Star Empire

Fate Sky Blue Chapter 1 Glory Bar

In 41, in a bar called Glory in Dormil City, a coastal city of Yanhuang District, the glazed lights kept rotating, shining the dark house, which was very dazzling, as if the house full of cigarettes and * had been invaded by the gorgeous rainbow, making Those who want to be dissatisfied can't help themselves.

The wooden speakers placed in the center of the dance floor kept shaking, and there were bursts of high and ** music, driving the people below to constantly twist their enchanting or swollen bodies and tirelessly.

The speaker is covered with silk cracks and a thick layer of dust. Obviously, it has not been cleaned for some days. Nevertheless, its sound is still full of rhythm, like the last light at the end of life, even if it is just an inanimate instrument.

"Chi, you are reading your book that is about to rot again." On one side of the dance floor is the bar counter facing the exit of the bar, on which there are all kinds of drinks, from sweet and mellow 3L Hennessy to the cheap fake Chivas, which is only worth 10 ounces of water. Of course, the premise is that you can afford it. In the bar, two boys dressed as waiters stood in one left and one right. The black boy on the left, wiping the glass in his hand, glanced at his companion beside him with his eyes, and his tone was somewhat impatient. "You haven't read this book a thousand times. I'm afraid you can recite it backwards. I really don't understand why you are so fascinated."

"hehe." Chi rapist just smiled at this, gently closed the "Chinese History" in his hand, and carefully put it back into the dark grid in the stage. Unlike Mild, he has yellow skin, black hair and pupils, which is a typical ancient oriental face, and the restrained and subtle character of oriental people is also well reflected in him. He doesn't like to talk and is not good at communicating with others. My only interest is reading, especially for a series of big events that once happened on the Milky Way.

More specifically, I am interested in the ancient Z country of China that disappeared in the long river of history. According to legend, everyone who lives in the Yanhuang District has the mysterious and legendary bloodline of the earth.

And the "History of China" in his hand is precisely the current galactic government, which can collect the most detailed information about that period of history. In this book, everything recorded about Z country makes late traitors anxious, even crazy and never get tired of reading.

"Mold, I have made up my mind. I want to be a star traveler and go to the bright galaxy to find everything related to China." Taking a deep breath, Chijian turned his head and looked at Mild on one side. His tone was extremely firm, and his eyes sparkled with inexplicable light.

"Well, do you want to say this ridiculous oath again?" Myrd sneered and picked up the cigarette in his mouth and bounced it. "If you are heard by the ruling army, it is not as simple as imprisonment, and you may even be strangled." After saying that, he shook his head with a wry smile, "The profession of traveler is very dangerous. Although tens of thousands of dreamers embark on the road to the starry sky every day, how can you see the petrified skeleton that died tragically in outer space?"

"The road to success must pay a certain price. Even if it is death, as long as I can find the legendary earth and the lost place, no matter what difficulties I face, I am fearless." Speaking of the earth, Chi Rape's breathing was obviously short, his cheeks were red, and he looked very excited.

"One billion people have been aimlessly searching for the earth for thousands of years in such a huge universe. How much heat can you emit in this huge project that you can't even be a vassal of a traveler?" Obviously, Myrde didn't pay attention to such hot words as late rape.

"Damn it, waiter, where's the wine I want!" Suddenly there was a scolding in the dim light. When Meld heard the words, he hurriedly said, "Here it's coming!" As he responded, he brought the freshly prepared wine over.

Chijian looked at Maide's back, frowned, and his hands under his sleeves were clenched into fists, and he was quite unconvinced. He doesn't want to spend his life in this dilapidated bar, being careless and willing to accept the fate of a nobody. He is unwilling. His dream is on the blue sky above his head, the universe that calls him all the time.


not far away, the drunkard who just shouted seemed to be dissatisfied with Myrde's long before taking the wine. He reached out and pulled it to the ground, and then raised his foot and kicked it. After a few minutes, he stopped and spit a mouthful of thick phlegm at Mylder, which showed his bad color: "I'm from the brigade. The dog's eyes widened and served me well. Some of them were rewarded with money. The service is not good..." At the end of the words, a murder flashed in his eyes.

At this time, Myrde curled up on the ground, and his neat clothes were full of dirty footprints, looking very embarrassed. Nevertheless, Mild still looked flat on his face and said with a flattering smile, "Yes, yes..." After that, slowly retreat and walk back to the bar.

Chi treachery silently witnessed what had happened, and his expression was very calm, but the remnants of his eyes swept over the face of the drinker who claimed to be the brigade.

Back to the bar, Myrde tidied up his clothes and tried to make himself look more decent. However, no matter how he tidys up, his clothes can't be as clean as before.

"Are you really going to work under the old man for the rest of your life?" As a waiter, he is undoubtedly the lowest job in society and has no status. Being bullied by guests like this basically happens every day. It has long been common for the two, not to mention that in today's society, there is no legal system. Chijian lit a cigarette for himself, and the whole person leaned on the cold bar and slowly swallowed the fog.

"I don't know, but I have no plans at present. I have to do this first." Myrd said relaxedly, and then his expression changed. He turned his eyes to the ladder leading to the second floor a few meters away, and his pupils shrank as if he had touched something terrible. Seeing this, he immediately tightened his lazy body, instantly entered the working state, and meticulously wiped the wine glass in front of him.


On the old wooden ladder, there was a clear sound of stepping on the board, as if it would be broken at any time. You don't have to look back, and you know who is here.

"You two don't have to come to work tomorrow. The bar will be closed for a period of time, and I will inform you when it opens again." A strong old man slowly walked down from the second floor, and his body was full of scars, hovering on the surface like a ferocious centipede, which was shocking.

The old man's left eye is blind, and the empty eye socket contains an old-fashioned mechanical composite eye, which can map a faint infrared line and scan the field of vision, which makes the old man, who was originally extremely burly burly, look more frightening. Not only that, the old man's right leg is also a prosthetic limb, which is limping and a little clumsy.

In the memory of late rape, the old man seems to have never worn a coat. He always wears an upper body, wears a big pair of trousers, and two slippers on his feet, and looks sloppy. It is really hard to imagine that such a character can be a bar owner.

Chi Rape and Mild have been working in this bar for nearly three years, but they don't know the boss's name and have been calling each other's old man, and the latter doesn't care about it.

There are only three operators in the whole bar, a seemingly disabled boss and two slightly young waiters.

Although he has been together for so long, the old man always looks cold in front of them, as if he owes him money. It is worth mentioning that the reason why Chi rap came to work in this remote tavern is not for money, but to be able to learn more skills.

Otherwise, the position of the late family in Yanhuang District will not come to this dark and chaotic place because of a few coppers.

Like Mild, he carefully managed and operated this bar for the old man in order to get a move and a half from the old man. For more than three years, he not only learned a set of strange marksmanship, but also mastered some combat skills. Therefore, the two of them worked here without pay.

No one knows what the old man did before, and he did not reveal any information related to himself, but every time the methods and means of training the two were far beyond common sense, which made them suffer a lot, but Fortunately, they were used to it.


The old man threw a three-foot-long black gun in front of Chijian and turned back upstairs without saying a word.

Chi rapist's face was overjoyed, and immediately picked up the rough and cold military laser plasma cannon and couldn't put it down. As soon as he took the gun, Chi rapist's breath changed in an instant, as if he was ready to go, hiding in the dark jungle, and his ordinary eyes were also condensed like a needle. .

Myrde looked at Chi's obsession and shook his head with a smile.

There is a reason for the infatuation of late rape. This kind of military laser gun is prohibited by other professions except the alliance special forces in the universe. Once found, the light will be disarmed and fined, and the heavy will be sent to prison. However, fortunately, the old man has modified the gun body, which is difficult for ordinary people to find, and has abandoned all the original auxiliary functions, maximizing the original accuracy and power of the gun body. In terms of attack performance alone, it is several times stronger than before.

But there are pros and cons. Abandon the auxiliary function and use this gun to shoot in the future will increase the user's difficulty. However, for late rape, these are small problems.

After getting familiar with the touch for a while, he restrained the red tide on his face and put away the laser gun.

"Chi Rape, Table 14." There were more and more guests in the bar, and it was indeed a little difficult to deal with just two waiters. Myrde was called over by other drinkers. Before leaving, he winced at the late rape in the bar.

Chi was treacherous and walked to table 14. The guest at the head of this table was the Kebi people who had just punched and kicked Mild and claimed to be the brigade.

The Kebi people are an emerging race in the Milky Way. They are as good-looking as human beings, but their limbs are covered with a layer of delicate silver and white scales, which has a certain defensive power.

When Chi raped, the four people led by the Kebi were about to get up and leave. Unexpectedly, as soon as I stood up, I saw a human dressed as a waiter standing in front of the table and said politely, "Several guests, you have spent a total of 613 Kui and 97 gu. Our store is during the discount period. Remove the fraction of it and count you 613 Kui. This is the list. Please have a look." With that, he handed over the bill.

When the drunken Kebi heard the words, he suddenly became furious. He raised an empty wine bottle on the table and hit him on the head. In a moment, small glass fragments flew across, and some turbid wine splashed in the air. The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"Damn it, do you dare to take my money?" Kebi's loud voice attracted all the eyes around him: "Get out of here while I don't want to kill now!" Several of Kebi's accomplices also looked at Chi rape with a sadistic face, obviously wanting to see his embarrassed appearance.

"A total of 613 Kui, thank you!" There was still a warm smile on his face and he was unmoved.

"Bad boy, it seems that you want to die." Kebi's expression gradually became gloomy, and he didn't expect that the human beings in front of him were so ignorant. With that, the four people surrounded Chi in a round shape with a fierce face.

In the distance, Mild didn't seem to notice this scene. He smiled competently at the guests around him who attracted the attention of late rape and others, and said, "Don't worry, everyone. Our store is solving a little trouble now. It will be ready right away. To apologize, everyone will get a glass of high-purity Harlan for free." Hearing this, everyone turned their eyes back and applauded.

Nowadays, the world is already chaotic. People like this will meet almost every day, so they are less cared about.

The smile on Chi's treacherous face gradually faded, and his eyes changed from gentleness to coldness. He habitually lit a cigarette, looked at the people surrounding him, and said lightly, "So, you don't have money in your pockets?"

Kebi snorted coldly: "What can I do if I don't have money?" Sky Blue Star is just an inconspicuous and even a remote small star in the Milky Way. As a Kebi who has resided on several well-known planets in the Milky Way, he does not believe that the country bumpkin in front of him can do anything of him, not to mention that the Yanhuang District is also the most barren and depressed area in Sky Blue Star.

After taking a few sip, Chi rapist threw the cigarette on the ground, slowly crushing it with his toes, and calmly said, "In this case, you are ready to buy your life."


The four people were shocked and felt the murderous spirit overflowing from Chi's body one after another. The four people looked at each other and burst out in an instant, roaring at Chi's treachery in the middle.

Although the Kebi people are only a low-class fighting race, they can easily lift 100 catties of stones in adulthood, and their power is far from comparable to that of ordinary human beings.

Seeing that Chi Jian stood still and had no intention of avoiding at all, the four people's faces showed a ferocious smile, as if they had determined that Chi Jian would die.

"Stupid." Chi Jian gently spit out two words. When the other party was close and a few centimeters away from him, his feet suddenly moved, the soles of his feet were either dots or upturned, and his body moved leisurely. In an instant, he flashed out of the encirclement of the enemy and circled behind several people.

And the Kebi clan only saw Chi treachery walking in place a few times, and his body rushed out of the gap between the four people in a strange arc and disappeared without a trace. When he turned his head and looked, he found that the human waiter was holding a small energy-gathering gun, facing himself and others with no expression.

"Welcome next time!"

Four sad beams of light suddenly appeared in mid-air, and in an instant penetrated from the back of the brains of the Kebi people and slowly disappeared. He also brought out a few pieces of burnt meat skin and fell to the ground.

It was obviously four shots, but everyone only heard a gunshot!

"Welcome next time, but it's in hell!" Chi rapper muttered to Kebi and dragged several bodies out of the store. He was extremely skilled. Obviously, it was not the first time.

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