Star Dragonkui

Chapter 231 Glacier Practice

Standing on a glacier at an altitude of 10,000 meters, Duan Fei started his devouring practice. He found a new mountaineering method, drilling directly to the center of the mountain with devouring ice, and then walking up from the center of the mountain, climbing while practicing, killing two birds with one stone.

When the powerful soul power penetrated into the whole iceberg, Duan Fei couldn't help but be shocked.

I don't know. I was shocked when I saw it. In this huge mountain, his soul tentacles clearly encountered a number of powerful soul energy. Good boy, it turned out that he was not the only one hiding in the core of the mountain. Maybe someone would use this place as a place of practice. This is really a pretty good idea, hiding in tens of thousands The high glacier core can be cultivated with unexpected results.

Duan Fei decided to stay in the depths of the core of the iceberg for a few more days to find a good feeling. Ice is a very good soul wave conduction medium, between ** and solids. The path of soul waves in the ice is clear, how far can be transmitted, how fast it is, and very clear. Duan Fei couldn't help but be overjoyed, but he didn't expect to find it here. A good place to cultivate soul waves is really unintentionally shaded.

For seven days in a row, Duan Fei shuttled around the core of the iceberg. The cultivation of the soul wave has reached a rapid progress. His soul wave has been able to easily complete the detection and scanning of this big iceberg. In this large glacier thousands of miles away, there are a total of seven people hidden, including himself, from the energy level of the soul wave. Don't look, he is the worst of the seven.

Although the six people are on top of their martial arts, they are busy practicing in isolation, typically old age and death. Among them, there is a Taoist nun and a one-eyed monk, who seems to have the highest martial arts skills. These two people occupy the two positions at the core of the Great Glacier, like two sculptures, motionless.

Duan Fei now has to consider a question: "Even if there is really a beast spirit on the top of the top of Beiwu Mountain, with these two soul abilities, as long as the beast spirit appears, the two guys will definitely detect it, and there will be a dispute at that time. With his current cultivation of Duan Fei, he is not the opponent of these two at all. How to get it?"

"Kid, where are you from?" While Duan Fei was thinking about how to grab food, the one-eyed monk spoke, using the encrypted soul wave.

When he heard this encrypted soul wave, Duan Fei was ecstatic again. After a week of practice, he has risen to a new level. Secret language transmission, and the legendary ancient fairy magic have been broken through by himself. By encrypting the soul wave, he can implement targeted secret language communication. In the glacier, this encrypted signal is hardly distorted, and he can clearly hear the question of the one-eyed monk.

"Hello, Master, junior Duan Fei, from Dongguan City."

"Dongguan City? What are you doing here?"

"I heard that the scenery of Beiwu Mountain is beautiful, so I came here to have a look."

"Look at the scenery? Humph!" The one-eyed monk sat motionless in the big glacier. Duan Fei was surprised by his cultivation efficiency. This guy basically sat still. It was not practicing. It was obviously a meditation series at first glance. He thought that he could get a soar rise in his ability just by sitting there in a daze. At first glance, this guy was also a Taoist for at least tens of thousands of years. Why is it more and more confused? It is impossible to improve your ability by fantasy. If it weren't for your age, you would dare to talk to me like this. When Duan Fei is at your age, he can slap you out of the East Galaxy.

At present, his strength is not enough, so Duan Fei has to restrain a little and politely replied, "Don't the master think the scenery here is unique?"

The one-eyed monk still sat still and communicated with Duan Fei with the soul wave: "Kid, I think you came to find the spirit of beasts. This is the purpose of the people who came here. I have been here for three months. Everyone has come out to run the world. I don't want to say more. Look, in this field has There are six people. Your martial arts should be the worst. Go back as soon as possible. You don't want to kill any more.

When Duan Fei heard this, although he was so angry, he was also a little helpless. This guy was more domineering at a glance and really couldn't afford to provoke him, but it seemed that it was not in line with Duan Fei's personality to retreat easily.

"Dare to ask the master, what about the other five people?"

"I brought three, and the other three are also in the same group. Our two groups have reached an agreement and caught the two sides of the prey to divide equally."

Need to ask, those three people must be headed by Taoist aunts. Duan Fei really didn't expect that these two groups would stay in the big glacier for three months just to wait for a beast spirit, a beast spirit. Did he have to bother so much?

"You two factions are equally, which is indeed a good way, but how can you ensure fair notarization without outside supervision? Besides, the purpose of my coming here is just to see the scenery, and I will never rob your baby.

"Well, boy, are you qualified to be a notary of our two factions?"

"It's just a notary. The key is whether it can be fair and just, not to fight with you."

"I think it's just right for this little brother to stay here. It's best to have a notary. Since he doesn't participate in the share of the stolen goods, it's up to him. If you want to stay, just say something to save someone from hurting him.

"Old nun, what do you mean by this? How many years have you and I cooperated, and you still doubt me?"

"I'm just talking. What's wrong with you?"

"Okay, okay, since you have said that, boy, just stay and watch the fun."

Duan Fei understood at a glance that the strength of the Taoist nun was a little weak. Just someone came out to say a fair word, and the one-eyed monk would be taboo.

"I'll go to the top of the mountain to see the scenery first. It's the first time I've been here."

No one paid attention to him. Duan Fei rose directly from the inside of the glacier to the top of the mountain, more than 60,000 meters, standing on the top of the mountain, as if walking into the legendary glacier century. No matter from which direction he looked at it, the silver was shiny, full of ice peaks, like a handle and another ice knife, straight into the sky. From afar, the cold air is surfacing and white clouds are floating.

So high and so cold, will there be life on the top of this mountain in the hunting cold wind of more than 30?

The distance between the ice knife and the ice knife is 1,000 meters. Duan Fei stood on the top of the mountain and released a soul wave to scan the whole mountain. Although the movement speed of the soul wave is very fast, it should not be under the speed of light. The mind flashes and arrives in an instant. The overview of the whole mountain is soon available, but the soul wave is not like the vision. It is an intuitive image data, and the digital impression of the rough image obtained by the soul wave. His yuan god does not have the ability to quickly analyze these parameters and skillfully master the digital information that emits soul waves and receives feedback, which takes a long time to think about it. No wonder many people sit there and meditate. It turns out that they are thinking about soul waves.

Soul waves are different from radio waves, but similar to radio waves. Both are radiation waves. The basis of radio waves are generated by changes in the strength of current to produce electromagnetic radiation waves. Soul waves are radiation waves generated by the frequency modulation of soul flow, both of which have wave-particle two phases. Sex has an amazing transmission speed, but the propagation speed of soul waves is faster than that of radio waves, but it is not stable enough, so the data information encrypted on the soul wave is easy to be distorted.

Duan Fei stood on the top of the iceberg and did a large-scale soul wave test. He was thinking about a question: "How can the awesome man solve the instability of the soul wave? Soul waves are essentially similar to light waves, so the experience of light waves must be applicable to soul waves. The problem of light wave scattering can be solved by laser, so soul waves should have a similar cluster principle. Laser is also light. After the light passes through the ruby of the six-sided crystal, it gathers into a beam. Because it solves the scattering phenomenon of light well, all the photons are bound to walk on a line, so the laser is very stable and travels far away. It can shoot directly from the earth to the moon, while ordinary light is impossible to do. To this point."

"Simply put, the laser solves the problem of light and energy loss well. If you refer to the working principle of the laser, as long as you find a method that can restrain the soul wave and make the soul wave resolutely go straight, without the scattering loss of energy and information, then the soul wave will become very stable and spread. It's farther, maybe it can spread faster.