Star Empire

Chapter 53 Raid by the Royal Family

In space, Chijian took out the starry sky and planned to return to the Zhoutian Star Domain. He should not stay outside now to avoid any changes. However, just as he was debugging the astrolabe, a streamer suddenly came from the distant universe. Looking carefully, there stood a terrible strong man standing on each streamer, and there were even several powerful people among them. The huge streamers gathered together, like a colorful cloud galloping towards the late treachery.

Seeing this, his pupils shrank, and he turned out to be a member of the Supreme Royal Family!

The speed of the other party's reaction was too fast. Xingcheng had just released his becoming an internal son-in-law. In less than a day, the royal family came to him and calculated so accurately that it was so clear where he was. It seems that it took a lot of effort to catch him.

"Evil! Bring your life!" A great power crossed the void first, grabbed the palm of his hand, and instantly hit the late traitor. The original half-foot-sized palm suddenly turned into a few acres of squares and appeared on the top of his head, and it seemed that he wanted to beat the late rape into minced meat.

Nowadays, the traitor also knows that he can't escape. The starry sky is imprisoned by people with great magic power. He thought that he would have appeared here if he had been cured by the royal family. The treacherous sleeve robe shined, and a sword light shot out. After the silver sword light rotated in the air, it instantly turned into a body of a mercert dozens of feet in size and bit away to the attacking power. It was the secret treasure of the spiritual vein, the sky and cloud sword.

However, as soon as the eight-fold snake flew up, it was killed by the horrible palm, and even the sword body was broken inch by inch.

Chijian's body flashes quickly in space, spanning 10,000 meters every time it flashes, and the other party's palm can always predict his position in advance and appear in his sky. This is just a great shot. There are dozens of royal people Xufei in the distance, including other great powers. This time, it was difficult to escape from the rape, and the other party was determined to arrest him here.


The traitor also urged eight feet of Qiong Quyu, which still had no effect. Under the terrible palm, it burst into a ball of fans. In the end, the huge meat palm fiercely slapped the void where Chijian stood, stirring up a terrible storm, and countless spaces were blown up. After receiving this blow, his soul suddenly trembled, and his body seemed to burst, and even his soul seemed to leave his body.

He raised his head and spewed out a mouthful of blood. He turned into a dragon and flew in the direction of Killing Star City in an instant. Not long after he left the Star City, this place was also close to Star Killing City. Once he entered the control area of Star Killing City, the royal family would have some scruples and have to think about it if they wanted to catch him.

For good, he is still wearing an ancient treasure and a big sun treasure, which offsets a lot of damage for him, otherwise he may not even have the strength to escape...

"Don't let him run away. This son wants to ask for help from Killing Star City." The power of the royal family obviously saw the purpose of Chi's rape and shouted to other ethnic groups. Then, a group of people chased after Chi's rape.

The late traitor madly urged Xingyuan to exert his speed to the limit, and escape in the direction of killing the Star City like a homeless dog. It is no wonder that he is so embarrassed that anyone is chased and killed by dozens of people, among which several royal powers, I'm afraid it's not much better.

Suddenly, a hazy light appeared from the air and shone on Chi rap, who was covered by this light and suddenly felt that his limbs were stiff, as if they had been petrified. The originally galloping body also stopped and floated quietly in space.

It was another royal family who took action. This man held a treasure mirror, which rose in the mirror and could not be seen clearly, but he could clearly see a loach-sized green dragon trapped in the mirror, and the sudden light was also reflected from the mirror of the treasure mirror.

"Well, where are you going this time?" Just waved his palms and slapped Chi Jian with a sneer. He walked to Chi Jian, who had returned to his own master, probed his fingers like a sword, and stabbed Chi Jian's eyebrows straightly, and actually wanted to kill him in public. They also know that this place is close to Killing Star City, and they must fight quickly to prevent changes.

And no matter how unwilling he was in his heart, it didn't help. The light rainbow from the treasure mirror was extremely powerful and bound his body, making him unable to move. Seeing the other party's finger sword stab, he could only feel a sense of sadness. He never thought that he would die here.

Generally speaking, few people knew before he entered the Star City, and he wore *, and few people could know his whereabouts. How did the Supreme Royal Family recognize his disguise and accurately find themselves? ...


At this critical moment, Chi rapist suddenly felt that he had been pushed, and then his originally stiff limbs regained consciousness. Fortunately, he reacted in time, his head turned away, dodged the deadly finger, followed by a flash of his body, and retreated to a safe position.

In the void he had just been in, a familiar face appeared, the old housekeeper who killed Star City. It was also thanks to the old man pushing him that he was saved from death.

"Thank you, Elder!" Chi treachery now also knows that this seemingly weak old man is a master and hurriedly thanked him. Speaking of which, he met the housekeeper several times in the city lord's mansion, but did not find that this man was a great power, and his momentum seemed to be much stronger than those of the royal family.

"You go first." The old housekeeper looked at the traitor and said lightly. Listening to his tone, he didn't seem to pay attention to the dozens of people of the royal family at all.

"Hmm! I'd like to see how he leaves today. Don't think that you, a black hole-level strong man, can protect this person. The power holding the treasure mirror came slowly from afar, and the breath emitted was like an ocean, constantly surging in the starry sky, which was extremely terrible.

"Oh, isn't it?" The old housekeeper smiled. Then, there was a violent vibration suddenly in the space, and the void trembled. Countless ancient warriors were carrying a group of strong men wearing lock armor, surrounding all the royal people. It was the star-killing army of the Star City!

Compared with the people of the royal family, there are hundreds of star killers, and on each chariot stands a terrible power.

The situation in the field changed suddenly, and the people of the Supreme Royal Family were instantly in a weak position.

"There is an order in the clan, and this son will be killed!" Several capable members of the royal family looked very ugly, but they were not afraid at all and said loudly to their peers. After saying that, one of the great powers burst out and shot at Chi in a flash.


The figure of the old housekeeper floated, like a white fog. After the king flew over, he suddenly brushed the power body like clouds and smoke. Then, the traitor saw that the power of the royal family, which was almost invincible in his eyes, disappeared out of thin air, as if it did not exist in this world at all.

But the traitor knew very well that it was the old housekeeper who used some terrible means to erase the other party from the world. What a terrible skill! ...

"I'm here. You go first." The old housekeeper's figure stopped and then preached to Chi.

After listening, he nodded and rushed to the distance.

Shortly after he left, the Star Killing Army fought with the people of the royal family, making it roar in space, even if it was thousands of miles away, it could be heard.

For a long time, after staying away from the battlefield, Chijian picked up the starry sky again and wanted to cross the void and return to the star domain. However, when he took out the starry sky, his expression became cold, because there was a supreme power of the royal family standing in front of him.

The royal family was divided into two ways, attracting the attention of killing Star City, while sending people to kill him on the other side. It's really easy to calculate. The royal family seemed to know that killing Star City would help him get out of trouble, so they left behind, as if they knew what was going to happen today, and prepared a careful plan in advance.

"Gaga, you are so full of life that I can't kill you. However, when you meet me, you are doomed to have no way to live. The man in front of him smiled proudly and gently took a step towards Chi. After one step, a huge black hole suddenly appeared in the void, which covered Chi in the blink of an eye. Watch the black hole gradually shrink and eventually disappear. A smooth smile appeared on the man's face. In this way, the late rape was thrown into the space torrent by him. With the latter's ability, he could never get out and even be swallowed up by the turbulent space torrent.

Suddenly, the man's expression changed, and his eyes stared at a grain of dust dozens of miles away. The dust seemed to be the same as dust, but the man was at least a powerful figure. How could this small shrank his eyes be deceived. The dust is clearly a green dragon that has shrunk by hundreds of millions of times, which is transformed by late rape!

"Look for death!" Seeing that the traitor actually fooled himself, the man's face turned blue and killed him in an instant.

Seeing that the other party peeped through his real body, the traitor urged Xingyuan again and quickly fled away.

The two of them spanned hundreds of millions of people in the universe. Seeing that the power of the royal family was getting closer and closer to them, they bit their silver teeth and flew to a discolored star cloud in the distance. The discolored nebula is filled with magnificent small stars, and these stars have no specific trajectory. Sometimes they collide and produce violent explosions, making the magnetic field between the stars abnormally disordered and full of extremely terrible nuclear fusion.

But Chi rapper is also fighting to the death, trying to get rid of the other party, otherwise he will be caught by the other party sooner or later if he escapes.

Seeing that Chi Jian flew into the color-changing nebula, the man's expression was shocked and stopped outside the nebula and did not dare to fly in like Chi Jian. Although he was a powerful galaxy, he still had some palpitations in the face of such a terrible color-changing nebula. The nuclear changes and magnetic fields in this nebula, not to mention him, are the strength in the galaxy. The highest emperor dared not try.

At this point, the man's eyes flashed and waited outside the nebula. He did not believe that the late traitor dared to stay in the nebula for too long. As long as he waited for the rabbit, sooner or later he would wait until the day when the traitor came out.