Star Dragonkui

Chapter 209 Go Home

More than 200 children surrounded Duan Fei.

Old Katin knelt down, the children knelt down cleverly, and more than 30 women also knelt down.

Duan Fei felt very uncomfortable. He didn't know what to say. He could only smile reluctantly and said, "We still have hope that we will definitely defeat King Set."

Old Katin stood up and said to Duan Fei, "Take them back to the earth, the people of the whole city thank you!"

"Big brother," a little blonde came over.

This little girl is tied with a small flap. She looks thirteen or fourteen years old and is already very tall.

"What's the problem?"

"There is a question I want to whisper to you," the little girl stood on tiptoe and could get close to Duan Fei's ear.

Duan Fei bent down and thought about what the little girl wanted to say.

"Can you teach me martial arts? I can endure hardships."

The little girl's request made Duan Fei a little embarrassed. He is so busy that he doesn't even have time to eat every day. How can he have time to take his apprentice?

"Let's go back to the earth first!" Duan Fei gently stroked her blonde hair.

"Remember, my name is Sasha!" The little girl handed over a small thing to Duan Fei and returned to the middle of the children's team.

Duan Fei held the little thing in his hand and looked at it for a long time, but he didn't figure out what it was.

It's like metal, unlike metal. It can't be plastic. The texture is very hard, but the weight is very light. The surface is not shiny at all. It can't be a material like jade. The shape is like a small butterfly. The color is very dark and dark purple. There is a small hole on the tail, and there is a small red rope pierced in the small hole, which is a little like ancient times. Chinese fan pendants and so on.

"Old Cardin, what are you going to do?" Duan Fei put away the butterfly-shaped jewelry and asked.

"I'm old. It hasn't been a few years. I want to look at this city. This old bone is buried here."

"Let's go back to earth with us."

"No, I'm going to stay here."

"They will kill you."

"I know."

"They will make your death painful."

"I know."

Duan Fei looked at him quietly and said nothing more. He turned his head and looked at the scouts below. He casually found three captains, including Sasha. Among the children in this group, at least she was already tall.

He ordered the three captains to lead their men to the city to collect more water and food, and they had to prepare to return to the earth.

More than 30 beautiful women, Duan Fei also found a captain named Una, who also took her own people to collect some items for the winter.

Duan Fei accompanied the old man Cardin to walk in the empty city, and there was an indescribable sadness in his heart.

Human civilization has progressed to this extent and still suffers such pain. What's wrong with the world?

The four captains led their respective personnel and quickly completed the task assigned by the organization. Now, they can set out for the deep mountains and old forests under the snowy mountains. They have to rest there for a while, and it will take some time to persuade Zhao Fanghua to leave and return to the earth.

When he left, old Karin came out to take them on the last ride.

"Old Cartin, come with us."

"I won't leave. I will die on my own land."

"From your age, you should have been born on earth, right?"

"Yes, I was born on earth, but I have lived here for decades, and this is already my home."

"We will go back to Earth for the time being and will be back soon."

"No, I'm going to moisturize this land with my own blood."

Duan Fei stopped talking. He gently touched it with his left hand, and a black hairline hit the old man's forehead. The old man stood dizzy and unstable.

"I temporarily closed his memory. Sasha, old man Cardin will give it to you."

"Yes, I will take good care of Grandpa Cardin."

"Are you ready?"

"I'm ready."

Duan Fei flashed through the crowd like a phantom, and everyone entered his magic ring.

The magic ring is really amazing. So many people can't feel the weight at all. Duan Fei raised his true energy, let go of his speed, and rushed to Lu Wushan.

Zhao Fanghua was also in Luwu Mountain. She was boiling medicine with a big fire. As soon as she saw Duan Fei come back, she immediately asked him to work.

I didn't expect that she happened to be here. Duan Fei originally planned to go back to earth with her and let her know what happened in Anka City, but now he bumped into him. He couldn't let the 300 people squeeze in the small ring for too long.

He found an open place, the ring shook, and 300 people ran out of the magic hut, which shocked Zhao Fanghua.

"You are too capable. You have only been out for a few days and got so many wives and children. Are you too efficient?" Zhao Fanghua looked at this group of women and children, and his expression didn't seem to welcome them.

Duan Fei knew that this woman didn't like others to disturb her quietness and said with a smile, "These people were rescued from Anka City. You haven't been to Anka City. Their life is too miserable."

"What does their miserable life have to do with me?"

Duan Fei scratched his head and smiled: "Can you give me some sympathy?"

"You won't take them back to earth, will you?"

Duan Fei accompanied his smiling face, came forward and whispered, "You know, my magic ring does not increase the flight weight."

Zhao Fanghua's face collapsed and said coldly, "You owe me a favor."

Duan Fei scratched his head. This person's debt is relatively difficult to repay, but it seems that there is no other way but to admit it.

"Oh no," Zhao Fanghua immediately changed his words: "One person is too cheap for you. This time it's two people."

"Hey, is there anyone who raised the price like this?"

At the moment of the quarrel between the two of them, Una and Shasha came over.

Una said first: "If Mr. Duan thinks it's troublesome, just send us back to Anka. Anyway, we have suffered a lot. If we change to other cities, it's nothing more than suffering. It doesn't matter."

Sasha didn't look for Duan Fei, but Zhao Fanghua.

"This aunt, I know I have caused you trouble, but if you are so kind, you will definitely become more beautiful in the future, more beautiful than Snow White."

Zhao Fanghua listened to the girl's words and didn't know what to say.

"Duan Fei, come here!"

Duan Fei just lost two favors and was depressed. When he saw her shouting, although he was a little annoyed, he still leaned over.

"Who is Snow White?"

It's terrible to be uneducated. Even Snow White doesn't know. Duan Fei doesn't know how to describe Snow White to her. He can only say simply: "It is said that the most beautiful woman in the west of the earth."

"The little girl is really good at talking. What's her name?"

"My name is Sasha."

"Okay, good boy!"

The relationship between the two people has been settled. Since Zhao Fanghua still has to recover from his wounds here, the brigade can only be stationed here temporarily.

Duan Fei commanded the four captains to organize their own people to find something to eat and drink in the mountains and forests, and everyone set up some small programs to entertain themselves. These days passed quickly.

Back to the earth, the eagle landed directly on the outskirts of Butterfly Valley, and then Duan Fei wanted to take Zhao Danmei home.

Duan Fei has a plan on how to settle the 300 women and children. There is a shelter for separated orphans on the outskirts of Butterfly Valley. Duan Fei once visited there. The facilities inside are still good, and it is close to the God of War Garden, which is relatively close to his home, which is convenient for his family to take care of them.

In the future, my parents have something to do. They stay at home to get their salaries every day and do nothing all day. Now they have something to do. They will be very happy to bring back more than 200 orphans at once.

As for those beautiful women, he can rely on the unique connections of the God of War to help them complete the immigration procedures, and directly settle down in the Butterfly Valley area, find a job and live a new life.

After dealing with these things, Duan Fei and Zhao Fanghua rushed to Golmud.

He must persuade Zhang Hongyu to let him play the first game of this year. For nothing else, just because he is in a hurry, he has to finish the game and then go to Shanhai Planet.

He can't wait to visit the mountains and seas. Hundreds of millions of years of historical precipitation, the ancient holy land in ancient mythology, and the legendary home of mythical beasts and foreign beasts.

According to Zhao Fanghua, the people's place is full of the spirits of vegetation and insects and beasts. After practicing there for a year and a half, he is not an ordinary person.