Star Dragonkui

Chapter 237 Soul Wave Flight

The elevation of Tianyan Mountain is not high, only more than 2,000 meters. The key is that its mountain is relatively strong. The main components of the rock layer are corundum and granite. Duan Fei valued this, which is the mountain closest to metal hardness.

Of course, the first step is to swallow and melt. It is not easy to melt the hard huge granite into particles smaller than sand grains. Duan Fei tossed all morning and did not move. The soil layer outside the rock was shaved by him, that is, he could not nibble on the hard rock layer.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, and then continue to do it in the afternoon.

After gnawing the hard stone for a day, the effect was very small. It almost dug out a 1mm thick layer of skin from the hard rock layer. Although the effect was not great, it was more or less a harvest.

In the evening, Duan Fei began to try Weihe King Kong. After these days of phagocytosis practice, there is no shortage of heavy metal particles in his body, that is, the nuclear fuel pool, and the reactor is available, but he can't find the key to start the nuclear reactor.

Duan Fei made all kinds of attempts, no matter what posture he used, no matter what the method, he could not open the nuclear reactor. If you can't start the nuclear reactor, it is impossible to generate the energy of King Kong. Without energy, there is no way to talk about boxing.

The next morning, Duan Fei came to the front of the rock layer again. No matter how hard the bones were, he had to eat them. What kind of courage and courage Yugong moved the mountain? It only took a day or two. What is it?

The next day's efforts were still not very effective, and two millimeters of rock formations were removed.

At night, Duan Fei continued to look for the key to the nuclear reactor and how to stimulate the nuclear reaction of heavy metal particles in the body, which is a difficult topic to complete.

Two consecutive nights of hard work ended in failure.

On the third day, Duan flew earlier, sat in front of the rock layer and thought for half an hour, and suddenly slapped it on the hard rock layer. The rock cracked and the sand flew across. As soon as his wrist turned, the gravel and sand particles quickly clung to the palm of his hand and vortexed. Yes, it was this method. Duan Fei suddenly became energetic and shivered. After nine hours of drying in one breath, a two-meter-deep pit was killed.

With initial success, Duan Fei was very excited at night. With this excitement, he crashed into the nuclear reactor inside his body. With a punch, Guo Daxia's eighteen palms were simply not worth mentioning compared with Weihe King Kong. Duan Fei punched out and directly bombarded a small mushroom cloud with a diameter of 500 meters.

Next, slap down with a big pit 50 meters wide and 30 meters deep in front of you. The right hand soil system swallowed up a move, and the sandstorm rolled over, and soon filled the big pit. This continuous move was easy to use. The left hand killed, and the right hand was buried.

After two steps in a row, Duan Fei was so excited that he didn't sleep all night and played a GDP game on the vacant land at the foot of the mountain. An economist said that he first find a group of people to dig a hole in the salary, and then find a group of people to fill the pit without consuming any resources and causing a waste of energy. A huge and very considerable effect: GDP.

One night, I dug more than 70 big pits, and then filled them in and played around. I felt that this Weihe King Kong had reached the level of being easy to use. It was very cool.

In the morning, I was tired and went to bed.

When he got up at noon, Duan Fei began to nibble on the mountain again.

Today's effect is still not ideal. It took a long time to gnaw in a depth of two meters. How can it go on like this?

Duan Fei gritted his teeth, started working overnight, worked overtime, and worked all night. Finally, he realized a little way. A series of hollow palms shook down, and the layers of rock immediately loosened.

In a week, Duan Fei has drilled into the center of the interior of Tianyan Mountain, hiding there and going in which direction he wants to break through. The rock phagocy has reached the level of practice to make perfect. Next, it is time to consider the interstellar shock wave, which is the second level of the cracking magic fist.

The interstellar shock wave is to make the huge fist produce interstellar-level air shock. This movement is very big. With a punch on the earth, you can hear the huge movement below standing on the moon. This kind of fist is quite awesome.

Must suck more gravity alloys, supergravity alloys, and supergravity alloy particles can provide greater energy. Duan Fei accelerated the phagocytosis inside the mountain. A large number of metal particles were absorbed by his body. His body was like a high-level energy ball. After accumulating enough energy, Duan Fei tried One punch.

Directly from the center of the mountain, a huge cave 5 meters high and 1 kilometer deep was born. Duan Fei came out of the cave concocted by himself, with a very strange smile on his face.

The ashes and smoke are extinguished. The third level of Jufei Shenquan is the next important task. If you understand it as slap the stone to ashes with one punch, you are wrong. A year ago, Duan Fei could beat the stone to ashes with one palm.

The ash and smoke extinguishing means that the object is directly disintegrated by the powerful electromagnetic energy applied to the surface of the object.

Oriental Invincible can beat people into meat cakes with one palm and blow people into pieces with one punch, but they can't beat people into soot with one punch and dissipate with the wind. This is the difference.

The ashes and smoke are extinguished, and there is no need to dance into corpses in the future. It is directly bombarded into soot, and it will be gone in one breath.

Duan Fei found that this thing is easy to use. No matter how many enemies there are, they don't have to worry about spending money to find someone to bury it. It's all gone. There is not even a smell of blood. It's clean and neat, which is more in line with the modern environmental protection/spirit.

At the level of ashes and smoke, it has reached a bottleneck. There is no way. There is too little gravity alloy accumulated in the body, and there is no supergravity alloy at all. It must be swallowed up by the horse gold system, otherwise it will drag the boxing method.

Before going down the mountain to find the source of metal, Duan Fei must solve the flight problem. At this level, I feel a little sorry for relying on the spaceship to fly around. The light kung fu that I was once proud of has become the biggest short board.

The best way to move is soul wave. From Master Kusong, Duan Fei knows this truth, but how to apply this thing is still a difficult technical difficulty to solve. Bottleneck.

Duan Fei needs to confirm one thing. Did Ku Song lie?

If the answer is that Ku Song does not lie, and in fact, there is no need for him to lie to his famous little disciple Duan Fei, then Duan Fei can confirm another thing: the way Ku Song uses should be to cluster soul waves.

Although the soul wave moves very fast, there is a congenital defect, that is, scattering, large energy loss and large information loss. Just like ordinary light cannot reach the starry sky, it is necessary to find a laser. The existence of clustered soul waves well solves the energy loss and information loss of soul waves. If it is withered Song did not lie, so the old Taoist priest must use a cluster of soul waves. To transmit a complete body particles to the earth 250 million kilometers away, ordinary soul waves are impossible to do it.

The cluster of soul waves, carrying huge energy and all life information through 250 million kilometers of starry sky distance, walking back on the earth. Yes, that's what it means. The one who can run back and forth between 250 million kilometers in five minutes can only be Gather the soul wave.

From the withered pine, Duan Fei finally realized the most important flight trick: the cluster soul wave. Of course, it is not enough to theoretically solve the flight tools. It is impossible for the cluster soul wave to fly out with the whole body. This is not a matter of energy, but not in line with the basic knowledge of physics.

The basis of the physics of soul waves is wave-particle biphase. At this point, it is exactly the same as light waves. Light waves are a kind of special radiation produced by photons that generate motion under the drive of energy and release energy information. The laser solves the problem of energy loss well. The photon itself is scattered, just like the sun. The sunlight does not travel in a straight line, but emits light energy around the sphere centered on the sun.

But the laser is in a straight line, not scattered around.

Soul waves, like light waves, are generated by energy radiation driven by energy by soul bosons. This special radiation cannot be recognized by the human eye, nor can the radio wave receiver recognize it. Only the soul body can recognize and receive it.

An important technical difficulty of soul wave flight is the self-phagocytosis of the body. The phagocytosis law tells us that powerful energy can crush matter into invisible particles and then directly restore and reorganize. Soul wave flight is a process of body devouring and crushing and then restoring and reorganizing.

The yuan god smashes his body into invisible fine particles with powerful energy and loads it on the cluster soul wave. The cluster soul wave carries life particles through the starry sky and reorganizes the body after arriving at the destination, giving people a feeling of teleportation through time and space. In fact, it is only an extension of the law of devouring.