Star Dragonkui

Chapter 181 Killing and arson

"Have you been so busy for so long that you have found such a helper?" A guy with a frog face pointed to Duan Fei with a cigarette.

What a dangerous action this is. Any action that challenges Duan Fei's patience is a fatal mistake, which will soon be understood. Duan Fei slapped him impatiently, and the thin frog tried to block Duan Fei's slap.

What a childish and ridiculous idea. He still hasn't seen Duan Fei's cold face clearly, and his body has flown up to the wall.

The mud can never stick to the wall. The frog's face can't even catch up with a pile of mud. The wall that is colder than Duan Fei did not hesitate to refuse his application for entry, and his body as thin as ribs hit the corner of the table.

Xiaohu was a retired soldier who was not too hard-hearted. Seeing that the poor life was about to hit the hard corner of the table, he ran over and reached out to try to catch him, and Duan Fei grabbed him.

"Let him go. It's not pitiful to find his own death."

The poor frog was lucky. The wall crooked his face. The corner of the table politely just knocked his five rotten teeth. The most insatiable thing was the strong white stone floor and bent his three ribs. There were at least a dozen powder fractures all over his body. The whole skeleton must find a good orthopedic department. The doctor will do a large-scale repair.

Whether Duan Fei can stand up or not in this life depends on the mood of God. Fortunately, today's scientific and technological level has been quite developed. Orthopedic doctors have been able to follow the example of Jigong Daxian to give him dog legs. Although the action is more inconvenient, it is better than nothing.

The guy sitting on the manager's office seat saw this style, and the movement under his legs rotated faster than his brain. It was 100% stupid and convulsive to fight his body bones with the wall panels.

He runs fast and can pass the five-finger mountain?

Duan Fei caught him in the air, and the weight of more than 100 catties of this guy was suspended in mid-air.

Even if you play ballet, you have to choose a beautiful woman. Duan Fei has no patience to play with him. He slapped the wall with two slaps. This guy fell to the floor and had a broad fracture before talking.

Two bastards lay on the ground and hummed. Duan Fei walked to them with a cold face: "If you want to die quickly, tell me who your boss is and where he lives."

The frog's face dragged its scattered bones and carefully counted its rotten teeth on the ground. This heart is painful and entangled. This face is already relatively thrilling. This one directly turned into the scene of the car accident. In the future, don't talk about love, even raising a pet may scare other puppies.

Duan Fei tried his best to be patient to walk to another waste material, stepped on his face, and asked harshly, "If you don't want your face to turn into a rotten eggplant, cooperate as soon as possible."

"Yes, yes, big brother, we are just running errands. Everything is dictated by the boss and has nothing to do with us!"

"What's your boss's name? Where do you live?"

After a few months, Duan Fei became so fierce that Xiaohu was scared enough. What's more, these street gangsters bully men and women. The bones all over my body are so painful that I have to grit my teeth to save a dog's life. It's not easy to come out and be a little brother.

"I don't remember yet?"

Duan Fei's voice fell, and a little strength was added to his feet. That was only one ten thousandth of the power, and another car accident scene was about to be born.

The poor life screamed tragically, with blood foam in his mouth, and spit out a few phrases: "Zhao, Zhao Kai, live, live in Yueming Community, No. 203."

Duan Fei is not a cruel character. He has to drag his scattered skeleton against the face of a car accident. This is completely a great mockery of God. All right, don't let this already ugly world have such a tragic life.

"Go down and be reincarnated as soon as possible. You can either be a boss or don't come out in your next life."

Duan Fei floated by like a gust of wind, and with a gentle wave of his left hand, he took away a once fierce and evil life. No matter how tragic the story is, there should always be an end. Duan Fei spent a short life for him.

"Please don't kill me, please, let me go!" Another crawling life let out a trembling cry.

Duan Fei is a soft-hearted and not black at all. He said in a very friendly tone, "Don't you think it's more uncomfortable to live like this than to die?"

"No, no, big brother, let me go. Please, as long as I can survive, I don't want anything."

Duan Fei stood in front of him. His ugly appearance was purely caused by my mistake. The world will never have any magic medicine to regret. The only remedy is to return to the furnace for reconstruction.

"Rest in peace, be beautiful in the next life. This is completely my fault."

"No, brother, please!"

The sound is still echoing in the office, and the frog's face stopped beating and breathing in an instant. He has seriously injured others once and can't make the same mistake again. This time, Duan Fei's action is extremely fast. He can ensure that the killing action is combined from initiation to the final effect. Time will not exceed one tenth of a moment.

Solved the two poor horses. Duan Fei did not forget the destruction of the corpses. He waved his left hand, and a light tornado directly folded the two seriously disfigured bodies together. Then he continued to burn for three minutes. With a gentle wave of his palm, even the ashes dissipated with the wind. The two humble lives were like this Family planning in great countries has contributed a lifetime.

In the evening.

The security guard of Mingyue Community was chatting with a half-old Xu Niang at the door, and Duan Fei went straight there.

"Hey, Xiao Chen, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?" The half-old Xu Niang held five short and strong fingers covered with nail polish and undisguisedly hooked the young and strong little security guard.

Xiao Chen waved his head and looked at the lazy fat woman in front of him in surprise: "Hey, what are you doing? Can you show some respect?"

Is this woman hurt her self-esteem? It doesn't matter. There is a thick layer of grease on your face, which can stand it.

"Hey, what are you crazy about? What's wrong!" The fat woman was stunned first, and then scolded her backhand.

"I don't take a mirror to look at my face."

"What did you say?" The fat woman's lazy facial features quickly gathered together, breaking her voice and spit on the little security guard's face: "If you are dishonest, your manager will fire you."

The little security guard didn't dare to speak.

"Cut, problem! My husband is outside with a large group of little three and four, and he is still smug here. The little security guard saw the fat woman go away and muttered in a low voice, "But this fat woman is really rich. If she can get something out, she will be rich."

If dry wood meets a fire, if a rogue rabbit hits a pervert, it is a classic magic story.

Duan Fei came to No. 203. Zhao Kai, a bastard, was quite good, with an independent courtyard and a small foreign building in three measurements.

Human door locks have always been used to prevent gentlemen. Duan Fei has never been a decent gentleman. He wiped his hands and rushed straight over.

Although he is not a gentleman, he still develops some good living habits, such as closing the door casually, whether it is stealing things or stealing women, which is a 100% good habit.

There were four big men standing in the small courtyard. Of course, they did not realize that their tragic fate suddenly came. Without any signs or hints, four completely similar tragedies appeared.

Sometimes Duan Fei is an extremely impatient person. Of course, this is not mainly a matter of patience. Duan Fei glanced at the corners of his eyes and saw four lives that were still tough. His left hand waved gently, and this plain and indescribable action gently rewrote the life script of these four people.


Duan Fei left four lives that collapsed instantly behind him. The void pushed open the door of the main building. His eyes had just settled down and his body had already entered.

"Duan Fei?" At first sight of Duan Fei breaking in, Zhao Kai's eyes are complicated. The two are 100% old acquaintances. From the first year of junior high school to the vocational high school, and now.

No matter how wonderful the script is, it also has a stop note.

"Do you know why I came?" Duan Fei's habit of closing the door is quite good.

The owner was not in a hurry to answer. Six big men had rushed over from both sides of Duan Fei.

Duan Fei pulled his arms away and made a simple chest expansion movement. Six deadly evil lives crashed into the intersection of Huangquan.

After all, Zhao Kai is a martial artist who has been practicing for many years. His reaction is still quite fast. He took out his mobile phone with his right hand and used a sharp sword with his left hand.