Star Empire

Chapter 40 Homecoming

When he was on Tianshen Mountain, Modu had told him not to fight with the characters with the inheritance of the flood and famine, and he could not fight against these people with the current background. However, it was not long before he met a demon figure who had a great inheritance of the flood and famine, Yunjin of the supreme royal family.

Honghuang demons, in fact, all creatures in the Honghuang world are basically demons, and the human race and the witch clan only occupy a small part. Therefore, most of the gods revealed by these inherited flood and famine are also monsters between heaven and earth. Yunjin in front of him is one, and Xuanchen, who had a fight with Chi rapist a few years ago, is also one. However, Xuanchen's revealed god as a green lotus, and the ancient scriptures also understand that it has not been successful, and it is not as terrible as Yunjin.

The magnificent sea of flowers is like a rolling wave, swallowing up by the two treacherous people, and the momentum is amazing. Not only that, the seemingly delicate petals are comparable to sharp blades, cutting the void, and sweeping down with a terrible cold light.

The fan in Yunli's hand opened and flapped fiercely against the boundless sea of flowers. He saw that the folding fan in his hand kept emitting three kinds of black, red and green light, slowly destroying the flowers pouring all over the sky. The late traitor turned into a dragon and soared at high speed in the air, avoiding the dense flowers while spraying the dragon.

"Second brother, I haven't seen you for a year. Your three talents are still so weak." Yunjin sat on the enchanting flowers, looked at the two people struggling in the sea of flowers, laughed softly, and then glanced at Chi treachery, with a hint of surprise: "Huh? It turned out to be the ancient scriptures of the dragon clan..." After that, Chao Chi stretched out his hand. Chi rapist suddenly felt a huge suction attack and drag himself to the palm of Yunjin's hand. What shocked him more was that his hundred-foot dragon body was getting smaller and smaller.

In the end, he was caught by Yunjin like a loach.

"Ha ha, you incompetuated dragon, still want to kill me?" Seeing that the traitor was struggling desperately in his palm, Yunjin smiled faintly, "If you hand over the ancient scriptures of the dragon clan, I will spare you to die." Although these words were said lightly, he felt the murderous intention of the other party.

"Drink!" Chi's eyes were about to crack, and he performed a big cloud rain technique. His body suddenly became bigger and was about to recover hundreds of feet, and he spewed thunder clouds at Yunjin.

However, the flower spirit under Yunjin inadvertently sprayed a piece of pollen to cover the late rape. Then, Chi's body turned into a loach again and was caught in the palm of his hand, and the thunder cloud disappeared under the crystal pollen.

"Ah!" Chi raped in pain and raised his head to spit out a mouthful of blood. Yunjin actually increased the strength of his hand, and his bones seemed to be crushed.

"Stop struggling and hand over the ancient scriptures. I let you go. This is your last chance." Yunjin's smile gradually faded and his face was calm, but his eyes became colder. When Yunli in the distance saw that the traitor was arrested, he hurriedly shouted, "Brother, hurry up. I was also threatened by this thief, so I will be confused for a while." In his words, he actually shifted the blame on the late traitor.

"Er Niang still has some power in the clan, and I don't want to cause trouble for myself." Yunjin responded faintly, and then waved his long sleeves and saw that the sea of flowers trapped Yunli suddenly retreated and disappeared.


Suddenly, just as his life was hanging on the line, an ancient road bridge extended from the void and pressed on Yunjin's head. Then, when Yunjin was shocked, the traitor who was caught in his hand was suddenly taken to the sky by an external force and stood side by side with a black-haired man.

"I told you that it's better not to talk to such people. Why don't you listen?" The person who came was the demon capital in black. Looking at the blood-stained traitor, he frowned slightly and said, "Fortunately, I left a divine consciousness on you in advance, otherwise you will definitely die this time. This person is not what you can deal with." In the end, he looked at Yunjin below, and his eyes were solemn.

"Oh? Another one? Ten halls of Yanluo?" Looking at the gods behind the demon capital, Yunjin's face showed a strange smile.

The ancient bridge in the sky pressed on the top of Yunjin's head, bending the rhizome of the flower spirit under him, as if it was about to collapse. You can imagine how terrible the weight of the bridge is.

Suddenly, the ground of the whole planet broke one after another, and countless huge flower stems broke out of the ground and rushed to the two traitors in the air crazily. Many flower stems are under the bridge, making the flower spirit under Yunjin rise upright again, shaking out more crystal pollen.

Every time pollen falls on the ground, a smallpox stem will be born, stabbing the two. In the blink of an eye, the whole planet has become an ocean of flowers.

"I don't want to fight with you. Doing so will only hurt your vitality. I think this situation is not what you want to see before the world opens, right?" Yunjin, who was below the magic capital, whispered.

"Indeed." Yunjin's mouth gently lifted: "But looking at your appearance, you want to join hands with this person to take the lead in the world of famine." After saying that, he paused for a moment and said, "I wonder if it's me?"

Before the devil answered, the traitor beside him said coldly, "It's impossible." He will not become a companion with a shemale, let alone stand on the same front as the target he is going to kill.

"That's a pity." Yunjin heard the words and shook his head and sighed. Suddenly, countless flower branches rose and climbed towards the two of them. However, as soon as he took action, the ancient bridge in the sky carried the two traitors into the void and disappeared.

"I will come to you again. Your soul is with me. You should know what kind of pain I have to make you face." Seeing that the late traitor escaped, Yunli in the distance just leaked a trace of happiness in his expression, thinking that he was out of the control of the late traitor. However, as soon as this idea arose, the cold voice of late rape sounded in his mind, like a basin of cold water poured on his body, dripping him from head to toe.


"I can save you for a while, but I can't appear in time every time. You'd better be careful before the world opens." In the cold space, the demons look at the bruised late traitors all over their bodies and said lightly.

The late rape was silent.

"I still have something to do. I heard that the royal family has issued a cosmic killing order to you, and many people have begun to notice you." Modu raised his eyebrows, and obviously didn't expect that the late traitor dared to provoke the huge thing of the royal family.

After saying that he didn't say anything, he said, "I'll go first and practice more." For a short time, I saw that Chi Jian had rushed to the star level of strength. Modu was very satisfied with this speed of cultivation, and then exhorted him and flashed into the void.

And the treachery's eyes flashed. It seems that Yunjin will not be able to kill him for a while. The strength of the other party is much higher than that of him. Even if he uses the ancient scriptures of the dragon clan, he can't fight against it. This person's horror can be seen.

For example, the cultivation of the moon and others is just the peak of the stars to reach the perfect state, and the realm of Yunjin can't be felt...

It seems that there are not only talented people such as the moon in the galaxy, but also some low-key hermit strong men. He really didn't expect Yunjin to be so strong to such a pervert. Since he has such strength, why should he take a tripod furnace? ...

took out the starry sky and moved the disk, which attracted the power of the stars in the starry sky, and then the figure gradually faded and finally disappeared.


Weekly star domain.

Chi's figure appeared in space. After a few years, he finally returned to this starry sky again. His hometown, the blue star and Zongmen's big and small Luotian lived in this vast star domain.

The traitor didn't stop for a moment and flew directly to the blue star. After a few years, it was time for him to go back to see his parents. In addition, the royal family issued a killing order for him. He was afraid that his parents would be implicated as a result. Although the Chi family, an indigenous force of the sky and blue star, was protected, it was still too fragile for the royal family.

A few days later, Chi Jiang came to the central city of Sky Blue Star. Immediately, he simply changed his appearance and first went to Shuangmu District instead of Chi's family.

The eyeliner of the royal family is distributed in all corners of the Milky Way. If it remains unchanged, I'm afraid that the traitor will be found by the royal family.

Compared with a few years ago, the Moore family's manor has basically changed. It is still so full of pastoral mood and advocating nature. After a brief announcement, for a long time, all the middle and senior officials of a clan, including Moore III, came out to welcome him. They knew that Chi Traitor had now entered the sect and was a big figure in the galaxy. Although the royal family gave the order to kill Chi rap, Chi rap is kind to their family, and they have to repay them, let alone betray Chi rap.

"Brother Chi, did my sister really save it?" As soon as they met, after inviting Chi Traitor into the living room, Morten looked at Chi Traitor with an excited face. His words also attracted the attention of others to gather on Chi Traitor, waiting for his answer.

Just when he asked the servants to report it, he said that he had brought Mouli back.

Seeing the eager expression of Morten and others, his treacherous expression changed slightly. Then, the ice stored in the space ring was taken out. The person frozen in the ice was the fragile Molito.

"This? ..." A group of people who were originally happy were stunned, stared at Molito in the ice, and then looked at Chi Traitor.

The traitor sighed gently and told the beginning and end of the matter.

A little, when he finished his treachery, Moore III, who was sitting in the middle of the hall, stood up with a blue face, reached out to pat the table, and his chest gasped violently, thinking that he was stimulated by the royal family.

And other people's faces also showed hatred and gritted their teeth.

"Brother Chi, thank you." Anyway, thanks to Chi rapture, they were able to meet Moledou. The Morten brothers got up, bent down to Chi rapture, and knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Chi Rape.

"What are you doing?" Chi rapier hurriedly helped the two up.

"Little friend, you should be worshipped by your grandchildren." Moore III sighed, then walked to Molito, stroked the cold ice under him, and his eyes were red. In order to let the family survive, these old guys can even give up their own blood and flesh. What face do they have to face their ancestors? ...

At this point, Moore III couldn't help feeling grief.