Star Empire

Storm Star Chapter 14 The Guest of Mofu

"This force appeared on Storm Star, and immediately began to suppress all families crazily. Because they had a strong armed force in their hands, they soon became the leader of Storm Star and forced all families to donate money. Some families who opposed them, under their tough means He was directly exterminated." At this end, Mutelu was sad, "My mother also died shortly after giving birth to me because the people of Mofu launched a pressure attack on the family."

"With time, in the face of strong strength, the remaining families have chosen to give in." Mut's words also silenced the others on the table.

Chi said, "Who is the strongest in the Mexican mansion?"

"Lord, Moza, was the strong man at the peak of the star ten years ago." Mut answered softly and deliberately glanced at the treachery.

"So it's very likely to be a star-level figure now." Chi rapper muttered softly, and then patted his thigh and stood up, "Okay, I've decided!"

"What to decide?" Mut answered.

"Of course, I went to the Mo Mansion as a guest." Chijian smiled, waved to the surprised people, and turned back to the room.

The rest of the people, look at me, I look at you, I don't know what to say. Only Mte's eyes flashed and he didn't know what he was thinking. Late at night, the late traitor who was practicing in the room suddenly heard a gentle knock on the door and opened his eyes with a smile.

"Come in."

After saying that, the thief Mute came in fearlessly and looked at himself with a smile. Immediately after gently closing the door, he rushed to Chi's son and said, "Brother Chi, if you go to the Mo Mansion, take me with you?"

"Take you with you?" Chi raised his eyebrows.

M's characteristic nodded and looked urgent.

"I'm afraid you don't have any good ideas in your heart, are you?" Chi rapist pretended to sneer, "Are you trying to destroy the Mo family by yourself and avenge your dead mother?"

After listening, Mut was silent, but clenched his fists and leaked his inner feelings.

"Stupid!" Suddenly, Chi Gan shouted softly and looked solemn: "You are blinded by hatred, and you have lost even the most basic reason. If you really want to move down the Mo Mansion, you can only take it wisely and not be angry."

"Hmm?" Hearing Chi's treacherous words, Mut suddenly raised his head and his eyes flashed.

"As long as they find the arms experts they use to develop scientific and technological weapons, they will draw a salary and cut off their weapons supply. At that time, it will also kill itself without your small families." When Chijian thought of the structure of those energy cannons, there was a burst of heat in his heart. He really wants to see the arms experts in the Mexican House. As a colleague, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see people who are more skilled than the old man.

It would be better if you could learn a trick from the other party.

If you can't learn, at this point, you will suddenly sneer, and there is a trace of murder in your eyes, then kill him and directly extract his soul!


The next day, Chi Rape and Mut dressed up carefully, left the family and went to the residence of Mofu.

And Muter didn't tell Cohen about following him to the Mofu. If he told the face-sinner, he couldn't point out who would be crazy.

The two took the train to the most prosperous area of the Central City. It is said that this place is only a small piece of land for people to stand, which is comparable to the income of ordinary people for several years. The people living here are the most powerful aristocrats of Storm Star.

After walking for a while, the two stopped in front of a thousand-storey skyscraper.

This building is the most eye-catching and tallest building in the central city. This is the residence of Mofu, the largest force of Storm Star.

In the sky outside the floor, spaceships are constantly patrolling back and forth, and they are very heavily guarded.

At the entrance and exit of the building, there are also security guards carrying firearms guarding at every incoming and outgoing person.

"Hight!" Seeing that the two traitors were about to step into the building, a man in black uniform standing at the door suddenly stopped him, raised the laser gun in his hand, and slowly came over: "Who are you two? There is no information in the personnel file." The man wore a pair of glasses, and the data kept flashing in the transparent lens. Finally, a warning red appeared on the lens, indicating that the two were not in these materials.

"Hmm!" Chi rapture snorted coldly, and then the space ring in his hand burst out of light, and the rough gun flashed into his hand.

When the man was shocked and was about to shoot, Chi Rape had already pulled the trigger before him.


The dull gunfire sounded with the red and white brain fluid, and the man's head burst open and fell to the ground. The crowd around, suddenly*, was scared and ran far away.

The security guards patrolling around also raised their guns at the first time, aiming at the two traitors.

However, the gun is too fast!

When they first realized the danger, several bullets had penetrated their eyebrows.

The harsh siren sounded sharply from the building in an instant.

"Brother Chi." Mut beside him was stunned by the sudden behavior of late rape. He didn't expect that Chi rapist would do it without any warning, and he was so decisive that killing seemed to be a piece of cake for him.

"Don't worry." Chijian smiled gently at the former and turned his eyes to the entrance and exit of the building.

"Kid, you want to die!" With a burst of shouting, a figure that was fast to the extreme popped out of the building, swept up the remnants in mid-air, and killed the treacherous spirit of the late spirit.

The strongest man at the top of the planet!


Chi raped and sank, and he did not dodge. He raised his hand and slapped the visitor.

In an instant, the ground under their feet cracked, and the man flew backwards and fell to the ground. And the treacherous legs are also half a foot deep, and the chest is faintly painful, but they are much better than the other party's embarrassed appearance.

"You!" The man opened his eyes angrily. Just as he was about to open his mouth, a bullet instantly scratched his throat and entered his body. Then, the man's face suddenly became entangled, his eyes protruding, and his ferocious look was like a devil. A wisp of flame ignited strangely from his body, devoured his whole body and finally burned into ashes.

It is the curse of Jiuyou's sorrow!

This man had just died, and the clear sound of breaking the air came from the top of the two people's heads one after another.

Chi rapper's pupils shrank, grabbed Mte, and showed a step of Lianhua. His body was erratic and changed several positions.

A black arrow feather shot into the position where Chi Jian had just stood, and a large filth suddenly appeared within a radius of ten feet.

Chi rap looked at a woman floating on the tenth floor of the building, window from the floor, and told Mu Te to go up first so as not to hinder himself.

This is a stellar strong man!

Wh! Wheops! Wheops!

Abruptly, more than a dozen arrows came, lined up in a straight long line, a word in the sky, like a dark rainbow thunder.

Chi rapist will exert a step of lotus flower to the extreme, and suddenly in mid-air like a blooming lotus pool, white petals flying all over the sky, covering people's sight, making people unable to see where the traitor is.

However, this gorgeous scene was torn by the sharp arrow.

Just as the woman was about to lift the long bow in her hand and set up the arrow again, a copper coffin suddenly stood up from behind her and put her with the bow in. Immediately after that, a coffin cover flew out of her and buckled her dead in it.

Bronze corpse hall!

Perfect skill!

Chi Jian stood quietly in the void, looking at the bronze pavilion that kept bursting out of light and shining. He looked cautious. He did not believe that the star figure would be trapped so easily. Sure enough, as soon as he had this idea in his heart, a strong momentum broke out in the copper coffin.


The copper coffin exploded into countless pieces and shot everywhere. Chi Jian didn't think about it. He instantly displayed a dead wooden knife, drew several knives in the air, and went straight to the vague figure flying out of the coffin and cut it away.


It was still an arrow shot out, and the bright arrow burst, turning into a strong dark air, devoured all the knife lights, and there was no sound. Then, a figure appeared behind the late rape in an instant, and a rough calf suddenly kicked his spine and made a fierce move. It was the stellar woman.

The high heels on the woman's feet are about to step on the late back. The flesh on Chi Jian's back squirmed, and a piece of white bone with blood drilled out of his body, tore the gown, forming a hard bone shield on his back, blocking the offensive.

Bone crumbs flew, and after this blow, the treacherous figure flashed wildly and returned to the ground again. At this time, the bone shield on his back was completely broken, but Fortunately, it was not hurt.

And the woman stood quietly in the sky, with a pair of beautiful eyes staring at the traitor below, frowning slightly, and didn't know what she was thinking.

The two fought several times, which turned into a draw.

However, strictly speaking, a woman has lost, and a person in the early stage of the starry can fight with her several moves without falling behind. This alone is enough to make her ashamed.

At present, Chijian was torn because of his robe, so he put on his upper body, held his favorite gun in his right hand, and looked at the other party, and his thoughts were also surging in his heart. Since entering the sect, this is a real battle with a star-level strongman, but although he has used four perfect skills and tried his best, he still only drew with him. Moreover, I don't know whether the other party still has a card or not, and there are several layers of combat power.

looked down at the red nightingale in his hand, and his eyes gradually narrowed.

He hasn't used the Nine Sorrow Mantra on the stellar strong man, and he doesn't know how effective it will be...

Chi rapper slowly bowed his body down, just like a tiger that was about to pounce on its prey, and even his momentum converded. Because he had cultivated the wind magic formula of a strong body in his early years, his muscles outside look very masculine and beautiful, and under the reflection of the sun, they are more like a layer of oily light.

And the woman in the sky seemed to smell a trace of danger and suddenly raised her bow and arrow.


Chi raped his feet on the ground and shot up like a cannonball, but the man disappeared in mid-air.

Losing the target, the woman was stunned first, and immediately felt the hiding place of late treachery. The bow and arrow in her hand had already been pulled into a full moon shape and waited for it.

After Chijian got up and hid himself, he took another step, quickly changed his position, and kept pulling the trigger to shoot out all the whole shuttle bullets.

In the open sky, only gunshots were heard, but no one was seen.

More than 20 bullets flew around the woman from all angles.

And due to the effect of mind power, the woman was shocked to find that she could not feel the trajectory of the bullet in advance!

It seems that a cold and beautiful woman is going to be raped like a butcher and destroyed by her hot hands...