Star Dragonkui

Chapter 269 K7 Universe

Duan Fei's heart is relieved. It seems that Miss Su is a very thoughtful person. With her arrangement, he basically doesn't have to worry too much.

"Su Qin, can I ask you about someone?"

"Say it."

"Have you ever heard of Magic Snake?"

"Phantom Snake?" Hearing the name, Su Qin involuntarily stepped back two steps.

"Do you know this person?"

"Of course, I have been in Tianxiang Valley for many years. There are three teachings and nine streams here. There are all kinds of news. According to them, the three characters, the magic snake and Ziwu and Xu are the great demons who ran rampant in the universe hundreds of millions of years ago. At that time, the whole universe suffered all the sufferings of these three people. Later, the various races of the universe put these three People appeal to the front of the universe.

"The former of the universe? What is the pre-egen of the universe?

"I'm just hearsay. I heard from them that this universe is older than our universe and is the highest governing body of the whole universe."

"How can there be something older than the universe in the world? The universe has not been born. Where did the management agency come from? Duan Fei was a little mysterious when he heard about this.

"Listen to them, our universe is actually only a part of the world. Outside our universe, there are many universes. Listen to them, our universe is named K7 space. In the whole world, it is actually a young space. There are many spaces that have existed for hundreds of billions of years. Our The universe is only 14 billion years old and very young.

"That universe pre-egen must be very powerful."

"Yes, I heard that no one in our universe has entered the institution of the pre-yuan of the universe for so many years. I heard that in order to enter this institution, we must reach the level of t-yuan. These things are too mysterious. Later, the pre-yuan of the universe received appeals from all races in the universe. They accepted it and sent a high-level ren�yuan level. He came over, but I heard them say that this magic snake, Ziwu, and virtual snake can't be killed. It can only be sealed and will come back in many years.

"Ziwu, virtual, Ziwu? Xu Yue?" Duan Fei said a few words. The more he read, the more wrong it became. Ziwu, wouldn't it have anything to do with Ziwu?

"What you said, if you want to deal with these three guys, you can only go to Yuanluo in the universe?"


"But I heard that many years ago, the ancestral wolf easily cleaned up the magic snake."

"The mana of Zulang ranks second in the whole universe, second only to Zulong. Of course, he can defeat the magic snake."

"Is there any mana ranking in the universe?"

"Of course."

"Where can I see it?"

"Longkui Star, Holy Martial Monument."

"Long Kuixing?" Duan Fei was quite interested in this Longkuixing. He turned his head and asked, "How can I go to Longkuixing?"

"I don't know the details. It is said that this Longkui star is not in our universe, and some people say that it is at the center of our universe."

"Beyond the universe? The center of the universe? Duan Fei smiled bitterly. These distances are hundreds of millions of light years alone. Although he has three times the speed of light, he has to run for at least tens of millions of years. Save it. Get rid of this idea and go to Longkuixing. If you are lucky, tens of millions of years. If you are unlucky, hundreds of millions of years.

This is an unimaginable question.

Duan Fei now understands that there is nothing he can do to deal with the magic snake.

The former element of the universe is still outside the universe, and it will have to run for hundreds of millions of years, and Longkui Star will also be tens of millions of years.

Is there really nothing we can do? Of course, Duan Fei will not give up. Since the ancestral wolf can have the ability to kill magic snakes in seconds, why can't I Duan Fei do it? The last time Sun Wukong appeared on the earth was 2,000 years ago. Now his old man has lived in Longkuixing. What does this mean? Sun Wukong's trip to Longkuixing only took a thousand years at most. According to his old man's temper, it is unlikely to spend a thousand years on the road. This also shows that it will definitely not cost him 1,000 yuan to go to Longkuixing. Year.

Even if a monkey becomes a Buddha, his patience is not much better. He has been running in space for a thousand years, not to mention whether he has enough energy. First of all, patience is a big problem, which also shows that there is a speed level faster than the speed of light, not dozens of times the speed of light, but tens of thousands of times the speed of light. 100 million times, what is a light-year? A light-year is equal to the speed of light running at a speed of 300,000 kilometers per second. What is this distance? 300,000 kilometers × 60 seconds × 60 minutes × 24 hours × 365 days = 946.0 million kilometers, that is, 946 billion kilometers.

If Longkui is located at the center of the universe, the unit of distance from the Milky Way should be tens of millions of light years, 9 trillion kilometers. Think about how you can get there and how long it will take. There is no way to think about this problem. This distance can't be reached at all.

Humans already know the scope of the universe, but that's only theoretical and just hypothetical. The map of the universe in the minds of all scientists is unreal. There should never be a way to reach the real boundary of the universe. The radio telescopes used by astronomers only capture the universe. The body has radio waves released tens of millions of years ago and hundreds of millions of years ago, and then calculates the physical characteristics of cosmic objects hundreds of millions of light-years apart.

In other words, the map of the universe we get is actually a hybrid composed of the radio information of cosmic celestial bodies from different historical periods. The universe is constantly changing. Perhaps the celestial body we see on the edge of the universe has died out after billions of years.

Human beings do not have a real map of the universe now.

Since there are multiple cosmic spaces in this world and a powerful space management agency, they must have a map in their hands. The appearance of the universe is a huge hollow sphere structure. What can be used to define the coordinates of the universe?

If Longkui is the center of the universe, then it should be the origin of the three axes of X, Y and Z in K7 space, that is, X, Y, Z (0, 0, 0). You must get a map of the universe as soon as possible, at least find the coordinates parameters of the Milky Way in K7 space, and know the coordinates and punctuation of the Milky Way. Then the direction and distance of Longkui Star can be measured.

"Afei, what are you thinking about?" Su Qin looked at him and asked softly.

"I'm thinking that the space system is so huge and complex that there must be a coordinates definition. If our universe is designated as K7, then there must be a large map of K7 in the front of the universe."

"I haven't heard of the map of K7 space. Maybe people in the whole K7 universe are not qualified to have access to this kind of thing. I've heard of the map of the galaxy."

"Can you find a way to get some information about the map of the galaxy, even the coordinates of any point?"

Let me think about how many senior figures of the Milky Way have come into contact with many high-ranking figures of the Milky Way, and even many awesome people from extragalactics occasionally visit Tianxiang Valley. It seems that I have heard them talk about the coordinates of Tianxiang Valley before. I remember that I also wrote it down at that time. I will look for it later. Maybe I can Find it out."

"Okay, as long as I have the coordinates parameters of Tianxiang Valley, I can reverse the direction and distance of Longkui Star."

Su Qin left, and Duan Feiji sat on his knees in the depths of the earth. He had to sort out a clue. The extremely powerful organization of the universe, which made him have a strong interest. If you want to deal with the magic snake, you can either find a master or become a master of the sudden level. Since the master of the universe can come from the outer universe. Then his movement speed is not as simple as the speed of light.

There must be higher-level speed units in the world, the speed of sound and the speed of light, from 340 meters per second to 300,000 kilometers per second, so the next speed unit is at least 300 million kilometers per second. No, 300 million kilometers per second, less than one thousandth of a light year. It is still unrealistic to walk 100 million light years. For characters, the movement speed should be close to the level of light years.

Duan Fei sat underground, and soon Su Qin came back. She brought back the good news.

"The master sent by the former Yuan of the universe last time was not a ridge-level, but a light grade. I remember it wrong. That person's called Nine-tailed Cat God."

"Light-grade master, nine-tailed cat god."

Su Qin turned out her early notebook and turned out these old things, which Duan Fei was eagerly looking forward to.