Star Empire

Chapter 57 Patriarchal Election

More than a year has passed in a blink of an eye. Today is the day of the general election of the sect. For more than a year, Chi has been consolidating his strength to prepare for the opening of the starry sky treasure house. Since Killing Star City announced to the whole universe that he had become the son-in-law of Killing Star City, the whole universe has been noisy about him. During this period, the Supreme Kings sent people to Kill Star City, which seemed to be negotiating something, but they knew it was about late rape without thinking about it.

Now there is a killing star city behind the back to support the Chi traitor. The royal family is far more reluctant to pursue the Chi traitor, and even the killing order issued to the Chi traitor has been taken back. However, what puzzled Chi treacher was that since the royal family in front of him wanted to ease the situation, why did they rob him outside the Star City at the beginning? ...

There seems to be something wrong with it? ...

However, I didn't think much about it. Today is the day of the general election of the sect, and it is also an important day to re-election the ranking. Before dawn, the group of people in the sect flew to the mountains and valley one after another, which was the place of today's final election. Many true disciples came here early to prepare. Among them, there are many Linglong, Xu Zhiyu and so on, and the people who rank extremely high in the real biography.

"Master, let's go. I'm afraid they have been waiting for a long time. In the hall, Gao Hu reminded him softly when he saw that there was no sign of his arrival. Chi rapist sat cross-legged and settled his mind. During this year, the sect seemed to have made blood, constantly taking the treasures of heaven and earth to help him practice, so that his current realm has reached the peak of the star level, only one step away from the star level. Chijian also knew very well that the sect did this for the treasure house of the starry sky. Just like the unknown universe, when it still has its own value, let him do something wrong in the door, and once the value is squeezed dry, he will choose it away.

"Go and announce that I won't participate in this sect general election." Chi treachery said lightly that he did not dare to be interested in any chief disciple and had no intention to fight with others.

"Yes." Gao Hu responded lightly, and since he had made a decision, he didn't say much. Immediately, he flew out of the hall and went to the mountain valley to inform.

Chi treachery looked at the former's disappeared figure and retreated again. The nameless end of the universe made Chi treacherous aware of the danger. If Da Luotian gets everything in the starry sky treasure house, will he end up dead like the nameless universe? Among other things, in order to protect his safety, the sect has now suppressed him in the 10,000-meter underground of Wolongxing. After the value of the late rape is completely squeezed, as the elder of Kuang Baifu, he can kill him thousands of times for any reason.

Although the emperor protects him, he doesn't like to put his hopes on others. Only when he has strong strength can he deal with all changes.

After a long time, Gao Hu flew into the hall from a high altitude, with a strange face.

When Chi saw this, he said, "What's wrong?" After hearing this, the former frowned slightly: "Master, do you want Yi Shuihan to go to the mountain valley in person?"

"Easy water and cold?" Chi rapisted softly and didn't know what medicine was sold in the other party's gourd. Since he chose to give up his identity as the chief disciple this time, he undoubtedly wanted Yi Shuihan to get this position, so as to repay him for helping himself several times in the door. And now, this son actually invited him to the mountains and valleys?

"What did he say?" Chi treachery looked at Gao Hu.

Gao Hu said truthfully, "He said that he wanted his master to participate in the general election of the sect. He didn't like the feeling of being given alms. He also asked me to send a message that he wanted to fight fairly with you, saying that he originally wanted to challenge the unknown world, but the universe was nameless and died. He could only turn his goal to you. He wanted to become a sect in name. The chief disciple of

With a soft smile, Yi Shuihan really likes to drill into the horns. However, since the other party has said so, it is not easy for him to retreat. Otherwise, he will be disrespectful to Yi Shuihan. Just take this opportunity to see the Taishang Kendo and see how terrible this famous swordsmanship has been since ancient times.

After thinking about it, he got up and walked out of the hall and went away with Gao Hu.

A little, the two figures appeared over the mountain valley. At this time, nearly 100,000 people had already gathered here in the valley. The general election of the sect not only attracted the high-level officials in the sect, but also included true disciples, internal and external disciples, as well as the handymen in the sect. It can be imagined that this matter has influenced the sect.

Several elders in the door led by Huang Taiyi sat on a row of high chairs not far from the center of the field, while Yi Shuihan and other true disciples in the door stood quietly in an open space in the valley. When the treachery floated down, there were two true disciples fighting fiercely in the open space. The rainbow was overflowing and lively.

"Look, the late rape is coming!"

"You are looking for death. Can you call Brother Chi's name directly? Be careful of being heard by him and kill you on the spot.

Seeing the arrival of the late traitor, the disciples in the valley suddenly whispered. While talking about the late traitor, they looked at Yi Shuihan not far away. Now these two are the most outstanding disciples in the sect, and they don't know what wonderful battle will break out in a moment.

"I think Yi Shuihan really doesn't know what's good or bad. Brother Chi has given him the identity as the chief disciple, but he is still trying to challenge others. I guess it's miserable."

"What do you know? Strong people have their own dignity, and who likes the honor of getting without effort? Let me see, it is not certain who loses and who wins. It is said that Yi Shuihan is said to have passed on to Taishang Kendo, and I heard that when Xiao Luotian was destroyed, Yi Shuihan was also alone, showing terrible swordsmanship and shaking the enemy.

"Huh, no matter how strong it is, can it be stronger than Brother Chi's ancient scriptures?"

A group of people in the field gathered together and began to have different views on the strength of Chi traitor and Yi Shuihan, but the appearance of Chi traitor did attract everyone's attention.

"I've met the leader, elder!" Chi traitor first bowed to a group of high-ranking officials of Huang Tai and others, and then walked to Yi Shuihan under the eyes of the elders. The battle between the two made them interested. After all, these two will be the most likely candidates to promote the sect.

Although they were about to quarrel, there was no anger between Chi Rape and Yi Shuihan. When they saw each other, they both nodded tacitly and tacitly.

"My master is Yun Feiyang, but unlike you, I'm just his registered disciple. My achievements in kendo now also have to be passed down by him. I believe that the person the teacher looks at will never be wrong." Yi Shuihan's plain words suddenly came to Chi's ears.

After listening to it, his eyes flashed, and this son turned out to be the master's registered disciple! No wonder he helped himself several times. Yun Feiyang and Yi Shuihan are both addicted to kendo. Although Yun Feiyang is dead, it is not regrettable that Yi Shuihan can inherit his manor.

In this comparison, Yi Shuihan is more like Yun Feiyang's direct disciple than him. After all, Yun Feiyang only led him into the sect and did not pass on any of his skills. He is simply a shopkeeper.


In the open space of the field, a terrible light burst out, and the two figures flew out of the dissipated light and shadow. It was the two true disciples competing for the ranking.

As soon as the man on the left landed, he stepped back several steps and turned pale. He looked at the cold and arrogant man opposite him and said convincingly, "Brother Yan is still powerful, and the younger brother is willing to bow down." After saying that, the man slowly retreated.

Chi rapist looked at the man who won the battle. He was the third unscrupulous person in the true biography. His cultivation and strength in the middle of Xingchen were also quite good, but he did not have a powerful skill to help him, so he could not compare with them.


Seeing that the battle had ended, a white figure appeared on the open space in an instant, which was Yi Shuihan.

The unscrupulous smoke also knew the purpose of Yi Shuihan, and said lightly, "Since my brother appeared, my brother will not make a fool." After saying that, he stepped away as unrestrained and did not mean to procrastinate at all. When he turned around, he also looked at Chi traitor, which was self-evident.


Yi Shuihan nodded to the former and thanked him. Then, his right hand was gently raised, and a moonlight, like autumn water, a long sword appeared in his hand, trembling slightly, rippling out the pleasant sound of sword chanting. At this point, the human sword was united.

A sharp breath permeated the valley in an instant. The cut people were in pain and could hardly resist. The terrible sword made the people around him retreat one after another. Only the treacher was fearless and walked towards the former step by step.

"Brother, please give me some advice!" Yi Shuihan looked at the traitor and said calmly.

"Brother, please!" The traitor was also aroused by fighting spirit.

Linglong and other true disciples, who are also in a position in the door, put their eyes on the two, with longing in their eyes, hoping to have such a strong strength one day.

"Watch it carefully, and you may have some understanding." Seeing this, the emperor beside him reminded him with a smile.


The silver light burst and ran through the world, and the whole valley suddenly turned into a sea of swords. Countless swords came out, which was extremely terrible.

As soon as Yi Shuihan took action, he left no effort.

Fortunately, there is a ban imposed by the emperor and other great powers in this valley, otherwise this blow alone will be enough to turn the valley into dust.

In the magnificent sword spirit, a huge green dragon soared up and roared away. The dense sword spirit hit the dragon's body and was resisted by the bright dragon scales without hurt at all.

The late rape spewed out several mouthfuls of dragon breath, forming a hot stream and spitting towards the easy water. And the latter still waved his sword lightly, and suddenly a touch of sword light dozens of feet in size shot up, which not only strangled the inflammatory stream, but also cut off the late traitor.

Fortunately, the late traitor dodged in time, but was still swept away by the afterglow of the sword light, causing many dragon scales on his body to fall off and overflow blood.

The sword spirit of Taishang Kendo is so terrible that he incarnates into a dragon, which can't be resisted!

The late rape performed the big cloud and rain skill, and the dragon's body became bigger again, and the dragon's tail swept fiercely, breaking the void, and instantly smashing the forward.


The rocks collapsed, and Yi Shuihan resisted the sword, but was hit into the mountain wall in the distance by the terrible force on the dragon's tail.

"Cough." With a light cough, Yi Shuihan flew out of the smoke and dust, and his face was a little pale. Obviously, he was seriously injured. After all, his body could not be compared with late rape. He was obviously at a disadvantage in this physical confrontation.

Wh! Wheops! Wheops!

Suddenly, Yi Shuihan waved his sword unimaginably fast, and Chi Jian could not even see his movements clearly. He could only see countless dozens of feet of swords, shooting at himself like a rain curtain, and he could not avoid it at all, as if he was going to cut him into several pieces.


Chi rapist roared and spit out thunder clouds to cover all the sword lights all over the sky, and thundered everywhere. At the high altitude of the thunder, after the bombardment of thunder, the terrible sword curtain suddenly shattered.

Then, Lei Yun's momentum drifted towards Yi Shuihan.

Thinking about it, it was also a few swords. The sword light displayed by Yi Shuihan was far from the previous power and bombarded into the clouds without any effect.

Just as Lei Yun was about to cover him, Chi rap suddenly turned back to his master and put away the Lei Yun. Then, his figure moved and flew out of the field. Immediately, he broke through the air and left, but left.

Yi Shuihan's eyes flashed at Chi Jian's back and held the sword in his hand tightly.