Star Empire

Chapter 43 Ziwei Invites to Enter the Hongmen Banquet

Along the way, Hong Qiaoyan would look at Bai Lian from time to time. Although she was worried about Bai Lian's injury, it was difficult to open her mouth and ask when she saw Bai Lian's calm expression. Although Bai Lian had never put any ugly face on her, she didn't know why Hong Qiaoyan was a little afraid of Bai Lian, which may be the reason for being a teacher. Ba...

At this time, Bai Lian did not look like he was seriously injured. Although he was shocked by Guang Chengzi's depressed bell dozens of times and still had a splitting headache until now, it should be okay to cultivate for a period of time.

With nothing to say, the two of them arrived in the Tang Dynasty for a long time.

Bai Lian took Hong Qiaoyan into the National Master Hall and saw that Zhang Liang was the only one. She couldn't help asking, "Why are you there by yourself?"

"Master, are you back?" Hearing this, Zhang Liang turned around and looked happy. He immediately looked at the woman behind Bai Lian with doubt.

"This is my new disciple, that is, your sister." Bai Lian said lightly.

"Qiaoyan has met her brother." Hearing Bai Lian's words, Hong Qiaoyan came forward and bowed slightly to Zhang Liang.

"Sister, please get up quickly. I will be your family in the future. Don't be polite." Zhang Liang smiled.

"What about the others?" Bai Lian asked.

"Prince Zhang returned to Nanzhanbuzhou, and the Great Sage King Bodhisattva seems to have something to do with him."

"Oh?" Bai Lian raised her eyebrows and remembered the scene where the warning demon happened to Prince Zhang. Her eyes flashed and she didn't ask again.

"Go to the king of Tang, ask him some secular refining skills, and give it to Qiaoyan." Bai Lian gave an instruction to Zhang Liang, and then entered the side hall.

Zhang Liang was slightly stunned. Of course, he knew Bai Lian's methods, but he didn't know why he didn't pass on Hong Qiaoyan's Taoism. Instead, he asked her to learn some market techniques to refine her body. In addition, Hong Qiaoyan, a female generation, was somewhat uncomfortable to practice her vulgar fists and feet.

Zhang Liang came to his senses and wanted to ask Bai Lian for instructions, but Hong Qiaoyan suddenly said, "Brother, don't doubt it. Naturally, there is his reason for the master to do this. Brother can do it. You don't have to pity your little sister." Hong Qiaoyan smiled, and there was no unhappiness on her face because of Bai Lian's words.

Naturally, there is a reason why Bai Lian let Hong Qiaoyan condense her body. Hong Qiaoyan can't practice Taoism, but can only strengthen the power of her body. In ancient times, the witches have dominated the three worlds by relying on their powerful body...

In the next few days, Zhang Liang collected a lot of physical skills from the mortal world and taught Hong Qiaoyan one by one. The latter was also very hard. Every morning, he began to play his fists and feet, constantly waved his white and tender lotus arms to collide with various hard objects, such as sandbags, wooden stakes, etc., and did not rest until nightfall, so Hard work, even Zhang Liang admired it. Unexpectedly, Hong Qiaoyan was a female, and her perseverance was far beyond ordinary people.

The reason why Hong Qiaoyan worked hard to practice fist and foot skills is naturally to prove to Bai Lian that although he is a woman, he is not weaker than a seven-foot man. She thinks that Bai Lian does not teach her magic because Bai Lian doesn't like her at all. Hong Qiaoyan doesn't know why she thinks so. In short, when she thinks about it, Bai Lian doesn't When I once said a few words to her, I couldn't help but feel a little sad. I secretly thought that Bai Lian looked down on her...

If Bai Lian knew this thought, I don't know how to feel...

Half a month later, Bai Lian and Guang Chengzi's injuries after the First World War have also basically recovered. Standing outside the National Master's Hall and looking at the clear sky, Bai Lian's mood flew to the three major religion. Interception, interpretation and Lingshan, including witches, have appeared in the world, and all forces have surfaced one after another. The next step is to collide with each other to see who can dominate one side.

In a few hundred years, the people in the world will also enter the flood. At that time, all kinds of inheritance will appear, and the flood will be restored to the ancient times...

Suddenly, Bai Lian's eyes condensed and saw an auspicious cloud floating above the nine heavens. There was a person standing on the cloud, but Bai Lian also recognized that it was the platinum star.

"Taibai has seen the Jinglian demon saint." The platinum star slowly flew down from the clouds and bowed to Bai Lian.

Bai Lian gently twisted her eyebrows, thinking about how this platinum star could find herself. "Don't be too polite."

"At the request of the emperor, I would like to invite the great saint to go to the heavenly court to get together." As Taibaixing said, he handed over the decree to Bai Lian. Bai Lian opened it and saw a few lines written on it. The Ziwei Emperor knew that he had become a demon saint and heard some of Bai Lian's deeds. He couldn't help but want to get to know him and invite him to the heavenly court.

Put away the edict, and Bai Lian sneered in his heart. The Ziwei Emperor finally made a move. A few days ago, he was still wondering how Ziwei had been taking care of the heaven lukewarmly after he came to power, instead of relying on the luck of the heavenly court and taking the lead in the flood and famine. This was obviously not the style of the emperor of the ages.

Obviously, Ziwei and Haotian, like Haotian, put their ideas on the demon clan. Unlike the latter, Ziwei did not put on a tough posture, but wanted to seek a breakthrough from Bai Lian. After all, Bai Lian had just become a demon saint, and his Taoism was not as profound as other demon saints. For Ziwei, it was like a soft persimmon. Similarly, as long as Bai Lian is controlled, the name of Jinglian Demon Saint will still be of some use.

"Go back and tell Ziwei that I will arrive at the Lingxiao Hall on time tomorrow afternoon." Bai Lian said lightly.

I think that this Ziwei Emperor is also sure that it is not easy for him to refuse. He is the great saint of the demon clan. If he dares not respond, doesn't he mean that he is afraid of the heavenly court? If it is known by others, he will not weaken the prestige of the demon clan out of thin air. At that time, he will not be a demon saint for long...

The platinum star nodded, and clouds rose under its feet and flew into the sky.

The next day, Bai Lian went to heaven and came to the Southern Heaven Gate early. Seeing that the god general who guarded the door was no longer the original demon Liqing, but a different person.

"Who are you?" Seeing the young man hanging from afar, the god guarding the Nantianmen suddenly became alert. The heavenly court had just regained some vitality for fear of rebirth and change.

"I am a quiet lotus demon saint. At his invitation, I came to visit the heavenly court." Bai Lian said very pleasantly. A group of heavenly soldiers opposite him suddenly became angry and shouted at him, "Bold, you can call the emperor's name directly?" With that, he had to raise troops to suppress Bai Lian.

"Wait!" Instead, the god listened to Bai Lian's intention, and his expression changed. He hurriedly stopped the others and said respectfully to Bai Lian, "Please, Great Sage." After saying that, he turned sideways and gave Bai Lian a road leading to the Heavenly Gate.

Bai Lian smiled gently, stepped on the clouds and fog, and shook into the Nantian Gate...

"You are so bold! Do you know the identity of the man just now? If it brings disaster to the heavenly court, you can wait to go to the guillove. Seeing Bai Lian leave, God turned his head and shouted to the heavenly soldiers beside him.

"It is said that this man became a demon saint because he saved the Great Sage of Pingtian. If you ask me, his ability must be nowhere to go..." A heavenly soldier muttered softly.

"Even if he is not very good at it, after all, in the name of the demon saint, do you want the heavenly court and the demon clan to rekindle the war?" After hearing this, God stared at the former angrily.

After hearing this, the soldier shrugged his shoulders and stopped talking.

On the gorgeous clouds, Bai Lian looked at the fairy islands floating in the air around him and secretly praised the ability of the Ziwei Emperor. Shortly after the battle between the demon clan and the heavenly court, the originally dilapidated heaven returned to its original appearance and reappeared a strong fairy spirit.

In such a short time, he saw a lot of vibrant spirits. At the beginning of the war, almost half of the rare beasts in the heavenly court were extinct, but this time there was no impact.

However, there is still a faint blood in the air, and it will take a long time for the heavenly court to recover its vitality.

Along the way, Bai Lian also met many immortals. Seeing his strange faces, the immortals were also speculating about his identity one after another. Some people with profound Taoism noticed that the evil spirit emanating from Bai Lian's body changed their faces and avoided far away.

For a long time, when he arrived at the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, Bai Lian rudely broke into the hall directly.

At this time, Ziwei Emperor and other star generals were sitting in the hall. Those old ministers of the Jade Emperor could not be seen. The Ziwei Emperor was obviously very worried about some old people in the heavenly court. Even the platinum star was sent by him to transmit the decree. You can imagine how afraid he was of the Jade Emperor.

"I deserved to die. I didn't stop this man and let him disturb the emperor." Several generals guarding the Lingxiao Treasure Hall calmly stepped on the front of the hall and quickly knelt down to Ziwei Emperor and pleaded guilty.

"Go down, it's nothing to do with you." Ziwei waved his sleeves and said lightly.

"Yes." Several generals breathed a sigh of relief and slowly retreated.

After that, Ziwei looked at Bai Lian, who had no bird at all. She sat directly on the horizontal table. There were some spiritual fruits and wine on the table. Bai Lian was not pretentious and tasted it herself.

Seeing that he was so rude that he didn't even do politely, several stars were suddenly a little annoyed. Just as they were about to scold him, but they were stopped by Ziwei's eyes.

"Good!" Ziwei stroked his palm and smiled, "It's really worthy of being a quiet lotus demon saint. When I see you today, it's unique."

Bai Lian was too lazy to talk to him. Ziwei sent someone to call himself. There must be no good things. Maybe he was planning on him. He said lightly, "I don't know what's the matter with the emperor asking me to come?"

Ziwei smiled and sat on the Luan chair representing the Lord of the Three Realms. "Ziwei is just the prestige of Brother Wen Jinglian, so I want to make friends."

Bai Lian smiled. Ziwei is indeed much more powerful than Haotian. He is already the master of the three worlds and is willing to put down and talk to him. This alone is difficult for Haotian to compare. However, although Ziwei has a plot, it is not as arrogant and domineering as the Jade Emperor.

In contrast, Bai Lian admires Haotian more, and for Ziwei, he is more shameless.

"The emperor's praise, Bai Lian is nothing more than a drop in the sea, and he can't enter the emperor's eyes." Bai Lian poured herself a glass of wine and drank it with her head up.

"Brother Jinglian is modest. With Brother Jinglian's ability, it is not an excessive to say that he is the head of the seven saints." Ziwei laughed softly.

Bai Lian's pupils shrank, put down the jade cup calmly, stood up and said lightly, "The emperor is fine, so Bai Lian will leave."


This damn Ziwei actually wanted to provoke the friendship between him and several other demon saints...