Star Empire

Cloud Star Chapter 33 The Transformation of Heart and Life

The night faded from the sky, and a trace of fish belly turned white in the sky. Unconsciously, the night passed quietly. On Lulin Mountain, except for Dormus and the princess of the royal family, other people also did their own things in the long pavilion. These young strong men in the Milky Way finally ended their fight after a night of fighting. After all, it is not a real life-and-death duel, and there is no deep hatred. I just want to find someone to compete. However, despite the competition, these men's bodies are full of scars, and obviously they have not done it lightly.

At present, everyone's thoughts are sensing the starry sky above their heads, and the battle between late rape and the moon is not over.

And Dormus's face has also changed from the initial concern to the current worry. Anyway, she still has a good impression of the late traitor. After one night, she can't help but worry that the battle between the two is not over. She knows very well that Chi's strength is too different from that of Mr. Nongyue. Even now, the outcome of her match with that month is three or seven, not to mention Chi's traitor? ...

Dormus's expression became colder and colder, and she made up her mind that if the two did not appear, she planned to intervene in the battle between the two. If it goes on like this, it will be too dangerous. However, for any strong man, intervening in their battle is a provocation to their dignity. If Dolmus takes action, the moon prince may attack her together...

In the starry sky, the late black hair was as pale as snow overnight, his face was cold, his clothes were broken, his body was bloody, his eyes were closed, and he only intuitively avoided the stars in the sky.

The expression of Mr. Nongyue, who sat on the starry sky, also changed his expression from the beginning to pay attention to attention. In any case, the perseverance of Chi rap is enough to make him admire him. Invisibly, he regards Chi rapist as the same opponent as him. Although the strength shown by Chi rapist still needs to be improved, he has been rapist from late. On his quiet face, he vaguely felt that the traitor might be his biggest opponent in this life...

Intuition, this is completely his inner intuition...


Mr. Yue sighed. Although his face was a little disappointed, he did not intend to force him to rape any more. He could see that for some reason, he could not perform the magic skill of covering the sky like a few years ago. Therefore, he intends to stop and give Chi rapist enough room to grow. Perhaps in a few years, when Chi rapist grows into a real strong man, he will have a real battle with Chi rapist one-on-one.

At this point, Nongyue stretched out his hand to put away the whites on the chessboard in front of him one by one. It seemed that he didn't want to swallow the dangerous blacks.

However, just as he was about to stop, the black man on the chessboard suddenly floated, moved his position, and fell to a dead corner in the chessboard. He looked like a moon and his face was condensed. It was just a move. The chess game changed greatly in an instant. The chessboard that was originally a must-kill game for the blacks. However, it turned into a pair of raw chess, which showed a strong state and threatened a group of whites.

"What?" With a light moan, he looked at the late traitor below. The tripod furnace suspended in front of Chi's body suddenly opened, and then a rainbow light flew out of the furnace and rushed into Chi's body.

After that, he kept fleeing all night and suddenly stopped. His long snow-white hair moved with the wind and floated behind his head, as if some strange soul had woken up from his body, cold and ruthless.


A dragon roar that shook for nine days sounded from Huanyu. Everyone in Lulin Mountain heard the sound and stood up one after another. They looked at the starry sky above their heads in horror. They felt an extremely terrible breath, and this breath was not the moon they were familiar with, so there was only one explanation. The person who broke out this breath , it's late!

In the starry sky, Chijian turned into a dragon and roared at the sky. The huge dragon body was hundreds of feet long, which was several times bigger than before. He casually swinged the dragon's tail and smashed the stars behind him one after another. Then burst out a shocking rage and shot at the moon.

"Is this?!" The moon stood up suddenly, and it was difficult to calm down.

"Big Cloud and Rain!" This time, Chi Rape directly passed through the invisible layer of heaven and earth prohibition, raised his huge dragon claws to tear the prohibition, and then spit out a broad thunder cloud cover from his mouth to the white-clothed moon prince.


When the former saw this, his figure moved and suddenly fled into the void, obviously trying to avoid the attack of late treachery. However, this time he miscalculated. As soon as he disappeared into the void, the huge dragon tail was fiercely pumped in the starry sky where he had just stood, directly smashing the void, and then the aftertaste was pulled on the moon.


The terrible impact sounded, and the handsome figure of Mr. Yue, like a dilapidated cloth bag, was smashed into the dark thunder cloud.

Yunyu, who kept swallowing, wrapped the moon and looked from afar. The moon was like an ant, constantly flashing in the clouds, but whenever he first moved, the dragon's tail had already slapped him fiercely and hit him into the clouds again and again, looking quite embarrassed.

The situation suddenly changed. At this time, the moon seemed to be a monkey played by late rape, and it was difficult to escape the control of late rape. The late rape's attack seemed to be able to predict his movements in advance and slap him again and again, not only smashing the vest on his body, but also leaving scars on his body.


Suddenly, countless thunder lights suddenly appeared in the thunder clouds and went straight to the moon. The thunder light seemed ordinary, but the moon felt a sense of destruction, which made him panic in his heart. This was the first time since he was born that he felt afraid...


Finally, the dazzling thunder will drown the moon, and the huge roar not only echoes the starry sky, but also blows up the starry sky.

Above nine days, there was a clear scream from Mr. Yue.

Wo! Oh!

A group of people standing on Lulin Mountain shot up one after another and flew away from the sky. They realized the seriousness of the matter. The moon prince of Qingxing City seemed to be on the eve of his death. If this happened, the huge responsibility was that as the son of the royal family could not bear the gift. At that time, the whole Qingxing City came to him. If you ask for a crime, it is inevitable that there will be chaos.

Mr. Moon, that is the young city owner of Qingxing City, and his father is a strong man in the galaxy. He is extremely powerful. Who can bear the anger of this kind of person? ...

When they flew into the sky, they happened to see the burnt figure of the moon falling from the sky, and a majestic huge green dragon fell from the sky.

However, the late traitor, who knew everyone's intention, shook the dragon's tail and pulled it fiercely on the moon again, making it fall to the ground like a pile of rotten meat and fell into the waterfall in Lulin Mountain, stirring up a splash, and the injury was extremely serious!

"You!" The little barbarian king and Mr. Moon had a good relationship, and when he saw the treacherous behavior, he was immediately furious. With a roar, countless virtual shadows of divine mansions emerged from his body, forming a heaven and earth composed of gods and demons. In that world, there were many gods and demons, and the power of terror made the deer forest mountain under the people collapse and the mountains and rivers surged upside down.


The royal princess beside her didn't expect things to turn out like this. She frowned and flew to the ground to find Mr. Yue.

"You two, stop it quickly!" Yunli in the rear hurriedly said when he saw the posture of the traitor and the little barbarian king. However, these two masters are both strong-hearted people. How can his simple words dispel the fighting spirit in their hearts?

The little barbarian king roared, and his originally two-foot-sized body suddenly rose, and finally stood about dozens of feet between heaven and earth, like a giant. Although it still looks a little short compared with late rape, it has the power to fight.


The huge dragon tail swayed and hit the little barbarian king fiercely.

The latter's body surface blue veins burst out, and he reached out to grab the dragon tail of the traitor, and then his arms gushed out boundless power. Unexpectedly, he actually shook the huge body of hundreds of feet of the traitor and kept hitting the ground, causing countless trees to die and the mountain collapse.

The battle was unimaginable. The fight between the two also attracted many bigwigs in Yunqixing to fly here one after another...

"Oh!" With a dragon roar, the little barbarian king had to smash himself to the ground again. His waist moved, and the huge and sharp dragon claws clasped on the little barbarian king's shoulders to stop his movement.

"Kill!" The little barbarian king's eyes were scarlet, looking at the ferocious dragon head close at hand, and shouted. Then, in the world behind him, countless gods and demons woke up, traveled through time and space, appeared in the field, carrying all kinds of weapons, with ancient pressure and shocking battles, killing Chi rapist.


At the same time, Dolmuse on one side saw the situation, his clothes shook, his blonde hair fluttered, and a long gun appeared in his hand in an instant. His pupils were covered with a layer of gold, which was heroic, bursting out a shocking breath and flew towards the little barbarian king, obviously to help him.

However, as soon as she moved, another person stood in front of her.

It is the prince of the bloody dynasty.

"Let's get out of the way!" Dormus said coldly.

"A good scene, I can't let you destroy it like this." The prince smiled and said, "I have heard that the saint's spirit of war is extremely powerful. I have the honor to see it today."

Dolmus looked into the distance, the fighting giant and the green dragon, and then waved a long gun, pierced the void, and ran to the bloody prince.


The green dragon transformed by the late rape opened its huge mouth, bit the little barbarian king's neck fiercely, and tore off a layer of skin from his neck, which was animal-like.

And those sudden gods and demons cut the body of the late rapist with a blade, and a rusty iron weapon inserted into the late traitor's body without hindrance, which is extremely sharp and worthy of being a holy soldier.

The fight between the two was bloody and extremely tragic.