60 kilograms. He smiled and pushed out his palms to catch thousands of tons of weight of the people on earth. The four palms met each other, and the two fell into a bitter struggle of entangled power in the middle of the ring.

The people of the earth, who are obviously dominant in physique, have been defeated simply and clearly.