Star Dragonkui

Chapter 233 Seven Blood Lotus Umbrella

Duan Fei's matter was indeed a little unnatural. He took advantage of the fire to rob and fall into the well. It was not too much to say. He saw that the Taoist nun fell down, was transporting her skills and breathing, killing directly from the inside of the iceberg. Suddenly, she made a move from her back, and the snake's wand was launched at close range, and as soon as it came up, it was the top floating.

Taoist nun never expected that Duan Fei would suddenly shoot cold arrows. Her reaction was still very fast. She felt that she immediately turned around and held an umbrella to block it. The seven-blooded lotus umbrella is a sacred object of the magic religion. Duan Fei's you fu duan impossible to pass through the magic umbrella, but Duan Fei was too fierce and shot a cold arrow behind her at close range. The Taoist nun's reaction was very fast, still poor. So little by little, almost half of the UFO had been close to her body, and the magic umbrella was opened.

Although only half of the UFO hit, Duan Fei has just eaten two dragons. His soul power is unprecedentedly high. With a full blow, half of the UFO is enough to make her dizzy. Duan Fei can't wait for her to wake up. While she is dizzy, her body electric light bypasses the magic umbrella and the piercing sword fiercely. Stabbed out.

Those who do great things can't have the benevolence of women. Duan Fei is determined to kill her, so as soon as he takes action, he has ten tenths of his internal strength. The Taoist nun is not chaotic in the face of danger. Seeing that the long sword stabbed over, it was too late to put an umbrella. His left hand grabbed it forward and unexpectedly grabbed Duan Fei's sword.

Duan Fei didn't say anything. He swam in the empty space with his left hand, and the black soul thorn slid along the piercing sword of his right hand to the Taoist nun's palm. The Taoist nun secretly shouted that it was not good. Unexpectedly, this inconspicuous boy's magic is not shallow. He played some quite difficult magic tricks. As the saying goes, the open gun is easy to hide, and the dark sword is difficult to prevent. What is more difficult than the dark sword is the magic trick. Originally, she had already grasped Duan Fei's piercing sword, and she thought that she had controlled the war situation. Unexpectedly, this boy started from the sword front. Directly through the black hairline.

The Taoist nun saw the black silk coming along the sword front. She panicked for a moment and suddenly shook her internal strength. As Duan Fei expected, although this woman was deeply Taoist, she did not know why. The use of soul power was obviously a short board. In fact, in terms of soul power, this woman would at least not lose much to Duan Fei. Ask her to raise her soul guard, and the black silk will break through without attack.

Use internal forces to resist the destruction of spiritual hair, which is out of reach.

Seeing the soul pierce into her body, Duan Fei secretly cheered and looked at the Taoist aunt's eyes stunned. Duan Fei reached out and slapped her right shoulder, and then sent another sword into her abdomen, stirring and shaking hard.

After thousands of years of Taoism, his life was really hard. Duan Fei took so much effort that she was not dead. She screamed twice, fell to the ground, opened her eyes wide, and stared at Duan Fei fiercely. She wanted to swallow his meat and eat his bones raw.

The two screams of Taoist nuns quickly shocked the monk fighting at high altitude. He looked back in mid-air and shouted, "Duan Fei, you shameless villain!"

Duan Fei knew that it was time to really try his best. The snake wand in his left hand turned his wrist and pushed it out, and the small pin shot directly into the Taoist aunt's body. Duan Fei rushed up and grabbed her blood magic umbrella, collected his magic weapon, and ran away.

The one-eyed monk fell down, which was originally a quite painful and passive situation. According to Duan Fei's design, this guy had to check the injury of the Taoist aunt first. Although the yellow-faced woman was seriously injured, she would not die immediately, or there was still a chance to save her. The monk was bound to spend some effort to help her heal her wounds. At least you have to find a safe place to hide her. For example, under the ice, it is impossible for the eagle dragon to kill below the ice.

In addition, there will definitely be several dragons that will keep up with this monk. This guy still has a lot of things to deal with, and he will not be able to take care of his Duan Fei for a while. In this one, Duan Fei grabbed two dragons and grabbed a blood magic umbrella. He is really proud of killing many birds with one stone.

Duan Fei thought beautifully, but the monk did not cooperate at all. As soon as the one-eyed dragon landed, he didn't care about the accomplice who fell to the ground and hummed. In fact, he didn't figure out why Duan Fei attacked. He felt that Duan Fei must have grabbed a good thing and gritted his teeth and was about to catch up.

As for the eagle dragon that chased down, the monk drilled under the ice. The eagle dragon's steel claws picked up fiercely on the ice, leaving a scratch half a meter deep scratch. Then the two eagle dragons turned their attention to the unlucky Taoist aunt, who was hard enough to breathe by Duan Fei's continuous poisoned and gasp. When the eagle dragon rushed over, she was miserable and had almost no resistance. She was directly bitten and swallowed into the dragon's stomach.

The monk chased Duan Fei, and the closer he got. Duan Fei soon found that his plan failed. It was not a way to run like this. The ice was very thick. Duan Fei opened the road in front of him, and the monk behind walked along the road he pioneered. Of course, it was faster than him. This was too disadvantageous. Duan Fei got into the ice and walked along the ground. The watch ran wildly, and the monk also rose to the surface and chased all the way.

Fighting for speed, Duan Fei has no advantage. There is nothing he can do but fight. If he doesn't get rid of this one-eyed monk, it is a dilemma after all. While running, Duan Fei planned that to clean up the one-eyed dragon, he had to return to the iceberg. In the interior of the mountain, his ice system could only give full play to his advantage.

When he thought of it, he opened the way and drilled back into the ice. It was almost 20 meters deep. That's enough, Duan Fei turned around decisively, grabbed the seven-blooded lotus umbrella in his right hand, turned the ice storm, turned the ice into a tornado ice mist, and then opened the blood lotus into it. The blood lotus ice storm surrounded the monk.

Besides, the one-eyed monk inexplicably chased Duan Fei to drill around in and out of the iceberg. He didn't expect that this boy could still play such a strange move. When the blood lotus ice storm came, he could only stop it. The ice storm was fine. The blood lotus was a magic killing move, which could not be stopped. He pulled the Buddha beads in his right hand, and a circle of Buddha's light shook open. Go and disperse the blood lotus planted in the ice storm vortex.

Duan Feile, there are quite a large number of blood lotus flowers in this magic umbrella, which is almost inexhaustible, which only shows that this umbrella has sucked the blood of countless people. It is said that each human life is seven blood lotus flowers. Looking at that style, the Taoist nun has at least thousands of murders on her body, and she can't care about a lot. Seven blood lotus flowers, the monk took a little effort to break up. Duan Fei was not in a hurry. He kept making ice tyrannosaurus reel with his right hand and occasionally adding some ingredients, which was enough for the monk to have a pot. His left hand, unfolded the ice system to swallow and replenish the internal strength.

Duan Fei's right-hand attack and his left hand make up for it. Although he can't balance the energy, he can at least get five into three. The consumption of internal force is obviously slow. The monk over there is more miserable. The internal force is only shaken out and has not been recovered. Compared with the two, the monk's internal force soon fell down.

What's more terrible is that Duan Fei changed a little from time to time. He added some blood lotus to the ice storm, and then changed to a black floating gadfly. The number is large. A UFO is hundreds of floating gadfly, which is unpreventable. The monk tried his best to shoot away with Buddha's light, and a small amount of floating gadfly still swam into his body.

is in the floating gadfly. This guy's soul energy and internal power are consumed more quickly. This is a competition. Duan Fei obviously controls the rhythm of the game.

The one-eyed monk soon found this problem. Sooner or later, he would have to finish it. Once his internal strength was exhausted, he could only die. When the monk thought of this layer, he could only fight hard.

His eyes showed fierce light, and his hands made the Buddha beads urgent, and then roared. The Buddha beads collapsed and shot away. TNND was really desperate. Unexpectedly, the Buddha beads were destroyed, just to fight for victory.

Of course, Duan Fei knew that the Buddha bead was powerful. Once there were one or two bodies that hit his body, he would be seriously injured. In an emergency, he had been dealing with the magic of the dead for so many years. With his high understanding of the magic weapon, he clenched the handle of the blood magic umbrella with both hands and burst out all the soul energy and internal force in his body. Fiercely swirled the blood demon vortex.

"Bang, bang, bang..." Buddha beads exploded violently in the blood demon vortex, causing ice crystals and colorful streamer.

"I'll fight for you!" Duan Fei clenched his teeth and tried his best to shake the blood magic umbrella in his hand. When the last Buddha bead was smashed, the monk had escaped for at least hundreds of kilometers. Duan Fei put away the blood umbrella, inserted it in his waist, opened his bow left and right, and quickly started the ice system to swallow, and soon the internal force recovered.

After recovering his internal strength, Duan Fei floated to the surface of the glacier. Forget the one-eyed monk. Duan Fei was really not in the mood to chase him. After two fierce battles, he needed to rest. It was really thrilling just now. No one knew whether the blood magic umbrella could resist the monk's Buddha light.