Star Empire

Chapter 42 Da Luotian

The residence of Luo Tian is one big and one small, two stars, Xiao Luo Tian is the Fulong Star, and Da Luo Tian is the Wolong Star. At present, the Fulong Star has been destroyed by Fantuo and turned into a vast piece of gravel floating in the universe. The Wolong Star is still intact, but Chijian also found several wounds on the surface of the planet, which are obviously caused by Fantuo. There must have been a fierce battle between Daluotian and Fanta.

The Jinhua Hall of Wolongxing is also the main hall of the sect. Several people with ethereal breath and hidden figures blending with heaven and earth stand on several stone platforms standing in the hall. These people are the few people with the most power or the strongest power in Daluotian. One of them is the Lord of Xiaoluo Tianmen, whom he knew. However, now that he has switched to Da Luotian, he has become the deputy door owner, and Luo Tian has also been disguised as Da Luo Tian, and there has been no mention of Xiao Luo Tian since then.

"What do you think of this boy?" The empty hall, standing on the highest and thickest stone platform, asked the others softly. The man's appearance was shrouded in darkness and it was difficult to tell his true face. This man was the head of Da Luotian.

"It's not right, it's not right. This son is involved in the anger of the royal family. Once we let him return to the clan, the royal people are bound to come to him, which will be a big disaster." Before the words fell, an elder in the door immediately said, in which he was extremely disapproved of letting Chi come back. Listening to his meaning, he seemed to want to capture Chi's life and send him to the king's hand to betray the royal family.

"I also think so. Let's not talk about the royal family, once this son enters the sect again, Fantuo is also likely to come to him. In the last event, the power in our family has been greatly damaged, and it is not appropriate to hurt the root again. Another elder echoed.

"I don't think so." Suddenly, the voice of the head of Luotian's family sounded: "That late traitor has caused a lot of disasters, but don't forget that he has a treasure house of hell, and this son must be lucky to make Fan Tuo like. If we accept him at this time, there will undoubtedly be a trace of bond with him. After that, this person can also be more It is easy to be used by the clan. Most importantly, once you open the starry sky treasure and get the inheritance treasure, it is enough to match the status of my clan in the galaxy with the holy land of the royal family. This is a great creation of the clan.

"Well, what you said sounds good, it's not because the late traitor is your doorman. Even if you accept him in, it will be used for you when he becomes a climate, not a sect." There was a sneer from the hall, obviously with a sneering attitude towards the former.

When the head of Luotian heard the words, the white halo around his body shook, and he did not refute it and said nothing.

"Huang Taiyi, go on." After a long silence, the head of Daluo Tian said to the former.

"Brother believes that it is an opportunity for the late traitor to return to the sect. We can bring Chi traitors into the sect and declare that we have expelled this person out of the wall and secretly carry out a plan to open the treasure house of the starry sky. When the starry treasure was found by the clan, we don't have to worry about the supreme royal family. As for that Fantuo..." After saying this, the emperor paused slightly and said, "I think my brother's treasure can avoid this person's feeling."

After he finished speaking, everyone in the hall was silent and quietly waited for the leader to speak. Whether to capture the late traitor alive or to bring the late traitor into the sect again...


Outside the dragon star, Chi treachery stood quietly in the void. In front of him stood an acquaintance, the unknown, the chief disciple of Da Luotian, who had once had a time with Chi traitor on Lulin Mountain.

"Brother, don't worry, I believe the leader will put you in the door wall." Qiankun said namelessly, and his words seemed to comfort Chi traitors, but there were more than 30 true disciples behind him. They secretly surrounded Chi traitors. Once the sect said that they wanted to capture Chi traitors alive, this son would definitely be the first to take action.

Chi Rape turned a blind eye to this and just quietly waited for the news.

For a long time, two rainbows came from the void, and the treachery and the unknown universe ingested their palms one after another.

"Xiao Luo Tianzhen's disciple, Chi traitor, is now my Da Luo Tianzhen disciple, ranking sixth!" The voice of the head of Daluotian echoed faintly in the sky, and then the people in the door felt this idea one after another.

"See you, Sixth Brother!" When the true disciples who were originally surrounded by Chi rapists heard the sound, they said respectfully to Chi rapists one after another, and their attitude changed so quickly, which was amazing.

How about it? I said that with his brother's ability, how could the leader be willing to turn you out..." Qiankun smiled namelessly, as if he was happy for the treachery, but there was still a trace of obscure light in his eyes.

"I borrowed my brother's good words." Chi rap said with a blank face, and then flew down to the Jinhua Hall.

From the 37th true disciple of Xiao Luotian to the sixth of Da Luotian, it is not difficult to see that the head of Da Luotian attaches great importance to him. What's more, he is not what he used to be. His strength is just on the table in the younger generation of the Milky Way, and he has passed down a variety of ancient scriptures. His status is quite extraordinary.

In the sky, the universe looked at the disappearing back of the late traitor, his eyes flashed, and some thoughts were ready to move in his heart.

After a long time, he entered the Jinhua Hall and felt that there seemed to be a faint atmosphere in the hall. Then he bowed to the figures on each stone platform and bowed and said, "Disciple Chijian, I have seen all the elders, leaders."

After saying that, Chijian immediately felt that several substantive eyes were constantly glanced at him, and a few wisps of thoughts covered his body, as if observing something. Chi treachery did not move and let this group of old guys spy on him.

A little, the sight floating on his body disappeared one by one.

"Chi treachery, you are a disciple of our clan, but you captured the son of the royal family for no reason, feuded with the royal family, and brought terrible disasters. Therefore, to avoid the royal family's awareness, this sect will announce to the Galaxy that you have been expelled from the sect, but in fact, you need to consolidate your strength in the sect and cooperate with the sect to open the starry sky treasure house soon, understand?" The indifferent voice sounded again, and he didn't want to know that this person was the leader of Da Luotian. Immediately said respectfully, "Disciples understand!"

"Chi traitor, I'm sorry for your master's incident. The sect will try its best to protect you from being known by that person." Huang Taiyi's words sounded one after another, and the person he referred to was Fan Tuo.

"Yes." Chi rapture nodded.

"Hmm." However, at this time, there were a few cold hums in the hall, obviously quite dissatisfied with Huang Taiyi's words.

Immediately, after the leader ordered something, he withdrew from the hall and turned away.

Unlike Xiaoluotian, this Daluotian has beautiful mountains and rivers, and the mountains and rivers are like a fairyland, while the disciples in the door live in some caves and blessed places. There are caves opened by themselves, huts built by themselves, bamboo buildings and so on. However, the disciples of the inner door can only choose a few miles of land on this Wolong Star, but the true disciples can choose Mingchuan Daze as their residence. The difference between the two is obvious.

The soil of Wolong Star is fertile red, so it is a very eye-catching red star from space. No wonder it grows such a lush vegetation and creates a beautiful scenery.

Chi treachery did not know the unknown strength of the universe, but he thought that it should be no problem to be ranked in the top five true disciples by his own means. The reason why he dragged it to the sixth place should be that someone should use the * in the sect to suppress him.

A moment later, the late raptor landed on an island floating in a vast lake. There is an exquisite and unique temple on the island, called Shifang Pavilion, which is the place where the sect stores treasures.

As soon as Chi Gan appeared, two true disciples came forward and said respectfully to him, "I have met the sixth brother." Although they have never been masked, these people are quite clever. They know that a man who has just become famous in the galaxy has become a true disciple, and a stranger appears in front of him. There must be no doubt that he is the new sixth brother.

"Hmm." Chijian nodded, and then stepped into the Shifang Pavilion.

He got the order of the leader and can choose a few personal treasures in this ten-square pavilion. You know, he now has nothing but a lark boot, and he is also poor.

"Disciples have met the lama elders." As soon as I entered the hall, I saw an old man dozed off on a wooden chair. He was neither humble nor arrogant. This man was the patriarch in charge of the Shifang Pavilion. His cultivation could not be felt. He must be an old monster.

"Go in, don't be too greedy, just take a few pieces and come out." The old man didn't look at him at all, but still closed his eyes and dozed off.

"Yes." Chijian nodded slightly and dodged into the inner hall.

In the inner hall, there is a huge secret room. There are rows of treasures that have been sealed with glory in the room, including star treasures, secret treasures, ancient treasures, and even saw excellent ancient treasures. It was a piece of floating dust, hanging on a wooden frame with 3,000 green silk, giving birth to the flowing sky map patterns, which was extremely mysterious.

However, he tried it, and with his ability, he could not break the prohibition of floating dust at all and take it out.

Think about it, how can the sect let people take away the savings from the ten-square pavilion at will...

Since he knew that he had to choose the most suitable baby according to his current strength, he was not in a hurry and slowly chose them. More than half an hour later, Chi raped in his bright clothes and reappeared in the hall. After bowing to the sleeping lama elder, he flew away.

People rely on clothes, and Buddhas rely on gold. This sentence is really true. Nowadays, it seems that the traitor is full of treasures, but it really has some momentum to be a master.

Wearing a big sun treasure suit, stepping on the wind spirit purple electric boots, wearing a golden dragon jade crown on the head, hanging a green rainbow sword on the waist, and wearing a thousand-year-old Yang blood jade on the side. Wherever it can be armed, no one will fall down, and it is almost armed to the teeth...

These treasures are the most important ones, and the big sun treasure clothes are ancient treasures. This eye-catching dress suddenly blinded many people's dog eyes. Chi raped and flew freely in the sky. He didn't care about the disciples in the distance and looked at his behavior in a daze. Head, drooling, full of longing in the look...

However, there are also some people who hold the heart that they can't eat grapes and say that the grapes are sour, slandering them.

"It's not such a way to install B. Isn't this too high-profile? Why don't you let people live? ..."