Star Empire

Fate Sky Blue Chapter 10 Shenzang

It was dark again, and the night came, but the treachery did not move, but took a nap. The first two days of the assessment are just a process of survival of the fittest. All candidates who can live to the third day basically have certain strength or cards, and there must be many wooden cards scraped from elsewhere. Next, any person's points are equal to the sum of the previous few people or dozens of people. Therefore, the traitor planned to take action again in the end, and the mantis caught the cicada and the yellow finch behind.

Late night, the sound of killing in the forest was better than yesterday. Countless monsters roared in the forest, tearing and swallowing these human beings who broke into their territory.

And the late rape is like an old monk, unmoved and resting quietly.

After more than 20 hours, it was the next night. The third day of the demon hunting assessment began. Tomorrow noon is the end of the assessment, that is to say, there are only the last ten hours left for late traitors and others. At this time, there was no sound of human fighting in the forest at night, only the roar of some monsters. Obviously, the survivors are all powerful people with a certain sense of prevention, and even many people have the same thoughts as Chi rapist.

Moved his muscles and bones, felt the surrounding environment, jumped, sank into the darkness, and began to 'hunt' again.

Twenty minutes later, Chijian found his first target.

At present, he is crawling in a messy grass, and a pair of bright eyes are looking at a teenager hiding behind the hill in front of him. The teenager was dressed in a simple long coat, and his soft golden curls were stained with shocking blood. He looked so helpless as if he had been frightened by something. There were five or six wooden cards scattered on the ground beside him, which looked extremely dazzling in the night.

However, the late traitor was not confused by this scene. In just 20 minutes, this Taya teenager, relying on his extremely deceptive appearance, has attracted three people who wanted to grab the wooden card one after another, and these three people are now lying at the feet of the teenager, cold and breathless.

After another half an hour, when the teenager saw that no one was on the hook, the expression on his face changed and he looked boring. He curled his lips and said, "It's really boring. My father also said that the demon hunting assessment was difficult, and it was full of rubbish for a long time." With that, he kicked several bodies under him with hatred. Then, a wisp of black light flew out of his sleeve, flipped in mid-air and landed on the top of his head. It was a brown insect with a finger thickness of more than ten centimeters.

"Xiaoqiang, let's go home. This is completely not interested in the young master." The teenager patted the body of the bug with his hand and behaved very intimately.


Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, a high-density laser rubbed his scalp and flew by, not only destroying most of his head's hair, but also the worms on his head were burned into a dark meat paste.

"Ah! My Xiaoqiang!" The teenager was stunned by the sudden attack, and then cried loudly. He held the worm's faceless body in his hands and was at a loss.


A dark shadow came in an instant, but did not attack the teenager, but picked up all the wooden cards on the ground, and disappeared into the forest in the distance in the former's dull eyes.

"You can't run away, I will avenge Xiaoqiang!" The teenager cried at the shadow, with a small red face.

This man is none other than a traitor who has been observing for a long time with a laser gun. The reason why he chose the opportunity to take action is that the bug driven by the teenager is a famous bone worm in the universe. This bone worm has been living in mass graves or cemeteries with extremely yin qi for many years. It gradually strengthens itself by absorbing the power of stars. If it is bitten by this thing, the horrible poison will destroy people's meridians in an instant and turn it into a hard corpse. It is very horrible, and even the strong stars are afraid of it.

This bone worm can't be captured alive. If you want to raise it, you can only get the eggs. After the larvae are born, they will always accompany them and feed them with blood from time to time. And the teenager's strength of only the comet level 6 has come to this day, and he is completely credited by this bug.

After getting it, the late traitor wandered in the forest for a long time and soon found the second goal. A student of Kaidi College was the first day of the assessment. One of the nine Kaidi candidates who traveled together. After just one day, only one of the nine people survived.

After a little effort, Chijian got more than 20 wooden cards from this person, and I don't know how he got so many points with his ability. Most of them killed several other classmates with a plan, and his heart was vicious enough.

Time passed little by little. At dawn, Chijian had returned to the place where they landed three days ago and hid. At this time, his points have exceeded 100, and he has been successfully promoted to a perfect demon hunting apprentice. All this seems easy, but only Chi rape knows the thrills in each of them. Any negligence may cause him to be buried in Lin Hai, and even several times his life is completely on the line, but Fortunately, he survived without danger.

Although there is still a certain gap between the legendary apprentices and the goal of late rape, the perfect apprentice also represents the supreme glory. According to the data of Kaidi and Changkong in previous years, hundreds of thousands of students participate in the magic hunting assessment every year. Fortunately, there may be five or six perfect apprentices, but they are basically superior. As for the legendary level, it is even more impossible. It is a person with absolute talent and a strong background that may have a chance of success. Although the potential is a little amazing, it cannot be compared with the legendary demons.

However, Chi treachery is born with a person who doesn't want to give up, and he wants to do another big job.

Before noon, the winners of this assessment will appear at the assembly site. If they grab the points of one of them at that time, the harvest will definitely be unexpectedly rich.

The sun slowly rises from the distant horizon, and the cold moisture in the forest sweeps away, hiding in the dark, quietly waiting for the appearance of the target. However, after waiting for several hours, it was almost noon, but no one appeared at the designated assembly place, which surprised him.


Suddenly, an indescribable pressure rose from the center of the forest sea and ran through the sky. At this moment, all the people suddenly had a humble idea in their hearts. The dense rule patterns shone on the blue sky, shining brilliantly, as if even the sun was shining. The huge power of rules is embedded in the sky, as if some ancient ritual is being carried out.

"This is..." Chi's treacherous eyes were shocked. He looked at the huge scene in the sky and said, "There is an unimaginable treasure." After saying that, Mao tried his best to run towards the huge pattern.

At the same time, in the spacecraft of the demon hunting union parked in the sky, the bald man Lei also took a breath of cold air and roared at several staff beside him who were still stunned: "What are you still doing? Inform the headquarters quickly and send people quickly! This 'cake', we will be the first to eat it!"

At noon that day, the whole sky blue star saw a distant sky, and suddenly appeared a little fluorescence, flickering, as if to indicate what was going to happen.

The late rape exerts his speed to the extreme. I'm afraid such a big vision will attract some great people. In the universe, the unearthed ruins or treasures of some ancient times will set off a wave among all mankind, and his encounter with such a once-in-a-lifetime event undoubtedly shows that he has a good opportunity to get some treasures as much as possible.

The Sky Blue Star is just a forgotten existence in the Milky Way, and although the ruins of Loulan are famous on the Sky Blue Star, they are actually unheard of for those star travelers. No one would have thought that something from the ancient era would be unearthed on this kind of planet.

I'm afraid that the end time of this demon hunting assessment will also be delayed by this sudden episode.


Half an hour later, he jumped over a heavy tree and finally came to the center of Linhai. At this time, there were already people waiting in the open space a few kilometers, including Feng Miaoyi, Chi Feifei and Jiang Hongfei. As for Ouyang Qing, he disappeared. Obviously, these people are the winners who survived the demon hunting assessment. From more than 400 at the beginning to 40, it was almost nine deaths.

The vast open space is a large collapsed huge building, which seems to announce that there was a perfunctory civilization here. However, as a weak planet native, he could not escape bad luck and was eradicated by the Star Alliance.

The appearance of late rapist attracted the attention of some people, but they soon looked again at the middle of the ruins, which was also the only intact building. On the pavilion more than ten meters high, there was a rusty clock hanging, constantly shaking, and there were melodious bells. The surface of the clock has been corroded by rust, like an old man who has gone through the vicissitudes of life. The gorgeous roof of the pavilion faces the sky, and the dragon shadow and phoenix body are carved on it, which is full of ancient charm.

Now, this pavilion is floating with dense regular patterns, wrapping it and connecting it to the sky above, which looks extremely mysterious. However, the pavilion itself is crumbling, and it seems that something is about to break out of the ground from below.

"Is this?" Chi's pupils shrank and stared at the big bell. As the rust fell off, a vivid sculpture jumped on the bell body. A bald fat man lay on his back on the bed, with a charitable face and no joy or sadness in his eyes. He was dressed in a strange costume, and there were faint five-color light wheels behind his head. In the glazed aperture, there were joys, anger, sorrows and other flavors in the world, and all sentient beings were inseparable.