Star Empire

Tenjin Mountain Chapter 22 The Great World

Just now, the teenager and others appeared a little suddenly. Moza was shocked and did not kill Chi rapist. At this time, Moza couldn't help regretting and secretly said that it would be better if he had just killed Chi rapist...

It's just that the matter has been settled, and Chi Rape is still standing well behind him. At this time, the real inheritors of the restrained line stood aside and could not tolerate his thoughts.

After a long time, he didn't know whether he was still in the Kenduo star domain. He only saw fewer and fewer stars in the surrounding space, even the distant celestial bodies quietly floating in the universe, the core of the solar system, the sun. The light that bloomed gradually weakened.

After a while, the group finally came to a green mountain. It is only called a mountain because this mountain the size of a planet is standing in deep space, which is extremely strange. As soon as Chi rap fell from the atmosphere, the scenery on the ground caught his attention.

Because it is a mountain, the ground here is not flat, but very steep. From the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, there are sporadic shrines like temples built on it, and there are all kinds of ghosts and gods in front of the temple. If you look at it again, you will find that there are faint people in white robes in the temple, cleaning the courtyard with brooms.

And the temple at the top of the mountain is the most magnificent, overlooking from the air, like a nine-sky palace. Under the suppression of several men, Chi followed the teenager into the hall called Yi Xie Naqi Sacrifice. As soon as he stepped into the hall, Chi Jian felt a cold feeling. He looked up and saw a statue in the center of the hall.

The statue has long hair up to his waist, holding a three-edged fork, and the fork tip tilts down, staying in mid-air. The god statue seemed to have an angry smile on his face, but the late traitor felt a strange ** meaning from his face.

Under the statue, there is a spiritual position with the word 'Father God' written on it.

"Is this the ancestral god who created Yingzhou in the ancient era?" Chi's eyes flashed, and he secretly speculated in his heart.

"Tear him to take a bath and change his clothes." Two waiters came from outside the hall and slowly retreated under the command of a man.

"After this person's soul is extracted, we will send our own soul into this skin. At that time, if you enter Daluotian, you won't be afraid that you won't find a flaw.

As soon as Chijian left the hall, there were some voices in the hall, and the content of the dialogue was heard by him.

After a while, he was taken to a temple on the mountainside, and then several cold-faced people took off one of his clothes and pushed him into a warm pool in the courtyard. The most difficult thing to accept is that there are three big men wiping his body with a cloth, not to mention the strange feeling...

In this extremely awkward time, he keenly found that the purges in these temples were not human beings. But the ghost transformed by a ghost and god, whose body has no temperature, has never said a word, and everyone's faces are numb.

The traitor knew that what was waiting for him would be death, but now his hands and feet are bound, and the rope trapped in him with a dim yellow halo seems to have some terrible power, imprisoning all the stars in his Dantian field and temporarily sealing his cultivation.


Suddenly, the door of the temple view was pushed open, and Moza, with an indifferent face, stepped in and came to Chi.

"What are you doing here? Is it possible to kill someone before I tell your old story? He sneered and looked at the former with a sadistic look.

After listening to this, Moza's face was expressionless. He looked at several ghosts and gods who were grooming for Chi. His lips opened gently, as if they had said something, and then all the ghosts and gods in the courtyard retreated.

"You can't imagine the pain of sacrificing the soul. As long as you don't mention that I have a flood and famine inheritance, I have a way to make you die without pain." Seeing that everyone was gone, Moza said.

"It seems that you want to understand my memory in Xiao Luotian through my soul?" Chi Rape's eyes narrowed and easily thought of the other party's purpose.

"Yes, all they want to get is your body." Moza replied, then observed the abnormal movements in Chi's eyes and said, "I know you are very unwilling, but these people are the few remaining inheritors of the spiritual line. They hold all the ancient scriptures and skills of the spiritual line. It can be said that the luck of a genre is in their hands, and you alone can't return to the sky.

"Oh?" Chi raised his eyebrows and said, "Then what do you want to do? If you violate the taboo of restraint and are not afraid of danger and disguise your identity, are you not afraid that one day you will miss your horse's feet and die?

"Well, it's okay to tell you. I'm just doing things for others and want to uproot this spiritual vein." Moza didn't know why and suddenly loosened his mouth and said, "Look at your appearance, you should keep the blood of ancient China, right?"

Chi Rape frowned and nodded.

"In this universe, only the flood is the foundation of the evolution of all things in heaven and earth, and it is also an inheritance that will never be broken. As long as the people with the spiritual vein fight against Daluotian, the countless resentment souls that died in the battle will be enough for Ampe Xiamu to manifest the Tianzhao Great Royal God, and once Tianzhao appears, the whole spiritual vein will disappear. Moza's words came to this point, and there was a trace of coldness in the corners of his eyes, "From now on, there will be no more unrestrained veins in the universe!"

"If you tell me these, aren't you afraid that I will reveal them?" A smile flashed on Chi's face.

"You won't." Moza said lightly, "Because my young master, like you, is an orphan in China. The difference is that he is more blessed, bold and persistent than you. Once the young master cultivates the ten halls of Yan Luo, he can take us to the world of famine..."

"The world of famine?!" Chi rap was stunned, and a trace of shock flashed in his mind.

"It seems that you have thought that the ancestors of China disappeared from the universe just because they entered the vast world. As a Chinese orphan, you are far worse than our young master. He has embarked on the road of pursuing his ancestors first. Moza smiled coldly: "And your road will end on this mountain of heaven."

Chi rapist didn't hear what he said at all. At this moment, his mood was disordered and excited. He was excited that he finally saw hope, took a step closer to his dream, and finally knew the wheres of his ancestors. The confusion is that his soul is about to be destroyed.

"For the sake of the same descendants of China, I hope you don't destroy our young master's plan." After Moza threw down a word, he turned around and left the temple.

And the late mood is still a mess...

After a while, under the escort of several ghosts and gods, Chi Jiang, dressed in clean clothes, returned to the Yi Xie Naqi Festival on the top of the mountain. In the hall, seven people led by teenagers had been waiting for a long time. Of course, Moza is also included among these seven people.

"This is the final qi number of the spiritual vein." He looked at the six people except Moza, and his heart was a little uncomfortable. I think that the spiritual vein also had such a big name in the ancient era, but I didn't want to go through the long years to become so depressed. What's more sad is that he is going to die at the hands of this real school.

"Light up!" Kneeling on a futon in the middle of the hall, the white-robed teenager, the highest leader of the current spiritual vein, Emperor Ampe Xiamu. The teenager ordered several ghosts beside him when he was pushed to the ground and had little mobility.

At present, there are six candles neatly placed on the ground, each of which is different in color, but all of them present a kind of evil meaning.

Hearing the order, several ghosts and gods lit the candle in an instant, and several wisps of ghost-fire-like flames lit up from the candle. In an instant, a cloudy wind blew in the hall, and a fragrance began to permeate the hall.


Abruptly, Moza on one side put a touch of black light into the body of the late rape.

"What are you wasting on heartworms?" A man was a little unhappy when he saw his movements.

"I just don't want this person to howll in the hall when his soul breaks for a while, which is annoying." Moza said lightly and closed his eyes.

The man saw this and snorted coldly, but said nothing more.

The fragrance came into my nose, and the consciousness of late rape suddenly began to blur. He could clearly detect that something in his body was flying out of his body little by little along the traction of the fragrance. However, six different candles were burning around him, each with a different fragrance. Therefore, something in his body also floated out irregularly. Although there was no pain, he faintly felt his heart, which was uncomfortable and very uncomfortable...

For a long time, when the fragrance in the hall dissipated, the treacherous body was completely cold.

"The soul has been stripped of the body." An inheritor came forward, examined Chi's body, and turned to the emperor.

"Very good." Ampe Xiamu drew a spell in the void with his handwriting. Look, a little white light source gathered from all corners of the hall.

If he can wake up at this time, he will know that this white halo is the soul power he is most familiar with...

This is his soul.

The scattered soul finally forms a complete mass of light, floating on the void in the center of several people. Ampshamu gently touched the treacherous soul with his hand, and then the white light turned into a round mirror.

However, when a group of people put their eyes on the mirror and wanted to see the illusion in it.

A golden Buddha was suddenly reflected from the mirror, and the whole body was golden, and a Buddha's voice suddenly echoed from the hall. A sacred and solemn breath filled the hall, and in a trance, there seemed to be golden lotus and purple gas rising.

Seven people were stunned in an hour.

However, Moza's pupils shrank, and even his breathing was disordered.

"Inheritance of the flood!" He was secretly shocked, looked at the strange Buddha with no nose, eyes, no mouth and ears, and took a breath of cold air: "Is it..."

He vaguely remembered a power in the Honghuang genre...