Star Dragonkui

Chapter 248 Being an emperor, a lot of bad things

After completing the reform of the Chaoyan Pavilion Department, Duan Fei began to hide in the deep palace to practice, and only to practice the fourth floor. The broken time has not yet reached the way. He is busy.

"Your Majesty, the Ministry of Ceremonies asks for a meeting." Duan Fei had just settled down, and someone came out to report that it was obviously unrealistic to be a leisure emperor.

"Xuan." Duan Fei had to pay off his work, and he was not very happy. If he said that there might be some emergencies in the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Industry, there was nothing to do with him all year round. Today, he actually ran out to do the matter. Isn't it okay to scold him?

I just wronged Emperor Shengwu. Duan Fei straightened the emperor's robe. Anyway, he is also a new emperor. Let's listen to him patiently first. These ministers like to toss around when they have nothing to do.

"Hangtray, my emperor!"

"ping shen, give me a seat."

After the minister of Ceremonies saw the imperial ceremony, the little emperor was still polite. The old man sat down on Duan Fei's left hand side. Duan Fei was a straightforward person. He opened the window and said directly, "Your excellency didn't stay in the cabinet. Why did you come here?"

"When I go back to the emperor, the old minister did some things to report when he entered the palace this time."

"Say it, what's the matter?"

"Your Majesty, now the state affairs of the Set Dynasty are stable, the world is peaceful, and the people of the world are grateful. There is nothing wrong with the four sides, but there is something that the old minister has been thinking about and has to ask for it."

"What's the matter? Just say it. Don't beat around me. There are no outsiders here. Let's be honest."

"Your Majesty!" Lao Shangshu got up from his seat and knelt down on the ground.

"What are you doing?" Duan Fei looked at the first-class member like this, frowned and ordered, "Get up and sit down. You are old. Don't kneel down."

"I beg Your Majesty to exempt the old minister from the crime of being outspokes."

"You don't have to get up."

"Thank you, Emperor." Lao Shangshu stood beside the emperor.

"Sit down."

"Thank you, Emperor." After sitting down, Lao Shangshu said, "Your Majesty, create a new situation in the Sett Dynasty, and all the people respect it..."

"Come on," Duan Fei interrupted his words before Lao Shangshu finished speaking: "Don't do these false things. Tell me, what the hell is going on?"

Lao Shangshu thought about it and had prepared a wonderful statement. Now the emperor is impatient and can only say in a short story: "My Set Dynasty has a vast territory and many races. In order to ensure that the tribes are safe, hundreds of people seem to have formed an unwritten rule. Among the ministries, they will choose some Wise people will give them some rewards for prestigious families in various ministries.

"Didn't I already do this? The title of the king, the title of Jin, and several large tribes have been completed, and only some small remote departments are still verifying this matter..."

"The old minister said more than that, and there is one more important thing than this title of Jinjue."

"Is there anything more important than this?"

"Now that the world is beginning to be determined, all the people have stretched out their necks and watch. The emperor must do this matter to convince the people, especially between several big tribes, who have been fighting for many years. Even King Set - oh, the old minister's death, how can he compare the demon king of the world with the emperor? The sinner deserves to die." As soon as Lao Shangshu found that he had said something wrong, he immediately rolled down from his seat, knelt down to the ground, and bowed his head to death.

"Get up, I'm not a real saint. There's nothing wrong with comparing me with King Narset. On the contrary, I think this metaphor is very decent. Tell me, what do the people think of this problem?"

"This..." Lao Shangshu hesitated.

"Longqing, it's okay to say something. I'm innocent of you."

Longqing knelt on the ground, thought for a moment, and said euphemistically, "The ministers far away are unknown. According to the rumors of the capital, the people still particularly support your majesty, but..."

"I have given you innocence. What other concerns do you have?"

"Although the people are grateful to your majesty, they are still worried that your majesty will change his path and become as violent as King Seth."

"Oh, is that so? Are many people comparing me with King Seth?"


"I won't let the people down."

"This is a blessing for all the people. The old minister thanked the emperor on behalf of the people."

"Don't kneel, just sit back."

"Thank you, Emperor."

"You haven't said anything more important than the title of King Jinjue. Tell me, what's the matter?"

Longqing was about to get up and kneel again, but was blocked by the emperor. He had to sit on the side, straighten his official robe, and said word by word, "Although King Set was fierce, after ascending to the throne, he also respected the old system that the Set Kingdom had been inherited for a long time. After choosing concubines among several large tribes, this was the Set Kingdom for thousands of years. The rule is that there is no waste, especially the Set, Elves and Witches. These three tribes have never been short of capable people and aliens, and all kings must be able to attract these three tribes.

Duan Fei's face was suddenly covered with a layer of frost. This matter is quite tricky. Lao Shangshu has made it very clear. Even when King Set came in, he had to respect other people's customs. The two imperial concubines after the Set Palace must come from these three tribes. Otherwise, it is possible to fight civil war.

In ancient times, dignitaries attach great importance to royal bloodline. On the planet, there are only one or two imperial concubines. The other children of the concubines cannot inherit the throne. In other words, for thousands of years, the real imperial relatives and nobles have come from these three tribes. There is only one emperor, but there can be many emperors. What everyone is fighting for is not only the ownership of a throne, but also a large number of royal seats.

Duan Fei's martial arts skills are so high that he can kill any Set warrior in seconds, but as an emperor, he can't do the tragedy of genocide. Unexpectedly, there are still many things that the emperor is uneven. Duan Fei's scalp is really numb.

"Your Majesty, this matter is related to the vital interests of major tribes, and you must not do it arbitrarily."

"Longqing, if I remember correctly, you don't seem to be from the three tribes, do you?"

"There is a worry about the Lao emperor. The old minister is a Hongsha ethnic group. The Hongsha ethnic group is located in a remote area and has always been poor. With the grace of the saints, the old minister can be listed in the first class, and the old minister feels five."

"Well, I know what you said. I'll talk about the election of concubines later."

"Your Majesty, although you are precious in the Ninth Five-Year Plan, the people's words are terrible. The matter of choosing a concubine is of great importance. Now all departments in the world are watching. I heard that the three tribes have begun to take action. I dared to say that this matter should be decided."

"Okay, I know, Longqing, please arrange for me to take over the emperor and the empress dowager on earth in a few days. In the future, I will leave the affairs in the palace to the empress dowager."

"I complied with the order."

"Go down, wait..." Duan Fei suddenly remembered another thing: "Bell me a word to the princes of the three tribes and tell them that I will try my best to abide by the old system of the Set dynasty."

"Holy Ming."

After Longqing retreated, Duan Fei had a headache. These three tribes obviously forced the palace. Is it their turn to choose concubines? It's really unreasonable, but if they completely ignore their ideas and get blood on the earth, Duan Fei will not be afraid of the war, and King Seth's million heroes will be destroyed by him in an hour. Besides, he is the one who is sitting on the throne now.

To put it bluntly, Chaoyan's army is in his hands. There are not many soldiers and horses in the hands of the princes of each department, but there are many soldiers and horses. He fought down, and the other party collapsed. It's ridiculous to do it like this. How can he not be a tyrant?

Even a great pirate like King Set is unwilling to slaughter his subjects, let alone Duan Fei?

He really wants to pull Liu Qing to be a queen, but it seems that he really can't deal with this matter. Liu Qing doesn't do it at all. What should he do?

"Your Majesty. The earth delegation will arrive at the Imperial City of Set tomorrow.

"Do you know what they came here for this time?"

"I haven't heard of it."

"After coming, directly ask the servant of the Ministry of Ceremonies to go to receive Haosheng, and by the way, ask what they came to Seth Star for."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Since becoming the emperor, the messy things are really endless. After this batch, there is another batch. Ha Laike, the king of Zhennan, asked for a meeting. This Ha Laike is a highly valued old prince of the elves. He came all the way from the southern forest. It must be unspeakable.