Star Empire

Chapter 23 The Gate of Origin

Time has passed little by little. Since the alliance was dispatched*, several people have never returned to the Hini star domain. They can only fight guerrilla warfare on some marginal battlefields, hunt some weak alliance officers, and often run away immediately when they are found. They will not stay for a second. They have now been united. No one knows whether other alliances will hunt them down in the future.

The prototype of hell evolved by the magic capital was destroyed by a sword. Now his vitality is greatly damaged and his face is pale. He can only hide on a barren star to refresh himself and recover from his injury. Although Suya looks sound, she also lost a fox tail. According to her, each fox tail represents a life. She has six tails, so she has six lives. Each life is extremely precious to her...

These days, Suya has been staying to take care of the demon capital, while Chi treacher went to some lesser alliance battlefields alone and killed some alliance officers. However, after the battle on the battlefield, in order to beware that the alliance will send more horrible characters to hunt them down, they can only carefully change the battlefield in the buffer belt. In this way, it also makes them hunt for the number of powerful people in the alliance plummet and compete for the Zerg throne, which is a little unoptimistic.

Two months later, on an asteroid, several people stood in a desert, looking at the starry sky above their heads, and the warships began to sail to the distance. It was clear that the alliance war, which lasted for nearly half a year, was finally coming to an end, and the Zerg were eventually deprived of part of its resources, and indirectly It weakens the strength of the Zerg.

However, some of the interstellar resources captured by the alliance have also been taken away by the major sects in the universe. I'm afraid that after the war, the alliance will do some articles on it.

"Let's go." Seeing that the bloody demon capital had recovered on his face, he greeted several people to jump on the body of the hell three-headed dog. Immediately, shortly after the Alliance fleet left, it rose into the air and flew to the Saro Star Domain. After more than four months of hunting, half a hundred alliance officers died at their hands, including a dead major general.

This is definitely a big loss for the Star Alliance, otherwise they would not be wanted...

I just don't know what happened to the results of the other princes of the Zerg clan? After all, Perth, Tony and others have their own army, and the number is far from theirs.

When they arrived at the central worm nest of the Sa Luo Star Domain, the traitors happened to meet the second prince Tony and Julie returning with a large number of insect army. Looking around, the army was numerous disabled and full of devastation. Julie obviously saw several people and slowly leaned over and smiled, "The alliance army has retreated, but the alliance general is searching for your clues. I'm afraid you will live a life of life forever." After saying that, he sneered and left.

Both Chi rapist and demons looked indifferent. Hearing these words, they kept silent. Since they intended to help Chuck, they had already expected this consequence.

The treacherous expression moved and found that the second prince Tony, who was not far away, was looking at him with a smile and didn't know what he wanted to do.

A moment later, the eldest prince Stu and Perth also returned one after another, and his army was also depressed and seriously injured. It can be imagined that the war was fierce. Stu even lost an arm as a result. You know, Stu has lived for tens of thousands of years. His strength is comparable to that of an alliance general, but he has also suffered a great injury.

After a long time, the three traitors followed Chuck and the princes into the wormhole. In the cave in the center of the celestial insect nest, the Zerg old man, Chuck's uncle, the brother of the deceased Bug King, had been waiting here for a long time.

"Take out your results." The old man sat on a bone chair built by the head of the human race, pretending to be blind and said lightly.

As soon as the words fell, a row of Zerg came out from behind the princes and threw a corpse in an alliance uniform on the ground. All of them were all the powers of the alliance with a school-level military rank.

Seeing this, his pupils shrank and glanced at the past. Several princes have won hundreds of alliance officers. Among them, among the achievements of the three princes such as Stout, Tony and Perth, there are even several major generals of the alliance. Such a record is much higher than theirs. According to the rules set by the old man, Chuck has lost the battle for the throne. Qualifications.

Chuck, who was standing aside, looked pale.

Even so, Chi rapist still stepped forward and lit up the bodies of dozens of alliance officers. At the same time, his fingertips moved, and a wisp of white fog floated up along his fingertips. He slowly turned into a figure, which was the major general of the alliance they killed. This white fog was the power of the soul, and others used meat. It's hard to see, but Chijian thinks it's not a problem for the old man in front of him.

Sure enough, as soon as the soul power appeared, the old man's imprisoned eyes opened, looked at the traitor indifferently, and nodded slightly, which was regarded as acquiescence to the results of the traitor.

Then, the traitor returned to its original position. Next, it depends on the oldest Zerg elder who will choose who will be the final winner.

After everyone put on their own results, several princes stared at the old Zerg and waited for its speech.

"I announce that the new generation of kings of the Zerg is..." The old man slowly stood up and opened his mouth. Although his voice was not loud, it resounded through the whole starry sky. "Stu!"

"Oh!" When the sound fell, the eldest prince Stu suddenly looked up to the sky and roared, and it was difficult to hide his excitement. Then, countless insect armies suddenly poured into the cave, surrounding Tony, Perth and other princes, including four traitors. These Zerg who suddenly came in exuded strong offensive intentions one by one. Even in the face of several princes, they did not show timidity.

Chijian was a little surprised by the sudden situation and didn't understand what these influxed Zerg wanted to do.

seemed to see the doubts of the late traitor, and Chuck with a lonely face gritted his teeth and said, "Whenever the Zerg has a new king succession to the throne, the Bug King has the right to send other people of his peers to the distant barren star, so as not to usurp the throne. If there are rebels, they can be killed on the spot. That's how my father won the throne.

Listen for a long time, be silent, and watch the situation quietly.

"Speaking brothers, please invite yourself." A trace of fierceness flashed in the eyes of the eldest prince Stu, which made people dare not question its means. If Tony and others dare to resist, he would definitely order people to kill them on the spot!

After all, Stu has followed the Bug King to fight in the battlefield. Whether it is seniority or strength, he is undoubtedly the best candidate for the new generation of Bug King. Chuck can't catch up with this.

However, if they are really assigned to the barren star, there is undoubtedly only one fate left for Chuck and his mother, that is, death!

The second prince smiled faintly and did not show any disappointment. Together with the indifferent-faced Perth and several other princes, he came out of the cave under the escort of the army.

Stu walked to Chuck and looked at the youngest brother. There was no pity in his expression, but said coldly, "Give me your hanging teeth!"

When Chuck heard the sound, he reached out and scratched his chest. Then, he took out a crystal clear horny object from the flesh and blood in his heart and handed it over to Stu's hand.

In order to protect this hanging tooth, Chuck also tried his best.

"Wait." Suddenly, the old Zerg on one side said.

After listening to this, Stu looked at him. Although he became the king of insects, he still looked very humble in the face of this elder with legendary deeds. He knew it. No matter how strong he is, for the former, it is no different from an worm.

"Chak will follow me in the future. I promise that he will never threaten your throne. Similarly, you can't hurt his mother." The old Zerg said lightly.

"Yes, uncle." Stu replied respectfully.

Chuck, who had been disappointed, his eyes refreshed again. He had no interest in the throne, but just wanted to survive with his mother. Now the result can't be more perfect for him.

"Come with me." The old Zerg looked at Chuck.

"Ye." Chuck nodded and suddenly tore off a layer of bloody skin and flesh from his arm and handed it over to the late treacherous hand. When Stu and the Zerg old man saw this, a strange color flashed on their faces. They didn't know what Chuck was doing, but they didn't ask much.

"Big uncle, these human beings." Stu looked at the three traitors and asked the old man.

"Let them go." The old man said indifferently.

Chijian's secret autobiography Chuck asked him to take good care of him, and then grabbed the flesh and blood in Chuck's hand, and the two of them, under the escort of the insect army, came out of the insect nest.

As for the Zerg old man generously let them go, but the late traitor sneered in his heart.

I'm afraid that this Zerg old man has long known that they have become wanted criminals in the alliance. So generously letting them go is just to show Chuck. This old man should think that they will die sooner or later, and there is no need to be in a hurry...

Holding the blood and warm skin on the hand, the light was drawn in the treacherous eyes. This should be the star map of the gate of the origin of the fairyland.

"Hmm, dirty human, leave! I'm afraid you can't escape the wanted of the alliance. I'm afraid that you will be killed by Tony and Perth's remnants before the beautiful galaxy comes out. A Zerg war will return to the worm's nest without turning his head after sending several people out of the Saro star domain.

And the late raper didn't listen to its words at all.

"Cross Star." Looking at the bloody star map in their hands, a smile appeared on the faces of the three of them.

On the bright red skin, a cross-shaped star domain connected by five stars is particularly conspicuous, while on the star in the middle, it is marked with a large word 'fairy'.

The three looked at each other, and their figures burst out and quickly disappeared into the starry sky.

A few days later, according to the instructions of the star map, the three finally found the cross star domain and saw the gate of the origin of the fairyland...

However, at this time, at the other end of the universe, an unprecedented war broke out, and the Star Alliance began to suppress all sect forces crazily. Due to the identity of late rape, Daluo Tian and Thirteen Star City, which were related to him, suffered an almost devastating blow.

The major sects dare to grab resources under the eyes of the alliance, which makes the alliance have to consider and show its status as the hegemony of the universe.

After an era apart, the emperor's demeanor once again shook the boundless starry sky.

And all this, a few people don't know...