Star Empire

Fate Rise Sky Blue Chapter 15 True Devil

As he thought, more and more black fog filled up. The Sanskrit in the sky had already been swallowed up by the black gas. The people in the depths could not see anything, as if the sky and the earth were suddenly occupied by darkness, and even the sound could not spread. They could only hear the more harsh sharp sound echoing in the sky.

After being stained by the black fog, the star core sacrificed by Feng Dachang directly burst and turned into countless fire-colored streamers to shoot in all directions. The terrible shock wave lifted everyone on the ground to a height of 100 meters. The two famous star strongmen of the Feng family and Ouyang family were caught off guard, and their whole body was swallowed up by invisible fluctuations. , turned into flying ash. The body surface of the late traitor was even more skinned by a layer of flesh and blood.

When the three star-level strongmen saw this, they used their spare strength to take their children away one after another and fled to the distance. At the critical moment of life and death, no one cared about Chi Lingshan, including Chi Lingshan. However, on the way to escape, Ouyang Qing and the only star-rated woman lying on Ouyang Batian were stained by the black fog chased behind them and suddenly turned into a dead bone, which scared Ouyang Batian to throw his son into the sea of fog behind him and quickly disappeared into the sky.

Under the influence of terror, the late traitor, who had been sober, finally couldn't hold on and fainted. As soon as he lost consciousness, the space ring on his right hand burst into a warm five-color soft light, wrapping him in it and resisting the black magic from heaven and earth.

The black light covers the sky. Looking at the sky and blue star from outer space at this time, you can clearly see a black spot on the surface of the planet, expanding rapidly like a whirlpool, which is very terrible.

For a long time, the howling like a ghost finally stopped, and the sun-covering black tide has turned the whole Loulan ruins into a dark sea, and the late treachery is like a five-color egg, drifting with the waves and floating quietly on the sea.


The abnormality of the sky blue star attracted the attention of many strong people passing through outer space, but when they came over the ruins of Loulan, the huge black sea had already disappeared out of thin air, leaving only a red field.

A hundred kilometers away from the ruins of Loulan, it is the edge of the central city of Shuangmu District, which is a small town with hundreds of thousands of people as a supply place to enter the ruins. At this time, the streets of the town were full of voices, and a large number of people walked through the streets, which was very chaotic.

Obviously, the residents who have lived here for generations have found the forest sea and monsters of the ruins of the whole building orchid, which have evaporated from the world. Unexplained, they began to speculate randomly, which made people panic, and a large group of people were discussing the harsh sea not long ago. For a while, the town was in chaos and very lively.

A man in black in a black robe with his face covered walked slowly in the street. The man's pace is very slow, and his body swings gently, like a walking corpse. After many hurried passers-by bumped into him, the man just staggered slightly and continued to walk without any whispers.

Under the black robe, Chi Rape's forehead was sweating profusely. His injuries caused by the black fog had recovered as before, and what healed him was nothing else but the Sanskrit paper in the space ring. Now, in the three-inch Dantian field under his navel, there is a bright starlight. There is a bean-sized sphere in the bright halo, which keeps rotating, spraying a little starlight into the Dantian field to moisten his body.

It is not difficult to find that the space in Dantian has been completely occupied by the soft halo, all of which is only in the late comet level. Under the action of that magic paper, he actually crossed several bottlenecks from the comet level 7 in a row and had the strength of comet level 11.

However, instead of being a little excited, he was worried.

His whole right hand has completely dried up, his flesh and blood have atrophied, and wisps of black gas emerge from the surface of his hand and dissipated invisible. Fortunately, there is a robe to cover it, otherwise this abnormality is enough to attract the attention of countless people.

When he woke up, the dark hand bone had penetrated into his body and gradually merged with his original right hand bone. With instinct, Chijian can feel that the owner of this evil bone palm is also a Chinese.

After merging with him, the bone palm had tried to control his thinking and release a large amount of black energy into his Dantian. However, then the Brahma scripture also entered the body and stopped at the wrist of his right hand, suppressing the bone palm.

At this time, Chi's right hand was in a bad state, and his five slender fingers were only wrapped in a thin layer of meat skin, which was very scary. However, Chijian can clearly feel the terrible power emitted from his right hand, and the amazing breath seems to be easily destroyed. Once this power is released, heaven and earth will change color.

However, this unknown bone palm is an evil spirit. If there is such a thing hidden in his body, no one will be happy when it is his turn.

For good, with the suppression of Brahman Sutra, it is safe and sound for the time being.


Suddenly, a terrible power came over the town, and a group of star-level strong men in uniform slowly floated down. Seeing this, the crowd immediately stopped making noise. These people were born and grew up on the Sky Blue Star. When did they see such a big man? You should know that the strongest person on the Sky Blue Star now is just a star, and these 20 strong men in front of them are enough to destroy the whole Sky Blue Star.

"It's just a barren star. Five ancient treasures have just been unearthed, and the wonders of heaven and earth have fallen. I really don't know what kind of shit your group of ants have gone." One of the men floated to the top of everyone and said disdainfully, "Do you know from which direction the sound echoed in the sky came from?"

The crowd dares not move, and they are used to cowardice.

"If no one answers me, I will let you all go to see the king of the night." The murderous air flashed in the man's eyes and glanced at the crowd below. When everyone was touched by his eyes, their bodies suddenly trembled and fell to the ground.

"Forget it, it's just a bunch of grass mustard." Another strong man with a amazing breath fell and said something to stop the former's murderous intention. He slowly said, "I heard that the sound is accompanied by a huge sea of light, and the most shining area is surrounding the ruins of Loulan. It is very likely that something has happened in the newly unearthed place. After that, this man's eyes suddenly fell on Chijian, and his expression moved to Chijian and said, "Looking at your appearance, you should have been to the ruins of Loulan, but what do you know?"

I can't help it. It's so eye-catching in broad daylight.

The situation is a little special. Chi rapist did not want to get into trouble, deliberately lowered his throat, and pretended to be a middle-aged voice and said, "I have been there, but at that time, Shenzang was too shocked, and the masters from all sides came out. In order to avoid being affected, he had to leave early. What happened after that is unknown."

"Oh, isn't it?" The other party said lightly, "Look at you covered in a black robe, is there anything shady?" The man narrowed his eyes, stretched out his big hand, and instantly grabbed Chijian from a distance of dozens of meters: "Show it and show me. Maybe I can help a gang."

Chi's heart tightened and his body burst back, but the other party is a star-level master. Can he compete with him? As soon as his body flashed, the other party's hand had grabbed the robe and pulled it off. At the same time, Chijian fused the right hand of the bone palm, and suddenly came out with a tearing soul-like pain, sweeping the whole body.

"Ah!" His treacherous eyes were about to crack, and he looked up to the sky and roared with a ferocious expression.

A group of people were shocked by his mutiny, and more than 20 star-level strongmen in the sky looked at the strange right hand of Chijian at the same time.

In an instant, a black flame turned up from his right palm and intensified, wrapping him up at a very fast speed. Then, a wisp of shocking popularity from ancient times burst out from the nearly two-meter-high firelight.

A group of star-level strong men turned pale, their eyes were frightened, and their whole body was cold. Under this terrible atmosphere, they were shocked to find that their limbs had already lost consciousness and could not move, and could not even escape.

The momentum in the black fire gradually climbed, and under the treacherous feet, huge gaps like spider webs spread out and spread towards the whole town. As a result, pieces of buildings collapsed, stirring up dust all over the sky, and countless stone crumbs were lifted up by an invisible force and surrounded in the air.

Suddenly, the fire went out, revealing the treacherous face. However, when the late rape appeared, everyone's pupils dilated in vain and were shocked. It was seen that the late traitor, who had just been basically in good condition, had become a thin and dying old man, with a curvous back, a spine, and a dark light composed of inexplicable spells flashed on his body surface, and his eyes were fierce.

"Go!" A stellar strong man shouted, and with a strong desire to survive, a group of people finally regained consciousness and rushed to the sky. They know very well that they seem to have got into a great person this time.

Bum! Bang! Bang!

A few people who were slightly behind flew out for less than a kilometer, and in an instant were caught by a big black hand, pinched their heads and destroyed. More than a dozen star-level strong men running in front of them looked at the magical figures standing behind in the void.

"We are from Qingxing City. Just now, I didn't know how much we were offended. Please..." One of them shouted loudly, hoping that his * could shake the devil. However, before he could speak, the figure behind him disappeared out of thin air.

"It's not good!" The idea flashed, and he still had time to avoid it. A trace of coolness had overflowed my heart, and then I only felt that the front chest was light, a fist-sized hole was formed, and the heart in the chest cavity disappeared.

"Chat." Chi, who had been manipulated by the evil thing, gave a strange laugh and swallowed his heart in front of this man.

"Ah!" The man screamed and fell high in the shouts of several other companions.

"Sent someone to inform the eldest brother that everyone will try their best to trap this person first." More than a dozen star-level strong men stood in all directions surrounded, and one of them hurriedly turned into a long rainbow and broke through the air. Obviously, he was looking for that big brother.


A group of star-level strong men came out of their means, and their huge attacks were mixed, turning into a huge net cover to the center.

"Gaga." A circle of black ripples gushed out from the surface of the traitorous body, and the net was seen as nothing and penetrated directly. The dark hand bones drew a black smoke in the void, forming a skull nearly 100 feet in size. After a ferocious smile, it swallowed all the dozen star-level people in their mouths and kept chewing. The clear sound of broken bones and the sound of flesh and blood tearing resounded over the town.

The blood burst by more than a dozen star-level strong men condensed into a dazzling red river in the air, like hanging upside down for nine days, being sucked into their mouths, revealing a look of enjoyment.

In just a few minutes, more than 20 star-level strong men have never survived.


The sea of clouds is turbulent, the black gas on his face is uncertain, and his pupils are bright. After swallowing a large amount of blood, he looks up to the sky and sings for a long time, like a demon roaring for nine days, and the real demon comes again.