Star Dragonkui

Chapter 273 Broken Time

Su Qin looked at Duan Fei's persistence and smiled, "What era is it? Why are you so persistent?"

"You must be persistent. Isn't this good, Su Su?"

"I'm not Xiao Susu. It's enough to be your grandmother. Do you know how old I am?"

"No matter how old you are, in my eyes, you are Xiao Susu."

"Well, you emperor, just praised you a few words, and you are a little fluttering."

"What I said is from the bottom of my heart."

"Cut, I see you, you have become an emperor, and your mind is not right."

"You haven't tried. How do you know that my mind is not right?"

"Hey, what are you doing?" Su Qin saw Duan Fei leaning up and involuntarily retreated.

Duan Fei stuck to her face and whispered, "Didn't you say that my mind is not right? Now let you try what is wrong."

"Hey, you can't do this." Su Qin shouted softly. Duan Fei's hands had already held her in her arms. Su Qin tried to push her. Duan Fei did not let go, and she had no choice but to gently beat the emperor twice, so she was no longer noisy. Duan Fei rudely pushed her down on Yu**.

"Actually, I came here today to tell you something. Look at you, I almost forgot the business." Su Qin was still complaining while wearing clothes.

"What's the business? Haven't you married yet?"

"Stop messing around, I'm serious with you. Recently, I heard that a book of monstrous secrets from the outer universe has fallen into our K7 universe. I'm trying to get this book, but now I'm a little short of money. Can you lend me some money?"

"Forget it, the broken time sent to me by the magic snake has not been traced. You can't be too hasty about the practice. As for money, don't be so foreign. How much is not a problem."

"Is the number relatively large?"

"How much?"

"300,000 silver tickets."

"For ordinary people, this is indeed a large number, but for the emperor, it is not a big number."

"Thank you very much."

"Stay in the palace for a few more days, okay?"

"I'm not used to living here. Besides, your concubines will be jealous."

"Even if you don't show up, they will be jealous. After my child is born, I will give up the throne and let Solan assist the government. In the future, I will be dedicated to practicing Taoism, regardless of these messy things."

"Are you really willing to get the glory and wealth?"

"Because I have enjoyed glory and wealth, these things are no longer attractive to me now."

"What is attractive to you?"


"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore. Let's go first."

In the late winter, it snowed.

The palace courtyard is lively. Concubine Xiande is about to give birth. The concubine of Shengwu is also about to give birth. The maid of honor is busy, and Duan Fei can't calm down. At the same time, she will run to the head of Solan's bed to comfort her with a few words. After a while, she will go to Ouyang's other side to say a few words. And Jie Na Zhaoyi is pregnant and has a poor appetite. He has to go there often. Take care of it over there. It's really a little anxious.

This winter, the ministers are relatively obedient. They should do everything carefully, and do what should be done honestly. Although the dynasty is big, it is still peaceful and peaceful.

Less than five days after the birth of Princess Solan's child, Ouyang's child was also born. Concubine Xiande gave birth to a princess, and Ouyang gave birth to a prince.

The emperor was in a very good mood. In this winter, he issued an order to make Solan the queen of the main palace. Although her daughter was small, she also gave her the title of Princess Xinlan. Ouyang's imperial concubine also straightened up. In the future, she could assist the national government in a righteous manner. Her son became the eldest prince of the dynasty, and the emperor made a relatively simple Name: Duan Yu.

Although the ministers did not agree with the name, the emperor insisted that the little prince also awarded the title of king, King Cheng. At a glance, this title was the material of the prince.

After winter and spring, the queen's bones were almost recovered. The emperor ordered the king to be raised by the queen, and on the contrary, Princess Xinlan was handed over to the imperial concubine Shengwu.

Many ministers have seen the emperor's intention. Everyone knows that the emperor is a foreign master and dedicated to Taoism. The purpose of such an arrangement is very obvious. The children raised by the queen will become prince in the future. The imperial concubine will take the queen's own flesh and blood. In the future, the two sides will assist and supervise each other.

The queen is the adoptive mother of the prince and the imperial concubine is the biological mother of the prince. Such an arrangement is the best strategy that Duan Fei can think of. Besides, with his martial arts, no matter how the dynasty changes in the future, it is impossible to exceed his control. The army of the whole dynasty can't beat him. He is not worried at all. Some people will rebel and make trouble. He is worried that the people will not live a good life.

Ouyang is relatively comfortable, with a little princess, which is more comfortable. Solan's pressure is relatively greater. The emperor basically does not go to court. The queen sits in the court to face a class of civil and martial arts. When she comes down from the court, she has to take care of this little prince.

Duan Fei hid in the secret room to test his broken time and space. As soon as he came up, he experimented with his own body. He was not so bold. Let's take small animals first. Chickens, ducks, cats, dogs and rabbits are all useful.

Use a vortex storm beyond the speed of light to send these things into another space, and then...

Usually, the first step is easy to complete. The superluminal storm directly sends small animals into another time and space, but the second step is repeated failures. Chickens, ducks, cats and dogs, one after another, are sent to the strange time and space, but they can't be found and can't be sent back. Obviously, it's not possible. In case you send yourself in, can't go back? It's miserable to come there. I've been in a dark alien space all my life, and I'm bored to death.

If you can't be proficient in animals, you can't easily cut yourself. This is an important principle of Duan Fei. After repeated experiments, he finally began to taste the taste of success, and some of the little things he sent out have been able to be found.

In order to make the effect of the experiment more realistic, he decided to try another practice place.

The underground secret room of the palace is no longer needed. He ordered to buy a courtyard far away from the imperial city for cultivation.

The most dangerous attempt to break time and space began. First, send yourself into a strange alien space, and then find the way back to the real world.

Although it has been repeatedly tested on animals, there is still a small problem with himself. After entering the strange alien space, he did not find the way back. He not only did not return, but also turned into another strange alien space. Duan Fei was dumbfounded at that time. Fortunately, his Yuanshen was very good inside. The memory hard disk quickly accessed the hard disk and repeatedly analyzed the speed parameters in various directions. After hundreds of experiments, he finally found the return path.

After repeated drills, his broken time and space are very familiar. Usually, after learning an important martial arts, he has to put himself into actual combat to test and correct it. This is Duan Fei's habit.

Recently, the Golden Horse Empire has been harassing the mining area of the Set Dynasty, which made Duan Fei quickly find a training partner. A small group of troops of the Golden Horse Empire are plundering rampantly in the Sierrahan region. Generally speaking, these small group of troops are very guerrilla. Once the dynasty's army comes, these people will slip away, and the envoys of the dynasty have After many times of protesting to the Golden Horse Empire, there was no result.

Duan Fei has no intention of conquering the Golden Horse Empire. It's not a matter of ability, but he doesn't have the energy to manage such a large empire. He doesn't want to care about a Set dynasty. How can he be in the mood to manage dozens of planets?

His goal is just to practice with these small troops, and let them find a few strong martial arts figures to test his new achievements.

Duan Fei fell directly from the sky and appeared beside the robbers.

"Hey, you have also robbed a lot of things. Are you still not satisfied?"

"Which green onion are you?"

As soon as Duan Fei saw the leading officer, he felt a little unhappy. A superluminal storm threw him over and threw the boy directly into the boundless dark world.

If he has the ability to get out of the alien space, it will not be this identity.

"Demon! Be careful, everyone." An officer shouted at his companion.

"You're right, magic." Duan Fei aimed at the shouting officer and threw another superluminal storm. The boy dodged, did not hide, and entered another dark world.

Duan Fei now wants to know what level he needs to avoid his broken time.

(The new book "Gu Xin" has been released. Let's go and support it. Thank you!!)